The Chauffeur (#38) The Investigation Begins by PABLO DIABLO

As usual, Dakota did a fine job of taking care of me. It is still bothering me that I haven’t thought of something for Dakota yet.

I look around and decide to gather everyone that is inside the house currently.

“Hey, can I get everyone into the TV room please?” I ask.

It takes a few minutes, but once I see everyone I begin.

“Well, I’ve spoken with Roger though email and we have concluded that we need some plans put in place regarding this house and a state of lockdown. First, let me start with the scenario that either Jill or myself are here. Everyone takes a seat on the floor, no matter where they are. The closest ones to any windows will poke the buttons to drop the security shutters. Those who have a carry permit will retrieve their firearm, attaching it to their hip until the whole event is over,” I tell everyone. I see virtually all the group nodding their heads up and down indicating yes, they understood.

“Now the tougher scenario. If Jill and I are gone, but John is here. He becomes in charge. No one leaves and no one enters the house, except for law enforcement. Everyone knows that I’m not a fan of Lt. Horowitz, so do not let him inside no matter what he says. This is a private residence and he is not welcome. Should both John and Dakota not be here, then any of the four ladies Donna, Paula, Jennifer, or Sharon are to be in charge. If I call anyone and tell them to use code 69, I expect that the house is to be locked down no matter what. Does anyone not understand what I’ve described?” I ask.

No one has anything to say.

“Alright, time for a quiz,” I say to some surprised faces.

“If Jill and I are here and there’s an incident outside, who’s in charge?” I ask.

Paula raises her hand to answer the question, “Um, You and Jill are in charge. We are all to get on the floor. If you happen to be by a window, then it is your responsibility to drop the security shutters,” she says.

“THAT’S RIGHT!” I say happy to hear that at least one person is listening.

“If John is here, who’s in charge if Jill, Dakota, and I are not here?” I ask.

Again, Paula raises her hand, “If you three are not here, then John is in charge,” she tells every one of us.

What does code 69 mean?” I ask.

Once again, Paula with the answer, “It means, no matter what is going on, to put the house into lockdown,” she tells all of us.

“Now, anyone OTHER than Paula…. What happens if John, Dakota, Jill and I are not here but there is an incident outside?” I ask.

I see Paula wanting to raise her hand, but she keeps it down. Finally, Donna answers, “Then either Paula, Sharon, Jennifer, or I are in charge,” she tells everyone.

“THAT’S CORRECT,” I say out loud.

Paula still gets to point something out. “David, what if all four of us are here? Who’s in charge then?” She asks.

“Use your best judgment,” I tell everyone.

“One last question, whom here have I not bought a car for?” I ask, seeing Jill act a bit nervous.

John, Donna, Diane, Marcus, Amy, Missy, Danni, and Aurora. I do the mental math in my head, ‘this should spend the $250K and maybe even a bit more’.

Jill dismisses everyone.

There is a knock on the front door. Again, Jennifer opens it to see Captain Perez complete with his half a cigar that he is chewing on.

“I’m here to tell Mr. Greene something,” he tells Jennifer.

I come to the door, “Hello Captain,” I say to him.

“I just wanted you to know that the US Attorney has cleared you of being a suspect and she Thanks you for the two DVDs helping our investigation,” he tells me.

We shake hands and he says as he is leaving, “Ever make it to DC and we can go have a beer and a cigar together,” smiling the whole time.

“We should be there either Tuesday or Wednesday, so you’re not going to get rid of me THAT easily,” I say to him smiling as well.

He goes back outside and begins wrapping up the group of FBI agents, sending them home or back to the office. Once they are all gone, the courtyard looks nice with no agents buzzing around it.

As I close the front door, I hear John ask, “Hey, is there any more steaks left? I’m hungry,” he says smiling and causing a few giggles from some of the ladies.

There is a knock at the front door again. I open it to find the guy from the Ice truck.

“Um, sir I have to report that there is a couple of holes in the side of our truck,” he tells me.

I step outside and walk over to the truck. He points to not one but two holes. I notice that there is a third hole that he had not seen. I tell him that I’ll have my insurance take care of it, truth be known, I’ll have the people who repair our limos for Black Car and Happy, Happee Limo take care of the truck.

“I’ll keep the keys then, to get the truck repaired,” I tell them. We shake hands and off he goes in a waiting vehicle that is in the street outside the front gate.

I head inside and ask John and Marcus to finish emptying the ice truck into the many coolers that still line the outside of the house by the two pools. I direct him to get the dolly from the garage which he does to carry all the bags through the house and out to the poolside area. The CG guys see what is going on and join in to help,

Sammy doesn’t heat up any steaks for John as he is working on emptying the ice truck.

John does note, “David, you remember we have those big freezers in the big kitchen and the third kitchen. Maybe we should fill them first to keep and use the ice instead of putting them in the coolers and losing the ice.”

“John, that’s a great idea! Put the ice wherever you think it will fit before filling the coolers outside. In fact, maybe give a couple of bags to the twins in the pool house. I’m sure they could use one or two,” which causes John to smile even though he knows that the CG boys are dating them, but one can dream.

Marcus and John begin loading the dolly with bags of ice. It dawns on me that maybe we need more than one dolly, so I text Dakota to order a couple more dollies, the type that the beverage vendors use. They fold out to carry much more than just the regular standup dolly. She texts back her usual ‘K’.

I decide to head out to the ice truck to see just how many bags of ice still remained in the back. As I peered around the doors, I see maybe 200-300 bags still stacked up. I shook my head knowing that all of this won’t fit in the two freezers, but maybe John or Marcus can stack them to take a majority.

As I come back around the back of the truck, a car sits at the gate honking its horn. I see that it is Dr. Ronda. I walk over to the gate’s electronic panel, poke the appropriate buttons and the gate opens. As Ronda pulls through the gate, she blows me a kiss. I poke the necessary buttons to close the gate and think that maybe we need to have the gate company come and put different four-digit codes into the electronics so trusted people, such as Dr. Ronda don’t need me or anyone to let her in the gate.

Ronda parks her car, but I tell her that I would rather she park in the garage. I head inside the house to open a garage door. Ronda pulls her car into the garage, parking right where Missy had her car parked.

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