The Chauffeur (#38) The Investigation Begins by PABLO DIABLO

“Well, I’m probably going to be stopping in DC sometime later this week. My company just bought a tower and I need to go visit it,” I tell him.

“Which tower?”

“We bought the one that was owned by the Kraft company,” I tell him.

“Oh, I hope you’re going to clean that building up. It was built a little less than ten years ago, but you wouldn’t believe it. In DC there is lots of money spent ensuring that buildings stay clean and neat in appearance, but not the Kraft building. It looks as if they build it and just stopped taking care of it the moment it became occupied,” he tells me, which really surprised me that we would get such an honest perspective of the building.

“Well, it’s no longer going to be called the Kraft building. We’re renaming it the Eagle. We have renamed all of the towers that we bought after a bird of some sort,” I tell him.

“Where else did you buy?” He asks.

“Well, here in LA, which we call the Hawk. One in Tampa, which we call the Flamingo, one in Madison Wisconsin which we call the Snowy Owl, and one in Toronto that we call the Blue Jay,” I tell him.

“That will be nice to change the names to give people the understanding that ownership has changed,” the Captain says.

“We’re also looking at one in Atlanta, that if we get it, we will call that one the Falcon and one in Phoenix that we will call the Cardinal, there’s also a potential one in Dallas that we would call the Vulture,” I tell him.

He nods indicating he understands but asks, “I see some of the birds coincide with sports teams, Atlanta, Toronto, and Phoenix. However, some don’t make any sense,” he says to me.

“None of them are designed to be named after the sports franchise. They are named after birds that are indigenous to the city,” I tell him.

“Now that makes more sense. Such as Tampa being the Flamingo or Madison being the Snowy Owl,” he says smiling.

He reaches into his coat pocket and offers me one of his cigars. “Do you like a good cigar?” He asks me.

“Why, yes. My first wife made me give them up. She hated the smell of them so instead of constantly arguing with her, I just quit them.” I tell him.

He hands me the cigar, shakes my hand and goes back to check on his agent’s progress on the investigation.

I turn and go back inside.


I see John is now up and eating. I just smile and giggle to myself. Bobby comes over to me and asks how many steaks or ribs would I like to eat, or would I prefer them to make me a regular breakfast? I followed John’s lead and took the ribs asking for 5 with some potato salad if there is any left.

“Any left, there’s maybe 6 or 7 large bowls of potato salad available,” Bobby tells me. He begins to heat up the ribs and heads to the big kitchen to get another bowl of potato salad.

John isn’t saying a word; he just keeps shoveling the food into his mouth. I see him with a glass of juice, no need to ask what flavor the juice is.

As we sit there, a run-over looking Missy scuffs into the kitchen. She kisses John on the cheek and comes over to me to do the same thing.

“Good Morning, my don’t we look all spiffy,” I say to her in a teasing manner.

“David, what day is it?” she asks.

“Sunday,” I tell her.

Her eyes get large and she says, “Shit. Where are my clothes? I have a shift at the restaurant at 2,” she says in a much more frantic manner.

“Darling, I believe that your clothes are on the floor in the garage next to your car where Sharon and I undressed you Friday night,” I say to her smiling the whole time. This makes John snort while eating.

Missy gets up and heads out to the garage. A few minutes later she came back inside and asked, “Um, how do I get out of the garage. The big door seems to be locked,” she says. I get up and follow her out to the garage. I undo the carabiner from the track and raise the door, pushing the open button. She starts her car and backs out telling me she will most definitely be back IF she’s welcome. I tell her that she is always welcome. As she is focusing on me, she almost runs over an FBI agent. I poke the button and open the front gate. She slowly drives her car through the gate and down the road. I close the gate as I see Captain Perez watching me.

I hit the button to shut the garage door and walk back inside.

After John finishes, I ask him to raise all the security shutters to allow the sunlight into the house. He tosses his plate with the empty bones into the trash and moves to the rear of the house to begin raising the shutters. His phone buzzes.

“Hello, this is John. No, you promised me that your measuring guys would be here today, not tomorrow. So, here’s the plan. If you are determined to not show up until tomorrow, you will see the company who has taken your job. Otherwise, you have until 3 this afternoon to have your measuring people here. Thank you and have a nice day,” he says without raising his voice or being nasty. I am very proud of him. He’s handling himself with great maturity and demeanor.

Dakota and Donna come scuffling into the kitchen, where Sammy pokes the button to fire up the coffee pot once again pouring out the now stale coffee.

It dawns on me that I haven’t seen any of my tenants nor the CG boys since yesterday. I’m pretty sure I know where they all are but decide to get up and go check for myself. I walk out to the pool house first. I knock and one of the CG boys opens the door. I ask if everyone is ok inside, he assures me that both he, his cousin and both twins are fine. I thank him and head over to the studio.

I knock on that door, but no one answers. I hear voices inside. I quietly open the door and step inside. There I see Allison with a camera on her shoulders and Belinda sitting upright with her back against a wall masturbating. She has a dildo that she is using to reach her pinnacle. Suddenly she stops. Allison asks, “What’s the matter? Why did you stop?”

Belinda just raises her arm straight out from her massive chest to point at me. I say, “I’m sorry, I guess I caused that,” causing Allison to jump but not drop the camera as she wasn’t expecting anyone to talk behind her.

I offer my services to help Belinda reach that all elusive orgasm. She nods in approval. I move over to her and pull on her legs sliding her body down to be flat on the ground. I lay between her legs and begin to lick her womanhood; I only get a few minutes in before there is a knock at the studio door. I here John announce himself asking if I was in there.

Allison tells him that I am, but I am rather busy currently, which makes Belinda smile as she begins to writhe her hips to my licking.

“Um, I’m sorry, but Special Agent Fernandez is inside in the living room wanting to speak to you,” he says through the door. Allison opens the door and I invite him inside.

“John, maybe you could finish what I have started since Special Agent Fernandez’s timing is rather poor,” I say getting up from between Belinda’s legs and wipe my face off with a towel I see on the counter. I head out pulling the door closed behind me and head inside. Once I was inside the house, I saw Special Agent Fernandez standing by the front door with an envelope in his hand.

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