The Chauffeur (#38) The Investigation Begins by PABLO DIABLO

“I’ll send them right over. They should be there in about an hour or less,” he tells me.

“We’ll be sure to look for them,” I say.

We end the call.

“What’s that noise?” I ask.

John replies, “That’s the measuring team for the windows, apparently they listened when I told them to be here before 3. Now they are measuring every window,” he says smiling.

“Nice work, John,” I say to him.

“Daddy, are we dismissed?” Dakota asks.

“Yes, everyone is dismissed,”

Ronda leans in and gives me a kiss, causing Dakota to come over and do the same.

“Remember, take your prenatal vitamins or no coffee,” I say to her smiling. She playfully slaps me on the shoulder before kissing me and walking away swinging her cute ass at me.

Bobby comes around the corner and asks me if it was OK to make tonight taco-night. I told him it was fine. He said that he and Sammy have differing meat seasonings and would like everyone to try each one and give them a preference.

In my head, it sounded like fun.

“Hey guys, do we have all the fixings in the house, or do we need to make a grocery store run?” I ask.

“We have everything including hard-shell and soft taco shells,” Sammy tells me.

I was thinking that this could be a fun night. “Be sure to announce to everyone that tonight is taco night. Oh, and I hope I don’t have to tell you that John will probably eat a dozen or more tacos,” I say to the chefs.

“We’re already prepared for him,” Sammy replies.


Bobby and Sammy both go around telling everyone that tonight is Taco Sunday night and there will be a contest that everyone needs to participate in. I see everyone’s eyes brighten up, including my newest lover/baby maker Dr. Ronda.

“Guess I’ll have to enjoy the spicy food before I’m pregnant,” Ronda says to me.

Mom does ask Bobby if the spice can be toned down a bit for her as her belly doesn’t take to spicy foods all that well. Bobby tells her that they have already figured that and will make a small separate pan of meat with virtually no seasoning which made her smile.

I look around and take stock of the good things that are happening here.

The CG boys are dating porn twins. Fred is dating Mom. Jill, Dakota, and now Dr. Ronda all want babies from me. Diane is pregnant with John’s baby and they seem to be doing very well. Sharon, Jennifer, Paula, and Donna are wonderful women who all love me. Allison is working hard trying to be successful now that she owns the studio business. BJ and Danni are wonderful sexually charged women that are both beautiful as well as being smart. Missy will be back soon; I hope, as she was fun to play with. Belinda seems to be working hard with Allison as well. Aurora has fit in well here and her cleaning service has taken the load off Amy to run the house. The two chefs are funny in addition to being wonderful cooks. John, well he is my protégé. I treat him as if he was my own son. He has made the transition from being a kid in Diane’s crew that just always said ‘fuck’ to a mature young man that accepts responsibility and has a much more mature demeanor.

Amy has really begun to flourish in the role of keeper of the house. Getting the cleaning service was perfect. Now she can focus on just running the house and not being a slave to it.

And then there is Mom. She’s beautiful, she’s sexually a dynamo. Clearly, she and Fred have found some sort of happiness. Mom guides me when I find myself in a difficult situation. I am very glad to have brought her to the West Coast and helped her sell her stuffy mansion in the Hamptons, for which she got the highest amount of money ever sold by a non-beachfront property.

Fred, who started out by being Jill and my personal chauffeur, but now has some sort of relationship going on with Mom. He remains the stoic gentleman always looking out for the family’s safety. His two nephews have been wonderful guarding the castle mentality. Now that they are dating the porn twins, I’m sure that their awareness of security will amp up when need be.

Mark Newberg’s departure and his nieces Kim and Kay choosing to move out disappointed me. Tina moving away to her Mom’s house in Phoenix made sense, but still bummed me out a bit.

Thinking about Tina made me think that we will drop in on Tina and check on her on the way back from our East Coast/Tampa trip.

I checked with Dakota to make sure everything was set up with the jet for an early morning Tuesday departure. We discussed going to DC first, then down to Atlanta to see this building that Jennifer is trying to make a deal on, and then on to Tampa. On the return, we will stop unannounced in Phoenix to have a look in on our Tina.

I know that when Dakota gets further along with her pregnancy, she really won’t be going anywhere, but still, I want her to have time with the new baby, our baby.

Thinking about our three pregnant ladies, Diane is the first due in mid to late May. Dakota is next to be due in late June. Jill due after the Fourth of July and now, if I get Dr. Ronda pregnant before Christmas, she’ll be looking at an August or Labor Day due date. I laughed at my own joke; she goes into labor on Labor Day.


As dinner time approached, Bobby and Sammy gathered us all to come to the dining room table. No one was surprised that John had his ass in a chair before anyone else. Although when Diane walked up to the table, John jumped up and pulled out a chair for her.

I pulled out three chairs. One for Jill, one for Dakota, and one for Dr. Ronda. John just sat there smiling being thankful that he only has one lady pregnant.

Bobby and Sammy announced that dinner was served. He made it clear that the ladies all get to go first. I looked around and didn’t see Mom nor Fred. I sent Paula after them thinking that maybe they didn’t hear the direction to come to Taco Sunday. Paula went down the hallway and came back seconds later telling all of us that she ‘was busy’. We all laughed as the ladies got up and made their tacos.

The hard-crispy shells were going at a rate of 10 to 1 over the tortillas. The chefs had shredded lettuce, diced tomatoes, sour cream, Cheddar and Monterey Jack cheeses all shredded, both fresh and pickled jalapenos, homemade salsa, a mango-lime salsa, various hot sauces, a red-pepper based mole and a sweet tangy sauce.

As promised, they had a separate pan of meat for Mom with virtually no spice in it.

Diane took a small amount of both portions of meat and made two similar tacos, both with the flour tortilla. She put meat, lettuce, diced tomatoes, and shredded Cheddar cheese. She also took a spoonful of the mango-lime salsa, which she said tasted like nothing that she has ever had. That made both chefs smile as did me.

Jill and Dakota must have taken eating classes from John. They both took 4 crunchy taco shells each. Two shells for each meat. They put the meat in the shells then covered it with the fixings that they wanted.

John, Marcus, and I sat patiently. Jill asked where Allison, the porn twins, the CG boys, and Allison might be. John and I both got up and went outside. John went to the twin’s door telling the four of them that it was Taco night and that their presence was being missed at the dinner table.

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