The Roommate Arrangement Pt. 05 by Saltedmabel

The Roommate Arrangement Pt. 05 by Saltedmabel

Discover passion and intrigue in 'The Roommate Arrangement Pt. 05' – a sultry gay erotic sex story that explores forbidden desires and intense connections. Dive into this thrilling chapter filled with steamy encounters and unexpected twists. Perfect for fans of LGBTQ+ romance and erotic fiction!<br/>


Thank you for the patience and enthusiasm for this story! We have Noah’s POV and I hope you enjoy some insight into this possessive, confused man. He’s having a crisis of self, and some orgasms to go along with it. There is a fair dose of angst in this chapter, but the final one (Sandy’s Party) will have a HEA for these two!



My car still reeked of sex. I don’t know how Sandy didn’t notice, but she was too busy batting her long lashes at me. She tossed her bag and sweater in the back, making sure to lean over and show me her impressive cleavage. I used to dream about my cock between her gigantic tits, the way she bit her lip when she fucked me with them. She had rosy, pink nipples and I liked sucking until they turned red. But the sight of her creamy skin falling out of her top did nothing for me. Not even a twitch.

“Thank you so much for giving me a ride. These heels are for looks only.” Sandy sighed, making no move to put her seatbelt on. I ground my teeth together. Bran was waiting for me at home to celebrate the end of exams. Giving Sandy a lift was the last thing I wanted to do, especially after a three-hour exam on biomechanics. But Sandy had bumped into me, literally, just as I was walking out of the exam room. She had a full face of make-up on, a short peach dress and heels that made her long legs look incredible.

“No problem, big date tonight?”

She tossed her glossy blonde curls and her perfume wafted over me, sweet, warm and slightly spicy. It used to be my favorite. But now I preferred more heavy scents. Bran had this cologne that I couldn’t get enough of, sort of citrusy. The freshness of it, combined with his sweat, was so unique.

Maybe he could let me borrow it after our arrangement finished up. My chest ached with a sudden pain, and I rubbed at it absentmindedly. Sandy’s eyes widened.

“Yeah, you know Trent Ridge? He asked me out. I mean, I am single, after all.” She gave me a throaty little laugh that was laced with steel. I fought the urge to smack my head on the headrest. Sandy was the most gorgeous girl on campus, but I didn’t do commitment.

“He’s great. Make sure he takes you somewhere nice, though. You deserve it.” I turned the car on and cleared my throat. Sandy still didn’t put her seatbelt on, and I swallowed a noise of frustration. I’d told Bran to be ready for me at four thirty on the dot, and it was four forty-five now.

“You don’t mind?” Sandy’s plump lips twisted in a sweet smile, like she could cajole me into being jealous. She widened her legs, and her skirt rode up her milky thighs.

“Your single Sandy, you can do whatever you want.” I reached over and clipped in her seatbelt for her. Just like I could fuck whoever I wanted, and right now I wanted to be so deep in Bran, he whimpered and begged me for more. I took a deep breath as I pulled out of the car park. Underneath Sandy’s cloying perfume was the scent of Bran and I’s incredible fuck. I let it fill my lungs and some of the tension in my muscles eased.

“Did Bran talk to you?” Sandy asked, tapping her nails on the windowsill.

“What?” My head whipped to Sandy. Bran? Why was she talking about Bran right now? But then I remembered what he’d told me a week ago. She’d begged him to help her get back with me. “Yeah, he passed on your message. I don’t appreciate you bailing up my friends. We are what we are, and if that changes in the future, I’ll let you know.”

Sandy’s button nose scrunched up.

“You’re friends with that creep now? I thought you were just roommates.”

I bit my tongue so hard the taste of iron flooded my mouth. Just roommates? For a second, the truth hovered on my tongue. But how could I even put into words what Bran was to me? My cock twitched at the thought of him on his knees, swallowing me whole, staring up at me with those big, brown eyes. The sweet little moans he made when I slid between his fat cheeks. When he was bent over in front of me, his ass looked like any girls. But I’d fucked him in every conceivable position this week, like a man crazed. This exam was stressing me out because it was worth seventy percent of my grade. I couldn’t afford any tension in my body.

So why were you going home to fuck him again? Exams are done. The arrangement is done.

“Don’t call him that. Bran is cool.” I brushed off the niggling thought in the back of my mind.

“If you say so. Maybe he’s just shy around girls because my friend Zane thinks he’s adorable as well. You’re coming with them to my party tomorrow, right?”

My knuckles turned white on the steering wheel and the air in my lungs turned scorching. It took everything in me to release my breath slowly. Zane? What the fuck is it with this prick sniffing around Bran? I’d seen them together a few times, and I could see the appeal. I also saw the very blatant interest in his eyes when he looked at Bran. If he thought, he could swoop in and take my—

My? My what? Roommate who I fucked occasionally? Roommate who I spent every night snuggling with this week? Friend, whose ass made me see stars when I came?

I swallowed the rise of bile that coated my throat. After tonight, Bran was nothing but my roommate, and he could go out with whoever he wanted. So why did that make me want to throw up all over my sneakers?

“Noah?” Sandy danced her fingers down my sleeve as I pulled into my parking spot at my building.

“Yeah, I’ll be there,” I subtly shook off her grip. “Enjoy your date tonight.”

Sandy grabbed her bag and slung it over her shoulder, tottering around the car to lean against me.

“I’m not leaving until six, so if you change your mind…”

“What, you’d dump poor Trent to go out with me instead?” I shook my head. This girl was getting on my nerves. I needed to get upstairs to Bran, to bury my head in his dark curls and fuck him until he couldn’t walk. Maybe we could skip the party tomorrow, just extend the celebrations for one last day.

“Noah be real. I’ve been clear about wanting you back. All these other boys are a distraction until you wise up and come back to me. Which we both know you will. We fit together, you and me. Everybody thinks we look perfect together.”

She wasn’t wrong about the picture perfect illusion we made. But it wasn’t enough. I wondered what people would say if I had Bran with me instead. What would Zane say if I shoved my tongue down Bran’s throat right in front of him? I shook my head. I must be truly pent up to have those kind of thoughts.

“I’m not playing your games, Sandy. I mean it. Have a good night and I’ll see you tomorrow.”

I locked my car and jogged away before she could draw me into more arguments. I’d been more than considerate of her, not fucking any of her two-faced friends who sent me half naked selfies. But Sandy still didn’t get it. I wasn’t interested in her. My heart thumped with excitement and my cock was half hard the closer I got to the apartment. I couldn’t wait to be inside Bran again.

All night. No interruptions. Just the two of us fucking like animals.

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