Blind Love CH: 14

Blind Love CH: 14 by 4mnowhere,4mnowhere Danny had joined the school last Sem, as a PE instructor and Football Coach. He was on his way to professional football, but his sick parents and their huge estate had cut his dreams short, making him come back to his hometown. After his parents passed away and he had set the workings of the estate on autopilot and joined as a junior league coach to reconnect with the sport and start his new milestone of becoming a Varsity Football Coach.

Danny was thirty years old and was as good-looking and naive as one expects football jocks to be. He had a rich sheltered but well-disciplined life, had come out to his parents and friends that he was gay at fifteen and had affairs but could never settle down. He was always surrounded with his football teammates or with men who wanted him for his looks and muscles, he had never met anyone who liked him minus his exterior beauty, till he met Noah.

It was not because Noah was sightless that he looked at everyone’s inner beauty, it was just the way he was. Nice, polite, independent, well-educated and loving … it may sound hypocritic but Noah was also extremely hot.

Danny couldn’t stop himself from trying to get close to Noah, He knew he was friend -zoned but ‘Hey! You can always score in extra time!’

When he joined the semester, Noah was going through a difficult time after his break- off with his fiancé and had moved from the city to their quite town. Danny without any ulterior motive wanted to be there for him, which he did. Noah didn’t need anyone but he still appreciated the warmth and support. Danny found himself getting more and more attracted to Noah, as he witnessed how he pieced himself together and immersed himself in helping his sightless students and publish a braille book on motivational stories for children, which was a hit in schools and the special needs literary circles.

Noah at only 28, a young achiever, motivational personality and the most eligible bachelor in town, and it helped that he was beautiful, with his soft, thin body, short cut brown hair and extraordinarily beautiful fresh face with grey eyes and full lips. The town didn’t have too many gay men but everyone who was available had been politely declined by Noah. Danny didn’t make any moves and was happy to be a friend and quietly crush on him.

On Noah’s book launch party, Danny had dropped Noah to his small house close to school and after a friendly hug, dared to touch lips with him. Noah recoiled as if he had touched live wire and stood a few steps away, at this point Danny was ready to cry out of embarrassment and rejection.

“You smell very nice!” Noah had said quietly, almost whispered. “Like forest after rains!” He continued, took a few steps forward and reached out for Danny with his small hands. Danny took them in his and warped Noah in a warm hug, “Sorry! Didn’t mean to overstep!” Danny mumbled against Noah’s neck.

“Give me some time!” Noah placed his forehead on the tall Danny’s muscular chest. Danny went home a very happy man, it felt like something nice was about to start between him and Noah.


Noah leaned back, this was his favourite position for deep penetration and P-spot stimulation. Alex sat on the chair with his feet planted firmly on the ground, and Noah was straddling him, using Alex’s knees as support. Noah moaned and Alex claimed his lips as he laid back on his legs. Alex, picked Noah up, still deep inside him and placed him on the floor, making sweet love to his Noah, using his powerful thighs to separate Noah’s legs to make space for deeper penetration. He held one of Noah’s leg and placed it on his shoulder, the other hooked at his hip. He kissed Noah as he moved in and out of him, both sweaty and hot. “Noah!” Alex moaned as he came inside of his fiancé, kissing him, hugging the small body to his large frame. “Noah! I love you!”

The image, morphed into the day Noah had visited the haunted mansion, Jared was with them and Shea waited outside with the family. The apparition had been caught in the security cameras multiple times through years but till Noah had pointed out what it was, everyone had ignored it. The family was plagued with in-fighting and family tensions, they felt angry and depressed, irrespective of the number of holidays and parties they organised.

Noah had explained that it was because of the entity, it was known to be a vampire, sucking out happiness and health. He explained about Alukah as mentioned by Sefer Hasidim, a shapeshifter and the entity had become a demon because the correct burial technique was not used.

Noah had walked up to the third-floor terrace and had a whispered discussion with something, he came out of the trance crying and shivering. Alex had taken him in his arms, wanting to comfort him but since that time Noah became distant and cold towards him.

He went back to the family and declared that the demon has left and then asked Jared to drop him home, leaving a bewildered Alex behind.

Alex, restlessly tossed and turned on the bed as he remembered the fight between him and Noah, He had gone to Noah’s school as a surprise to pick him up and that night they had gotten into an argument.

“Stop treating me like I am handicapped and not able to take care of myself!” Noah didn’t raise his voice but the cold tone was worse than any amount of yelling. “All my life I have been treated as small and blind and I don’t want you to do the same!” He continued quietly, making Alex more and more angry at the way he was reacting to a nice gesture.

“What the fuck, Noah! I was there to pick my fiancé for a romantic dinner! Where the fuck is this coming from?” Alex didn’t know to quite down his anger, he ended up shouting at Noah.

“It’s been here since the first time you used me and then felt bad because I am small and blind and not because what you did to me on our first date!” Noah accused, in a polite tone, which was infinitely more hurtful than throwing a tantrum and saying angry words, which can be detracted later with a kiss and an apology.

“Why are you raising this now, Noah? After all we went through. After everything that happened, everything we forgot and forgave! What is happening to us… to you?” Alex went from shouting to almost begging, his heart in Noah’s cold fist.

“What did I do, for you to forgive and forget?” Noah stood up, trying to leave the room, but was intercepted by Alex.

“What do you mean? Noyee! I went to pick you up for a date! Why are you spiralling like this?” Alex stepped back when Noah raised his hand to stop from being touched.

Alex’s head started spinning and he sat on the chair, his face on his palms, his insecurities about his non-worthiness to be with Noah or being loved in general, surrounding him.

“Even if I spiral, you don’t have to worry about me attacking you, Alex!” Noah threw Alex’s biggest sin at him and walked out of the conversation, leaving Alex in company of everything he felt guilty of doing against Noah.


“Who is that guy?” Danny asked, curious to see the extraordinarily good looking, tall and muscular Afro American man, standing at the interjection of the main road to their eliminatory school. His hair cut close to his head, leaving a velvety layer of black head, his angular face covered with a thick curly beard and his sad green eyes bordered with dark circles. The thin sky-blue shirt stuck to his well-defined body as the cold wind hit him, his jeans trying to cover his thick thighs and a huge basket. Danny knew how hard it was to make and maintain a physique like his and it looked like the stud was spending most of his day in the gym. He as holding a pullover in his hands but seemed like he was too distracted to wear it or even remembered he was carrying it. He stood there towering over everyone but even with his larger than life personality, he looked like a lost puppy.

“Its Alex!” Noah mumbled, without even asking for a description. He knew Alex was around, the wind was bringing the message to his heart and soul through Alex’s familiar scent.


Noah moved out after a week of a wordless and silent co-existence with Alex. He first went to Kay’s and then moved town.

Alex didn’t know what to say but he rallied help from his parents, Jared, Des and Ori. Noah was cordial with them but firm in his decision. He explained that his fear of being abandoned had made him forgive Alex without even a discussion but he was haunted by the night Alex attacked him, slowly eating away the love and replacing it with repressed feeling of entrapment.

As everyone left Kay’s house, Jared purposefully stayed behind. He pulled a distant Noah in a bear hug and kissed his mop of hair. Noah melted in his arms and started sobbing.

“Why?” Jared whispered, “Why are you killing yourself?” He said and hugged the small shivering and heaving Noah tighter.

“It was summoned by my mother as a Ouija fun game with her friends. It attached itself to her and killed everyone she loved including my father. She threw me away like trash, showing she didn’t care for me and before she loved me enough to kill me too. The Alukah had fun showing me these visions, lapped up my misery and got stronger with my pain. It’s been following me, he took Greg and …” Noah hiccupped. “I can’t lose Alex, as long as he is happy and alive … I will survive …” Noah gulped to stop crying. “I don’t want to see him, Jared! I would rather die than see Alex after he…

after he is dead! Like my cursed blind eyes saw Greg. Take care of him! Get him to love someone simple. Don’t let him get close to someone like me… broken and complicated!”

Jared couldn’t help the tears flowing from his eyes, “There has to be another way!” He begged with Noah.

“I can’t risk it with Alex. If it was after me, I would have lived my last days happily with Alex, but I can’t have anything hurt Alex. There is no other way. Help him hate me and forget me… ask him to stay away from me and my cursed existence. I am not destined to love, but he is!” Noah extracted himself from Jared’s arms and took few steps away from him, closing their conversation.

“If you tell him, then you know what I can do to protect Alex. My life is nothing for me in comparison to Alex’s, if that’s what it will take!” Noah said with finality, in his polite and low voice.


“That’s your ex! Wow!” Danny didn’t know how else to react, that stud with that bulge was too up there to be competed with. “What does he do? Modelling?” Danny asked, jealously getting the best of him, if Alex was a dumb model, then that may have been the reason Noah couldn’t connect with him intellectually and hence they must have drifted apart once their physical attraction waned off, Danny prayed.

But he knew, looking at the handsome man lost in the middle of the street unaware of the cold as he waited for Noah, this was beyond physical attraction… that man was in love and he had it bad.

“He is a head chef in Meilleure Nourriture. One of the youngest Michelin stars winning chef.” Noah said with pride, clutching the bag to his chest.

‘Ya why not, Noah’s ex is a God with actual stars given to him by the world’, Danny grimaced as he looked at Alex. “You want me to call him or take you to him?” Danny offered, it was a lost game, so rather play the good sportsman card, he decided.

“No! I have nothing to do with him. I was about to ask if you are free over the weekend, I have a singing gig at the business district.” Noah decided at the spur of the moment.

Danny knew what was happening, but he was happy to be the 12th man if he gets to tour with the team. “What time do I pick you up?”

“Friday night..uh 8?” Noah smiled, getting aroused and nervous with Alex’s closeness. “Just do me a favour and get me out of here, I don’t want him to see me!” he said keeping his voice level as always.

“Noyee!” It was Alex, he had found Noah, he gave a quick look at Danny and then concentrated his being towards Noah. “I wanted to come and see you one last time. Before I get married!”

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