Cell Mates become Soul Mates

A gay sex stories: Cell Mates become Soul Mates When I wrote this story I debated whether I should put it in the ‘gay’ section or the ‘romance’ section. I would like to think it fits in both.


“Ten years… ten fucking years.”

I couldn’t believe the words echoing through my brain as I recalled the sentence handed down to me for my part in the armed robbery. All I had done was give them some door entry codes in return for £3,000. What I hadn’t anticipated was when they were caught, they would name me not as just an accomplice, but as the mastermind behind the whole idea.

The judge decided to believe their story and before I knew what was happening the judge handed me a stiff sentence. The only thing that saved me from a twenty-year sentence was the fact I didn’t take part in the actual robbery itself. What made things worse was rather than a low-security prison, I had been sent to the notorious high-security Groyne prison, where some of the most violent prisoners in the country were sent. A place where the only rule was that of fear.

Sitting on the bottom bunk I put my head in my hands and wanted to weep when the doorway was filled by a massive frame. The man was heavily muscled, his arms covered with tattoos and his shaven head almost glinting in the sunlight peeking through the tiny grilled window.

“The name is George McCalister and you can stop the sniffling, I don’t tolerate criers in my cell.”

I couldn’t help bristling at his brusqueness and determined I wasn’t going to be pushed around retorted back, “I wasn’t crying and it’s our cell, not your cell.”

I have never seen a big man move so fast as he pulled me from my sitting position and pinned me against the wall held up by my neck. “It is my cell because I say it is my fucking cell. You exist because I allow it. If I decide you are to get on your knees and suck my cock you will. If I decide you bend you over and use you like a bitch, you will bite the pillow.”

I had feared the whole gay sex thing I had heard about prisons and for a moment was wondering if this huge man was going to rape me. At 5′ 8″ and 140lb I wasn’t a small man, nor was I weak. But compared to this gorilla of a man, I was like a small child. If he decided he was going to take me, then I would not be able to stop him. It was at that moment I regretted my sharp retort, but luckily for me he simply put me back on my feet and looked at me.

“That was your one and only warning. Know your place in this prison. Understand there is only a choice of two positions, you are either fucked or a fucker…that applies to everything.”

I could feel myself shaking inside but trying to remain brave I replied, “Thank you and my apologies for my rudeness. I don’t think I will be in either position as I am not gay. I have never looked at another man in that way and don’t think I ever will.”

He just laughed as he pulled off his shirt showing his torso that was also covered in tattoos. His back was adorned with the most magnificent depiction of an old-fashioned sailing ship in full sail with its guns blazing, it was it itself a work of art. Then with his back still to me pulled off his bottoms and shorts so he was naked. When he turned around, I almost gasped in shock when I saw the very large meaty cock and heavy balls hanging down. Finally, he kicked off his sneakers before he climbed onto the top bunk.

“They all say that when they first come in here, but they change…they all change.”

I bit back a retort that sprung to my lips. I had a wife and two kids and was absolutely not gay. I had nothing against homosexuals, in fact some of my friends were gay; but it was something that had never really interested me. As I lay on my bunk I tried to think of my wife and her naked body, but the sight of George’s large member kept springing into my head.


Over the next few weeks people seemed to treat me with a degree of caution. Not that anyone avoided me but if I sat down in the canteen other inmates wouldn’t talk to me or make eye contact. In the end I asked one of the prisoners what the hell was going on. He just stared at me and then laughed as he said, “You share with George McAlister and you don’t touch what big George has staked a claim to. Well you don’t if you want to stay in one piece.”

I went to protest but decided to keep my own council for a while, not that I wanted anything to do with George, I just craved a quiet life.


About a week later I went to the shower block which was laid out in an L shape with the guard standing at the top watching us. The jets were all taken at the near end, so I walked down the block to find the ones around the corner surprisingly empty. Deciding to take advantage of the freedom I turned the shower on full blast and let the hot water cascade over my body.

“So fish, the word is you have a virgin ass, time to change that.”

I looked at the two heavyset men who were advancing towards me in the shower. They were hairy all over with tattoos on their thick arms and I knew that I stood no chance of resisting their advances. One was fisting his cock to full hardness while the other moved closer to me.

“How many cocks you sucked since you have been in here?”

“None,” I stammered back in reply.

“Well you are about to start with a couple and don’t worry about screaming as while one of us is fucking you the other will have his cock in your mouth,” said the guy who was now sporting a very full erection.

“He won’t scream as loud as you two will by the time I have finished with you,” said George who had almost magically appeared through the steam.

“Sorry George I didn’t realise he was yours,” one of them said his erection subsiding.

“He isn’t,” said George, “but I don’t want him sobbing all fucking night after you two animals have used him.”

The two men went to move past George, but his hands moved at lightning speed to grab their balls, a set in either hand.

“If anyone touches him without my permission I will feed you each other’s balls, you understand?” George said with a menacing growl.

The two men nodded and squeaked before breathing a deep sigh of relief as he released them. As they scurried off George stepped forward and cuffed me round the head, not hard but enough to make my head ring for a moment.

“Why the fuck did you go round the corner, don’t you know anything?” he said harshly. He then went on to explain that in the showers casual relationships went on round the corner in the shower block and that anyone who went, or was dragged round there, was fair game.


Time passed peacefully enough and although George never made any advances towards me, he was more than happy to get naked and parade his large cock. I tried to be discrete when getting naked, but I knew his eyes were on me as I could hear the sharp intake of breath when he caught sight of my naked ass or cock.

I would lie in the bunk at night and his bed would creak as he masturbated. On the opposite side of the tiny cell was a small desk and above it a mirror which normally after lights out showed nothing. That evening was a full moon and although I couldn’t see clearly the moonlight gave enough light for me to be able to make out him fisting his mighty cock. I could see enough that as he moved his hand up and down, his large paws were not big enough to encompass even half of it. This fact was confirmed when he placed one hand on top of each other and worked his cock faster.

I could feel a stirring in my own shorts and despite my shame pushed them down and fished out my own cock, which to my surprise was rock hard. With my eyes glued to the reflection and listening to the bed springs creak I synchronized my movements with George’s. As he grunted in orgasm, I saw a spurt fly from the top and moments later hit the floor with a splash. I bit my lip hard to stop from crying out as my own orgasm ripped through me.

Controlling my breathing I tried to process what had just happened. I had got off listening and watching another man masturbate, was I turning gay? Just as I started to drop off to sleep, I heard George whisper, “Hope you enjoyed the show, just say if you want to see it with the lights on.”

I was instantly wide awake as my head span with wild possibilities. I only dropped off to sleep once I heard the rhythmic breathing of George indicating he had fallen into a slumber.


Over the next week nothing was said and although George masturbated every night, I studiously turned my back, so I faced the wall. It didn’t seem to deter him as the bed creaked indicating his climax.

Then one evening I came into the cell after doing my stint in the kitchen where I was learning to cook to find George sitting on my bunk.

“It’s OK to have thoughts you know, many men do.”

“I’m married,” I said in protest and George simply handed me a large brown envelops which had the name of a solicitor on the back. I knew what it was straight away and threw it on the small desk like it was on fire.

“Ignoring it won’t change it,” George said and handed me the envelope again.

I read the contents at speed and as I suspected my wife wanted a divorce. When it came to assets, what the court had left us she claimed and stated that neither she nor the children would come and see me while I was in prison. My life quite literally crumpled inside and despite George not liking crier slumped down beside him and burst into tears.

It seemed the most natural thing in the world for George to put his large arm around me and hold me to his chest muttering words of sympathy. When I had stopped crying and started to pull myself together George said quietly but firmly, “Stand up and lean against my bunk.”

As I leant against the top bunk, I heard George say gently, “think of your wife,” then paused before he considered his words, “or what ever you want that turns you on.”

I felt George pull my joggers and shorts to my ankles before gently caressing my cock. Then he sucked it into his warm mouth and teased it with his tongue as I started to harden. Without conscious reason the image that had popped into my head was George fisting his mighty meat and I knew that this was making me hard.

My wife had never sucked my cock like George was sucking it right then, in fact she rarely sucked my cock at all. For George all that seemed to matter was giving me pleasure. His head moved back and forward as he varied the pace and suction, making my toes curls as he worked his head faster. One hand was caressing my balls and I knew that it was all too much, and I wouldn’t last much longer.

“I’m cumming,” I manged to cry but this didn’t deter George, instead he placed his free hand on my ass and pulled me into his mouth as I started to erupt. He didn’t stop sucking as I spurted into his mouth, and he had to move both hands to my hips to stop me from falling, as he drained every last drop of seed from my balls.

He said nothing but pulled me into the bunk and wrapped me in his strong arms. Feeling more secure and contended than I had in weeks, I snuggled into his chest and fell into a deep sleep.


The next morning, I woke to find George had moved back into his own bunk and was getting up as the guards banged on the cell doors.

“Thank you for last night,” I said not really knowing what else to say.

George simply looked at me and smiled, “No worries mate, now just sign the paperwork and get on with doing your time.”

I couldn’t really concentrate during the day and managed to cut my finger during the cooking lesson. The teacher tutted as he fixed it up and admonished me, “Harry you need to focus on what you are doing, or you cut your whole bloody hand off.”

How could I tell him that I had my first gay blow job last night and loved it. How could I admit that as I came in another man’s mouth the only though in my head was his cock.

When I got back to the cell George wasn’t there though a few moments later he wandered through the door. He did his usual pre-bed ritual of stripping naked and making sure I got a good eyeful of his meat. As he stood, ready to climb into his bunk his cock hung down, almost dangling in my face. I had never looked on another man sexually before but at that moment all I wanted to do was repay him for his help and kindness over the past weeks. Leaning forward I planted a kiss on his shaft and to my surprise it twitched as he stood stock still.

“You don’t have to,” he said in his gruff but friendly voice.

“I know,” I said quietly, “but I want to,” taking his cock into my mouth and sucking gently.

I felt his cock start to swell and although I had never sucked a man’s cock before I instinctively took him deeper, caressing his heavy balls as I did so. I had no idea what to do and I just started to force my mouth onto his cock making myself cough.

“Just do what you like having done to you,” George said kindly, his large hand stroking my hair.

I pulled his cock from my mouth and studied it for a moment and then started to lick along the shaft from the base to the tip. When I got to the tip, I twirled my tongue around the slit before sucking it back in as deep as I could. I sucked hard and then just loosely held it in my mouth and moved my head back and forward. George responded by thrusting his hips forward and I had to be careful not to choke. I used my other hand to caress his heavy balls feeling them ripple and twitch in my hand as I sucked.

“I am cumming,” George said as I felt his balls contract. For a moment I wondered whether to carry on or just use my hand but then the decision was taken from me as a powerful jet of seed hit my throat. I had a choice at that moment and deciding to keep going. I swallowed and kept sucking, working the base of his cock with my hand. Thick jets kept spurting and, in the end, it was just too much to contain in my mouth and releasing his cock a final jet hit me on the chin.

“Fuck that was good, you sure you never sucked cock before?” George said as his cock slowly returned to more normal proportions.

I wiped the dollops of cum from my chin and looked around for a suitable place to wipe it clean. Not seeing anywhere obvious I simply sucked it from my finger and swallowed the salty sticky fluid. As I fell asleep, I knew that this wouldn’t be the last time I would suck cock and strangely enough I wasn’t unhappy.


For the next month or so there developed a little ritual between us. Whoever was going to do the sucking would get to the cell first and sit with their feet on the floor. The other knew this was a signal and would stand, leaning on the top bunk as their cock was sucked to completion.

We never went further, nor was there any suggestion of going further though I had to admit I had more than one fantasy about what it would feel like to be penetrated.

George was already sitting on my lower bunk and looked at me with eyes that told me he wanted to suck me. I could feel myself stiffen at the memory of his talents that had given me such pleasure. I felt his strong hands slide my jogging bottoms to my ankles along with my boxers. Normally that was sufficient for him to feast on my cock but this time he helped me step out of my clothing, so I was naked from the waist down. Feeling the need to be his I pulled my shirt and vest over my head, so I was naked before him. I sensed that somehow this time was going to be different as he sucked me in to his talented mouth.

Previously he had just played with my balls as he sucked but today his hand reached further under until his large digit was pressed against my anal opening. Trying to relax I felt him push until he penetrated me, his mouth still working on my rock-hard cock. The passage into my ass was easier than I had expected but I think he had used some form of gel to make sure he entered me without too much pain. Despite the gel his finger still felt huge inside me as he held it stationary, letting me relax. As I relaxed my sphincter, he moved his finger in gentle, small movements, penetrating deeper and deeper. I could feel his knuckle pressing against my cheeks and realised that he must be fully inside me as twisted it around. Then he touched a spot, and I stiffened before starting to whimper as electric shocks flashed through me.

“That’s your prostate,” George said breaking from his sucking, “that is a man’s g-spot.”

I had no idea a finger could feel so good and to my surprise found myself instinctively riding his finger slowly. I felt him pull back and then a short burst of pain as he introduced a second finger, twisting them as he pushed deeper to resume his prostate massaging. The sensations combined with George’s talented mouth was pushing me over the top and I cried out as I jerked my cock into his mouth shooting jets of seed he swallowed eagerly.

On previous nights he had cuddled me in his big strong arms but as I said tonight was going to be different. His fingers will still deep inside as he said with a gruff tenderness, “I want to make love to you Harry.”

I knew that this is what I wanted more than anything else in the world and bending I kissed him deeply on his mouth before breathing, “Take me George, make me your bitch.”

He withdrew his fingers quickly, leaving me feeling empty inside. Laying me on my back he lifted my legs up until they were above my head and pressed on the underside of the upper bunk.

“Love first, bitch second,” he said tenderly as he manoeuvred between my thighs placing his large mushroom head at my anal opening.

If I had thought his two meaty fingers were large they were nothing compared to his cock. The pressure was intense as I stared into his eyes, my ass feeling like it was going to torn apart as he pushed. As the head slipped inside my mouth opened in a silent scream and he paused his movements, smiling down at me. “Just relax,” he said softly, “push back inside like you were having a dump.”

As I pushed back I felt him slip deeper inside, his monster shaft filling me and opening me like the virgin I was.

“Oh god George I am not sure I can take it all,” I groaned, “it feels so big.”

I saw him look between our bodies and let out a soft laugh, “it’s in about halfway.”

As my brain tried to encompass what that meant he shifted his weight and buried the remainder of his cock fully in me. I had no idea at the time how big he was and found out later it was nine inches, but at that moment it felt like nine feet. He held it full inside me and kissed my lips as I panted with pain and excitement rolled into a delicious cocktail of feelings. Then supporting himself on his strong arms he started to fuck me with long slow movements.

Until I had been sent to prison, I had never thought that sex could be so amazing. I knew in the very depths of my soul that whatever happened from this day forward the ultimate in sexual pleasure would always come from having a cock buried deep in me. George was fucking me in deliberate movements, stopping when I whimpered or cried out in pain. As my ass relaxed his passage became easier and his tempo increased making the bed creak from our combined movements. He slowed to a stop as I gurgled like a baby, such was the feelings of joy inside me.

“Are you ready to become a bitch?” He said firmly.

“Yes…a thousand times yes.” I groaned, “I am yours.”

When he pulled out I nearly wept and said in a pleading voice, “please put it back in me.”

George just laughed softly, “I think you are turning out to be a perfect natural bottom.”

With those words he changed from his tender persona to a more domineering character who would use me in the way I deeply desired. Spinning me around he pushed me face down over the bottom bunk and kicked my ankles apart.

“So you want to be my bitch, do you?”

He didn’t wait for my reply but placed his cock at my entrance and put his hands on my shoulders. Then with a shove of his hips and pulling with his arms he drove his cock into my already open ass. I swear that if it wasn’t for the fact that he had already fucked me and left a load inside he would have spilt me in two, even still the thrust took my breath away.

He didn’t give me time to adjust but started to slam into me with such hard strokes that my teeth almost rattled. The speed and ferocity increased and I could hear my ass squelching as he kept up his relentless onslaught. At one point he pulled out of my ass and waited a moment before driving back in, the feeling on my anal ring starting to close then being forced open sent me wild.

Pulling my head back he kissed as he fucked and then growled, “Tell me what you want”

I groaned with pleasure as I almost yelled, “Breed me…fuck me… I am your bitch… now and forever.”

George let out a loud animalistic grunt and slammed into me, each thrust sending a spurt of seed deep into my bowels. When he was finally spent, he pulled back and looked at me with a strange look in his eyes.

“A true bitch would clean me now but…”

He left the sentence dangling and my ass throbbed with pleasure as I felt the two loads, he had deposited in my ass moving about. Spinning I dropped to my knees and looked up at him, “I am yours.” and with that sucked his cock into my mouth.

I could taste the muskiness of my own ass on his cock, but it didn’t deter me, instead I just sucked deeply milking the last of his seed from his balls.

When I was satisfied there was nothing left to suck, I released him and George stroked my hair affectionately, “Good boy,” he said kindly before climbing into his bunk leaving me in mine.

As I fell asleep I considered where I had moved to in what seemed like a short space of time. I found myself smiling happily as I fell asleep dreaming of George’s fat cock in my ass.


The guard entered the room and looked at me before snorting derisively, “well Adams looks like your transfer to a cushy open prison has been approved.”

I looked at George who was studiously ignoring me and then back to the guard before saying in a firm voice, “Please tell the governor I want to decline the transfer and choose to stay here.”

“Are you sure?” Said the guard with a note of disbelief in his voice.

I looked in George’s direction who was still studying the newspaper like it was the most important piece of news ever then with a firm voice said, “Yes I am more than comfortable here.”

As the guard closed the door, George lowered his newspaper and looked at me with a twinkle in his eye, “Looks like that ass of yours is craving cock.”

I knew he was right and dropping to my knees fished his cock from his joggers and started to suck him to full hardness.


This was our life for the next three years. Every night I would suck George, or he would suck me, then either with legs around his neck or bent over he would drive his fat cock in and out until I spurted cum without touching. Once this happened, he would increase the tempo of his strokes until with a roar he would unload deep in my bowels. Everyone in the wing knew I was George’s bitch now and even when I washed him in the shower, sometimes giving him a hand job or even a blow job, no one would touch me. They would often stand and watch working their cocks as they observed the sex show, but when they came, they were careful to keep their seed away from both of us, for fear of invoking George’s wrath.

Some days George made love to me and other days I was his bitch and loved both roles. He always let me decide and after I had been his bitch he would always tell me how much he really loved me.

But there is an old saying, “All good things must come to an end,” and that day came sooner than expected.


“I am being released.”

George’s words burnt into my brain making me want to scream in denial. I only half listened to George’s words as he went on about how the policeman who had provided evidence was corrupt and they had thrown out all the cases where he had been the main witness.

“Marge will be well chuffed.”

“Who is Marge?” I blurted out on hearing the woman’s name for the first time.

“My wife,” he replied simply.

The word slammed into me like I had been punched, “I never knew you were married… you never said.”

“Listen Harry we had fun, and you are a great fuck but now you are going to have to carry on without me. Just do what you need to do to survive, and I am sure you will find yourself another Daddy to look after you. Just never let them know they are getting to you, that’s what turns most of these animals on.”

“Will I see you again?” was all I could reply trying not to cry.

“I hope so,” he said as the guard opened the cell door, “but let’s just hope it’s a better place than here. Remember… adapt and survive”

“Time to go McAlister, leave your girlfriend,” the guard sneered.

That was it, the next thing I knew he was gone, and I was alone with at least two years stretching out in front of me.


Things were quiet for a week or so with most leaving me alone which allowed me to get used to the idea of life without George. When they gave me a new cellmate, I gave him the bottom bunk and took over the top, as was the right of the senior. The new guy was OK, but we didn’t really talk as he seemed to spend most of his time praying, though not too sure who or what to.

Then it happened as I went to the showers one day, my mind elsewhere as I stood under the cascading hot water.

“My cock needs sucking,” said a gruff voice breaking into my thoughts.

“Your cock?” laughed the man next to him, “I think we all want our cocks sucked. I would say we would have a piece of that ass but not sure I wouldn’t rattle after Big George has been ploughing it for three years. Maybe it’s had time to tighten back up.”

“Only one way to find out,” said the first guy, this time with a little more menace in his voice. “You gonna do this the easy way or the hard way Adams?”

I wanted to fight them all. The only man who had ever been inside me had been George, the only man I had ever sucked had been George, but these animals were going to change that. I balled my fists as George’s parting words echoed in my brain, “do what it takes to survive.” I looked at the four faces and could see that there was not going to be any escape from this. I looked down and saw that all of them weren’t that big, certainly not compared to George.

“OK then whose first?”

With those words I dropped to my knees and started to suck the nearest cock feeling it grow to hardness in my mouth.

Once he was hard, he pulled me to my feet and bent me over and I had to grab the shower controls for support. I felt him rub his cock head over my ass and I breathed deeply relaxing myself for what was about to happen. Being fucked by George’s large cock most nights for the past three years meant my ass was used to being invaded and when the first guy forced himself it wasn’t too bad. It burnt a little due to the lack of lube but the water seemed to help a little.

“Mmmm this ass is nice and tight, maybe the rumours about Goerge’s cock size were exaggerated.” the man said as he thrust in and out.

“Maybe George was a secret bottom, and he was the one doing the bending over,” another sneered.

If they were trying to get a rise from me and get me to react it wasn’t working, instead I just pushed back and groaned, “Oh yes fuck me harder big boy.”

The man in my ass grunted and spurted his seed deep into me and then pulled out with a contented grunt. The second man took his place, and his passage was a little easier with my ass now lubricated. As he drove in and out, I closed my eyes and thought of George naked, but then the picture was replaced by George sitting by a fire with some woman who my mind told me was his wife. To drive the vision from my mind I concentrated on the cock ploughing my ass.

“Hey look I think you are having an effect,” one of them shouted. He was right I could feel my cock starting to get hard as the cock inside massaged against my prostate.

“Looks like he is a natural bottom after all,” another sneered as I felt my cock grow to full hardness.

The guy inside finished and unloaded deep into me and I hardly had time to catch my breath as the third man slammed in. My ass was pretty open, and he could fuck me with great pace and rammed in deep. He must have touched something inside as my cock twitched and then spurted jets of seed over the tiled walls.

“Go Larry,” a voice shouted, “the little bitch just shot his load.”

Larry who was the guy in me let out a whoop of triumph and digging his fingers into my hips shot stream after stream of cum in me.

He more fell out than pulled out and the final guy slipped in with ease.

“Bit sloppy now,” he laughed but his cock was large enough to touch deeper places inside. He wasn’t George’s size but big enough to stimulate me and cause my cock to twitch and spurt a second load onto the floor.

When the final guy pulled out they stood there laughing as I remained in position letting the cum dribble out of my ravaged ass.

“We can have you any time we like,” one of them said in a menacing tone, “you are our bitch now.”

Despite the pain George’s advice about not showing them they are getting to you rang in my ears and I said, “Good and maybe next time there will be more of you.”

If they were shocked by my response they didn’t show it, but I was pretty certain it wasn’t what they were expecting. As they moved away I could hear them discussing how I came twice and maybe I was just a little slut after all.

I stood there in the showers after they had left, my ass throbbing from the brutal fucking they had just given me, a pearl of cum just escaping from the slit. As I felt the cum start to slide from my open ass, I knew that I should have hated the whole experience, but the reality was I came, not once but twice. I clearly was a natural bottom and knew that I would not just accept but relish this role.

Just as I was about to leave an older man with a kindly face tapped me on the shoulder. He didn’t speak just smiled and looked down at his own semi-hard cock with a hopeful smile on his face. Dropping to my knees I started to suck.


This time when the transfer to an open prison came through, I took it. The sex in the showers was mainly blow jobs as they had realised, I wasn’t going to protest and fuel their sick rape fantasies, instead I responded enthusiastically, and they lost interest in taking my ass. The blow jobs continued as my reputation had spread through the prison as having a very talented mouth and many wanted to try it out.

The new place to serve the last year of my sentence before parole was the other end of the spectrum from the maximum security, I had served the first four years. Cell doors were only locked at night and lights out wasn’t really enforced as every prisoner had a reading light. I guess there was sex going on but if it was, it was very discrete. I had lost a bit of interest as deep in my heart I still missed George.

We were free to wander the grounds with an ankle bracelet that stopped us straying too far, which sadly meant the local pub was just out of reach. I suppose someone could have bought me a drink as the beer garden was so close, I could hear them cheering the World Cup on the outdoor big screen. I say suppose as there wasn’t anyone to bring me anything.

My wife and children disowned me, my parents had passed before I was even sentenced, and I was an only child. Any friends I had from the Bank had run a mile rather than even acknowledge me. I guess George, my ex-cellmate was no doubt tucked up somewhere nice with his wife Marge, a name that left a bitter taste in my mouth.

I didn’t mind in many ways as it allowed me to devote myself to my new passion for cooking. Even the warden loved my baking and whatever ingredients I wanted were supplied as the standard of catering moved up a notch. Saturday night I would cook up a special and the ultimate in punishment would be for the guards to stop an inmate eating in the canteen on Saturdays. People would joke that soon people would be committing crimes to get into the prison just for a chance to eat at my table.

I could hear the noise in the pub garden as I wandered around the grounds, debating a new menu in my head as to whether the warden would allow it as it was a little but more expensive. As I turned the corner of the secluded path there was a glade and in the middle was a blanket. Sitting on it, with his back to me, was a naked man and I sopped in my tracks. I had seen that back with its galleon in full sail so many times I knew at once who it was.


He rolled over and looked at me. His face split in a smile and his cock seemed to twitch and wave hello. I had to restrain a laugh as between his teeth he held a rose in its stem and although he looked ridiculous at the same time it was the most beautiful thing I had ever seen.

I said nothing but quickly divested myself of my clothes until I joined him naked on the blanket. We still didn’t speak as I grasped his cock which was now fully erect and throbbing in my hand. He rolled me onto my back and propped himself on one arm, the other went under my ass. I felt his big digit press into my ass and as I went to groan, he kissed me hard. As his tongue searched in my mouth, he moved his finger quickly in and out making sure I was well lubed.

We broke our kiss for a moment, and he removed his finger as he climbed between my legs. I lifted my legs up until my ankle were on his shoulders and he positioned himself so his cock just touched my ass. I felt him press and as I breathed deeply he slipped inside slowly filling me with his wonderful cock. Both of us let out a sigh of pure pleasure and then our lips locked as he sank fully into me. He held his cock deep inside me taking my breath away as he stopped kissing and looked down at me.

“Missed me?” he said with a smile on his face.

“Hardly noticed you were gone,” I laughed, “but now fuck me until I can’t stand.”

“Your wish is my command,” he laughed and started to withdraw his cock before slowly reinserting it.

A thought flashed through my brain that this was all a dream, and I was going to wake in a minute still in my cell. Then George bottomed out inside and I knew from that glorious feeling of being filled that this was far too amazing to be a dream.

George started to fuck me with greater intensity, his strokes long and firm driving in and out of my ass. I couldn’t stop myself if I had wanted to, as my cock twitched and then let out a jet of seed that hit my upper chest. George saw the spurt, and this drove him to greater heights as he fucked my ass with a divine intensity. Finally, he could hold back no longer, with a mighty roar he pumped inside filling my ass with his cream. Collapsing onto me, still embedded inside, we both panted as we regained our breath, basking in the afterglow of a great sex session.

“OK what the fuck is going on?” I said when I had finally regained my thoughts. George explained that he had heard where I was and wanted to see me though wasn’t sure what my reaction would be.

“With the compensation for my wrongful conviction,” he laughed, “I had enough legal money to buy a small pub that I thought you and I could run together, me behind the bar and you cooking wonderful food.”

“What about Marge?” I said unable to not turn the knife.

“Marge and I sat down once I got out and had a big heart-to-heart. It turned out that she was as gay as I was and had been having an affair with the woman next door. We separated on very good terms with her buying me out of my half of the house so her girlfriend could move in. I realized that all my act about only being gay when in prison was a lie and it was you that I wanted to be with.”

My head was spinning as it all sank in, and I looked at his eager face as he went on, “You have a few months left on your sentence before you can apply for parole, so what do you think?”

“Let me think about it,” I said and could see the disappointment on his face that he was trying not to show but he acknowledged that he was asking a lot of me.

We hugged and parted with the last sight I had of him was him climbing into his boxers.


Six months later I stood outside the “Mary Rose” and paused for a moment. Five years ago I was a married man, I wouldn’t say it was a happy marriage, but I was married and straight all the same. Now five years later I was a gay ex-con and to be honest I couldn’t be happier. Walking through the door I fell in love with the old country pub in an instant and the smile on George’s face when he saw me lit up the room. Hugging me to his chest he squeezed me tight before planting a kiss squarely on my lips and then turned to the bar and said loudly, “Gentlemen, please meet Harry Adams, my partner and the new chef of the Mary Rose.”

edited by R F Fast

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