Vortex Quest Bk. 01 Ch. 08

A gay sex story: Vortex Quest Bk. 01 Ch. 08 == VORTEX QUEST 1-8 ==


With an audience numbering dozens, the pantheon stepped up to the edge.

Integrated into the railing just ahead of the Daemon, was a head-sized, cubic, deep red gem. Tadpole-like, black shades swirled within.

Champion Hrailoth touched the huge garnet and dark red energy crackled across the courtyard in the shape of a dome.

“I’ve turned off the force field,” Hrailoth said. “What are you waiting for?”

With a nod from each demigod, Chay jumped, black fog billowing around him.

They dropped elegantly into the bone pit and the demon lord closed the force field above them with another touch to the ‘psychaceous rubinite’, a red dome briefly sparking overhead.

Skulls and rusty chain links clanked under their naked feet.

“Oh and to make things a little more interesting…” Hrailoth said. “Open the cages.”

The ‘exit’ grates along the sides rattled.

The Wraith seemed to come to life.

“Take him out fast,” Chay shouted.

The Wraith waved some of its many arms at them while grabbing skulls off the ground with others. “Hunger shall plague you,” it hissed from lips within.

The curse did nothing but Chay was already focusing on the five Crocs that rushed them from all sides. The bulky animals of six to seven foot, with fangs the size of daggers, were too big for Chay to puppeteer but he could make one stumble so it tripped another.

“Xane,” Chay shouted. “Hit the Wraith then that one. Goro, that one. Marcus, on the Wraith.”

A butterfly zoomed into the whirling cluster of arms and exploded into a spherical rainbow. The blast launched the Wraith up. A dozen of its arms rained with smoldering or frozen stumps.

The second mote fluttered right into the biggest, most aggressive Croc’s mouth. A sound like glasses clanking and the creature’s head was iced. It spasmed into a wall as its frozen brain stem misfired.

The crowd above went wild with cheers and boos alike.

Marcus was upon the Wraith. They had more of a plan now. He kept pirouetting, bouncing off the ground over and over for extended floating-twirls. This made it impossible for the Wraith to get a hold of him. Meanwhile the chakram orbiting the Filipino demigod sliced anything in reach.

Goro met the second biggest Croc halfway, flying with his right arm drawn back. His fist rammed into the reptile beast’s chin with frenzy-power. When the Croc’s head was flung back, Goro used his momentum for a backflip and rammed his feet into the monster’s chest. He landed on his hands and pushed himself right of the ground into an arc that nearly grazed the invisible ceiling. His big feet landed right on the croc’s stomach and it convulsed with inner injuries.

The audience was in permanent uproar. Chay had half a mind to block their view just to make them shut up but they needed to prove themselves to Hrailoth.

Xane and Chay stood back to back. The thaum-mage could produce a fireball every few seconds, which was enough to keep the starved Crocs cornered.

One of the beasts was infected — or maybe cursed — pustules running along its scales. Another was a hybrid, strangely blue and toothless but with talons at every joint.

The umbralist’s musings were interrupted by a new danger.

“Watch out, Marcus,” Chay shouted.

The Wraith was down to less than half his arms but he had used the skulls to create noggins. The now floating skulls were filled with dripping clouds of acid or fire and there were already five of them.

Marcus levitated back to the group. His chakram slicing was now impeded by thick bone as two noggins bumped the weapon away from their master.

A cloud of darkness encircled the cornered Crocs, shaped into wobbling spikes. They hesitated to break through it, just like Chay had hoped.

Xane used a spare moment as the three monsters stopped trying to advance to summon a lightning bolt that dropped the infected one.

Goro leapt to the Wraith’s side and grabbed two flaming noggins. His hands and forearms got burned but he was fully mad, his mark’s wild designs wrapped around his left leg and glute, eyes dark, muscles rippling with raw power.

The berserker rammed the skulls together with a clap for a rain of sparks and bone shards, not reacting to his own burns. His fist came down on the Wraith’s metal shell but the creature evaded.

“Then,” it hissed, “be struck down by lust.”

Chay had hoped to take the Wraith out before they got cursed with sexual insanity again.

“Goro, get away.”

All four men’s hands went to their crotches, grabbing their aegises through the fundoshi. One by one their aegises were bared as the underwear dropped and the audience cried out as the divine radiance lit the courtyard.

Goro roared and grabbed an acid filled noggin. He ran at the hybrid-Croc and rammed the noggin past the toothless mouth into its throats. A kick to the esophagus broke the noggin inside the throat and the Croc convulsed to the ground.

The last living monster jumped in and bit the demigod in the shoulder.

Chay already had a finger up his hole. He could barely focus enough to make the biting Croc open its jaw.

The Wraith was holding onto Marcus who tried to stumble away but had both hands on his hole, fingers inside. His chakram was uncoordinatedly clanking on the metal top.

“F-fuck,” Chay said. He didn’t even know who to direct where. None of this friends would be able to listen and he could barely focus on anything but his wish to tear the aegis off and cum cum cum for days.

The last two noggin were closing in on him.

He opened his fan and shoved all the fog he had in their direction. Did they navigate by sight? He lacked the wherewithal to figure it out.

When he ran out of fog he kept drawing on his reserves, pumping more from his hand, tugging on something nebulous — something inside the ring.

Pie burst from Chay’s finger.

Chay groaned weakly. “H-hello there.”

The cat-snake dashed toward the Wraith in a zigzag, underneath the approaching noggins. The crowd went wild with this development but Chay could only stumble backward over bones in retreat, both hands back at his ass.

Xane stepped in front of him and pushed Chay to his knees. “Dude,” the mage said. “Lick me.”

“Uhhhh, huh?”

Xane pushed his sweaty, striated, glutes into Chay’s face. “Seriously,” he huffed breathless. “Pleasure me or we all die.”

Chay tried taking a finger out of his own hole to fuck Xane’s instead but they wouldn’t obey. He desperately needed two fingers from each hand hammering himself, no way around it.

The Thai college athlete laid his tongue on Xane’s ass and started lapping. He was deathly horny but he was still straight and there was only so much his fantasy could do to convince him this was a girl’s ass with the taste of men-sweat – though the hairlessness helped a lot.

“Hgng,” Xane made. “G-get the fuck *in*.”

It was do or die.

Chay rimmed into the hole, spasming with horror even as his mind was flooded with every sexual fantasy he’d ever had, desperate for *any* skin contact. He did *not* like it but… Rimming *any* cunt eased his condition by a tiny fraction.

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