The Human Bearer Ch. 04

A gay sex stories: The Human Bearer Ch. 04 Okay, so he was dressed head to toes in something that looked like a brown tunic. His hair was combed carefully, but the rebellious strands were still making a bit of a ruckus.

“I suggest wearing a cap, master Rio?”

“If it’s the same as the rest, I say pass. I’m going to look like a monk.”

Kyle remained silent.

“Don’t tell me I still look fuckable in this?” Riordan stretched his arms.

“By master Xana’s standards, you still look fuckable, master Rio,” the bot replied.

“Wow.” Riordan smiled. “If I put on that ugly ass cap, will I still look fuckable for Xana?”

“Yes,” came the prompt reply.

“Damn.” He grimaced. “What would take then? To make me unfuckable?”

“I suppose, but it is only a speculation, that the only way to do so would be by ceasing to be alive.”

Riordan stared at the bot. “Kyle, you have such a fucked up sense of humor.” He shook his head.

“I had no intention to make a joke, master Rio.”

“Then you’re just funny by accident.”

“By accident? Unintentionally?”

“Exactly,” Riordan confirmed. “Now take me to Tasha, so we can get this rolling.”


The shopping district had been modeled to accommodate human bearers mostly, so Riordan didn’t feel out of place. If it weren’t for the young Xenos using the fountains to bathe and frolic happily, it would have looked like any other mall on Earth.

“Hey, bearers,” some young Xeno threw in their direction.

“Don’t look,” Tasha warned and quickened his pace.

“Okay,” Riordan agreed.

For him, it seemed pretty stupid to act like damsels in distress over some catcalls. But Kyle was there, together with Tasha’s bot, and the words of caution spoken earlier were fresh in his mind.

A young Xeno slithered his way, blocking their path. He was almost as tall as Xana, and his platinum hair fell in a cascade on his naked shoulders. Riordan stared. So the Xeno was as good as naked. The scales of his bottom half were a light green, a tad different from what he had seen in his own master. The youth’s eyes were black, and Riordan felt a chill running down his spine. Xana was warm. This young Xeno was cold. When he smiled, he looked like a hyena. He was still beautiful, but his ugly nature was seeping through his façade.

The Xeno seemed interested more in Tasha, though.

“Hiding your pretty hair again?” the Xeno whispered seductively.

He removed Tasha’s cap and grabbed the redhead by the nape, pulling him forward.

“Hey, pal,” Riordan intervened. “How about you see about whatever it is you guys like doing and let us be? We may be bearers but we’re taken.”

The young Xeno seemed taken aback by Riordan’s audacity. He narrowed his eyes while staring at Riordan thoughtfully. “Who are you?”

Tasha freed himself from the Xeno’s grip with some difficulty.

“Let’s go,” Tasha told Riordan and they began walking.

Riordan threw a look behind, only to see Kyle and the other bot blocking the Xeno’s path.

“Tasha, know this,” the Xeno yelled. “The day you’re let go, I’ll be inside you so deep that you won’t be able to live without my seth!”

“Who’s the creep?” Riordan questioned.

Tasha was white as paper. “Some Xeno that doesn’t let me be.”

“That’s why you wanted company?”

“In a way, yes. Two guarding bots are better than one.”

“Tell Marn. Have this idiot eat dirt.”

“That would be pretty difficult. Seeing that he’s Marn’s son.”

“What? I thought you were the one to give your guy an heir.”

“Well, I don’t know exactly what Marn is thinking, but he wants another child, besides Xer.”

“That the asshole’s name?”

“Yes. For some reason, he has it bad for me, and there’s nothing I can do about it. I told Marn, and he just replied that Xer is doing what his age dictates.”

“And by that, he means he has no issues with his son being a total dick.”

“Pretty much, yeah.”

“Tell me again how awesome your guy is.” Riordan grabbed his friend’s arm.

“He’s better than most.” Tasha looked away. “Look, Riordan, on Earth, I was a nobody, okay? Nobody gave a damn about me. Here, at least, I feel like I have a purpose.”

Riordan was about to reply, when he realized they were surrounded by a posse of young Xenos. He tried to look behind and call for the guarding bots, but he was grabbed by a strong tail.

“This one’s old,” he heard his captor complaining.

He drew a long breath and focused. The sudden hit to the stomach took the Xeno by surprise and he dropped Riordan to the ground. He used the breather to try to break free. On his hands and knees, he managed to break the enclosure.

“Kyle!” he yelled. “Call Xana now!”

His bot reacted. Riordan could tell the Xeno was looking at him, and by his body posture, the guy was surprised. He didn’t have time to ponder more, as he was grabbed by his legs and turned upside down, the long garments entangling his body and suffocating him. He could tell there were at least several tails wrapping around his legs, pulling them apart. Soon, one of them was tearing away what qualified as his underwear, and he was certain his ass was now barred to the bunch of perverts.

“His body is nice,” he heard one of his attackers commenting.

“I cannot wait to fill his belly,” another said.

“The redhead’s not bad either,” a third said.

“He belongs to Xer. Touch him, but don’t put your seth in him, or Xer is going to have your tail.”

Riordan struggled. He was not going to get banged by some horny Xeno teenagers. Using his core strength, he moved and reached blindly for anything he could punch. The posse was not that good at dodging, because he heard a grunt.

“I’m going to destroy him,” the one who got hit yelled.

“Destroy who, child?” Suddenly a deep low voice interrupted the ruckus. “I think that’s my bearer you are talking about.”

Xana, baby, good timing, Riordan thought and grunted as he was dropped to the ground again.

“I know who you are, boys,” Xana said. “This will reach your parents’ ears.”

Something between a hiss and a boo was the immediate reaction.

“We have full rights. We’re of age,” one replied.

“Ah,” Xana replied. “Rights come with obligations. If I find my bearer with as little as a scratch on his body, you will have to compensate. What is your most important estate?”

“I don’t have any,” the youth spat.

“So your parents will have to pay instead. Child, don’t make the mistake to aggravate me.”

“Who are you calling a child, Xana? You’re barely two years older than us!”

The sound of something heavy and hard cut through the air. Riordan watched with unhidden satisfaction as the youth grabbed his cheek.

“Counselor Xana Lei for you, child. I’ll see that you, young ones, won’t be allowed to mingle with bearers so much. It is obvious your base nature fogs your minds. One day, provided that you’re worthy, you will have your own bearers. Then you will understand my pain today. Be gone. Your parents will be notified.”

To Riordan’s surprise, the rambunctious group scurried away without another word. He got up from the ground with a groan. Xana was wearing a long black tunic. And he looked damn fine and sexy in it.

“Good to see you.” Riordan smiled at him, but his smile froze when he noticed the deep frown on Xana’s face.

“Order your bot to take you home this instant,” Xana said sharply. “Tasha, I notified Marn. Go to your house.”

Riordan was on the point of saying something, but Xana was already moving away, and he was only left to stare at the guy’s disappearing tail.


“Kyle, what do you think got into Xana?” he asked the bot as they entered the house.

“That is out of my expertise, master Rio,” the bot supplied an answer right away. “I cannot read the master’s mind.”

“Can you read anyone else’s mind then?”

“I can only pick certain intensities. Such as strong emotions.”

“Hmm, not bad then.” Riordan shrugged, trying to hide his own discomfort at the thought that Xana was, somehow, mad at him.

He almost cried wolf as he entered the vast bedroom. Xana was no longer wearing his black tunic and the tip of his tail was nervously hitting the ground. At least he thought that was a sign of nervousness. Kyle, the traitor, made himself scarce.

“So, hmm, thanks for having my back there,” Riordan mumbled.

“I had to leave important things to intervene.” Xana’s voice vibrated through the air.

“Well, you can get back to them,” Riordan said, with a small shrug. “I’m sure I’m not going to leave the house anytime soon.”

“Someone else touched you,” Xana cut his words short.

“Well, it’s not like I invited them to do that.” Riordan frowned.

The air was still. Riordan could hear his own breathing. Xana’s eyes burned and he should have been prepared, but grunted anyway as the guy’s strong tail circled his midsection and brought him forcefully close to its owner. He kept his head high as he stared at his master.

“I don’t take such things well,” Xana said slowly.

“Ah, well, it’s your world. If rape is that common, why are you surprised?”

The tip of the tail shut him up, instantly feeding him seth. He mumbled and tried to push the thing away, but the instant response was pooling heat in his groin, and his eyes were just rolling in his head. The pleasure took over, and his sounds of protests soon turned into moans.

“No one but me is allowed to see you like this,” Xana began speaking, his voice strained.

Riordan coughed as the tip finally withdrew and seth poured freely down his chin and chest.

“I know you’re almost always in the mood, but can you like give me some hint beforehand?” he asked as he brushed his hand over his mouth.

“No. I own you.”

“Bastard,” Riordan murmured and expected a flick of the tail over his mouth, or at least a verbal reprimand.

He was just pushed on the floor and stretched wide, his clothes ripped from his body, leaving him naked, exposed, and vulnerable. There was no point in denying the bastard. Xana was doing a good job at pouring that slimy lubricant everyone loved so dearly down his ass crack.

“What did they say to you?” Xana hovered over him, his hands on Riordan’s chest, pinching his nipples to the point of pain.

“Nothing much. Only that they were going to rape my ass. Of course, not in these words,” he replied, talking with difficulty, as the hot appendix he now knew to be Xana’s sexual organ impaled him in one go, making his breath hitch in his chest.

“Their exact words, Riordan,” Xana demanded.

“Are you deaf? I don’t know. Something about filling my belly. You know, your usual Xeno perversions,” Riordan moaned and grunted and hissed out the words.

“I see.” Xana smiled and this time, he looked vengeful and strange.

He felt himself flooded. A sensation of bliss was growing inside him, as Xana moved in short bursts, hitting something there, deep down, over and over again. He could feel his lower abdomen expanding. It was so much, so fast. It was like he could not keep anything in, yet, he could feel it.

“Xana,” he called feebly, trying to ignore the strange, feel-good sensation, stretching, engulfing him, almost suffocating. “Too much,” he complained.

“No. I am the only one to fill you up.”

“You know you are. Do you really need to make me burst to prove that?”

Xana withdrew as quickly as he attacked him. Riordan moaned at the loss. His own cock was rod stiff and neglected. He rolled on one side and touched his lower belly.

A small horrified sound was all he could muster. The bot wheeled into the room, probably called telepathically by Xana.

His owner grabbed him and made him stay upright. There was confusion written all over him, yet Xana didn’t seem to care. It took Riordan a little while to realize what was going on.

Xana embraced him from behind and cradled his belly in his hands, towering over him. He could not do a damn thing, his legs wobbly and his throat parched. When the screen flicked, Riordan closed his eyes.

“Just to be clear, young men,” Xana said slowly. “This bearer belongs to me. I am the only one allowed to touch him. And, if any of you touches a hair on his head, I will use all my power and my influence to destroy you.”

There were some murmurs from the other side of the screen. Riordan kept his eyes shut.

“I will need a confirmation,” Xana’s grave voice.

“Counselor Lei, we can assure you that our sons will learn to behave from here on out,” a voice replied. “Congratulations on finding a bearer to your liking. Be it that his womb will carry your egg and deliver your heir without any problems,” the same guy continued.

“Thank you. I will, however, bring to everyone’s attention at the next congress that our youths need more control. Their rights to frequent the shopping district for bearers is suspended for now.”

“Don’t you think that’s a bit rash, Counselor?” the voice now expressed consternation. “They need to be used to bearers and their physical appearance.”

“There are plenty of brothels where they can enjoy the company of humans,” Xana cut the other short. “Bearers are precious and I should not feel forced to repeat this. All these young men want is to engage in sexual acts for gratification only. Bearers have the noble mission of carrying our eggs. Don’t belittle them. I do trust that even if you already have an heir, lord Eria, you do understand the gravity of the situation. Your son,” he emphasized the words, “should learn proper decorum.”

“You know there’s an instigator,” the other Xeno protested.

“I know everything. The Head Chancellor will be promptly informed about his son’s shenanigans.”

The connection was cut. Riordan was still feeling like standing up without Xana’s help would have been a trial of strength. But he opened his eyes.

“What the fuck, Xana? You show my naked ass to that bunch of perverts on your own accord?”

“I never showed them your ass. I showed them your filled belly.”

“That’s worse,” Riordan commented. “What are you going to do next time? Invite them to rape my sorry ass?”

“They have been properly warned. They won’t try a thing like this again.”

“Not them, but others will. There will always be others, right? Plus, it’s a big ass planet. I suppose there are many other Xenos.”

“Yes, they are. But I am powerful here, on this planet. My word is law.”

“Whatever, I’m not leaving the house until I deliver your frigging egg. Then I expect you to pack me up and send me back to Earth.”

The hands keeping his belly tensed, making him wince.

“You are not to return to Earth,” Xana said sternly.

“Yeah, I’m addicted to your filthy slime. Kyle told me.”

“Who’s Kyle?” Xana asked, his voice growing colder.

“The bot. My guardian angel,” Riordan spat. “I had to call him somehow.”


“Yeah. He has more consideration for my wellbeing than you and your fellow Xenos combined. He’s pretty much human like that.”

“It’s programed like that.” Xana relaxed and chuckled softly. “If I program it to give you a good spanking every day, same hour, you’ll change your mind about its humanity.”

“I bet he’d be apologetic about it. And I’d still know you’re the asshole that gave the order.”

“You’re such an out of the ordinary human, Riordan.” Xana laughed.

“Do you still need me present, master Xana? Master Rio went through a lot today. I advise rest,” the bot suddenly began talking.

Xana seemed a bit taken aback. Despite having a belly on the point of bursting, Riordan didn’t miss the opportunity to pull his owner’s leg a little.

“See? Kyle is my homeboy,” he said cheerfully.

“You definitely have influenced his programming.” Xana quirked an eyebrow. “Master Rio? You told him to call you that?”

“I would have preferred him to call me just Rio, but he said he could not drop the master stuff.”

“Rio,” Xana said, nonplussed. “You haven’t told me you prefer to be called Rio.”

“Why would I?” Riordan retorted and the hands on his belly squeezed again. “Aren’t we like all formal and stuff?”

Xana suddenly began licking his ear. Riordan tried to move his head away from the assault, but soon, he was panting with desire again.

“Rio,” Xana cooed in his ear.

“Xana, c’mon, not in front of Kyle.” Riordan sought a way out.

“Kyle, you heard Rio,” Xana dismissed the bot. “Don’t disturb us unless it’s something important.”

“Yes, master Xana.” The bot wheeled away.

“See?” Xana turned his attention back to his precious charge.

“Don’t fuck me again, please. I’m already full and you paraded me to those creeps. Can I please just rest?”

“When you look like this, you’re irresistible.” Xana’s voice began seeping into his conscience again. “It is unfair to deny me just what I desire most. To have you like this, panting in my arms, while I fill you over and over again. This is how you will look when the egg will mature and you will be ready to deliver.”

“Do you Xenos always want to fuck your bearers at the most inappropriate times? Do you fuck even during birth?”

“No, that would be impractical. But we use the seth we have to make the passing of the egg as bearable as possible. Now, my beloved Rio, stop dallying. I need you stretched and on your back so I can enjoy your beautiful belly.”

It was not like he could choose otherwise anyway. He was placed on his back, with more gentleness than he thought the Xeno capable of, and his knees were pushed apart, allowing Xana to come between his legs once more.

Like before, the Xeno moved gently, making the pleasure soaring increment by small increment at a pace that was both dull and sharp at the same time. He began breathing faster, soft moans leaving his lips again and again, until he cried out for real. It was like climax was coaxed out of him, with infinite care. As he came, he imagined that his balls were simply turning inside out. His release was deep and wide and lasted. The moment Xana withdrew, he no longer knew if he had to be grateful or feel bereft.

The way Xenos had sex was abnormal. And no, not because they were half snakes and they used their tails as sex organs, or could go at it for much longer than humans. But because they somehow reached inside the soul of the one taken. If Riordan didn’t know any better, he would have said he felt depressed for a few minutes after Xana was done with him. And it was such an intense sensation, like he was suddenly all alone and he needed something that was beyond his reach.

There was no use in dwelling on stupid thoughts and sensations. He just closed his eyes. There was a sudden jolt coursing through his body, when Xana gently grabbed him in his arms and placed him on the large bed, if he could say, seeing that almost any surface in the room could count as a bed.

“Will my belly go back to normal?” he mumbled, burying his head in the crook of Xana’s shoulder and feeling his sensation of loneliness dying down.

“Of course it will.”

“Even after I give birth to your child?”

“Yes. You’ll be just as beautiful. Now, that we are both satiated, tell me everything that happened today. No lies, or I will be able to tell.”

Riordan sighed.

“I went shopping with Tasha. Did you know that Marn’s son has the hots for Tasha?”

“The hots? Ah, you mean sexual interest. It will be something to see who is going to win the race for that carrying pouch.” Xana shrugged.

“Wait, you know? And your friend, Marn, what does he say?”

“He’s different from me.”

“Go on.” Riordan felt his curiosity piqued. “In what way?”

“He doesn’t feel as possessive towards Tasha as I feel towards you. I don’t pretend to understand everything that happens under that roof, but even I am a bit taken aback with Marn’s attitude towards his bearer.”

“Stop beating around the bush, Xana. What’s going on there? I was just chilling with Tasha and this young dude comes out of the blue and hits on him. And Tasha doesn’t like him. He’s smitten with your friend, though.”

“Marn is not at all interested in having a connection with his bearer besides what’s formally accepted. Tasha is a bit too affectionate for his role. Marn likes to see his son competitive, on top, all the time.”

“Even if that means that his son wants to mount his bearer?” Riordan asked.

“Yes. And Tasha knows it well. Marn was quite clear when he told him that if Xer manages to bed him, Tasha will be the only one responsible.”

“Your friend is a total ass,” Riordan said through his teeth. “It’s not like we, humans, can stand the slightest chance against you. It’s easy for this Xer dude to just overpower Tasha and fuck him into the mattress.”

“Well, he just needs to be clever and stand out of Xer’s way. The young man is still busy with his studies and trying to control his own lot of hotheads. He’s work in progress.”

“Something’s terribly fishy here,” Riordan murmured. “Why is Marn postponing having another child? Is he afraid his first son is going to have something against it?”

“Of course Xer cannot agree to this. Firstborn sons are always promoted, always given the best positions, but still, having a sibling is not always easy. A parent’s love will have to be split, and, until Xer is not declared an adult, he is dependent on his father.”

“Could it be that Marn just waits for Xer to be old enough to leave his home so he can put his egg inside Tasha?”

“Smart,” Xana cooed and licked his bearer’s cheek.

“But Tasha is afraid he will be cast aside before that happens.”

“It is not in his power to do a thing about that.”

“What if, hypothetically, Xer managed to put his egg inside Tasha?”

That seemed to give Xana pause. Riordan could swear the guy’s grey cell powered wheels were starting to turn.

“That would make the whole household situation a bit peculiar,” he finally said.

“Marn will be grandfather – is this how you call yourself around here when your offspring has kids? So he should be happy,” Riordan began making his own analysis. “On the other hand, that means he prepped a bearer for his son, not for himself. Wait, since Marn and Xer are relatives, do they share the same DNA?”

Xana smiled. “And I thought you were just handsome,” he commented. “Pretty clever. But why would Marn do that?”

“You tell me. You’re his friend,” Riordan retorted, hoping his thrill upon hearing the compliment was not making his voice sound funny.

“Marn has a bloodline. He’s obsessed with it, hence his need for a second heir.”

“Aren’t you all?”

“Xenos of status and power rarely have more than one child. It reduces the thirst for power. Anyone can climb the ranks, but it is no secret that the offspring of those already on top are preferred.”

“So, what’s the deal? Tasha is really attached to his asshole owner.”

The sneaky tail poking at his ball sac made him wince.

“Do you still have something left in you?” Xana made fun of him. “Marn is my friend and the most important Xeno on the planet. You would do well not to speak like that. You almost make me want to punish you.”

“By fucking me? That’s hardly punishment.” Riordan felt brave enough to speak, but he trembled as the tail wrapped slowly around his sex.

“I like it how open you are to sex now. I thought you were completely against it,” the alien said softly, making Riordan’s eyelids a bit heavy.

“You’re just pushing that thing of yours inside me, day after day. What do you expect? I’m addicted to your dick, or your tail, or whatever. Actually, your damn slime. What’s in that stuff anyway?”

“Endorphins, other hormones, sucrose, and a few other compounds that are not common on Earth.”

“Better than crack,” Riordan murmured. “I’m a practical man. What I wanted to talk to you about was my career choice after I’m done here.”

“Done?” Xana frowned.

“Yeah. I mean, once I deliver the egg, you have no more use for me, right?”

“Who told you that?” Xana asked sharply.

“I asked Kyle all the info. He says that human bearers get jobs once they finish with their task.”

“He did, didn’t he?” Xana murmured.

“Hey, what’s with you?” Riordan nudged him in the ribs. “Don’t tell me you’re crushing on me now?”

“Am I crushing you?” Xana moved a little away, but brought Riordan closer into his arms, in an almost tender gesture.

“No, I meant something else. You’re not falling in love, right? What I mean it’s just a joke, and now you ruined it,” Riordan said with a bit of exasperation.

“The concept of love is Earthian,” Xana replied.

“Wait, aren’t you loving your kids? It’s for them that you conquer planets and find bearers, right?”

“That’s just biological determinism, nothing more.”

“Really? You’re telling me that you won’t care what happens to your little one once he or she leaves the egg?”

“Of course I will.”

“Well, that’s love.” Riordan shrugged.

“It’s preservation of the species.”

“Whatever, I’m not going to fight with you over this. Let’s talk about what I am going to do since your slimy stuff forces me to remain here, dependent on it.”

“I don’t want to talk about it.”

Suddenly, Xana seemed like a petulant child. Riordan wondered how old his master was.

“How old are you, Xana?”

“You cannot compare human years to ours. It’s different.”

“How old are you compared to me?” Riordan insisted.

“Ah, for the sake of comparison, in human years, I would be 19.”

“Shit,” Riordan mumbled. “You’re 10 years my junior and you’re fucking my brains out. I thought you were quite majestic today when you slapped the shit out of that fucker. I thought you were older than that, like at least 25 or something.”

“We age differently. We have short childhoods. The so called teenage years are difficult because of all the hormones that develop fast. It is what gives us strength so being sexually aroused for almost all our waking hours for a few years is not that big a price. At least, now that we have so many humans to enjoy, taking the edge off of things is more bearable.”

“Wait, so why were those dudes today so pent up? Why don’t they go to some brothel to get their rocks off?”

“Bearers have a more specific charm. These Xenos, young and wild as they are, start feeling the need to have an egg implanted, even before they even have one in the making. For them, getting involved with a bearer is also a badge of honor.”

“No shit,” Riordan said wryly. “And how is gang-raping a bearer seen? Another badge of honor?”

Xana’s tail coiled tighter around his legs. It was so easy to forget what an amazing force the alien carried.

“Those were just incidents.”

“Were? Today I almost got myself impaled on countless sticks and tails,” he replied, his voice void of humor. “What were you going to do if you were to find me gagging on those bastards’ cum and slime? Were you going to send me to the brothel, so I could be gang-raped in an organized fashion, at least?”

Xana shut him up with a kiss. It was not like usual. This time, Xana was forceful, hard, making his jaw hurt, pushing his tongue deep. Riordan pushed away to breathe.

“What is it, Xana? I’m a grownup, by Earth standards, at least. Tell it straight to my face. Tell me how my future will be nothing but me servings as a mouth and an ass for countless horny Xenos. Tell me how you were going to send me away the moment you saw me fucked by those douchebags.”

“No,” Xana said curtly. “I would have taken you home, bathed you and taken care of you. But, before that, I was going to make sure all those douchebags as you call them were sent away. Somewhere they could not come back from,” he added, his eyes growing gradually dark.

Riordan wanted the tension to go away. It was creeping him out.

“Fuck, you’re such a gangster.” He laughed. “Good to know you were still going to pound my ass even after being made a cum dumpster. Oh, sorry, a slime dumpster.”

“You’re taking things too lightly,” the Xeno complained.

“Not much else to do,” Riordan shrugged. “Look, I think I want a clerk position, not one for whoring. I think sex with you will last me a lifetime.”

“You’re that much in a hurry to leave my side?”

Riordan stopped and looked at Xana, trying hard to read anything on that alabaster face.

“Do you mind me saying that you’re a bit spooky? You talk like a jealous boyfriend.”

“Do I?” Xana’s smile was strange. “We Xenos do not experience such emotions. We are governed by clear, strong ones. Nothing as wilting as whatever you call love.”

“Alright.” Riordan sighed. “You’ll fuck your fill. Eventually. Hopefully before I get into labor, because I have no idea what to do with a horny dog like you then.”

Xana buried his head into Riordan’s shoulder. It didn’t take him long to begin licking Riordan’s skin.

“Fucking horny dog.” Riordan sighed, mesmerized with the Xeno’s staying power. “How many humans have you fucked, Xana?”

“Hmm, a bit over 100 individuals,” came the prompt reply.

“Wow,” Riordan murmured. “And why did you pick me? I bet that, after fucking 100 beauties, you knew how to tell apart a diamond from a dull stone.”

“You’re different.” Xana stopped his relentless licking. “There are so few people dark like you here. Humans have this strange idea that we only like individuals that look as close to us as possible.”

“And it’s not true?”

“I think we were a bit misled. The humans sent to negotiate with us were all faired skinned. We assumed the entire planet was like that.”

“We are very different. We have different colors, some people are tall, others are redheads like Tasha, and even the skin…”

“Don’t worry. We’re getting a hold of it.” Xana laughed. “I chose you because you were different. Also, because of your age.”

“Really? You prefer older dudes then?”

The alien licked lazily across his collarbone.

“I prefer you. You’re stronger than others. That makes it more likely that my egg will reach maturity.”

“I love it when you say sweet things like these.” Riordan snickered. “So I have a pair of sturdy hips and I’m old. Do I live up to expectations or I’m a terrible disappointment?”

“Actually, I cannot get enough of you,” the snakelike creature cooed into his ear. “It might have been a whim to pick a different bearer than the rest. But Marn got Tasha also because of his strange hair color. And I know on good authority that he misses no chance to pump that bearer’s belly full with seth and semen. I think they’re already compatible for a while now. So Marn may be in it for the pleasure. He is often asked to lend Tasha. Not that is a common practice, but some Xenos don’t mind getting favors in return of lending their bearers to others. Since they can count on perfect matches with them, they have nothing to worry about.”

“Or maybe they like being cuckolded.” Riordan shrugged.

“What?” Xana’s eyes grew wide. “What does the term mean?”

“I’ll tell you another time. Seeing that you’re so young, it’s unhealthy to keep it in like this. Let’s just fuck and talk another time.”

It was not like Xana needed more incentive. Riordan’s hands wrapped around the Xeno’s neck and he pulled his owner in for a kiss. It was amazing to feel the alien’s warmth. He still thought he was having the strangest dream possible, and he was bound to wake up anytime.


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