Not Another Pizza Delivery Story

A gay sex stories: Not Another Pizza Delivery Story I’ve shared this story many years ago with some friends, with different characters, different setting, etc. If you recognise this…well, there you are. Otherwise, if you like bears, and you like stupid porn cliches, this is the story for you. Maybe.

Not another pizza delivery story!


Stephen Bustamante (9:43): bro do you need me to come get you still

Riley Bustamante (9:47): Yeah probably. Party’s starting to drag.

I’ll still hang out here for a bit though

I’ll text you at 11?

Stephen (9:55): ok I won’t start watching without you then

don’t get too fucked up

Riley (9:59): Sure…see you back in a bit, kuya.

Stephen (11:30): dude it’s way past 11 am I getting you or nah?

Riley (11:49): kya you wont believe

macknzie litlerlaly just hirrd some sttirpeers

Stephen (11:50): RILEY you’re hammered

man just crash there tonight don’t try to come home

the main guy fuckin dies by the way fucker


Stephen swiped away from his message with his brother Riley, who, despite the expectations of the known world, had let him down. His little brother, who didn’t even drink orange juice when they had parties at their place, but when he went to parties with his friends, he could stay for the strippers. Great. It was the first time he’d broken their tradition of catching new season premieres for their favourite shows.

He peeled himself off the couch and slunk over to the kitchen, his hunger only amplified by his annoyance. If there was one thing he could count on–definitely wasn’t his drunk little brother–it was the nearby pizza joint, named King’s Famous Pizza, the menu for which he grabbed off the bulletin board just above the table. He dialled the number, printed on the front flap in 32-point Comic Sans.

Famous to who? The neighbourhood? Stephen was feeling just a bit petty.

“King’s Famous Pizza, how can I help you?” answered the voice that picked up the phone. His voice was so deep, it was almost indecipherable amongst the din that was going on in the background. Stephen noted his intriguing accent. Iranian?

“Hello. Can I place an order for delivery?” Stephen idly rubbed his soft, round belly through his shirt.

“Uh…brother, I don’t know what to say, we’re closing delivery in ten….” Before the man on the other end could finish that thought, Stephen heard another voice yelling in his direction. “Okay, okay, sorry boss,” mumbled the guy who picked up. “Yes, del–delivery is fine. What can I get for you?”

He smiled to himself, despite it all. “Yeah, I’ll have a small meat-lover,” he replied; “with the stuffed crust. And a bottle of Coke, please.” The other guy muttered the same words back as he jotted the note down.

“Small…meat lover’s. Okay. And Coke. Okay. And your address?”

“1257 Meadowhall Drive. Unit 301. It’s an apartment and the buzz number is 998. My phone number is 214…yeah, 4–7653.”

“Okay, brother. It’ll be there in 20 minutes. Is that gonna be cash or debit?” Stephen replied with the former option. “Okay, brother. I’ll see you there.”

When he hung up, he noticed that he had a text from Riley but he chose not to acknowledge it. It was probably misspelled and about the apparent strippers at the party he was at. Knowing him, someone probably spilled beer on their shirt and took it off, and Riley thought they got paid to do it. He was a dumbass. He strode back to the living room, where a brown corduroy couch that had his body’s wide shape grooved into it was waiting for him.

He nodded off for a second, which stretched into twenty minutes. His right hand had found its way into his underwear, and more out of boredom than anything, he started fondling his soft cock. He grew to his engorged length of five inches, nested softly in his wiry black pubic hair. It wasn’t terribly impressive to most guys, but he knew where his strengths lay. His thick flabby ass and pink hole was his siren’s song. It helped that he was a consummate bottom.

From his open window, the sound of a motor roused him alert; it closed in on his apartment complex, and then stopped. His phone rang, no doubt his delivery driver pinging him to greet him at the door. Timing, he sighed, and stood up. When he went to the lobby three flights down, he was surprised to see that it was the same delivery guy he’d gotten when he’d gotten pizza two weeks ago.

He wouldn’t deny that he was secretly hoping for something like this to happen.

He’s fucking hot, Stephen thought; a brown-skinned, maybe Middle Eastern guy that couldn’t have been much older than himself. Broad shoulders that hung his too-wide-too-big-too-tall frame. An attractively taut paunch. Thick nipples that poked through his shirt. A wide mouth for his serious face. The uniform he had on struggled to keep him all under wraps. And hair, hair everywhere.

“Hey,” Stephen greeted his driver, trying his best not to gawp at him.

“Hello, brother,” came the reply, in a voice so deep it touched the cheap tile flooring in the vestibule. The same guy that had answered the phone! “Got your order from King’s. Small pizza and Coke?”

“Yep, that’s me, thanks.”

“Alright, sir. That will be $18.55.”

Stephen fumbled in his pocket, sighing at himself. “Shit, I…I left my wallet in my unit, it’s upstairs….” The delivery guy titled his head. “Do you mind? You can come in if you want to….”

“Well…alright, then,” was the reply; Stephen had to make way for him to come in. He noticed he smelled like soap, the outside, and the grease-tile joint that he knew Campus Pizza was. “Thankfully, this is the last delivery of the night.” He smiled down at his customer, dimples cleaving his cheeks when he smiled. Bright white teeth poked through the image of his thick black beard.

Stephen closed the door behind him, and led the driver to the elevator. “Sorry,” he apologised; “just one really small elevator in here.

“It’s no problem, brother,” the taller man said, nodding in his direction. “I mean, I’m not doing anything after this.” In response he got a short chuckle; a deep thrum in his chest that he could almost touch, given how cramped the elevator had become. It already could barely hold one fat guy, but two? The delivery guy stood close behind as they ascended. From behind him, Stephen heard an exhale.

Three floors up, and they got to 301. Stephen admitted his driver into the apartment he shared with his brother, where the sound of their season premiere was still going. The delivery guy’s eyes fell on the screen as Stephen went in before him, headed for the kitchen where he’d left his wallet earlier.

“You watch this show?” his guest mused aloud, hefting the insulated bag.

“Yeah.” He came back out of the kitchen, wallet in hand. “Me and my brother were supposed to catch this premiere together.”

The delivery guy pursed his lips as he stole another cursory look at the screen. “I don’t understand it,” was all he said. “There are zombies, but everyone is sad about it.” Stephen laughed at his candidness. He pulled his twenty out by the corner that stuck out of the pocket, and had just enough of a grip on it before it slipped out of his grip and fluttered to the floor. He let out a grumble, resigned to reaching down for it.

“Shit,” he muttered, fishing around the floor in the unlit front landing for his lost bill. A momentary glimmer told him it was right between the delivery guy’s feet. You are fully kidding me, he muttered to himself. As he reached over, he glanced up, noticing the twitching bulge in his green shorts. He’s hard right now! He had seen enough porn to know just how this was supposed to go down.

“It’s alright, brother,” his guest replied, not making any motion to cover himself. Apparently, this delivery guy had seen the same porn. What a fucking in, Stephen thought; thank you, whoever’s looking out for me up there.

He stood back up, his bill in hand and the upturned crook of a smirk in his lips. “Uhh…you’re rock hard.” It wasn’t much of a question. Another deep-dimpled smile from his guest, and a spread of hands.

“Sorry about that, brother,” the delivery guy replied. “I’m ahh…how do I say this nicely. I’m just really quite horny.” Images of this behemoth of a man peeling himself out of his too-tight clothes, revealing the mat of black fur that Stephen knew lined his body…he needed to see it for himself.

He came closer to this giant man. “So…why are you hard right now?” He angled his body, putting a hand on the wall closest to where the delivery guy’s hand was loosely hanging from.

“Are you kidding me?” was the response. “You are…well, you are very attractive, my friend.”

Stephen laughed, despite himself. “Thank you, man. I think…I think you’re really hot too.” He reached out with his pinky, prodding at his guest’s hand. In return, he reached down and around, landing on the small of Stephen’s back. “Listen…my brother won’t be back for a while…come with me. Please?”

“Oh, yeah,” he exhaled, deep and throaty. The delivery guy moved in closer; Stephen smelled the cool familiarity of spearmint bubble gum mixed with weed. They closed the gap between them, bulge meeting bulge; Stephen involuntarily ground into him. He threw his wallet back on the table and gripped the nape of his guest’s neck.

Stephen could hardly believe what he was feeling when, under his fingers, he felt the body of a man who was solid and thick under his deceptively soft silhouette. Round but firm valleys defined the landscape of his body, and a pert, thick ass to tie it all together. Immediately, the delivery guy went right for his host’s goods in the rear, kneading the plump mounds under his fingers. He hefted his cheeks like produce in his broad, thickly-fingered hands. Stephen groaned in affirmation and urged him to keep exploring.

“The moment you turned around, and I saw that ass…” the delivery guy mumbled into Stephen’s ear in irregular breaths; “All my prayers, answered.”

“Yeah?” came the reply; an aggressive, breathy growl. “You can have it, big guy.” And of course, the delivery guy complied. They stumbled backwards into a lightless hallway, and eventually into Stephen’s bedroom. He could see the TV still going, a stray shaft of blue in the black hall, but that didn’t register, as the delivery guy had flipped Stephen’s shorter frame over, his inspection of his host’s heavily fat ass not anywhere near finished.

From above, Stephen could hear ‘fuck’ being repeated again and again; moans eased out of his lips as his guest’s gentle massaging of his buns caused fire to spread throughout his lower half. Without realizing it, he supported himself with his knees and pushed up, grinding his ass even closer to his guest’s face.

“Oh yeah,” he heard from above; “I’m gonna take your underwear off and eat that ass, alright?”

“Do it,” the smaller of the two demanded, pushing his ass closer. First he felt his sweatpants sliding, the flannel fabric dragging down his cheeks feeling like a hundred feathers. Next came his boxers, and then, a coo of approval from tonight’s impromptu company. He shuddered in anticipation of the sensation he was about to get.

The delivery guy put two cool fingers against his hole and gently, ever so gently prodded. He rubbed in a circular motion: the feeling was a gentle twinge that he could spend forever experiencing. But he would trade it all for the feeling that followed: a hot swipe against his exposed hole, and the tingling that demanded to be noticed.

“Oh my god,” Stephen murmured, his voice climbing up his register. His guest was aggressive, insistent, but attentive, licking at him and sending waves of pleasure coursing through his body. Next, he felt his bottoms being pulled down further, and his guest reaching between his thighs and taking a hold of his short, heavy dick. Immediately, he slicked up, being milked. The delivery guy’s gentle vertical motion was driving him insane. He was dripping more than he normally did when just jacked off.

“You taste so, so good,” the delivery guy mumbled from where he was, licking from the tip of Stephen’s cock to his hole. His host groaned and gripped the sheets underneath them both; meanwhile, he had managed to undo his belt and let himself free. When Stephen turned to look curiously at his cock, his eyes nearly boggled out of his head. Six, maybe seven inches of dark, fuzzy cock that was half as thick as a wrist flopped out of those shorts and hit his foot with a heavy thud. What a fucking sight.

Delivery guy continued his attack on Stephen’s ass, framing his face between those pert cheeks, soft as cake bread. Easy, aroused moans dripped into the air, and clothes kept getting pulled off until eventually, the two of them were sweat-sheen naked. He explored Stephen’s soft body with his eyes when he flipped him back over; his pink-headed dick reached right up to his pubic mound, where his leaking precum pooled in the rolls underneath his belly. He inhaled deeply.

Stephen stared up at this towering man, his eyes lost in the darkness and a haze that clouded them, and made his cheeks burn rose. “Sit on my chest,” he told him as he stroked his guest’s furry thighs; a move that made the huge man sigh, and his thighs quake. “I wanna suck your cock.” And he complied, scooting up and up his body until the red tip crowning his brown shaft could touch the man’s sable-coloured lips.

The delivery guy threw his head back and groaned as he felt the first tentative lick on his cock head, then Stephen’s lips fully closing around the first two inches or so. His mouth was hot as the rest of him, hot as the air their combined body heat affected.

“Fuck my face,” Stephen mumbled in between thrusts, letting go only for air. And he obliged, leaning forward somewhat and anchoring himself on the headboard as he levered his heavy body over the smaller man. The bed squeaked its violent protest. At this awkward position, Stephen could only fit half of his cock in his mouth, and accepted that much with the delivery guy’s deliberately measured in-and-out motions.

“This is so amazing,” he groaned, his dick twitching in the receiving mouth. “This is fucking amazing, I don’t want to cum yet.” Yet his host only pushed his head up more, taking more of that shaft down his hot, willing throat. He held it there for a few seconds, rolling the thickness of it on his tongue. He groaned, the encroaching feeling of orgasm threatening to bowl him over.

“It’s okay if you cum,” was the reply, finally, punctuated by a lingering lick from the base of his shaft to his crown. He jacked him off; the air filled with that telltale slap! noise. The larger man shuddered, a motion that ground his knees into the mattress below him. “I want you to cum in my mouth,” Stephen continued, still milking him. “I want your cum. Please. Please…”

“You’re so fucking cute,” delivery guy groaned, grabbing his dick by the base and tapping it on his host’s plump red lips. “You want me to shoot in your fucking mouth?” Stephen replied with a long lick on the underside of his guest’s dick. “Fuck yeah. I’m gonna shoot in your fucking mouth.”

Cock already slick with saliva and precum that kept on flowing, the delivery guy dropped all his notions of slowness, and furiously beat his dick in his host’s face. Stephen pushed himself up, his battered mouth wide open and ready to receive. His tongue darted out, lapping at the head of his guest’s dick, which elicited a groan out of him.

The larger man’s “here it is” was pressed between his control and his orgasm, and when he came, he shot hard. Three good white-hot ropes of cum jetted out of his dick, and made streaks across his host’s face and headboard. The aftershock of three weaker pumps all caught in the smaller man’s mouth, and he closed his lips around the shaft that twitched with his fading, but still-going orgasm. Eventually, he eased up enough to slide back down his host’s soft, dusky brown body, and lie beside him.

Stephen was using his discarded shirt to wipe at his face when the big delivery guy reached over to assist. When he could open his eyes, he realized how actually dark it was; stretching his arm out, he turned on his lamp. His guest reeled; the sudden light was a flash in both their eyes.

“Ah, sorry.” Stephen put a hand on the other man’s forearm. “Should’ve warned you.”

“It’s alright,” was the reply. He settled with keeping his eyes shut for the time being, but a smile rested on his face and poked long dimples into his cheeks. Stephen took the sight of him in. Maybe it was the post-orgasm come-down, but he found the bigger man…cute, resting like this.

He took stock of the whorls of hair on his arms, his chest. The couple of tattoos he had; some faded, some still strongly black as if he’d gotten them within the year. He looked tough. He fucked tough, too. Stephen reached over to stroke his chest…and thought better of it at the last second.

Eventually, after moments of lying there with only ambient noise to fill the silence, the delivery guy could open his eyes. He looked up at his host, whose eyes were trained on his, and a smile to accompany them. A somewhat awkward one; nobody ever quite knew what to do after an encounter you only see in porn.

“That was really hot,” Stephen finally said, tentatively reaching over and tracing a line down his guest’s chest. “You’re really fun to do it with.”

“Thanks brother, you are too.” In his deeply-dimpled smile was sincerity. “Are you–I mean, you have to, I gotta go, right?” The question was clear on the larger man’s face, making him wide-eyed. Despite himself, a flutter rose in Stephen’s chest.

“I…I mean, I’d like it if you stayed for a bit,” he admitted; “since you were done and you weren’t busy, I mean….” A smile touched his round cheeks. “I thought we could fool around some more.”

The pizza delivery guy propped himself up on an elbow, and leaned down. Again, they met halfway, a more chaste kiss amongst their shared nudity. “Fuck, yeah,” he replied. “Fuck yeah. Do you mind if I use the bathroom, though?”

“Not at all.” Stephen pulled himself back up and was vertical, but the room swam around him, colours and heat all stirring. In a flash, his guest was already reaching for his clothes. In a moment, he had put them back on, and it seemed as if nothing had happened, save for his short hair looked tossed and pulled at.

The taller man turned, the valleys on either side of his smile shaded in by the shadows the bedside light created. “Be right back,” he told him, with honesty in his tone, before he turned on his heel and was back out in the hallway. As Stephen watched him go, he lay back down in bed. This night is not even close to being done, he mused to nobody but his messed-up sheets.

In the lamplight, Stephen could finally fish around for his clothes. His bed and immediate surroundings were a mess, but everything else was in order; all his books were on their shelves and his desk looked neat enough to have people see it. Although he wasn’t sure how much his guest cared about how his room looked.

He reached down and slipped his underwear back on, and after a second’s thought, he left his flannel bottoms on the floor. And after another second’s thought, he looked around in the bottom drawer of his dresser where, yes, he still had those condoms he’d taken from the pop-in men’s health clinic that pulled into his area every once in a while. Ambitiously, he had grabbed a roll of about twelve. And his gambit paid off; he was down to four now.

He took a couple off, and a bottle of lube. Turning off his lamp, he headed back out into the living room, where the TV was still on, and he changed the channel, dreadfully tired of the show he’d been on earlier. In between the sounds of channel surfing, he heard the downstairs front door open and close, and heavy footfalls start to come up the stairs. He smiled to himself, leaving his materials on the coffee table and watching the doorway.

The delivery guy came back in, naked, and looking fresh and bright, as if he’d splashed water on his face while he was there. “Hey, dude,” he said, his lovely accent lilting his words. “Can I join you?”

Stephen patted the space on the couch next to him. The delivery guy started making his way over, his huge, hairy body quaking attractively as he approached. Before he got too far, Stephen asked, “Hey, do you mind getting the pizza? I’m actually hungry now.”

The tall visitor smiled. “What, my cum wasn’t enough?” The look on Stephen’s face made him bust out laughing. “I’m joking. I will grab it.” When he joined his host on the couch, he put the box down in the small space between the two of them. Stephen grabbed his first slice of still-warm pizza and tried a bite. It was acceptable, and he was hungry.

They shared the small one-person serving to the tune of the TV playing a late-night rerun of Friends like this channel always did. He had just finished having a body-shaking orgasm in his host’s mouth, but the delivery guy didn’t seem to be awkward about it now that they were exercising some normalcy. When he’d sat down, he’d closed the space between them again, with only a small pizza box as a divider.

He made jokes along to the show like he knew it back and forth. Stephen didn’t, but appreciated the trivia. And anyway, he just liked listening to him speak. His voice…tobacco in his ears. Stephen was too scared to ask if he could kiss him. But he wanted to. Bad.

Every once in a while, he’d look over, and catch him stealing glances at his host’s body, his bulge, and his soft, thick thighs. When they’d finished the pizza, the delivery guy put the box on the coffee table, and shuffled a bit closer to his host.

“I’m surprised you stayed,” Stephen muttered at last. The taller man looked over, his eyebrows pressing together.

“Yeah, well….” He scratched behind his head, eyes darting around like he was looking for something satisfying to say. “Long day at work, you know. I haven’t cum in…a week. And that mouth? Fuck….” Stephen managed to blush. “Speaking of which,” he started again; “I still haven’t gotten you off!”

“You don’t have to.”

The delivery guy baulked at him, a scoff tugging at his soft brown lips. “Stop. I want to.” When he smiled, Stephen giggled and looked away. The disarming wide grin he had was becoming familiar. With one enormous hand, he reached down and palmed his host’s bulge in his briefs. The new heat against his cock and balls felt exquisite, and he sighed. Stephen sank back into the couch, the upholstery shrugging under him. The delivery guy deliberately massaged his bulge, alternating hard and soft pressure.

He slid off of the couch and sank to the floor, where his mouth had perfect access to Stephen’s cock and ass. Stephen sighed as his guest pressed his lips to the responsive head of his embarrassingly stiff five-inch cock. From under him he heard a soft ‘wow….’ The sensation was muted against the fabric of his underwear, but he was so pent up from before, his whole body tensed.

With a strained groan, he reached down, thumbs hooking into the elastic band of his briefs. But his guest, a laugh like Americano coffee coming out of him, put his hands on his wrists and stopped them in their tracks.

“Let me get my underwear off,” Stephen almost griped at him.

“Slow down, brother,” his guest said, looking up at his host with a broad smile. The delivery guy palmed Stephen’s raging erection with his hands for long, torturous seconds. “I think…” He licked his cock head through the fabric; “that you…” up the shaft; “are too fast.” The smaller man shook from the lower body out, sinking further into the couch. He smiled; this was just where he wanted him.

With his tongue, he lifted the thickening shaft of his host’s dick up under his briefs and sucked the head past his lips. His tongue darted around the swelling member, lapping up at the small quantity of pre-cum that was leaking from the smaller man’s cock. The distinct saline taste told him how much he was enjoying this; no need to verbally ask.

“Sorry…” Stephen was panting; “I’m not that big.”

“I don’t care.” Lick. Lick. “You’re perfect to me.” Stephen’s stomach lilted at the phrase.

The delivery guy slipped the fabric-covered cock further into his mouth, receiving a guttural groan from his host. He looked up and saw him with his hands covering his reddening face; his mouth was open in a silent scream in the static light. He continued sucking his cock through the fabric, the underwear becoming dark with wetness. He felt a shaking hand grab his forearm.

“Just…please…take my shit off…” Stephen was mumbling, the vibrations in his throat coming from his body and not his mind. “Please…just suck my cock….”

“You got it, brother,” the delivery guy whispered; Stephen didn’t have to look down to know he was giving him that stupid toothy grin. Despite Stephen’s protests, the delivery guy continued to take his time building him up to the critical mass. By the time he yanked his underwear off and his full ruby-red seven-inch dick finally flopped out and hit his guest in the lips, he was groaning for a faster, less torturous release. He reached down, planting his hands on the back of his guest’s head; the delivery guy looked up, a question arcing his eyebrow.

“Please…go faster,” Stephen said through a desperate breath; “I’m fucking dying up here.”

The delivery guy grinned. “Please…what,” he muttered to him, planting kisses down his long shaft and balls. Stephen groaned in frustration. “You’re gonna call me ‘daddy’ from here on out. Now, please what?” Stephen just put his hands to his face again, a long moan escaping him. “Fuck…you’re so cute.” The delivery guy wasn’t even sure if he’d said that aloud or not. He pressed two fingers up against Stephen’s throbbing pink hole. Fuck… “I said, please what?”

“Please, daddy!” Stephen finally croaked out.

“That’s a good boy.”

He felt the delivery guy’s wide hands slide underneath him, cupping his ass cheeks and pulling his lower body down and up. He was standing now, and Stephen was practically upside-down. And yet, and fucking yet, there was no release here either; the taller man planted tiny, barely-there kisses down his nuts, towards his hole. Every once in a while, he’d give a full-on lick, and the shorter man’s entire body shook as thunder shakes the sky.

He would let out unrestrained groans that let the furniture and walls and the neighbours below him know, the monsoon of pleasure that raced up and down his rumbling body. He was barely aware of himself practically chanting, “daddy, daddy, daddy….”

He didn’t even notice when the delivery guy had liberally put lube on his fingers, and slipped one into his hole, but when he calmed down and realized what he was doing, he looked up at his guest. The delivery guy’s eyes were glassed over, immersed in what he was doing to the smaller man: once the one finger was in, he introduced another, eliciting a withering groan out of Stephen.

When two of his long fingers were in, slick with body-temperature lube and spit, he added more of the cold stuff around Stephen’s hole. With his fingers, he made a hook shape, brushing the smaller man’s insides to find the familiar stiff button on the inner base of his host’s cock. He pressed.

“What the fuck!” he moaned, his midsection arcing and unintentionally impaling himself on the delivery guy’s fingers.

“I just touched your prostate,” the delivery guy murmured, face taut with surprise. He withdrew his fingers from Stephen’s body, still stiff all over as he came down from the sudden sensation from inside. “Did it hurt? I won’t do it again if it hurts.”

He put his hands on his guest’s, his palms becoming slick with the same lube that was used to give him the greatest shock of bodily pleasure to date. To the delivery guy’s surprise–and Stephen’s–he pulled him and kissed him. God, he kissed him. The delivery guy reciprocated, though he was taken aback by the suddenness and ferocity of him.

After a long minute, they separated. “It was great,” Stephen finally answered breathily. “It just surprised me, is all. You can…do it again if you want to.” The tall man smiled, and slowly re-entered at glacial speed, like Stephen now knew he operated.

Soon enough, he was brushing against that odd spot again, this time, slower, and alternating hard and soft. Stephen’s body seemed to mumble, and then scream, with pleasure; he was slick with sweat, and his vision was becoming foggy with heat.

At that point, he might have been murmur-pleading with his guest to be fucked, but he wasn’t sure anymore. His entire body was askew: arms and legs everywhere, his face buried into densely-textured upholstery. He wasn’t looking, but was aware of when the delivery guy took a condom off the table, and ripped the flimsy packaging. His shirt was finally off.

When he had the condom on, Stephen finally looked down. His first thought was that his own cock had been blushing its aroused red shade for so long, his pre-cum had pooled somewhat in his navel and the rest rolled off his soft midsection. His second was that the red-hot head of the delivery guy’s latex-sheathed cock was finally lined up at his asshole.

“I’m going in,” he breathed. “I’ll go slow; tell me if I have to slow down.”

“You can do it,” Stephen mumbled, clasping his legs around his guest’s waist, urging him to push forward. The head popped in; the two of them groaned at the same time. A shock of heat came over the smaller man as he got used to the girth of the taller man, who pushed in gradually, using his hips as leverage. He wasn’t the longest cock that had ever been inside Stephen. But he felt fucking amazing.

When the delivery guy bottomed out, he stayed where he was for a few seconds before he started to finally pull back, yet the motion was ponderously slow. Stephen’s aroused haze had been going strong for the better part of forty minutes so far, but now, at this tortoise crawl of a fuck, he was starting to lose momentum.

“Ah, god, fuck me, daddy….” He hooked his arms around the delivery guy’s neck and pulled him down; he must’ve assumed he wanted to kiss, which they did. But when they separated and the delivery guy looked, he saw a ferocity in the smaller man’s face that took him aback.

“We’ve been doing it your way for too long,” Stephen said through a pretense of a growl. “Fuck me hard and fast, or don’t fuck me at all.”

The delivery guy stared, but complied. All with that fucking smile. “Hey, you got it, brother.”

What followed next was a piston-like motion that sent Stephen’s head into the back of the couch, and didn’t let up until he had to yank himself up out of the crease to breathe. His hole felt stretched, his insides full of thick, brown cock, and it was driving him up the wall. He tried again to cradle the delivery guy’s neck, but he was so slick with sweat it was next to impossible. He settled with planting his hands into the couch and watching this giant of a man thrust in and out of him with the force of a machine.

“Oh, my, god,” he cried out, and the voice was barely his own. An animal, separate of Stephen Bustamante. “Oh, my, god.” He said this over and over, in between “fuck me”s and “keep going”s and “daddy!”. His eyes were open, but his sight was all fast, blurry jumps between the TV, the couch, the body that pushed that dick into him, and his own body; his own dick stood to attention, the shaft engorged. He was afraid to touch himself, for fear that he’d cum, and this moment would end.

“I’m gonna make you cum, boy,” the delivery guy said through a growl, slowing his pace a little bit. “I want to see that load. Alright, boy?” Stephen didn’t have anything in reply besides a tortured moan. The delivery guy closed a hand around the shorter man’s neglected cock, feeling the burning stickiness that spouted from it.

He heard a cursory “oh shit” from his host, one that turned into a long stream of groans and whimpers as he pumped up and down on his short, heavy cock. The delivery guy could finally slow his pace, his hips grateful for the slower speed, and fuck Stephen slowly; a sensation like fire crawled down all the inches of his dick as he went.

Stephen seemed to grab at the delivery guy’s wrist as if trying to get him to stop, but he didn’t want him to. He didn’t know what was happening anymore, between his overstimulated cock and the feeling of the delivery guy’s length brushing along his hole’s walls. His entire body had been elevated above his head for so long; the blood that had rushed to his head was making him feel like he was floating, and glowing.

“Oh, fuck, daddy, I’m so close,” Stephen warned his guest, who didn’t slow down now. He felt it rise up out of him before he could say he was going to cum. “I’m–I’m cumming! Daddy….” His orgasm spurt forth in two powerful bursts and slowed to a trickle. He was reduced to long gasps and vocal breaths as he came down, again sinking into the couch like how they’d started.

The delivery guy was heaving too, the sweat clearly beaded all over his pillar-like form. Stephen brushed his hair from his face, sighing as he felt the stranger’s cock twitch inside him, and then slide out with an unattractive squish noise. Cum was already cooling on Stephen’s body.

“I’ll get a towel,” Stephen mumbled, climbing to his feet with his now-stiff hips and quivering knees. His guest helped him up, patting his round, delicious ass along the way.

When he returned with a towel in hand, having wiped himself clean of evidence, he saw his guest staring at his phone. He tossed him the towel, and watched him wipe down his entire form. This had been an odd night, but he’d been through weirder shit. Although he did think getting fucked by the pizza guy was one for the books.

“I…gotta go,” his guest was saying, already reaching for his shorts he had discarded when they started up the second time. “Like now, haha. I’m sorry.” He pulled on his shirt, the fabric clearly having been grabbed in many places.

“Don’t apologise.” He handed the towel back to his owner, who covered himself up with it. He wasn’t going to be the only naked one in the room now, not as his guest slipped back into his shorts. In a flash, he was all dressed and ready to go.

“That was a lot of fun,” the delivery guy told his host for tonight. “I’d be glad if we got a chance to do it again–you’re…phew, so hot.”

Across from him, his host smiled, crescents on his flushed face. “I already told you my number,” he said, lip trembling as he said the words — as what he said next would either be a mistake, or an opportunity. “214-7653. Stephen.”

The delivery guy smiled, tapped away at his phone as he repeated the number to himself. “Stephen,” he said, trying the name out. “Alright, brother. Sounds good.” The taller man pocketed his phone, and stared his host in the eyes as he brushed his hair back. “Thanks.” It was all he could say now.

Stephen nodded, with nothing else to say. The delivery guy started showing himself the way out, but when he stopped at the door, he turned back. “Next time you call Campus Pizza, ask for Bashar,” he told him, before he opened the door and headed out. The door shut, and Stephen heard the elevator ding, shut, and depart. And then there was no sound in the hallway.

Bashar, huh…? Like that, he was gone, but the throbbing in his beat-up hole and cock was all the reminder Stephen needed, that this night had really happened. He was smiling widely, in spite of himself, as made his way back to the living room.

First he grabbed his phone off the table, then he turned off the TV — the apartment became lightless, until he woke up his phone. First, he saw his battery was almost dead. Next, he saw 2 MISSED CALLS and 5 NEW MESSAGES from Riley.


Riley Bustamante (12:11): NOOOO WATT HE FUCK

Riley (1:11): Stephen are you home? The door’s locked and I can’t find my keys

Stephen I know you’re home, the windows open and I can hear you having sex!

Riley (1:23): Omg the delivery guy from the pizza place is leaving our apartment?

You fucked the pizza guy!! Stephen!!

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