The Bootyguard, Pt. 04

A gay sex stories: The Bootyguard, Pt. 04 [The following story, characters, and events are a work of fiction. All characters portrayed in this work – both directly and indirectly in both sexual and non-sexual contexts – are of the ages eighteen and above.]

[The Bootyguard is a five-part series. Read PART ONE here, PART TWO here, and PART THREE here!]



The drive to Kenneth’s house was an actual blur. Turning down unfamiliar roads and streets, ending up in beautiful communities consisting of white-picket fences, manicured lawns, and sprawling two-story homes. The drive couldn’t have been that long, but I couldn’t say for certain. All my senses had become dull, hidden behind cloudy layers of mental fatigue and an undying sense of trepidation.


Bellamy sat silently the entire ride. The only interactions between the two of us consisted of him giving me directions in a monotone drone. His voice was wooden and dead, as though he were not mentally engaged in our current situation.

As much as a distraction the twenty-year-old could admittingly be, I wished I had someone I could talk to. To be honest, I just missed the sound of his voice…


I eventually pulled up to the destination and parked in the driveway leading up to the crème-colored house, two storied and luxurious. A gorgeous Spanish-style villa, decorated with beautiful gardens and arrays of lights, I was actually in disbelief that Kenneth had merely referred to this fanciful palace as simply his “place”.

It was only then that it became immediately evident to me that Kenneth must’ve come from some serious money. The same as Bellamy…


“SHUT UP, THAD!” The three of us, Bellamy, Kenneth, and I, shouted at the top of our lungs at the naked frat boy in the backseat, which finally compelled him into silence for the first time since our trip began.

I put the Escalade into park with a heavy sigh, taking the keys out of the ignition as the heavy hum of the engine dissipated. Kenneth’s open palm brushed against my arm, Kenneth the twunk wordlessly commanding me to place the keys into his open hand. With gritted teeth, and without any other options, I complied. With my keys in hand, he and Thad exited the vehicle.

“We’ll be waiting. Don’t be too long, Papi!” Kenneth warned before he shut the back door.

The two boys, Kenneth and Thad, both fully naked and without an ounce of fear or hesitation as they galivanted down the walkway hand-in-hand. Shaking their asses all the while, making their way through magnificent gardens and they approached the front patio of the house. Kenneth’s more firm and perky, but Thad’s more muscular and stouter.

Once Kenneth and Thad had turned the corner and out of my view, I finally turned my attention to Bellamy, the boy seated beside me in the passenger seat. His hazel eyes plastered straight ahead, not deviating, or even acknowledging me. He was merely engrossed in his own sense of melancholy and helplessness. The same as me.

“Bellamy,” I addressed the twenty-year-old, resting my hand on his hairless thigh, “I’m sorry. I should’ve said something when I saw Thad pop his head through the door. I screwed up…”

He sighed. His eyes finally meeting mine for the first time since the ride began, “It’s okay,” He acknowledged, “I’m not mad at you, Papi. I’m mad…just…at this entire fucking situation!”

Bellamy slammed his fist against the front dashboard, a rare show of fury from the sophomore.

I placed a calming hand on his shoulder, seeking to ease his anger, “Hey, we’ll get out of this! You broke Achilles, I can handle Thad, and we both got out of that orgy with our holes intact, didn’t we?” I expressed optimism, “We’re a pretty good team, if I do say so myself!”

I really didn’t believe the words coming out of my mouth.

Not that I didn’t have faith or confidence in Bellamy, mind you. His heroic events from earlier today painted the undergrad in a brand-new light for me. But the current situation we were in required more than simply fucking our way out of it. This required finesse. We were in deep trouble…

And I didn’t know what to do.

With no further words between us, Bellamy and I stepped out of the Escalade and walked down the stone pathway towards Kenneth’s house.

The cool afternoon breeze brushed against our naked bodies. Bellamy was fully nude, and I was scantily clad in only my ripped underwear–inadvertently exposing my hairy ass to the entire neighborhood as we stepped on the front porch. I could only imagine what nosy neighbors might think seeing three naked college boys and a half-naked grown man all scurrying into the same house.

Kenneth was waiting for us by the front door. Holding the solid wooden doors open, while simultaneously flashing the fakest-looking smile I’ve ever seen, as we crossed the threshold from the chilly day and into the house proper.

Kenneth locked the door behind us. No one was going to leave this house until this situation was fully resolved. One way or the other…

The first thing that caught my eye inside the house was the magnificent spiral staircase to our right, curving and leading up to the second floor of the house. Then there was the wide and spacious living room, regal yet modern. Glass chandeliers adorned the ceiling high above us, and wide windows provided ample natural light to flood inside, sunlight reflecting and shining off the chandeliers like diamonds.

This place made the KOK Frat House look like a dump in comparison.

In fact, it was actually even quite a bit better than the penthouse Bellamy and I shared. Not that I would ever admit that out loud, of course.

Bellamy plopped down on the nearby recliner, trying to look unimpressed with the fantastical displays of opulence and wealth that surrounded us in folds. Although, if it was anything like Kenneth had claimed, then it was more than likely that Bellamy had been here previously and was quite familiar with the surroundings we were in.

I took my place on the loveseat on the other side of the living room. My hole dully aching in discomfort, a painful reminder of Achilles’ raw brutality and ridiculously thick dick, as I placed my weight down on the cushion beneath me to take a seat.

Thad appeared above us, looking down at Bellamy and I from the second story before sauntering down the spiral staircase. Mindlessly playing with his floppy dick and low-hanging balls as he surveyed the room. First looking at Bellamy before he innocently strolled across the room and made his way towards me.

I refused to make eye contact with the beefy jock, still in disbelief of the role he played in getting us to this moment. My eyes were instead glued to the way his junk swayed back and forth with each step he took until he finally plopped down on the open seat beside me.

A little too close to me…

Our hairy thighs pressing against one another’s and our naked bodies radiating excessive heat off each other. I was left with no wiggle room, firmly stuck between brawny Thad and the armrest.

Finally, after several minutes of awkward silence, Kenneth finally made his appearance. Meandering across the living room with a glass of wine in hand, his hips naturally swayed back and forth and shaking his butt all the while. He walked past the three of us and took his seat on the brickwork of the fireplace, directly beneath the massive flatscreen television.


“Well!?” I spoke up, throwing my arms in the air impatiently, “You got us where you want us, Kenneth! Weeks of grand planning led up to this moment! Time to spill the beans on your great masterplan!”

I admittingly came across as more aggressive than I intended to. But I was sick. Sick of the constant running around and the twists and turns of today’s twisted events. It was easy to forget that this was originally supposed to be a quick run to Kappa Omega Kappa and getting Bellamy his notes back. But now we were the recipients of some bizarre hijinks involving Bellamy’s ex and his former fraternity.

“Paciencia, Papi!” Kenneth showcased his gratuitous Spanish, taking a sip of red wine all the while, “A boy likes a lil’ bit of foreplay after all…”

Ensuring not to spill any drink from his glass, Kenneth daintily reached over to the coffee table sitting in the middle of the living room and grabbed the remote that was sitting on its surface. With the click of a button, the massive flatscreen TV above the fireplace mantle flashed to life.

And there, in all its high-definition glory, played the short video that Thad had taken of Bellamy and me.

Watching the infamous video on the big screen as compared to a smartphone was an entirely different experience. It was only now that I could catch the minute details that I had previously missed–our faces twisted with pleasure, the glossy layer of sweat coating our bodies, the red hue of Bellamy’s ass after getting spanked, and the way my nails dug into his smooth asscheeks as he eagerly rode me. Both of us lost in a haze of pure ecstasy and pleasures.

The video repeated.

Kenneth stared me down, looking directly towards me and attempting to gauge my reaction while he played cool, taking sips of his wine. Bellamy refused to even look at the video, physically shifting his body in the opposite direction and shutting his eyes closed. He wouldn’t give Kenneth the satisfaction of showing a reaction.

Thad, meanwhile, was fully captivated by the show in front of him. His slimy tongue hanging out of his mouth like a thirsty animal as he wouldn’t dare to blink, not wanting to miss a second of the buttfucking action.

“Thanks, Thad.” I told the boy to my left, sarcasm tinging every word that left my mouth as I had to restrain myself from resorting to physical violence, “Skeevy lil’ perv.”

“Actually, credit where it’s due, Thad was actually your saving grace. Without him, you wouldn’t have your job right now.” Kenneth defended the frat boy, elaborating his comments with, “Originally, he wanted to just post it online. But then he had the better idea of coming to me with it instead!”

I raised an eyebrow at the revelation, “Wait, so it was your idea to go to Kappa Omega Kappa with it?” I tried to piece this timeline together.

Kenneth laughed, finishing off his wine and placing the empty glass beside him on the brick, “I needed protection,” He admitted frankly, “I knew I could never confront you and Mitchell alone, Papi.”

He uncrossed his legs as he stood up from his seat, “As Mitchell told you, we both used to be members of the fraternity. And convincing them to help me out was rather simple…”

Kenneth twerked his ass, making it jiggle and bounce wildly in full view of the entire living room. If it wasn’t obvious before, then it was definitely clear now how he managed to accomplish getting Achilles to help him in this arrangement.

I, however, was getting sick of this game. I had no intent on rehashing the past, “What do you want Kenneth?” I cut to the chase.

With a sultry smirk across his face, Kenneth slowly sauntered across the living room and directly in front of me. Running his hands up my thighs and dragging them across my upper body before eventually resting them on my chest. His lustful eyes, green and beaming with energy, running up and down my body as his delicate fingers traced my jawline.

“Work for me, Papi.” He whispered.

The look on my face must’ve said it all.

“I’m sure Mitchell failed to inform you how much weight the Hollingsworth name carries throughout the fashion world!” He informed me, “I can assure you. Whatever Old Man Davenport is paying you, I can pay you much more…”

I felt a hand on my upper thigh, slowly trailing upwards until I felt it tugging at the brim of my underwear. I instinctually smacked the unwanted hand away, nearly recoiling in shock when I realized that the hand actually belonged to Thad, “Thad, what the hell are you doing!?” I spat out, demanding to know what he was up to.

“N-Nothing!” Thad choked, his face reddening.

“In fact,” I wondered out loud, “Why the hell are you even getting involved in this whole ordeal? What are you even getting out of this?”

The answer came in the form of Thad immediately collapsing to his knees in front of me, shoving Kenneth to the side as he shrieked, “Papi, FUCK ME PLEASE!” He begged out loud, clasping his hands in front of him as he rested his elbows on my knees as though he were kneeling before an altar.

My eyes nearly bulged out of their sockets at the frat boy’s bizarre request. I instinctually tried to back away, Thad’s beefy body pressed against mine, but there was nowhere to back away as my back was firmly pressed against the loveseat.

I looked straight ahead to Bellamy, to see if I had perhaps misheard him, but the twink at the other side of the room looked about as shocked as I did. Kenneth slapped his palm against his forehead in a show of frustration as Thad continued to grovel at my feet.

“You have NO idea how many times I’ve jerked off to that video of you and Bellamy!” Thad pointed to his hardening cock as proof, “Every time I close my eyes, I can just see the image of Bellamy riding your enormous dick! I’ve watched it so many times, it’s engraved in my mind! I can’t sleep, I can’t focus in class, all I can do is keep repeating that image in my head! Please, I NEED you to fuck me, Papi! I’m BEGGING you!”

Bellamy, despite doing a relatively good job at maintaining his cavalier attitude throughout this entire circumstance, now had his jaw on the floor as a result of Thad’s astounding confession. His eyes so bugged out and widened, I thought they were about to burst out of his sockets.

Kenneth, meanwhile, was beginning to look increasingly more irritated as Thad blabbered on, “It just looked like it must’ve felt sooooo good to be bouncing on a huge cock like that!” he exclaimed, physically bending over to plant wet kisses on my feet, “And Bellamy looked sooooo happy while he was riding it! I NEED to know what that feels like!”

“Wait, wait, wait!” I threw my hands up in the air to stop the madness, “What do you mean? I thought Achilles was fucking all the frat brothers. Isn’t the ‘King’, or something like that, of the entire frat?” I invoked the memories of my earlier confrontation with the brute.

“Ugh, God!” Kenneth finally jumped back into the conversation, rolling his eyes as he returned to his seat by the fireplace, “That barbarian was the single worst fuck of my entire life! How unfortunate is it for a man to be born with all the right equipment but has no idea on how to use it! The man literally moans his own name! Who does that!?”

“And the way he slaps his own ass too!” Thad joined in on the Achilles-Hating Bandwagon.

“Ugh, and the way he plays with his own nipples?” I added, jumping aboard, “Like, hello? I would like my nipples played with too please!”

All eyes turned towards Bellamy, who was silently lounging back in the recliner like he was getting ready for a midday nap, “I wouldn’t know!” The twink bragged with a cocky smirk, “Achilles never got that far with me, considering I usually made him bust a nut within minutes of riding him!”

“Oh, good for you, really!” Kenneth sarcastically praised, his hands on his hips, “I’m actually surprised he even managed to cum considering fucking you must be like sticking your dick in a mud puddle!”

“At least I actually get some dick!” Bellamy spat back, jumping up from his seat, “I think I saw some bats flying out of your butthole when you spread your cheeks back at the frat house!”

“Did not!” Kenneth defended himself, jolting straight up and onto his feet.

“Did to!” Bellamy asserted, balling his fists.

I looked down at Thad, who looked equally as disinterested in the naked ex-lovers’ quarrel as I was. He merely rested his head on my thigh as he boredly played with my leg hairs, “Wait, hold up!” I interrupted the two as they continued to spat back and forth, “Explain to me what exactly happened between the two of you! Maybe we can all talk this out?”

Like a set of twins, both Bellamy and Kenneth simultaneously rolled their eyes and scoffed at my suggestion. Neither boy had any obvious interest in explaining the source of the animosity between the both of them, “Why don’t you just stick to bodyguard duty, Papi?” Bellamy sneered.

“‘Maybe we can all talk this out!'” Kenneth laughed, ridiculing my suggestion in a mocking tone.

In a quick motion, Kenneth quickly grabbed the object lying beside him on the brickwork and tossed it across the room. Pink and fuzzy, I extended my arm as it flew towards my direction, “Here, Dr. Phil. If you really wanna help us…”

I caught it! Snatching the object like a ball of out the sky, it wasn’t until I was holding it in my hands did I finally realize what they were: a fuzzy pair of handcuffs, the kind an adventurous couple would use for their first foray into bondage. I raised an eyebrow, dangling the cuffs from my hand, “Kinky!” I commented.

Kenneth was not amused, “Cuff him.” The twunk demanded, pointing dead towards his ex-boyfriend, “Clearly, Papi, it wasn’t you that needed to be tied down!”

Even Thad looked shocked by the request, picking himself off his knees and turning around to face his partner-in-crime. Bellamy played it off, remaining cool and unbothered. I felt as though I were on the verge of a heart attack, the dread and anxiety beginning to wash over me as I was finally grasping what Kenneth’s demands were.

I was stuck in place, my legs unmoving and my body unwilling to shift from its position on the couch. I was only capable of shifting my eyes back and forth between the bitter ex-lovers who were standing on opposite ends of the room, occasionally locking onto Thad’s muscular back.

The pair of fluffy handcuffs rattling in my hand was the only sound in the room as I hurriedly racked my brain for a way to get out of this. But Kenneth’s patience was beginning to wear thin as he urged me, “Come on, come on!” He snapped his fingers tersely, “I hate chit chat and tea parties!”

“That’s funny, considering you never seem to shut the fuck up.” Bellamy muttered under his breath, though obviously loud enough so everyone could hear.

With a heavy sigh, I got up from my seat. Stepping to the side to avoid trampling over Thad, I approached Bellamy with a heavy heart. I towered over the blonde boy, making him look small and pitiful in my shadow, and I urged him to take a seat on the recliner, “I’ll come up with a way out of this,” I whispered in his ear as he begrudgingly plopped down.

“Whatever.” He testily replied, “Just do what you have to and get it over with.”

My body overwhelmingly wracked with guilt as I cuffed Bellamy’s thin wrist to the recliner’s lever. The only thing running through my head was my time serving at the LAPD, flashing back to all the times I’ve apprehended dangerous criminals and cuffed them behind their back. Bellamy didn’t deserve this. This was my fuckup, and he was paying the price…

All he wanted to do was study.

I felt a slender hand rest on my shoulder, Kenneth approaching my side as though we were some sort of duo, “I’ll deal with you later!” He smugly spat at his ex, chained to the chair, “But for now, I’ve got a date with Mr. Guerrero!”

Kenneth took his place in front of me, creating a bodily barrier between Bellamy and I, as though he were already trying to replace him as my client. Kenneth’s hands began freely running up and down tattooed arms and brawny biceps. Like a kid in a candy shop, licking his lips profusely as he slid his fingers across my hairy chest and pinching nipples all the while, “Oh my God…” He simply repeated, rubbing and massaging muscles, “Oh my God…Oh my God…” He was absolutely giddy at this point.

A sharp gasp of surprise escaping my lips when I felt the second pair of hands on my body. Rough and masculine hands stroking down my back until they caressed my exposed asscheeks in a strong squeeze. Hot breath crawling up my neck as I could only presume that Thad had joined in the erotic rubdown of my body.

I was now firmly stuck between the two boys. A plaything for the amusement of two college students who had too much time on their hands and too much dick on their minds.

My eyes catching those of Bellamy strapped to the recliner mere feet away from me, “Sorry.” I could only mouth in his direction, cringing all the while.

He rolled his eyes, clearly over this entire situation.

A two-front assault taking place, my body serving as the battlefield as sloppy kisses from Kenneth and Thad’s fat lips plastered across my chest and down my back. Curious hands fondling every inch up and down my exposed body, fingers impeccably tracing each ab, rubbing and eagerly massaging my ass, and wet tongues sliding across strong arms and broad shoulders.

“Ah, fuck…” I whispered to myself, in total realization that there was no way I could possibly pretend that I wasn’t enjoying this.

That gratification was quickly displaced however, as horny Kenneth pressed his lips firmly against mine, “Mmmph!” I grunted in surprise, shocked on account of the boldness and forwardness of Bellamy’s ex.

Kenneth now anchoring his arm around my neck and physically pulling me down to his height, his perfectly moist lips massaged and caressed mine as they were locked in a shameless kiss. I barely had enough time to get away, lightly pushing Kenneth off me to finally catch my breath before I was yanked away as the second pair of lips crashed against mine.

Thad’s lips were chapped and dry, typical of a blithe straight boy, yet they were deliciously pouty and fat. Yet the frat boy took it a step further as he jammed his slimy tongue deep inside my mouth, sloppily swirling around mine as thick rivers of slobber drooled from our mouths and ran down our chins.

I winced, realizing that Thad undoubtedly learned his makeout techniques from Achilles.

Never one to be outdone or outshone, Kenneth snatched me back again. Physically bucking Thad to the side as his tongue took the place of the frat boy’s, assaulting the far fringes of my mouth as he pinched and teased my nipples roughly. Thad now moving southwards, excitedly rubbing and playing with the ever-growing tent forming out of the tattered remains of my underwear.

Then I felt the frat boy’s bulky arms wrap themselves firmly around my waist as Kenneth’s dainty hand pressed on my chest, both boys wordlessly guiding me back to the loveseat at the other end of the room. Thad stepped to the side, avoiding me crashing into him as I took my seat back on the comfy cushions of the couch.

Four hands immediately grasping the fragments of torn underwear that was haphazardly dangling around my waist. Thad did the majority of the work, his brute strength reducing the fabric to mere shreds between his fingers until the elastic band physically snapped off my waist and he tossed it to the side.

Shit. I was already rock hard. My fully erect dick already leaking and pointing straight up towards the ceiling…

A strange blend of both humiliation and intense lust washed over me as the two boys, Kenneth and Thad, quietly inspected my leaking dick. Almost as if it were going to bite them, the two hesitated for a brief moment before they dared enough to wrap their hands simultaneously around the girthy shaft, “Fuck! It’s huge!” Thad proclaimed, squeezing the ever-loving life out of the base of my cock, “Look how much he’s leaking!”

“Achilles is bigger, obviously.” Kenneth shot me a look that told me not to get too smug about it, “But I would say this is a pretty good second place, if I do say so myself!”

I dared to let the smallest of moans escape my lips as the boys began working their hands together in harmony. Stroking and sliding up and down my thick rod, smearing and sliding precum all the while, as the two boys watched with fascination of how my foreskin would slide easily back and forth over my leaking head, “That’s trippy,” Thad commented, “I think most of the dudes back at the frat are cut. I’ve never played with an uncut one before. At least not up close like this!”

Thad pinched and pulled at my foreskin, playing with it as he curiously tested how wide it could extend as he stretched it out with his fingers.

Kenneth was having none of it, however. Wasting no further time as he wrestled Thad’s grip on my dick away and enthusiastically plunged his wet lips around my precum-soaked cockhead, “Gah-Shit!” The words slipped out of my mouth as the shots of pleasure raced up my spine, “K-Kenneth! Holy fucking hell!”

My toes curling in a showcase of pure thrill as Kenneth further engulfed me inside of his warm and moist mouth. I forced myself to take a deep breath to calm down, but I couldn’t stop the moans of delight coming out of my mouth. Kenneth was an absolute professional, displaying the right amount of suction, wetness, and stimulating tongue play as I continued to grow and fatten inside his mouth.

And as much as I hated to admit it, he was even a bit better than Bellamy.

Speaking of which, there the twink sat on the other side of the room. Staring daggers directly at me as he watched his ex-boyfriend between my legs slurping down on his bodyguard’s throbbing boner.

I attempted to look disinterested as Kenneth further shoved my dick down the back of his throat. But by this point I wouldn’t be fooling anybody, and my cock certainly wasn’t playing along. My shaft violently pulsing and a thick river of precum erupting profusely as Kenneth cupped and massaged my heavy nuts in his free hands, each lick of his tongue and massage of his lips working in total conjunction as Thad alternated peppering kisses across Kenneth’s back and my thighs.

But eventually Thad became restless, “Hey, lemme try! You’ve already gone over your time on his dick! It’s my turn now!”

Kenneth was reluctant, obviously enjoying what he was in the middle of doing. But he had no real choice as Thad muscled his way into the picture, the beefy frat boy licking his lips in anticipation as he instantly popped my dick inside his mouth.

Thad’s technique was certainly sloppier, but still as equally enjoyable as Kenneth’s outstanding head. He more than made up for his lack of meticulousness with his youthful gusto and enthusiasm. He slurped away at my leaking dick, gagging as he tried to shove as much as me down his throat as possible. Belching and coughing up spit and mucus, leaving my pubes damp in a glossy finish, Thad’s head continuously bopping up and down between my legs as he idolizingly sucked me off.

Thad’s eyes bulging out of his head, as though he really couldn’t believe that this was actually happening. I couldn’t either, to be honest.

Here I had two handsome boys, one the ex-boyfriend of my client’s son and the other an aggressive frat bro who I’ve had my fair share of confrontation with, both eagerly and lustfully sharing my dick back and forth between their moist mouths. Their tongues, Kenneth’s pink and slender and Thad’s plump and red, working in tandem as one slid up and down my shaft and the other popped each hairy nut inside his mouth. Then they traded spots, back and forth, as the pleasure surrounding my increasingly slobber-soaked cock magnified and amplified.

I had never been in a situation like this before. Knowing that I was more than physically capable of breaking my way out of this situation, and having my client handcuffed to a chair was spelling out a recipe for disaster, but the intense pleasures coming from between my legs was damn-near crippling. Unsure of what to do with my hands, shaking from adrenaline and unreleased tension, I simply threw them behind my head as I relaxed back on the loveseat.

Hey, now that I’ve thought a bit about it, this job wasn’t so bad after all. I’ve certainly been in far worse conditions than this…

A sharp gasp emanating from Kenneth’s lips as he pulled himself off my leaking boner, “Alright then, I think it’s about time we give this bad boy a ride!” He announced, wiping the spit and precum off his lips.

“Hey! Me first, Kenneth!” Thad insisted, pulling his mouth off my ballsack with a wet pop, “You promised me I could get fucked by Papi first!”

“That I did.” Kenneth concurred, “And a Hollingsworth never breaks his word!”

Bellamy chortled. Kenneth shooting his ex a nasty look behind his shoulder.

Then came out the bottle of lube. Thad bizarrely fishing it out from underneath the loveseat cushion before proceeding to squeeze a liberal amount in the palm of his hand before greasing my entire cock with slippery layers of lube. Thad finally standing as he reached behind himself, digging his fingers inside his ass and smearing the excess across his hole.

He turned around, his broad and brawny back facing towards me, as he bent over and rested his hands on the coffee table in front of him. His muscular glutes naturally parted, exposing his winking lubed hole nestled in a fuzzy ring of curly dark hairs, “Alright, Papi. I’m ready. Give it to me!” He demanded, his voice thick and husky, “Right here. Right now. Fuck my ass!”

Blood rushing to numb legs as I forced myself off the loveseat, Kenneth helping me up as I stood to my two feet. My leaking cock leading the way, pointing directly at Thad’s meaty ass as if it had a mind of its own and directing me toward its grand prize. I gulped, resting my hands on his well-formed glutes as I watched the contrast of my dark hands to his pale boy butt.

I looked up, at the back of Thad’s head and forward towards Bellamy. The twink looking uninterested as he mindlessly shook and dangled the cuff around his wrist. The only reaction on his face was the smallest presence of a smirk, the corner of his lip raised ever so slightly.

“Pay no attention to him, Papi.” Kenneth whispered in my ear, standing on his tippy toes to do so, as he pressed his slender twunkish body against my back.

Reaching around me, Kenneth gripping the hairy base of my dick as he guided my leaking head until it was firmly pressed against Thad’s throbbing hole. Incredible pressure pressing upon my sensitive tip until the frat boy’s hole finally opened and accepted me inside of him.

“Aww, fuck!” The words shot out of my mouth as Thad unleashed a grunty moan, “Thad…you feel fucking incredible!”

My nails digging into flesh as I struggled to fit my considerable girth inside such a tight ass, but we were making it work as Thad steadily arched his back and forced me deeper inside of him, “Fuck, Papi!” He breathlessly moaned, “This is amazing! I’ve been dreaming of this ever since…”

I was about a quarter inside him at this point, the extraordinary tightness and warmth squeezing my dick in the best way possible, “Ever since you saw me and Bellamy in the library?” I finished his thought.

“No. Ever since I met you at the party!” He corrected, “I couldn’t get those big beefy tits out of my head! Even Achilles couldn’t fuck me out of it! And God it drove him fuckin’ crazy to think I was fantasizing about another man!”

Kenneth using his free left hand to cup a feel of my pec, his body firmly smushed and smashed into my back as he struggled to wrap both his arms around my broad body.

I dared to look down. Despite the fear that I was teetering on the edge of unleashing a torrent of boiling cum in Thad’s ass, I had to see the most beautiful view of Thad’s muscled ass slowly swallowing down my throbbing cock. His hairy hole stretching and widening but firmly plugged and sealed by my girth.

It was a slow and steady process. Thad was copiously lubed, sure, but was still struggling to relax enough for me to fully slide inside of him. It was getting tough now, we were just starting to get to the fattest portion of my shaft and a thin layer of sweat had already glossed Thad’s back and ass, as if he were in the middle of the workout of his life, “It’s just another muscle,” I reminded him, softly patting his ass, “We just gotta work it out!”

Thad moaned in response. A high-pitched, almost effeminate, moan that I would never would have suspected to come from the testosterone-fueled frat bro, “Yes, Papi!” He whimpered, “Whatever you say. Anything you want. Just keep – oh fuck! – sliding it in me!”

“Shove it in there, Papi.” Kenneth urged, his slippery boner firmly smushed between his body and my asscheeks, “Give him what he really wants. He likes it when it hurts.”

“Oh, fuck yeah I do!” Thad urged, moaning all the while, “Enough with the teasing, just jam it in there!”

I grimaced, looking down at how much I had left to slide into the frat boy. I already felt my dick was getting squeezed and suffocated, like I was sticking it in a bottleneck. Yet I was only about halfway inside his ass and there was considerable length and girth left to go.

“Shove it in me!” Thad demanded, slamming his fist against the coffee table, “Destroy my ass, Papi! That’s how I fuckin’ want it! Wreck my hole!”

“Give it to him, Papi!” Bellamy’s light voice called out from the other side of the room, where he was chained to the chair. Absent-mindedly stroking himself with his unchained hand as he watched the show taking place in front of him.

“Alright, Thad.” I sighed, “You asked for it. Now take a deep breath…Relax…And start pushing!”

Thad followed orders. Taking in a deep lungful of air as I firmly clasped his hips and gave a great shove, “AUGH! FAWK!” Thad shrieked as his hole ripped open to new limits, “Papi, I-oooOOOooo, Jesus fuckin’ Christ!”

“Jesus ain’t gonna help you now,” I muttered under my breath with another rough thrust.

Thad yelped again, clenching the sides of the coffee table as I forcefully jammed more of my throbbing dick inside his tight hole. Kicking up his leg as I did so, his muscles tensing as his hole tightened and squeezed itself around me, “Jus’ a lil’ more.” I encouraged him, softly patting his butt.

Finally, with one last thrust, I fully slid inside the frat boy. The force of my dick ramming into him nearly sent him spilling onto the coffee table, but I held him firm in place as I grasped his broad shoulders with my hands, “You’ve been wanting this, huh Thad?” I teased, enjoying the feelings of intense tightness and wetness of being balls deep inside the frat boy, “Is it anything like you’ve been fantasizing?”

“Ugh, so much better!” Thad concurred, “You have no fucking idea how good it feels to have a big…fat…thick dick deep inside of you!”

“Enough with the dirty talk!” Kenneth urged, kissing me between the shoulder blade, “Fuck him, Papi! Give the whore what he wants!”

I obliged. Holding Thad firmly in place by the shoulders as I ruthlessly and systematically began fucking him. My dark brown dick sliding in and out between perfectly pale cheeks, a cry of pleasure emanating from Thad’s lips with every brutal thrust and hammer. An echoing throughout the room with every slap of my balls against his taint and his cheeks slamming against my thighs.

This was incredible. Unyieldingly gratifying. Not merely the physical pleasure of getting my dick wet, but the indescribable sense of satisfaction of turning the brawny beefy bro into nothing more than a shivering whimpering moaning fleshlight. A fucktoy. The thrill of doing something so forbidden and taboo, knowing Bellamy was jerking off to this, as his ex-boyfriend dug his nails into my front as he wrapped his arms around me in pervy delight.

“Fuckin’ slut! Fuckin’ whore!” I screamed out whatever came to my mind, slapping and spanking his ass with every thrust, “After all the shit you’ve pulled, you fuckin’ DESERVE this!”

“Augh, fuck yeah I do!” Thad agreed, “I was the one who fucked you up at the frat party!”


“I was the one who distracted Bellamy while you were trying to make him study!”


“I was the one who recorded you fucking and brought it to Kenneth!”


I could actually feel the cum boiling in my balls. They felt extraordinarily heavy, but I wasn’t sure if they actually were, or it was my mind playing tricks on me knowing how badly I wanted to cum. I needed to cum.

I was going to breed Thad’s ass.

“You ready?” I grunted, “You fuckin’ ready for this fat load of cum, frat bitch!?”

“GOD YES!” Thad shrieked, “Fill my ass with that Latino jizz! Pump me up full of it! I want to be leaking it for weeks after this shit!”

My eyes rolled to the back of my head. My entire body tingling with pervy delight and ecstasy rushing through my veins as I increasingly approached absolute frenzy. I swear my vision was becoming blurred, I was blinded by such incredible lust and heat by this point.

Fuck, I was close…

“Ugh, Thad!” I finally vocalized after minutes of grunty moaning and groaning, “I’m going to-I’m gonna, fuck, here I-”

“Okay, it’s my turn now!” Kenneth interrupted, physically pulling me backwards and slipping my dick out of Thad’s now-ruined hole.

And in that second, the feelings of pleasure and heat flushed out of me. I could physically feel my cock groan in pain and disappointment as the jizz cooled and lingered in my aching balls. I think I actually entered shock, unaware of what exactly just happened as Kenneth shoved Thad out of the way and placed his hands on the coffee table.

Shaking and twerking his rounded bubble butt, “It’s my turn now, Papi!” He repeated, “Come ‘ere and give it to me!”

Frustration and anger rushed over me. Yanked away when I was literal seconds from otherworldly pleasure and a rush of delight. I balled my fists, feeling wronged and violated after this entire situation.

Poor Thad relegated to quietly taking a seat on the couch beside us and rubbing one out as he watched the two of us in front of him. A look of frustration and dissatisfaction etched across his face as he gripped his hard dick in a step down from the state of enjoyment that he was previously engulfed in.

Cocky Kenneth shot me his signature smug smile from behind his shoulder, still jiggling his ass towards me, “Alright then,” I relented, “You want it, Kenneth? I’ll be more than happy to give it to you!”

I was going to destroy Kenneth. Ruthlessly and mercilessly pound him into mush. Ram and fuck him until he was a sniveling crying mess begging for me to stop. But I won’t.

I was going to buttfuck Kenneth Hollingsworth into submission.

A smirk on my lips as I roughly grasped Kenneth’s hips in my hands. There would be zero possibility for slippery Kenneth to wiggle or fight his way out of this one. He would have to take every single girthy inch and unrelenting shove.

I pressed my leaking greasy tip against his perfect hole and began to push in…

“Hey!” Came the yelp from the other side of the room, “I can sit back and watch Papi fuck Thad! But you!?”

Almost like an action hero, with his hands on his hips, Bellamy stood tall, unchained and unbound, at the other side of the room. Staring daggers at his ex-boyfriend all while gnawing at his bottom lip.

“What the-?” Kenneth exclaimed, shooting straight up and nearly sending me tumbling backwards, “How the hell did you-?”

Bellamy lifted his right wrist high in the air, the pink fuzzy cuff loosely dangling from his skinny wrist, “These are the fake ones the magicians use, with the lil’ switch on the side!”

“Ugh, you barely figured that out now?” Kenneth sneered, “Well after you let your boyfriend go balls deep inside of Thad? I’m shocked you’re not on the Dean’s List, yet!”

“Oh, I knew all this time!” Bellamy corrected, “I just wanted to kick back and watch a good show between Papi and Thad! But fucking you? I wouldn’t let my worst enemy stick his dick inside of you!”

Then, in an admittingly impressive feat, Kenneth leaped over the coffee table and instantly began swiping and swinging. The two boys, both twink and twunk, immediately engaging in a slapfight of scratching, smacking, hairpulling, and cussing eachother out as they tangled to the floor and on top of eachother. Their naked bodies interlocking and rolling around on the floor like two schoolgirls in a catfight.

“Hey!” I cried, “The both of you knock it off!”

I was forced to physically separate the two of them, keeping them at arms-length distance from each other. That did little to stop the two rambunctious boys, however, instead I became their main target. Their claws scratching and striking at my arms and chest as they swung wildly at the air between them.

Christ, I felt like I was on Jerry Springer.

“ENOUGH!” I bellowed, “Bellamy, Kenneth! Knock it off! NOW!”

The two boys stopped; Bellamy was clearly shocked that I raised my voice at him. Silence between the three of us except the heavy breathing as the two boys caught their breath and calmed down, “There’s clearly a lot of unresolved issues between the both of you!” I laid the cards down, “I mean, for God’s sake, the two of you are absolutely obsessed with eachother!”

“Pfft, whatever!” Bellamy rolled his eyes, “You don’t even cross my mind, Kenneth! You or your flat ass!”

I gave him a quizzical look out of the corner of my eye. I knew that wasn’t true. He knew it too.

“Hey, Kenneth.” Thad joined the conversation, absentmindedly stroking his hardon, “You have been asking me to use my Instagram to send you whatever Bellamy has been posting-”

“SHUT! UP! THAD!” Kenneth threatened through gritted teeth.

“Ha! So, you admit it!” Bellamy smugly raised an eyebrow “You’re still in love with me, even after all this time!”

“I am not!” Kenneth spat back.

“You are too!” Bellamy shot right back at him, “Which is why it makes no sense WHAT YOU DID TO ME!” He screeched at the top of his lungs, his voice cracking.

“You think I did it just to do it!?” Kenneth replied, throwing his arms in the air, “You don’t even understand half of it! It was…more complicated than that…”

Kenneth stared at the floor, Bellamy crossing his arms and turning his back towards the both of us.


“You know what?” Bellamy finally spoke up, “Just release the tape. I don’t give a shit at this point. Do whatever you want, Kenneth. You always have…”

“I’m not going to release the tape,” Kenneth assuaged, “I just wanted to get you here…I just wanted to talk to you again…”

“Again,” I stepped back into the fray, “Both of you, Bellamy and Kenneth, clearly still have feelings for one another. And I don’t think it would be right to step foot outside this house until we’ve resolved this…”

“Ya’ know,” Thad joined in, “Back at Kappa Omega Kappa, whenever two dudes get into it, you know how we resolve it?”

“A Brotherly Butt Busting!” The three boys, Bellamy, Kenneth, and Thad all announced.

I raised an eyebrow, clearly the odd man out here. Thad clarified for me, “A good hatefuck!” He smirked, “Nothing takes out a good bit of rage like buttfucking your frat brother into a cumming sloppy mess!”

Of course. I should’ve seen that coming.

Bellamy faced down Kenneth, Kenneth finally adverting his gaze from the floor and towards his ex-boyfriend. The two boys stared each other down–hazel eyes meeting green ones. Their faces unreadable and their gazes steely, as though they were having an entire unspoken conversation through their mere gaze…

Their lips met. Crashing against one another’s in an impressive show of fireworks. Arms wrapping around the other’s slender body as the smallest of whimpers escaped Bellamy’s lips. Wet slurping sounds as their pink tongues mingled and swirled around each other, hands running up and down bare backs, lips massaging one another’s.

Thad took his place in front of me, wrapping his arms around my figure and pressing his big broad body against mine. His throbbing hardon smushed between our two physiques, a leaking river of precum oozing between us as he planted several kisses across my chest and flicked his tongue against my nipples, “I believe you owe me a gutful of jizz, Papi…” He informed me, his voice so thick with lust it was unrecognizable.

His arms wrapping around my neck, planting wet fat lips against mine. My erection springing back to life as Thad’s now-familiar tongue intermingled and wrapped around mine as we naturally found ourselves crashing back to the loveseat. Thad’s bulky thighs straddling around mine, my hands naturally drawn to his bulging muscles and broad shoulders.

“Fuck, Papi…” Thad whined in my ear, “Your hands feel so good on my body…Here, lemme show you a bit of what I’ve learned here in college…”

With a final kiss, Thad jumped off my lap and grabbed underneath my thighs. Wordlessly directing me to throw up my legs high in my air as he dropped to his knees in front of me, “Thad, what are you doin-OH!” I shrieked in surprise, the shocking sensation of a wet tongue plunging deep in my hairy hole sending jolts of pleasure throughout my body.

The Kappa Omega Kappa Kiss. Of course.

Thad clearly learned from the very best. My eyes rolling to the back of my head as my toes curled, my brain overdosing from the copious amounts of both ecstasy and pleasure I was receiving from having Thad’s talented tongue plugging up my asshole. At this point, all I could do was laugh. Drowning in both sexual pleasures and jovial amusement that I had big brawny badass Thad’s tongue literally up my asshole.

I could see Kenneth and Bellamy in the corner of my eye, continually making out. Not losing an ounce of passion or intensity as their naked bodies pressed against one another, ensuring there was no space between the two boys as their hands rubbed up and down smooth bodies and gripped the other’s swollen cocks, “You know I missed the way your hands felt on my body, Mitch-erm, Bellamy…” Kenneth admitted.

“I missed the way your body felt pressed against mine.” Bellamy concurred, “Now shut up and ride my dick the way you used to…”

The two boys, their arms continuously wrapped around each other, made their way to the open seat next to me on the couch. Kenneth climbing on top of Bellamy, holding the blonde boy’s wrists down as he planted a myriad of kisses across his freckled face and jawline.

An embarrassing yelp of pleasure escaped from my lips as my hole instantly tightened, Thad’s blunt tongue slurping out of my hole as a thick strand of drool ran from my lubed hole and Thad’s kissable lips.

Thad followed suit. Climbing back on top of me and sliding his tongue back inside my mouth as he mounted himself on top my lap. My hands naturally resting on his muscular ass as the jock reached behind him as he gripped the base of my cock, lining up my leaking tip with his sloppy hole. Sliding in, the back of my head hitting the back of the couch as I moaned towards the ceiling as my nails dug into his muscled ass, “Fuck, Thad!” I finally choked out as he pressed his weight onto my cock, “I can’t believe how good you feel!”

“Oh yeah, he’s a fun fuck!” Kenneth concurred, finishing his sentence with a sloppy kiss to Bellamy’s lips.

The two boys to my right wasted no time, Kenneth eagerly plunging his ass onto Bellamy’s cock as howls of pleasure emanated from both boys’ lips, “Damn, Kenneth!” Bellamy finally choked out, “I almost forgot how good you feel! It’s been too long…”

“Oh, I’m flattered!” Kenneth faked faux modesty, “But I’m confused. I thought you could’ve sworn that there were-oh, fuck!-bats flying out of my ass, huh?”

“Okay, I may have exaggerated that…” Bellamy blushingly admitted.

A flurry of assfucking and swearing filled the entire living room. Thad riding and hopping on my throbbing cock and Bellamy taking out months of frustration and hard feelings out on his ex-boyfriend’s ass. Bellamy and I exchanging the occasional glance, the look of “is this really happening?” evident across our faces.

Eventually the four of us found our way to our feet. Exchanging sloppy kisses and curious tongues between us four until we found ourselves standing in the center of the living room. Kenneth and Thad both leaning over opposite ends of the coffee table as Bellamy and I furiously rammed each boy’s ass, respectively.

Both Thad and Kenneth’s tongues intertwined and swirled around one another’s. Exchanging wet kisses between deep moans of pleasure as they each were systematically and rhythmically fucked and pounded away at.

My eyes glued to the ceiling high above, praying that I wouldn’t bust too early. But Thad’s tight hole was making that increasingly difficult, squeezing around the shaft of my cock and milking me for everything I was worth, “Breed me, Papi!” Thad groaned between kisses, the coffee table squeaking underneath his and Kenneth’s weight, “Pump my ass full of your load, please!”

I could only chuckle to myself, wiping my sweaty forehead as I continued to pound away at his pale boy butt, “I’m surprised that a straight boy like you would be begging for an assload of cum, Thad…” I teased.

“Oh, drop the whole ‘straight boy’ shtick, Thad!” Bellamy grunted between each thrust in Kenneth’s ass, “Everyone knows you could’ve left that bathroom stall at any time but chose to sit there and suck dicks for a week straight!”

A bizarre sound coming from Kenneth, as his moans combined with ravenous laughter between Bellamy’s aggressive thrusts, “And that time you had to-oh, God!-had to attach all those binderclips to your ballsack!”

“Those were dares!” Thad insisted, his face reddening as either a result of lust or embarrassment, “Besides, cum is a really good source of protein and I was bulking up at the time!”

“Lemme put it to you this way, Thaddeus.” I finally jumped back in, trying to catch my breath between speaking and ravenous fucking, “The only way you’re getting my load up your ass is to come out and admit it!”

“I’ll do you even better!” Bellamy offered, “I’ll blow this fat load all over your face if you come out right now!”

“Fuck, I’m down to do the same!” Kenneth joined, “Whaddya say, Thad? You man enough to just come out and admit it already?”

All Thad could do was moan in response, his ass becoming increasingly just as red as his face as I smashed and slammed my cock deep inside his hole, “Just gimmie that cum and then we can talk…” Was his response.

I smirked. Well, if he insisted…

Thad was strong, sure. But I was stronger.

Roughly grabbing Thad’s wrists and pinning them firmly behind his back, I really began to pick up speed now. The beast growing inside of me, a raw and animalistic urge that wanted nothing more than to unleash my seed deep inside this frat boy’s pretty pink hole. Thad’s supposably straight hole now loose and sloppy, dripping and oozing with thick mixtures of lube and precum running down his monster thighs.

Thad was damn-near practically drooling over the table at this point. His mouth permanently agape as only an unending and unyielding moan was the only thing that escaped his lips.

I was close.

Bellamy and Kenneth excitedly took their positions on each side of the coffee table, standing on both sides of the frat boy as they rapidly jerked their aching hard dicks directly towards Thad’s sweaty reddened ace, “Oh fuck yeah, do it!” Thad begged, “Cover me with all that…thick…creamy…delicious cum!”

I was seeing sparks at this point.

My breathing shallowed and rapidly picked up as I sped down to the point of no return. That old familiar feeling arose deep inside of me, my blue balls on the verge of bursting violently as I wildly pounded away at Thad’s muscular ass, “Fuck him, Papi!” Bellamy ordered, spitting directly on his dick to lube up, “Fuck his ass up!”

This was it.

With a mighty final roar of unrestrained bliss and pleasures, my knees and legs buckling underneath their weight as I finally unleashed massive torrents of jizz deep inside of Thad’s ass. My cock physically throbbing and pulsating with every shot of cum, Thad’s insides flooding profusely as thick creamy juices violently squirted and erupted out of his sloppy asshole.

Bellamy and Kenneth orgasmed. Their lips smushing together in climax as their muffled moans served as the cherry on the sex sundae, thick creamy loads erupting and splattering across Thad’s hot and sweaty face. Thad himself reaching orgasm, a handsfree experience as his rock-hard cock splattered across the coffee table beneath him.

Once I finally caught my breath, I pulled out of the frat boy. The most beautiful sight of his wrecked and ruined hole dripping and drooling with sickeningly thick mixtures of cum and lube. He shakily arose to his legs, his face absolutely plastered and caked with thick and globby layers of jizz from the two boys.

I was a little uncertain of what his reaction would be once he came down from the high of orgasm. But the next thing I knew, he raised his arms triumphantly in the air, exposing his hairy pits to the entire room as he triumphantly proclaimed, “I’M GAY!”

Cheers and applause broke out throughout the room. Bellamy, Kenneth, and I all surrounding the cum-covered frat boy and patting him on the back. Despite the fact it was difficult to see under the frothy coats of cum, the unmistakable look of satisfaction and pride was engraved in stone across his face.

Each of us giving him a tight hug and a shout of congratulation, Thad smiling as though a great weight had been lifted from his shoulders, “Was that worth it?” I questioned, “Was that everything you imagined it would be?”

“Hell yeah!” He insisted, “Way better than rubbing one out!”

When the room finally calmed, the four of us realized that we were now caked and covered in each other’s and our own sweat, spit, and other juices. Kenneth suggested that we all hop in the shower upstairs through the master bedroom to clean up and see where we could take it from there. We agreed, following the twunk up the spiral staircase and down the hallway until we reached the master bedroom.

Despite my initial worry, in the bathroom we found that there would be more than enough room for the four of us in the luxurious shower. Looking better equipped for a spa than a home, complete with two showerheads, a generous amount of hot running water, and sweet-smelling oils and soaps.

Bellamy, Kenneth, Thad and I were all still riding off the high of orgasm, we couldn’t keep our hands off eachother under the hot and steamy water. First, the three of us all took long turns soaping up and massaging Bellamy’s juicy bubble butt. Our hands excitingly running up and down smooth slender thighs and cupping toned yet jiggly cheeks.

Bellamy, obviously, loved all the attention, twerking and shaking his ass all the while, “I swear your ass gets bigger everytime I see it,” Kenneth commented, “I’d kill to get an ass like this!”

“You’ve got a cute butt, though!” Bellamy reciprocated, “Sometimes I feel like I got a bit too much junk in the trunk!”

“No such thing!” I assuaged his concerns.

The best part of the shower, in my opinion, was when Bellamy, Kenneth, and Thad all took their ample time to soap me down and wash me clean. Three pairs of hands all running across my body simultaneously, washing me and getting every inch of my body under soapy suds.

And, of course, all three boys took ample time cleaning and rinsing down my erect cock. Six hands running up and down my throbbing shaft and cupping my low-hanging balls.

Finally, with that, the four of us all stepped out of the shower and began drying off. Kenneth and Bellamy whispering to each other before quickly excusing themselves and stepping out of the bathroom and down the hallway, leaving Thad and I to our own devices.

Thad and I toweled each other off. Taking extensive time to admire and compliment the other’s impressive physique as we ensured every inch of the other’s body was totally dried and moisturized with lotion.

The master bedroom was quiet. Thad and I stepped out into the white and gold room with oak trimmings, taking in the impressive sights of impeccable art and décor.

But what really caught my attention, sitting there square in the center of the king-sized bed, was the now infamous blue notebook, scribbled dick doodlings and hairy ballsacks gracing its front cover. This damn book was the entire catalyst of this entire ordeal, filled with buttfucking frat boys and vengeful exes. And God knows after all this, I wasn’t going to let this book go with my life…

I immediately snatched it off the bed. I automatically tensed up, half-expecting Thad to hop on my back and wrangle it from my grasp. But the frat boy simply smirked, “You can keep it! That notebook was the best trade of my life!” he proclaimed.

My curiosity peaked, “How so?” I raised an eyebrow.

Giggling to himself, he explained, “Not only did I get to copy Bellamy’s notes for Anatomy after not paying attention all quarter, but I also got a blowjob out of it, and now I got my guts rearranged by Papi on top of it!”

I couldn’t wipe away the smile that came across my face. Thad was clearly smarter than he let on…

After several minutes of awkward silence and small talk, my curiosity got the better of me. I urged Thad to remain in the bedroom while I went to look for Bellamy and Kenneth, walking down the hallway and peering down from the second floor and into the living room.

There, I found Bellamy and Kenneth downstairs. The two boys sitting side-by-side on the loveseat, their hands clasped and looking into each other’s eyes, “It’s been too long, Bellamy…” Kenneth finally spoke up, his voice colored a strange mix of melancholy and gladness.

“It has…” Bellamy agreed, running his free hand through Kenneth’s still-damp hair, “You know, for the first time in months, today I felt the same way I did whenever you and I were together…”

Kenneth laughed, “You mean that carefree way you and I could just say ‘fuck the world’ whenever we were together? Fuck the world, and fuck our families and their unfair expectations of us?”

“Those were good times…” Bellamy sighed, looking away from Kenneth, his face displaying the fact that he was still clearly hurt.

“I’m sorry…” Kenneth clasped Bellamy by the chin, making eye contact with his ex-lover.

Bellamy yanked his head away, “I don’t want sorries!” He spat angrily, “I want to know why…”

The brunette sighed, now looking away until he forced himself to look Bellamy in the eyes, “I just couldn’t do it anymore, Bellamy…” He admitted, “I couldn’t watch the abuse. The way Achilles targeted you day-after-day-after-day and the hours of endless fucking…”

Kenneth took a deep breath before continuing, “Achilles was a monster. He was never going to stop until he broke you like he did the rest of us. And God knows you were as stubborn as he was, you were never going to give out…”

“That was MY choice, though!” Bellamy snapped, “I chose to remain in the frat until you took that away from me! That wasn’t your decision to make!”


“But thank you,” Bellamy planted a kiss on Kenneth’s cheek, “I appreciate you looking out for me. That was sweet of you…”

It had just occurred to me that I was spying on the two of them. This was a private conversation best left between the two boys. With that, I tiptoed away back into the bedroom where Thad was waiting for me.

“Well?” He questioned me as soon as I stepped in, absentmindedly playing with his balls.

“I think it’s best we give them some privacy for now,” I suggested, “After everything they’ve been through, I think they have a lot to decompress.”

After a considerable amount of time, Kenneth and Bellamy finally entered the bedroom. With a sheepish grin and a nudge from Bellamy, Kenneth finally spoke up, “Err, Papi. I think I owe you an apology…”

That was an understatement.

I sighed, letting my frustrations and tension fade away as I tried to focus on our next steps, “It’s fine, Kenneth.” I replied, even though it really wasn’t, “Let’s just try to move on and see what tomorrow brings.”

“Well on the bright side, Papi.” Thad commented, “At least you’re not the one with a sore ass!”

Another pang of aching pain wracked my ass. I decided it was best to not correct Thad and keep my encounter with brutish Achilles to myself and Bellamy for now. With that, I tossed the blue notebook through the air and Bellamy caught it out of the sky.

A smile spreading across Bellamy’s lips as he skimmed through his Anatomy notes, and then holding it close to his chest as though he were guarding gold, “Listen, after Finals and everything,” Bellamy looked at Kenneth, “Let’s talk? See where this goes…ya’ know, between us?”

“I’d like that.” Kenneth smiled.

With a final soft kiss between Kenneth and Bellamy, Thad pulling me down to his level and planting a final sloppy kiss against my lips, Bellamy and I left the house, bid our farewells, and walked outside.

The skies above us colored hues of orange and pink as we finally exited the house after the long day. We concealed the most sensitive parts of our anatomy with our hands as we rushed towards the vehicle, our naked bodies exposed to the afternoon breeze and gazing eyes.

It was only once we were in the safety of the Escalade that we finally took the time to catch our breath and relax. We sat in silence, taking the time to collect our thoughts.

I finally broke the silence, “Bellamy, after everything we’ve been through today…you better pass that final in spades.”

Bellamy giggled, “Just keep giving me that dick whenever I need it, and I’ll pass with flying colors!”

“Oh, you’re not gonna give Kenneth’s a ride?” I teased, “I thought I had someone to help share the load with!”

Bellamy fell silent for a brief moment, and I was concerned that I somehow offended him. But he finally spoke up, “You know what? I actually don’t know. We decided that we’d let the past stay in the past and see what happens between us after Finals.”

I placed a hand on his thigh, “I’m proud of you, Bellamy. That was big of you to be the bigger person.”

His freckled face lit up, smiling and beaming with pride, “Thanks, Papi!” He leaned over the center console and placed a kiss on my cheek, “Now get us the hell out of here!”

On that, we were on the same page.

With a deep sigh, I put the Escalade in reverse, pulled out of the driveway, and took off towards home…

With his notes in his possession and a hunger to pass his Anatomy Final, the following weeks turned out rather smoothly. Studying, homework, and writing papers had all become parts of our daily routine. Ravenous fucking sessions worked as the breaks in between, where Bellamy and I would let out our growing tension and stress about the upcoming final out on eachother.

Throughout our time together, my mind would frequently remind me of Mr. Davenport and his illustrious offer. The deadline for my decision was coming up soon, the decision of whether or not I would accept his offer to work under his employ until Bellamy graduated college. The money was good, unmatched in fact, but the constant tension, guilt, and stress of carrying this secret with me was beginning to grow substantially.

“Papi, I’m nervous,” Bellamy admitted to me the night before the final, his face crammed in his notebook, “What if I didn’t study enough?”

“Don’t be,” I placed a reassuring hand on his shoulder, “You know this! Don’t discount yourself. Get some good sleep and we’ll have a big breakfast tomorrow!”

When the day of the Anatomy Final arrived, I attempted to project a look of cool collection. But I was a nervous wreck behind the scenes, had I helped Bellamy study enough? Did we cover the right material? Would Mr. Davenport be happy with the final results?

I suppose I would have to wait for the answer as Bellamy stepped inside his classroom, shutting the door behind him and locking me outside…

It was out of my hands now. My job was finished.

I thought I was about to vomit the day finally arrived. A week since the final and the day that grades were due for the end of the quarter. The both of us wracked with nerves and dread, nervously pacing back and forth in the living room and nearly crashing into each other multiple times.

“You’ve got this!” I assured the twink, “We studied, we practiced, we wrote papers and did research. You had to have passed!”

“I don’t know, Papi…” Bellamy confessed, biting his nails, “There were some things on that exam that I didn’t know…”

We didn’t even recognize the chime from the laptop at first. But when it finally sunk in that the final grades had offically been submitted, we sat on the couch and, with our hands clasped, refreshed the webpage…



“BELLAMY!” I shouted in excitement, “Holy shit, you did it!”

Bellamy was stunned, his eyes widened and his mouth agape as he still couldn’t fully comprehend the words on the screen. It wasn’t until I scooped him up in my arms and gave him the tightest hug of his life, “Papi, I can’t believe it!” He exclaimed, his face buried in my chest, “I actually passed!”

“You passed ALL your classes!” I exclaimed, “That’s a hell of change from nearly flunking out of school, huh?” I laughed.

Wiping a tear away from his eye, Bellamy smiled, “I-I haven’t seen grades that good in a long time! Thank you, Papi…”

“No, I didn’t do anything. YOU did it, Bellamy!”

Our lips crashed together. Bellamy’s hands running down my body was fiddling with my belt before he broke the kiss, “How’s about another celebratory fuck?” He gave a sultry smirk.

I could only smile, my hands running down his back, “The one for the midterm was good, but this one for the final should be mindblowing…”

But we were quickly interrupted by my ringing phone. An instant mood-killer washed over the room, I quickly fished it out of my pocket and looked at who was calling, “It’s my father, isn’t it?” Bellamy somehow knew.

It was.

“He has to be happy, right?” Bellamy continued, his brow raising.

“I would hope so,” I expressed optimism.

Although, with Thane Davenport, I could never be too certain.

Excusing myself and taking a short walk down the hall for a bit of privacy, I answered the call, “Mr. Davenport.” I addressed my employer.

“Alexander,” Mr. Davenport replied sternly, his voice void of emotion, “Do you remember what I told you the day you flew out from Los Angeles?”

I wracked my brain for a brief moment, but Mr. Davenport quickly answered his own question, “‘Think of this as saving my son from himself’…”

That was correct. Those were his instructions at the end of the dossier he had sent me about his son, “Mr. Davenport, I-”

“And Alexander,” He cut me off, “You have delivered in spades!”

A wave of relief washed over me; Mr. Davenport was pleased. And if he was happy, then I was happy, “I haven’t seen As on Bellamy’s report card since elementary school!” he exclaimed, “Marvelous work, Alexander!”

“Thank you, Mr. Davenport!” I exclaimed, “But it was really Bellamy who did most of the work. I just gave him a nudge in the right direction.”

“Modest as always, Alexander. Must be the military man in you!” Mr. Davenport reasoned, “But I don’t discount your important role in this at all. In fact, I am more than appreciative for all your efforts. Whatever you’re doing to my son is more than welcomed!”

My heart skipped a beat. There was no way he could possibly know. Just my guilty conscience nagging at me.

“In fact,” he continued, “I’m so ecstatic that Mitchell did such an amazing job, I would like to cordially invite the both of you down to New York for a small get-together!”

My interest was piqued, “A get-together, sir?”

“Of course, a small party with just myself and a few friends. To celebrate such a momentous occasion! You’ll be coming, of course.”

He wasn’t asking.

I smiled, “Of course, Mr. Davenport. Bellamy and I will both be there. Can’t have a party without the man of the hour, can we?”

“Of course, we can’t. But Alexander,” Mr. Davenport’s tone quickly shifted from warm and cordial to serious and woodened, “While you’re here in New York, I would like to take the opprotunity to meet with you in private, about the offer still left on the table…”

Of course. There was no way I was going to be able to avoid this significant decision. I sighed, “Of course, Mr. Davenport. You’ll have your decision then, in-person…”

“Brilliant! I look forward to hearing your decision,” He exclaimed, “Goodbye, Alexander.”

The call ended. I wasn’t getting out of this one. No more kicking the can down the road, I would have to have an answer for him shortly…

I turned around to walk back towards the living room, but Bellamy was standing at the mouth of the hallway. Casually leaning against the wall, already fully naked and erect, “A decision for what?” The twink questioned, stroking his cock all the while, “I wanna know…” He teased.

Damn it.

I sighed, scratching the back of my head as I attempted to find the best way to explain this. But after some time of awkward hems and haws, I decided to come out and explain what was happening, “Your father made me an offer, Bellamy. He wants to extend my contract for the next couple years until you graduate college, at least.”

Bellamy was ecstatic, jumping in place as he shouted in excitement, “And you said yes, right?” He assumed, “You’re going to accept the offer!?”

I looked down on the floor, I couldn’t look him in the eyes. In a voice barely above a whisper, “I don’t know…” I admitted.

Bellamy’s face dropped, his arms drooping to his side, “W-What do you mean?” He questioned, “Y-you want to be here with me, right?”

“Bellamy, I-” The words got caught in my throat, my mind was absolutely blank, and I had no idea what to say next, “What do you want me to say?”

The boy recoiled, clearly shocked by my answer. But his face quickly turned solemn, stone faced and serious. Without any further word, he simply walked into his bedroom and shut the door behind him.

I stood in the hallway. Alone.

“I’m sorry,” I whispered.

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