Puppy Love Ch. 04

A gay sex stories: Puppy Love Ch. 04 Chapter 4 of 6

Monday morning began like any normal work week, with a quick meeting to get an update from the art and creative departments.

As the staff gathered around Bob’s desk, fielding question from him, Jack and Luke stood quietly in the back… next to one another – Jack fighting off the urge to take Luke’s hand. They’d take quick glances at each other, careful not to be to obvious.

After everyone was dismissed, Jack followed Luke back to his desk.

Luke sat down while Jack stood behind him.

“Ummm…. I had a really nice time this weekend.” Jack whispered

“Me too. Thank you for everything” Luke smiled slyly “and I mean everything.”

Jack scanned the room, confirming there were no eyes fixed on them, and ruffled Lukes curls.

“Oh, you haven’t received ‘everything’ yet” Jack joked, causing Luke to go deeper red.

He loved that blush.

“Do you have any plans for tonight?” Luke asked, almost embarrassed.

Jack smiled “what do you have in mind?”

“Would you and Theo like to come over for dinner tonight?”

“We’d both love that.”

Luke confessed “I’m not a professional chef, but I make a mean spaghetti that I promise won’t disappoint you.”

“I don’t think you could ever disappoint me” Jack smiled.

The guys separated, going about their day. Both were busy with their respective projects. Around 4:30 Jack received a text. Checking his phone he found a message from Luke… a simple emoji of a plate of spaghetti. He laughed to himself and replied with one of his own… a glass of wine.

Both were looking forward to the evening.

At 5:00 they met up outside the main doors.

“I’m going to go home and let Theo out” Jack said “I’ll clean up and we’ll be right over.

“That sounds great. I’m going to get Olive from daycare and I’ll get dinner started… I’ll see you soon.”

Luke didn’t know how to end their ‘conversation’ in public. He wanted to kiss Jack so badly, but didn’t feel comfortable… so he stood there quiet and nervous – finally deciding to extend his hand for a shake.

Jack let out an audible laugh and shook his hand.

Jack walked home feeling giddy and excited… if he hadn’t looked at his feet he’d think he was floating. He took out his phone and called Reve.

“Jack-in-the-Box! How’s it hanging?” she laughed.

Laughing back “it’s not really hanging right now. I’m meeting up with Luke again tonight” he let out a long sigh “when I think of him it never hangs.”

“Yes! Yes! Yes!” she screamed into the phone, causing Jack to pull it away from his ear and burst into laughter.

“Calm down, I’m already nervous.”

You could hear Reve take a noticeably deep breath “Ok, that’s fine. Second dates can always be nerve wracking.”

“Well, it’s not really second, it could be third… I’m not sure. I mean technically it’s the second time one of us has asked the other to spend time together.”

Reve laughed loudly “Wait… what happened after the shelter date!?”

“Nothing happened! Plus, I don’t know if I can count that as a date… it wasn’t really date-ish, but I did ask him to come, so…”

“Hold on. Hold on… so if that’s not your first date, then…”

“It could be yesterday when we went to the beach together” Jack waited for Reve to react.

There was a long pause. Jack tensed up because he had no idea what Reve was thinking. Was this a good pause – an ‘I’m so happy for you’ pause, or a bad pause – ‘a what the hell did you do’ pause?

The squeal from the other end of the phone was the answer “Jaaaaaack! Oh my god! Jaaaaaack! Why wouldn’t you tell me this?!”

“I’m sorry, I’m sorry, but we didn’t get back until later in the evening, plus I needed to get Theo settled… and Luke wants to keep it quiet for the moment…” he laughed “Luke is kinda confused about his sexuality and he’s not ready for anyone to know. I’m the first guy he’s kissed… the first guy he’s ever had any feelings for.

“Jackson Poole! I’m not just anyone! I’m your best friend!”

“I know… I know… I’m sorry!”

Jack was trying to take this seriously, he didn’t want to hurt Reve’s feelings, but the sound of her fangirling over his love life was too good to stop. It’d been a long time since he had any relationship news to even share.

“Ok… so beach” Reve sounded much more collected “What’d you guys do?”

Jack prepared for the next onslaught of squealing.

“I took him to Sandy Hook and we spent….”

She cut him right off

“Oh my god!! You took him to the nude beach didn’t you? You seriously didn’t take him there did you?”

“Yeah, I kinda did” Jack laughed

“So you must have at least kissed him, right? Nude beach gets at least a kiss, right?”

“Yes, Reve… we kissed” Jack could feel his voice softening “it was so nice. He is so nice.”

He wished she could see the ear to ear smile on his face.

“First base. Oh baby, I’m so happy for you.” Jack knew she was sincere.

When Mike shit all over him, Reve was the one who helped him pick up the pieces. She was there for the tear-filled, self-loathing nightly conversations. She was there to talk him down from the proverbial ledge more times than he could remember.

She was there when he hit the lowest point.

One night Reve received a phone call from Jack’s neighbor – concerned when she couldn’t reach him after hours of hearing Theo bark. She knew there had to be a problem.

Using her key to get in, Reve discovered Jack laying on the bathroom floor – curled in a fetal position – a drained bottle of vodka next to him and a empty pill bottle in his hand. She checked his pulse… he was still alive. She slapped him a few times until he let out a few sobs.

“You bastard” she yelled “You are ‘not’ leaving me because of that asshole.”

She took two fingers and shoved them down his throat. Jack winced and squirmed as he began to gag… wincing harder each time she repeated it, until his stomach eventually released it’s contents across the cold, white tile floor and over Reve’s lap.

Jack slowly began to regain full consciousness, quickly followed by a wash of fear, shame and regret. How could he do that to Reve? How could he do that to Theo? How could he do that to himself?

“Well, it might be more than first base” he sheepishly said “cuz I kinda… sorta… like… gave him a blow job.”

He instinctively pulled the phone away from his ear, prepared for something loud.

“Jaaaaackson!” she squealed “You didn’t? Holy shit you did! Jack!”

Her breathing was hard… excited.

“So, what base is that in gay guy bases” she barked out laughing “third-and-a-half?”

“I don’t really know – I’m not really keeping score. I’m just walking around with a smile plastered on my face.”

“Ok… ok… so what are you going to do now?” she asked anxiously.

“We’re having dinner tonight at his place. He asked Theo and me over for spaghetti.”

Reve sighed “that’s so Lady and the Tramp. You know, cuz you can kiss him over a plate of pasta, and you’ll have the dogs.”

“I’m glad you’re excited because I’m nervous as hell” Jack took a few deep breaths “what if he doesn’t want to proceed with this? What if we talk and he tells me yesterday was a mistake and he regrets it? What if…”

Reve cut him off

“What if you just relax and enjoy yourself? Don’t shoot yourself down before you take off, Ok?”

“I’ll try… I promise.”

“Good luck sweetie. I’ll be pulling for you while you’re pulling on him” she laughed.

“Stop it!” he felt his face warming up.

Jack got home and immediately took Theo out back. The dog ran excitedly, making laps around the yard – sniffing the fence line.

“Ok, Theo” Jack yelled into the yard “you do your thing, I’m cleaning up.”

He went upstairs to take a quick shower and change his clothes. On the way to the bathroom his phone rang. It was Luke.

“Hey, what’s up?” he asked.

“Fucking water main break on the street in front of my place” Luke lamented to Jack “I don’t have any water, or any idea when I will. Would you mind taking a rain check on dinner?”

“I don’t mind, but what are you going to do for water? Showering? Cooking? If they can’t tell you how long.”

“I’ll make due… I’ll pretend I’m camping” he laughed “I’ve camped since I was a kid. I’m getting ready to walk to the store for a couple cases of water.”

“That’s ridiculous! Pack up some clothes and things, get Olive ready, and stay at my place for a day or so.”

“No, I don’t want to be a pain. I’ll survive for a few days, but thanks for the offer.”

Jack was becoming annoyed. Obviously either Luke was too proud to accept the help or wary of something he wasn’t ready for happening between the two of them.

“You’re so stubborn” Jack’s voice rising “let me help you.”

Luke huffed “ok, fine! I’ll pack and we’ll be over soon” Luke’s tone softened “I’m not stubborn, you’re just too persistent. Thank you.”

“You’re welcome. Oh, also bring the spaghetti ingredients with you, too. You can cook me dinner here.” He laughed.

“See, persistent… but thank you.” Luke felt flustered. What was it about Jack that turned him into a blushing fool?

A knock on the door sent Jack into a momentary feeling of frenzy. He’d showered, changed clothes and straightened up the house. He ran to answer the door, ready to greet his guest… and he was overcome with nerves.

“Welcome” Jack leaned in, apprehensively, to give Luke a kiss. He was happy to receive a warm hug and deep kiss in return “can I get you anything to drink?”

Theo and Olive greeted each other at the door as well, bumping noses and wagging tails.

“Something strong… it’s been a shitty evening so far” gloom hung off his voice.

Jack disappeared into the kitchen, returning with two bottles and two glasses.

“I brought some options, based on your mood”

Luke smiled “always prepared. What are my options?”

“I have scotch or I have tequila… depending on your scale of exasperation” Jack shrugged, giving a weak smile “keep in mind we’re having wine with dinner – which you’re cooking, remember?”

Laughing out loud, Luke said “well, I don’t want to be plastered before I get to enjoy what I’d planned to be a romantic meal, so how about just a Coke”

“Romantic meal?” Jack looked away, almost embarrassed “I really ‘can’t’ wait now.”

They went to the kitchen, Luke reached into a canvas tote bag, spreading his ingredients across the counter. Red pepper flakes soaking in a jar of vodka, pint of heavy cream, a jar of homemade sauce sent from his Mother, pasta & Parmesan cheese.

“I learned this recipe from my Mom – it’s one of my favorites.”

He simmered the spiced vodka in a fry pan, eventually taking a match and setting it aflame… burning off the alcohol. It was like a show you’d see at a one of those hibachi restaurants where the chefs prepared your meal table side.

Luke mixed the vodka together with the tomato sauce and cream, making a thick, pink sauce.

“Can you handle the pasta?” he asked Jack

“Of course I can handle pasta” he mocked, pretending to be insulted.

Pasta & sauce mixed together made an amazing, yet slightly spicy, meal that Luke was happy to share with Jack.

After their dinner – and more than two bottles of wine – they sat in the living room talking. Both on the sofa, next to each other, close enough to bump knees whenever the other moved.

Jack suggested it was time to turn in… they had work in the morning. They let Theo & Olive out to do their ‘business’, both guys leaning on each other at the back door until the dogs returned.

“We have two options here” Jack explained “I can be a gentleman and offer you the guest room – making sure there’s no ‘funny business'”, he smiled.

“What’s the second option” Luke tilted his head.

“I can offer that we share my bed. That’s if you’re comfortable enough being…”

Luke cut him off by leaning forward and kissing him. Forceful, his tongue pushing against Jack’s lips demanding entry. He gripped his head in both hands, palms covering Jack’s cheeks and continued assaulting his mouth.

Jack broke away first, he smiled… then laughed “I guess that’s a yes to sharing a bed?”

“Yes, please.” Luke blushed again, deeper red – almost maroon.

The dogs came trotting back in. Normally Theo would sleep on the bed near Jack, on top of the comforter, but tonight being the special night it was Theo was relegated to the living room with Olive. He didn’t look slighted – he looked happy for his own slumber party.

Jack looked at Luke adoringly. His mind was already planning a relationship, but he swept that away when he reminded himself that Luke was only now coming to terms with his sexuality. Even if Luke did have ‘relationship’ feelings for him, why would he want to commit to the first guy he came out to? Jack told himself he wasn’t that special. Luke could have his choice of any man, why would he settle for him?

“Do you have any ‘nighttime rituals’ to take care of?” Jack asked “you know, brushing your teeth, flossing – maybe a complicated beauty ritual to keep that face fresh and gorgeous?” he smiled.

Luke shook his head “just change into my jammies for bed.”

“Jammies?” Jack raised an eyebrow in question.

Reaching into his bag Luke produced a pair of dark blue pajama pants and a white t-shirt – the ones he was wearing when they sat on the deck.

“How about you?” Luke asked “anything you’d like to take care of?”

“Just brush my teeth and a quick floss. I’ll take care of my things and you can change. Be right back.”

Jack walked down the hall to the bathroom, cursing himself for not sticking around to watch Luke change. Yeah, sure, he’s seen all the ‘bits and pieces’ from their trip to the beach – but it wasn’t like he’d turn down seeing them again. His brain played out various scenarios for tonight. Anywhere from Luke giving in and having hot sex with him to the non-logical, but still plausible, Luke leaving in disgust from having to lay next to him. It seems Mike was in his head laying out reasons Jack should end up alone.

“Ok, I’m all fresh and minty now” Jack announced entering the bedroom.

“Nice to know” Luke smiled.

Luke sat on the bed wearing his pajamas. Jack could see the nipple piercings through the thin fabric of his t-shirt and it turned him on. Jack turned off the bedside lamp and they both settled in. He began drifting off, the worst case scenario still trying to fight it’s way to the front. It’s still not to late for him to run, right?

“Can I ask you something?” Luke whispered.

Jack’s sleepy brain was redirected to reality when he heard that voice, realizing Luke had rolled over and was now facing him.

“Of course you can.”

“Are you angry we haven’t had sex yet?”

Jack jerked back, now fully awake and aware “Luke! Why would you think that? Shit… if I’ve given you that feeling I’m so sorry. No, of course I’m not. I told you you’re the one setting the pace.”

“It’s just that I’m sure in you’re past relationships you’d have… done it… by now, and I’m still unsure.”

Jack extended his arms and pulled Luke in tight, kissing his forehead, slowly working down his face to his lips.

“If you notice, all the boyfriends I may have had in the past are gone. Having ‘first date sex’ didn’t seem to prevent them from ditching me. Mike was only the latest of losers.”

Luke let out a long, audible sigh “you know I want to, right. You get me so excited all he time. You make me horny” he closed his eyes and looked away “I’m just so nervous I don’t know what to do. I don’t want to ruin it for you” his voice was now trembling and shaky.

“This isn’t about me, ok? It’s about you feeling safe and enjoying yourself. I want your first time to be memorable. It’s about ‘us’.”

Luke trembled against Jack’s chest… tears flowing quietly and warm. He nuzzled himself tightly into Jack’s body, running his hands up and down Jack’s back… starting at his shoulders and sliding down his spine.

Jack kissed the top of Luke’s head “what can I do to help you?”

“I’ve thought about being with you since the beach. I think that’s when I realized I was really ready. But I don’t want you to… umm…. I don’t know… ‘laugh’ at me?” he offered a weak smile.

Jack physically pushed himself away from Luke. Not only was he at a loss for words, he was at a loss for feelings.

“Do you seriously think I’d do that a to you?” His voice was concerned but comforting “Don’t forget I had a first time once too. Sometimes I still have clumsy feelings.”

Jack leaned into Luke and pulled him close again.

“I get the feeling, and tell me if this is non of my business, Christine really did a number on you.”

“Is it that obvious?”

“Sometimes” Jack kissed Luke’s forehead again “I recognize a ‘crappy ending’ when I see one. Mike is still in my head a lot too.”

Luke let out a long, ragged breath “the whole dumped thing. The whole out of the blue thing. I followed her everywhere… every relocation. I’d land a great job, settle in and start moving ahead. Then ‘BOOM’, Chis lands a new job and it’s off we go again.”

Everything was quiet for a few moments. Neither spoke even though Jack had dozens of questions.

“When we adopted Olive I thought ‘finally, this is it’. This is where we set down roots. This is where I’ll start over… and then she left us. Sometimes I feel worse for Olive than myself… at least I can comprehend her taking off…” he trailed off.

Luke drew in a shaky breath – but exhaled long and steady.

Leaning forward he placed his mouth over Jack’s, working his tongue over Jack’s bottom lip… his teeth grazing lightly over the flesh. Jack ran his fingers wildly through Luke’s hair, grasping and releasing tufts in pace with his kisses.

Jack tilted his head back – closing his eyes – and let out a slow, low moan “fuck, Luke… holy shit. The way you kiss…” He placed a hand on the back of Luke’s head, roughly pulling him closer and tighter – whispering “more.” Jack was ravenous for Luke’s mouth.

Luke pulled his head back to look into Jack’s eyes. He stared at him, the gears in his brain clicking possibilities… options… decisions.

“My god… you don’t know how much I want this” Jack gasped “how much I desperately need to have you this close.”

Luke kissed his way up Jack’s neck, his warm breath and soft lips causing goose bumps on Jack’s skin.

“I… I never thought you’d want me. I’m so scared of disappointing you.”

Jack ran his fingers through Luke’s curls.

“We’ll take our time… I told you, you could never disappoint me. I just want to show you how much you mean to me.” Jack ran his thumb along Luke’s jawline. Starting at his ear and sliding down to his dimpled chin. “I know this is all happening so fast… and we’ll slow down if that makes you more comfortable. It’s just sometimes I can’t believe you’re real.”

In one quick motion Jack rolled onto his back, scooping up Luke and resting him on his chest. They continued kissing, mouths entangled – a magical, magnetic lock bonding them together. Jack slowly raked his fingers down the length of Luke’s back… finger nails dragging lightly, leaving small trails in their wake.

Luke moaned into Jack’s mouth. The more they kissed, the closer they became, the hotter Luke felt. His cock was straining against the thin fabric of his pajamas.

“I need to get these clothes off” Luke panted.

Jack grabbed Luke’s shirt and yanked it off over his head. He ran his fingers through Luke’s chest hair, flicking his tongue over each nipple, gently tugging on the silver bar piercings.

“Holy shit!” Luke gasped “fucking work my nipples.”

Jack whispered “You tell me if there’s anything you don’t like, Ok?”

“I’m not made of porcelain, I’m more than able to speak for myself… I’ll be fine. Think of me like any of your other hookups.”

Jack’s eyes darted open. Wide, stunned and slightly hurt.

“First, you’re nothing like any guy I’ve ever been with before. Second, you’re not a ‘hookup’ – at least I hope you don’t think so.”

“I’m sorry. I do know that.” Luke leaned down, hovering his face over Jack. He went in for another kiss, they meshed together, the lines of where one mouth stopped and the other began nothing more than a blurry line.

When Luke finally broke the seal, his mouth wandered down Jack’s body – slowly kissing down his chest – licking around his navel… taking extra time with the blonde trail of hair leading into his briefs.

Luke looked up at Jack. Waiting for a signal of approval and permission.

“You don’t have to. I’m comfortable doing everything we’ve been doing – we can wait for that.”

“Didn’t you say I set the pace? I’m ready… to satisfy you.”

Jack smiled, the edges of his mouth lifting higher than he intended… than he expected. Yes, he wanted Luke to suck his cock. He was ready for him to make a move since their time at the beach, but wasn’t going to rush his inexperience.

“You satisfy me by being with me – you understand that, right?”

“Please… I want to.”

Luke’s voice was a mixture of hesitation and demand… his fingers already hooked into the waist band of Jack’s briefs beginning to tug them down.

Jack rested back against the headboard, anticipating Luke’s contact. Waiting for Luke’s touch sent shivers down his spine… turning him to Silly Putty when his warm mouth enclosed around his dick.

Luke’s eagerness to please was only more of a turn on for Jack. Mike used to suck him, too. Difference was, he wasn’t so much about pleasure as it was achieving the end result. Yeah, sometimes he was caring and slow… but the majority of the time – especially towards the end of the relationship – felt he was just going through the motions to get to his turn. Luke was expressing love and desire with Jack’s happiness being the actual destination.

Jack squirmed as Luke licked up and down his shaft… one hand cupping his balls while the other dipped into his slit to scoop up the steady leak of pre-cum.

“Oh, Luke… fuck! Work my knob… use your tongue. Oh my god!”

Luke obeyed. He ran his tongue in circles around the tip of Jack’s cock… occasionally dipping his mouth down far enough to only suck the head. He steadily bobbed on Jack, unsure how much pressure was too much and how deep was too deep for his own throat.

“Is.. is this ok?” Luke was tentative.

“Oh my god… you’re driving me fucking crazy! You’re amazing!” Jack gasped, words almost unable to form.

Luke smiled to himself, his confidence growing. He tugged on Jack’s nuts, rolling them in his palm as he tried taking more and more of the girth in his mouth.

“Stop… Lu..Luke. Stop! I’m gonna cum. I don’t want to cum yet.”

Luke lifted his mouth off Jack “I’m in control, remember” he growled “I want it.”

“God Luke… Fuck, fuck, fuck! I might shoot in your mouth.”

Luke took his own dick in his hand and jerked it rapidly “cum with me” Luke whimpered. “Please, let me take you.”

Jack didn’t say a word, he couldn’t. He was concentrating on breathing – his brain seemed to forget how.

“Cu.. cum… cumming. I’m gonna cum!” Jack cried.

Luke doubled down and pushed his mouth deeper over the shaft, making it impossible for Jack to pull out.

“Fuuuucckk!” Jack gasped as his load filled Luke’s mouth. Unable to swallow fast enough – it left Luke gagging as jizz spilled down his chin.

Luke continued jacking himself, quickly firing rapid shots of cream over Jack’s body… first blast, second blast, third blast, eventually losing count. All the energy zapped from his body left him to collapse onto Jack. They lay there, catching their breath… looking deeply into each other’s eyes.

“You have a little something on your chin” Jack laughed “here, let me help.” Leaning up, he hungrily used his tongue to lick the cum off Luke’s face.

“Uggghhh, Jack. I suppose you’re gonna want to kiss me with that mouth now too?” Luke feigned disgust

Jack chuckled “yes… yes I do. C’mere” he pulled Luke tighter and kissed him deeply, both working to clean Luke’s chin while mixing their saliva with the spunk. When his face was clean from the evidence of their fun, the guys laid back down on the bed, Jack on his back with Luke contently splayed out over him.

“That has to be one of the most amazing blowjob of my life” Jack inhaled, still catching his breath “I wouldn’t mind doing this for the rest of my life.”

Luke laid there, staring at Jack, his head swimming.

Jack smiled “just tell me if this is too much for you… moving too fast… I’ll back off. I promise you won’t hurt my feelings.”

Luke’s eyes became misty “no, it’s not too fast. It’s just something I never thought I’d have… with someone I never thought I’d have it with.”

Laying there on the bed, still draped over Jack, Luke ran everything through his brain. He was looking for something – words, descriptions for his feelings, something. Suddenly, like a flash of lightening, it struck him. Bisexual. There it was. He was definitely bisexual… and he was ok with that.

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