Puppy Love Ch. 06

A gay story: Puppy Love Ch. 06 Chapter 6 of 6 thank you all who stuck with this story, I hope you enjoyed it. I love reading any and all comments. TUESDAY ONE WEEK LATER It was about a week since Jack learned about Lily Kelly and his mind was working on ways to shift … Read more

Puppy Love Ch. 05

A gay story: Puppy Love Ch. 05 Chapter 5 of 6 As usual I’m always interested in your thoughts and feedback Jack’s alarm went off Tuesday morning… the sound of rain tap dancing on the bedroom window. Looking at Luke laying in bed next to him, he let out a steady breath of relief… it … Read more

Puppy Love Ch. 03

A gay sex stories: Puppy Love Ch. 03 Chapter 3 of 6 As usaual, any comments or feedback is welcomed. Sunday morning Jack’s phone ringing woke him up from a self pity slumber. He was still mortified from misreading Luke and angry at himself for taking a chance – when he swore he wasn’t going … Read more

Puppy Love Ch. 02

Puppy Love – Chapter 2: A Sultry Gay Sex Story A gay sex story: Puppy Love Ch. 02 As always, appreciate any feedback or comments Chapter 2 of 6 So, if you don’t have anything planned for tomorrow” Jack proceeded “would you be interested in volunteering at the shelter with me?” Luke didn’t hesitate, “sounds … Read more