Puppy Love Ch. 02


Puppy Love – Chapter 2: A Sultry Gay Sex Story

A gay sex story: Puppy Love Ch. 02 As always, appreciate any feedback or comments

Chapter 2 of 6

So, if you don’t have anything planned for tomorrow” Jack proceeded “would you be interested in volunteering at the shelter with me?”

Luke didn’t hesitate, “sounds great!”

“Don’t get to excited” Jack chuckled “it’s just picking up poop, cleaning out cages, changing bedding, walking dogs…” he trailed off.

Luke laughed “you don’t need to sell me… you had me at poop.”

Jack was thrown for a second when Luke flashed that gorgeous grin. Calm down, he told himself… stop acting like this is a date. It’s just a day of cleaning cages at the shelter.

“Ok, then” Jack stumbled “I’ll see you tomorrow then? Around 8am?”

“I can meet you at the dog park? “Or I can pick you up if you like. I mean, I can give you an address too… umm… if you want to get there on your own… I don’t have to bring you. Not that I don’t want to bring you, that is. It’s… umm… up to you I mean.”

Jack stammered as he spoke. It was all babble and he knew he looked and sounded foolish. Now, even if this was an actual date – and he got Luke to spend some more time with him – that round of verbal diarrhea just flushed everything.

“I’d really appreciate a ride. Thanks. Do we bring the dogs with us?”

“I usually leave Theo with my best friend Reve, I’ll call her ask her if she’ll look after Olive too.”

“No, that’s Ok… I don’t want to put her out. Besides, this friendliness thing with Olive might just be a fluke. There’s no guarantee she’ll be fine with your friend. Or that you’re friend will even want another dog to look after. I’ll just take her to daycare like I usually do. She’ll be fine.”

“No, seriously. I’ll call Reve right now. Just hang tight.”

Jack took Theo and stepped away from Luke and Olive, pulling his phone out of his pocket.

“Jack Attack!” She answered full of life “what’s the what?”

“Hey you! I have a massive favor to ask. I met this guy…”

She cut him off mid sentence


“But you don’t even know what it is yet? I could be asking you to give him a kidney” he laughed.

“It centers around you meeting a guy… of course I’ll help you. I’ve been telling you to have faith and the universe will deliver.”

“I need you to dog sit for me. I’m volunteering at the shelter… actually he and I are. Since I usually leave Theo with you, would you be willing to watch his dog for the day too? She’s a sweet, quiet little Terrier… Olive.”

“Of course I will. As long as her name isn’t Cujo it’ll all be fine” she let a short chuckle, amused at her own joke.

“Thank you, thank you, thank you!”

“All I ask is that you at least get to first base with him. I’m not asking for a full on first date fuck, but at least try to kiss the man.”

Jack paused.

“All I can promise is that I’ll try… cuz I really want to try” Jack laughed “but I don’t think cleaning crappy cages is a turn on.”

“It’s not a problem for her” Jack told Luke “she’s happy to help.”

“Damn, thank you man!”

“Ok, so I’ll meet you at the cafe just around the corner… Press Pawz. We can grab some breakfast and head over. They’re a big supporter of the shelter so they have excellent dog snacks too.”

Luke smiled his wide, bright grin and extended his hand “thank you for the invite, I can’t wait to see you tomorrow.”

Jack choked and sputtered “it’s a date…. I mean… I – I’ll see you tomorrow.”

Date? It’s a date? Jesus Christ, Jack thought to himself, can you sound any more pathetic?

He took Theo’s leash as they slowly made their way home. Unable to stop himself, he glanced back over his shoulder watching Luke readying Olive for their walk too. He smiled and said to Theo “I have a date kiddo. Holy shit I have a date.”

Jack barely slept, replaying the evening in his mind. Was he sure Luke understood properly… they were really going to meet at the cafe? He didn’t dream it, did he? This was real? A gorgeous guy was going on a date with him?

In the morning Jack sat up, watching as Theo still slept at the foot of the bed. The minute he sensed any movement, Theo turned his head, jumped off the bed, and ran to the kitchen. At least one of them could eat breakfast… Jack’s stomach was twisted in knots. He opened the fridge and grabbed a packet of fresh dog food for Theo then made himself some coffee. He couldn’t even think about food until he was sure Luke wasn’t going to stand him up. He still could, he thought. Just because he said yes didn’t mean he was actually going to show. Maybe he was just being polite… not knowing how to say no.

He continuously checked his phone for a message from Luke when he suddenly realized… they never exchanged numbers. He couldn’t call or text to cancel… he had no way of getting in touch. Jack prepared himself for the worst.

Around seven thirty Jack got Theo’s leash, food and toys… everything Reve would need to entertain a dog for a day. They walked out the back door and down the path to the driveway. It was a bright, beautiful day… a put the top down on the convertible kind of day. Jack started his sunny yellow Camaro, dropped the top – double checked Theo – and headed into town.

Jack pulled up to cafe with no Luke or Olive in sight… pretty much as he expected. He parked on the street and they headed in… Jack for coffee, Theo for a biscuit. As he waited in line, his phone rang – it was a number he didn’t recognize.

“Hello?” he answered hesitantly.

“Jack, it’s Luke… are you at the cafe yet?”

“Ummm… yeah?”

“I’m so sorry, but…”

Jack cut him off, no reason to let him continue

“It’s ok, maybe another time” He was trying to hide the disappointment in his voice.

“No, no… I just wanted to make sure you were there. I didn’t have your number, so I texted Bob this morning and he gave it to me. Olive and I are at the dog park, I wanted to make sure I didn’t miss you… we’ll be right over.”

Jack could feel his face flush as he smiled thinking ‘holy shit, he actually showed.’

Luke entered the cafe, Olive in tow. “So… what’s good here?’

“Well” Jack paused “I always get coffee… their French press is amazing… a breakfast sandwich for me and a treat for Theo.”

Luke turned from the menu board and looked at Jack “then make that two of each” and smiled.

Jack waited for the order while Luke sat outside on a low brick wall next to the shop, the dogs at his feet. Soon enough Jack returned and they headed for the car.

A five minute ride and they pulled up near Reve’s house. Jack got out, ran around to the passenger side, and opened the door for Luke – lending a hand as he fumbled with the dogs and leashes.

“And who said chivalry was dead?” Luke laughed.

Jack blushed. A deep, dark red. A ‘feel the heat travel from your toes up to your face’ blush. A ‘haven’t blushed like this in a long time’ blush.

“I didn’t want you to struggle with them alone.”

Jack rang the doorbell and could heard footsteps approaching from inside.

“Jack Rabbit” she laughed, pulling him in for a hug “C’mon in!”

“Revelation Singh, this is Luke Larson and Olive”


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