Puppy Love Ch. 02

Jack ordered coffee, Luke went for hot chocolate.

“Hot chocolate? It has to be like 85 degrees outside” Jack smiled.

“Only when I want to relax…. this morning was a lot.”

“You should have said something… we could have left earlier!”

“No. No… I love it as a way to unwind, reminds me of being a kid.”

The guys chatted while they ate, mostly work related. Jack told Luke what books he was currently working on… specifically right now ‘Princess Pig’ and the illustrations he was drawing. Luke laughed at some of the cute ideas Jack had in mind for the pig. Luke filled Jack in on the book he was currently writing… a YA novel about two teens who fall for each other while working in an animal shelter.

“So I see” Jack laughingly mocked “You didn’t want to spend any time with me… it was all just research.” He smiled.

“More like inspiration.”

“Does this book have a name yet?” Jack asked.

Luke paused “Well, not yet. They shot down what I suggested – Shelter Me – and are playing with their own ideas. As long as they’re happy, they pay me, and it sells… they can call it anything they want.”

“I like Shelter Me” Jack offered as support “but I think ‘Puppy Love’ is more appropriate.

“Oh my god… that’s brilliant!” Luke said in total shock “I’ve got to write that down. I’m going to pitch that. Thank you! Is it alright if I steal that from you?”

“Steal away.., it’s not like I’m going to use it. My books come already written and named.”

Luke took out his phone and made a few notes to himself. Reminders of the name and where he can change the story a little playing with the new title. They finished up their meals and when Carmen brought the bill, Luke quickly snatched it.

“No, no, no!” Jack protested “this is me paying you for helping out today.”

“You don’t need to pay me. I had a good time… plus I owe you for the book title” He smiled.

Full, a little tired, and ready to be reunited with their dogs, Jack drove to Reve’s house. Knocking on the door, he heard Theo’s familiar barking. Nothing from Olive, but Luke expected that.

Reve answered the door, Theo at her side – tail wagging furiously – and Olive at her feet tail going full speed too. Theo ran to Jack as he knelt down to shower him with attention. While Olive didn’t bolt out the door, she did run to Luke… excited to see him again. He picked her up in his arms and was showered with doggie kisses.

“How was she today?” Luke asked Reve.

“A little bundle of energy” she smiled “followed Theo around wherever he went. Even when I took them in the yard.” She took a moment to watch the reunion “she played with him and he seemed to love her company.”

Luke just shook his head “after all this time, a chance encounter with a stranger and his dog changed her.” He looked at Jack “I can’t thank you enough.”

Jack smiled and patted Luke’s shoulder “don’t thank me. Maybe Olive was just ready to let go of whatever held her back. Maybe she needed the right person” he smiled “Like I said, maybe a shy dog needed to meet a shy guy.”

Jack and Luke hugged Reve goodbye. Luke pulled out his wallet and offered Reve some money for going through all the trouble of watching Olive. She consistently refused it until Luke gave up.

“Tell you what” she smiled “use that money to take my boy here out on a proper date.”

Jack turned bright red, his usual stance – head down… staring at his feet. He felt like he wanted to run. How could she say that? They never got to the point of discussing dating. Maybe Luke wasn’t interested? What if he was really there just to actually volunteer? Reve made a very large assumption that now put both guys in an awkward spot.

“Thanks again” Jack smiled to Reve before turning to Luke “can I just have one quick minute before we go?”

“I’ll wait at the car while you guys talk.”

Jack glared at Reve “what the hell was that? You might have just scared him away! Now he thinks I’m desperate – and worse, he may never have been interested at all – so I’ll never have a chance to even begin to win him over!”

“Didn’t he just spend an entire day with you? Didn’t you have dinner together? Baby, he’s interested. Stop selling yourself short.”

“I – I’ve gotta go. Love you.”

“Wait, Jack… wait a minute!” Reve called after him. “How do you feel about him?”

He stared blankly at first, his face slowly – almost unsteadily – spreading to a smile.

“Is it to soon to say I like him… a lot. I know it’s so fast, but he just gives me these feelings – and not just my head swimming, but I think he’s getting feelings too” he looked down and patted the bulging mound straining against the buttons of his jeans.

Reve’s face grimaced “TMI, Jackson!” she laughed “I’d say follow your heart, but I’d bet you’ll follow whoever has dibs on the blood flow.”

Jack walked off the porch and headed to the car. Luke was in the passenger seat, Olive sitting in his lap. Jack opened the drivers door, Theo squeezed into the back seat while Jack slipped behind the steering wheel.

The drive to Luke’s house was beautiful. The sunlight dimming as evening began. The top down on the car, a pleasant breeze stirring the air… blowing through their hair. The dogs sitting contently. Jack was fighting with his own emotions… his heart saying this was a date. His brain reminding his heart that they didn’t date anymore.

But what if he did date?

What if that hardness in his jeans, that hardness making its way up to his waistband, didn’t have to be ignored? Reaching out for happiness would be as easy as reaching out for Luke’s hand. Thoughts raced through his mind.

Jack envisioned himself undoing Luke’s pants as he knelt before him, one hand reaching up to cup Luke’s balls while the other guided his cock into his mouth. Jack’s mind wandered through thoughts of Luke’s hardness growing while he sucked it… his ass tingling thinking of Luke fucking him. At that moment his mind was overtaken by Luke’s dick. What did it look like? Taste like? Feel like?

Jack’s prick was literally aching. It was growing to a size that no longer fit within the confines of his pants. He felt like the buttons on his 501s were going to pop off allowing his hard-on to burst free. He squirmed in his seat trying to shift attention from the visible wet spot forming on his lap.

Jack wanted Luke to burst free too. He wanted that unknown dick to burst in his mouth… unleashing a load of sweet cream.

“You OK?” Luke asked, popping Jack out of his daydream “you’re awfully quiet.”

“Oh… nothing. I guess I’m a little tired too that’s all.”

They stood at Luke’s door as he fished for his keys.

“Ok, I’ll see you at work on Monday” Jack said as he looked at his feet.

“I had a great day today.”

Jack closed his eyes and took a deep breath “If I don’t do this now I’ll never forgive myself.”

Jack cupped the back of Luke’s head with his palm and wrapped his right arm behind Luke’s waist and pulled him in for a kiss – a warm, wet ‘I want you’ type of kiss – but was met with resistance and Luke’s hand coming up against his chest to push Jack away.

“W – Whoa, what are you doing?” Luke asked, stunned… pulling away.

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