Puppy Love Ch. 02

She extended her hand to shake Luke’s, then stooped down to shake Olive’s… who didn’t back away from the attention.

“Revelation?” Luke asked “that’s a beautiful name.”

“It’s a silly name, go ahead… you can say it. Why my parents thought a book from the Bible was an appropriate name for a baby Hindu girl still baffles me. Every time I asked why, they said it seemed fitting – the way I revealed myself to them.” She laughed “Call me Reve.”

“Well, it’s nice to meet you, and thank you so much for your help. Olive is very quiet and kinda shy, so don’t be offended if she’s a little stand-offish.”

Reve reached down to pet Theo

“Theodore and I will show Olive a good time, won’t we” she said in the sweetest pet-speak voice.

“Don’t use that name, we both hate that name.”

“As much as I hate the name Revelation, right Jackson?”

Jack winced, “point taken.”

Luke handed Reve a duffle bag of things for Olive.

“Ok, call me if you need anything. Here’s Theo’s bag… we’ll see you in a few hours.”

Everyone hugged and the guys headed back to the car.

“Alright, buckle up… next stop Second Chance Sanctuary.”

Traffic was light for a Saturday as they headed out North of the city. As Jack swung into a parking spot in the shelter’s lot, Luke watched as a parade of people walked dogs down a path which ran through the middle of a large grassy area, lined with trees and benches.

“This place is wonderful” Luke noted “it looks nothing like I imagined.”

Jack turned to smile at Luke “beautiful, isn’t it? It’s one of the reasons I come here. The animals are treated so well and the environment is heart warming.”

Through the double doors, and up to a round desk in a large reception area, Jack was immediately greeted by a group of volunteers.

“Jack… right on time!” squealed one woman “nice to see you again.”

Looking back, Jack motioned to Luke.

“This is Luke… he works at the publishing house with me. He’s here to volunteer too.”

The squealing woman came around from the desk and extended a hand to shake and introduced herself.

“I’m Rita, I manage the volunteers. Actually, they kinda manage themselves. Everyone does a little of everything. Have you done anything like this before?”

Luke smiled politely “yeah, before I moved here my ex and I used to volunteer at a shelter where we lived. That’s how we adopted our… umm… I mean… my dog Olive.

“She’s spending the day with Theo and Reve” Jack chimed in.

“Well, it’s nice to meet you. Thanks for your help.” Rita turned and walked away to begin a conversion with another group of volunteers.

“Ok… where do you want to start?” Jack asked “cleaning kennels, walking dogs, feeding time…”

“Hey, I’m here for whatever. You point me in a direction… or I’ll follow you?”

Jack looked at Luke thoughtfully “So, the job people hate the most is cleaning the kennels. Me, I find it rewarding. Who doesn’t like to come into a clean space.”

“Cleaning kennels it is.”

Jack walked Luke to the back of the building, opening a door to a storage area full of supplies. Items for cleaning and stacks of fresh bedding. Pet beds, blankets, sheets, towels… items donated to place on the floors of the cages for a comfy spot to lay. Jack grabbed a caddy full of bottles, sprays and rags.

Jack pointed Luke down a hallway lined with kennels on both sides. The dogs barked loudly, excited for the visitors.

“Hi babies!” Jack exclaimed brightly “time to freshen up your places.”

Luke smiled watching Jack.

“You know, this is the first time I haven’t seen you want to sink into the background. You’re usually so quiet. You look down at your feet a lot, too. But here you’re different.”

Jack put his arm around Luke’s shoulder and guided him to one of the last cages.

“Well, this is who I used to be. Before Mike. I used to be happy and loud and up front. It’s not that I wanted to be, or needed to be, the center of attention – it’s just I was naturally outgoing.” Jack stopped. He wondered if Luke really needed to hear his pre Mike/post Mike story.

Jack grabbed a sponge and a bottle of non toxic, animal friendly cleaner. His large frame didn’t fit in the cage, so he poked his head in, leaning and stretching to wipe down the kennel – from front to back and top to bottom – and scrubbing across the floors. Luke watched, soaking in the demonstration, and moved to the next empty cage, repeating the process.

“Anyway, Mike cheated on me… with my best friend of all people, and just kind of deflated me. He took all my confidence with him. I’ve lost any reason to be happy. Not that I feel hopeless or anything like that, its just I don’t feel like me anymore.”

Jack backed out of the cage he was cleaning, prepared to move to the next.

“If you don’t mind me saying, Mike sounded like a real ass. I’m sorry, but with your best friend? Really?”

Jack laughed “no, I don’t mind you saying at all.”

Hours passed as the two scrubbed cages, walked dogs, got bowls ready for feedings and played with the cats. It was mid day and the large group of people there to help had the place spotless. Chores were finished quickly this week with the extra hands… it was approaching dinner time.

“Do you have any plans this evening?” Jack asked “would you like to grab something to eat. My treat for all your help today.”

“That’d be great, but shouldn’t we check with your friend to see if she doesn’t mind keeping the dogs a little longer?”

“I’ll call her, but if I know Reve, all three of them are curled up on the sofa watching Hallmark movies” he laughed.

They leaned against the car as Jack dialed the phone.

“Jack-in-the-Box!” she yelled “are you done at the shelter?”

“Just leaving, plenty of people here today so things wrapped up a lot quicker. Would you mind keeping the dogs a little longer? I’d like to take Luke to dinner.”

“Ooooh, taking the boy out” she said mockingly “have you reached a base yet?”

Jack laughed “please stop. Yes or no? Could you keep the dogs a little longer?”

“Of course. We’re just curled up on the sofa watching Hallmark.”

“Hang on a second… I’m gonna put you on speaker… and behave please.”

Jack leaned closer into Luke “you’re on speaker. Now tell me again what the three of you are doing?”

“Sitting on he sofa watching Hallmark movies? “Reve sounded confused. A large smile broke out over Luke’s face “why? are the dogs not allowed to watch Hallmark?”

“No… no… you’re good. Thank you for your help. See you in a little while.”

The guys burst into loud laughter “do I know her, or do I know her.”

Jack drove a short distance to Sunny Side Diner… he ate there every time he worked at the shelter.

Luke scanned the menu “what do you recommend?”

“How do you feel about breakfast for dinner?” Jack pointed to the French toast “definitely worth it.”

“Well, you’ve persuaded me once more. Has anyone ever told you you’re very persuasive?” He laughed

Carmen, their waitress, came by for their orders

“Jack, sweetie, how are you this morning? Was it shelter day?”

“Yep… my Saturday for volunteering. Luke was with me at the shelter today, so I’m treating him to dinner.”

Carmen grabbed her order pad “something to drink?”

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