For the Love of God Ch. 24

A gay sex stories: For the Love of God Ch. 24 The life of Matthew, a devoted Christian man, is turned upside down when he finds out that his own step-son engages in homosexual deviant activities! The poor Jacob is addicted to cocks. Now, Matthew has to find a way to save his step-son as well as his family’s reputation! No matter the cost.

The story, names, and places are entirely fictional. All characters featured are above 18. Enjoy.



Chapter 24: Last psalm

“IN OUR BED!” Mary screamed. “For the love of God, Matt, in our bed?!”

It was difficult to say anything or to react in any way.

First of all, I had Aaron’s balls deep inside of my ass — do I need to remind that I was going through my very first sodomy, – second of all, Jacob’ lips seemed to be glued around my dripping cock.

The three of us were all frozen on the spot.

“Aaron… Good Lord…”

Mary took a few steps back.

The history was about to repeat itself. She would run, scream, fall down the stairs and smashed her head against the floor.

The only difference with Candace Gordon would be that there was no marble in our place.

Damn it. How the hell Aaron’s dick was still buried in my ass?

Pardon the inappropriate pun but I could not think straight. My prostate was getting hit, good and hard.

I extracted myself and only tapped deeper into Jacob’s throat. The poor guy started to choke on my shaft. Not the first time it happened, but it was not the moment!

Finally, after a few awkward and surreal seconds — which felt like it was all happening in slow motions -, I escaped my step-sons dick and mouth.

“Daddy…” Jacob mumbled.

“That’s bad…” Aaron commented, all red.

I looked at them both: naked, sweaty, hard.

Yes, that was bad.

I ran towards Mary. Why? What the fuck could I tell her? It was over. What was meant to happen, happened. She found out, in the worst way possible. Her two sons. At the same time. In our marital bed.

It was like my world was spinning upside down.

I have no idea how I managed to go down the stairs without smashing my own head on the floor, all I know is that somehow, I found myself, stark naked, in front of my wife in the kitchen.

She was sitting on a chair. She looked calm. Probably the shock. Some tears were falling down from her eyes. She was a beautiful woman.

I tried to speak but I could not.

I knew I would have broken down at the first word coming out of my mouth.

Should I beg for forgiveness?

Was I repentant?

She talked first.

“I guess there is no point to play pretend anymore.” She said, her voice slightly trembling.

I wanted to say “honey”, or “Mary”, I opened my mouth but no word could come out. I had become mute.

This was my punishment from God. Or most likely, it was the consequence of the shock. The trauma. My first sodomy. My ass was still leaking with Aaron’s precum.

Mary stood up.

“I’ll tell the twins to stay in their room.”

She looked down at my cock.

“I think it is clear that we need to talk. Just wait for me in the living room. Maybe put something on.”

Of all the reactions my wife could have had, I was certainly not expecting this, whatever this was.

She went up the stairs. Like a robot, I did as I was told. I put on an old pair of jeans which was in the garage — I did not want to have to go back to my room — and I sat down on the couch, waiting for my sentence.

Surely, Mary’s wrath could be even worse than God’s.

I looked at the family pictures on the walls.

What had I done?

My wife (was she still my wife?) took her time upstairs. Maybe she was packing her stuff to leave for good? That would be the sensible thing to do. What was she talking about with the twins? Probably making sure I had not forced them in anyway.

On that, I had my conscience for myself.

Jacob had been enticing me for months and months, and as for Aaron, he specifically asked to fuck me in the ass. I only politely accepted his request. They were both consenting adults.

Who was I fooling though? They were my wife’s sons, this was wrong, in any type of situation, this should never have happened.

I promised myself I would not look for excuse in front of Mary. I would let her destroy me like I deserved.

If she does not kill me, maybe I could go on and live with Jeremy in the big city? I considered this option seriously. He was the only one person who knew everything and would not judge me for it.

Finally, Mary came back. About forty long minutes later. She had cried.

My heart was torn apart when she sat down in front of me.

“Mary, I have no words to express how awful I have acted…”

Good. I had retrieved my ability to speak. Not that I had said anything interesting or helpful though. But at least, I was reacting.

“We need to think about our family, Matthew. Our reputation.” She spoke.

Again, I was stunned.

The woman had just found out that I was fucking with her sons and all she cared about, still, was her freaking reputation!

“Mary… Our reputation? What I’ve done is…”

“Wrong. Sinful. What do you want me to say? What do you want me to do? Call an exorcist and try to save you from the Devil within yourself?”

“I was sort of expecting you would do something like that, yeah.”

She sighed.

“I was just hoping that you would, at the very least, be discreet about it.”

“What are you talking about?”

She threw her hands in the air. One last appeal to God maybe?

“You think I did not know! For God’s sake, you really thought that you could fuck my own son in my house and I would not notice it! Matthew, wake up! I’ve known for weeks, months maybe at this point!”

It was like a punch in the face.

“And you let me?! You let me continue?”

It was the first thing that came out.

I mean, was not she as bad as I was if she just let it happen?!

“What was I supposed to do? Confront you about it? And then what, file for divorce? You know damn right I could never divorce my husband. My family would never forgive me for that. And what would be the reason? What would I say to people asking? My husband was fucking my own son! How would that make me look? How Jacob could have any sort of future after that?”

“God, Mary… This is insane!”

“Insane! You’re one to talk!”


“I thought I was being discreet.” I mumbled.

She laughed. A crazy demoniac laughter.

“I heard you fucking in the shower just last week! Way to be discreet!”

“Fuck. And you were still sleeping with me?”

“You were too!”

“Damn it, you’re right. I… I know I’m entirely at fault here, ok? I know that. I had just no idea that you had any hint… It just made it, in a way, even more wrong.”

“I did not just find out, it was gradual. I kind of always knew that Jacob was gay. Mothers know those sorts of things. But this year, everything felt different. Last spring, I noted that you were spending more time with Jacob, I thought it was a good thing at first. He was an adult now and I thought you were stirring him into the right direction. What a joke, right?!”

“Ironically, this was what I was trying to do… At least, at first… When I found out that he was gay, I tried to… I tried to fix that.”

“Then, around the end of his senior year, I was catching signs that Jacob was acting weird around you. I would see a smile, a hand… I tried to brush it all away. I told myself I was being crazy. It was crazy! When I caught you spanking him in the garage that one time, I knew that something was not right, but you reassured me…”

“Good Lord helps us…” I whispered.

“From this point on, the signs became harder to disregard… And what did I do? Well, I did what any well-educated conservative Christian woman would do in that situation, I chose to ignore the signs for the sake of our family.”

“Mary, you need to know. It was a process for me too. Never in a million years I could have thought we would end up here. But from the moment I knew that Jacob was… Hum… That he was servicing men, it switched something in my brain.”

“In your sick brain…”

“Believe me, I tried to stop him, but then, instead of stopping him, I fell with him. You have no idea how guilty I was feeling… But I have to own it. Yes, slowly, the guilt faded away… And there were all of these other things happening, stuff that I had to do to make sure I was preserving these secrets, protecting our family.”

“I guess I should thank you, then?”

“It’s not what I meant…”

We stopped talking.

We were looking at each other in the eyes. Hers were very hard to read. I had no idea what she was thinking. Maybe she was like me, unable to have a coherent thought.

A full minute passed.

“Listen, Matt. It is one thing to have a sense of what’s going on and to choose to ignore it, consciously or unconsciously, it is another to enter your room and to see it happening before your eyes. As for Aaron, I had no idea he was involved. No clue.”

“Aaron…” I was biting my nails. “He knows since the field trip with my brother. I… A lot of other things were at play… With Mayor Gordon, his daughter… He needed me too. I helped him. I swear that I did, on my life, I did everything to get Aaron out of a sticky situation.”

“He told me. When I was upstairs. He told me about Emma. The abortion.”

I nodded yes.

I wondered if he had mentioned Candace’s death or not. There were so many secrets. Would I end up in prison? What would happen to a gay man there?

Wait… Was I thinking of myself as a gay man?

“Mary… He asked to… What you witnessed today, that was actually the first time we were doing anything like that. And it was his demand. That’s the truth.”

“He demanded to fuck you?”

A tear fell from my eyes. I was trying not to yell or run away. This conversation needed to happen.

“Yes. He did. And I let him…” I marked a pause. “I think I enjoyed it.”

“We’re all going to Hell, aren’t we?”

“I think so. At least, as far as I’m concerned.”

Another heavy silence.

“I have to talk to you too.” Mary finally said.

Immediately, I knew this was going to be another bombshell. What now? My heart was about to explode in my chest. Suddenly, a flash of Gordon telling me that he knew stuff about my wife came to my mind.

“Mary, what have you done?”

Funny how I had phrased this question. But it was completely accurate. My wife needed to confess as well.

“I have sinned. Times and times again.”

I swallowed my saliva.

“What is it, Mary? Surely, it cannot be worse that what I’ve done.”

She let go of a small gasp, like a tiny bird producing its very first sound. The ridiculous suspense was killing me.

Finally, she said it.

“I’ve been sleeping with Nick. We… We have started to see each other… It’s been mostly about sex, but it’s been going on for months.”


“Oh God… You don’t even know his name…”

“What are you talking about?”

Was I supposed to know the guy?

“Nicholas. Nicholas Carpenter.” She spoke.

It still did not register. My brain could not process this news.

“I’m not following.”

“Jesus Christ, Matthew! I’ve been sleeping with Priest Carpenter!”

I stood up. I was mad.

Why was I so mad? I did not have any right to be. Yet, I could not control myself.

“All of this time, I was feeling like I was the worst, shittiest husband in the world, you were lecturing me about God, I could not watch a freaking porn on my phone, I had to confess myself to our Priest, and meanwhile, you… you… You were fucking with him? For the love of God, Mary!”

“This was not premediated!”

“Since when has this been going on?”

“I’m not sure, I’d say since March, April maybe… At first, it was nothing, really… Only in the past few months, it became more regular…”

“Good Lord, this is why he was here when we came back from the field trip! We caught you!”

“Yeah, just like I caught you banging my sons this morning! Except no! It was nothing like it. Because we were not naked or fucking! Unlike you, I was very careful to be discreet about this. I have thought about our family.”

“Careful, really? You think so? Cause people know already!”


“Mayor Gordon, he told me that he had files on you, about how our entire family was sick and perverted! He specifically mentioned you, Mary. Now, I understand what he was talking about!”

Mary put her hand against her mouth. She looked terrified.

Once again, she was proving that all she cared about was her public image.

“Theodore knows… Damn… Probably one of the sisters at Church ratted us out, this man has ears everywhere.”

“Don’t worry about the Mayor. I have dirt on him too. A lot of filthy disgusting dirt. He will never dare going against our family.”

She looked at me in a whole new way, like she was realizing how deep I had descended into corruption. Despite everything she knew, she had only scratched the surface of what I had done.

“I love Nick.” She spoke. “Do you love Jacob? Or Aaron?”

“I… I don’t know. Jacob and I have a very special relationship. But I don’t think I’m good for him.”

“I’m not good for Nick either. I divert him from his faith, from his purpose, from God. And I think he only likes fucking with me. He’s not ready to leave the Church.”

“What are you going to do?”

“I don’t know, we were supposed to leave together, for the entire week-end. But in the end, we did not go. I could not let him sacrifice his entire life for me. I was feeling guilty, thinking about you too. So, I came back here. And I found you. Doing this… In our bed.”

“I’m sorry.” This was sincere. “I should not have done anything in our bed.”

She had a small laugh.

“I guess I should not have fell in love with our Priest.”

“Engaging with Jacob… And then, with Aaron… I know that I have no excuse for this. None.”

“They were both saying how much they were responsible, how they pulled you in.” Mary remarked.

“That’s bullshit, they’re 19.”

“I know. You’re responsible.”

We were aligned on that point.

“What do you want to do? About us?” I asked, but I could not even look at her anymore.

I was staring down at my feet.

“Oh God… I sure do not want the public scandal. I don’t want the divorce. I don’t want the shame. I wished I could just choose to continue to ignore it, I did not want this conversation to happen. I did not want to know. Why did I have to stumble on you three?”

I walked closer to her. I held her hands.

“What if you did not run into us? What if you went with Carpenter this week-end? You would have spent a nice couple of days. Then, the guys would have moved from the house on Monday like it was planned. We would have continued our lives together…”

Putting our heads deep in the sand and ignoring the problem. What better way to resolve issues in a fucked-up Christian household?

“We cannot live in a fantasy. Even if we wanted to pretend as if this had never happened, that’s not just us. People from the outside know.”

“Only people who have a lot to lose if they were to talk. I have made sure of that.”

The same look, between fear, concern and a hint of admiration.

I had taken care of preserving our reputation more than she had anticipated. I was scoring some points.

“Nick has texted me. He wants to see me. He wishes that we have gone on our trip, we were supposed to go to the beach, miles away from here.”

I smiled at her.

“Go, then. I’ll say to the boys that you had to leave for the week-end after all. And when you’ll be back on Sunday, we will have a nice family dinner and make sure the twins are ready to move out.”

“We do have a dinner plan with the Gordons on Sunday. With Emma and Aaron.” She pointed out.

She was as pragmatic as her sons.

“We’ll go at Gordon’s then. A good Christian family does not refuse a dinner invitation from their respected conservative Mayor.”

She smiled at me.

We were evil.

Incredibly enough, she he actually left. She joined “Nick”.

And me, I went back upstairs.

“Should not we finish what we’ve started?” I told the boys.

We did finish it. They were surprised but not that shocked. After everything, I do not think that anything could have really shaken them.

They had put their clothes back on while talking with their mom. I helped them taking them off all over again.

They understood that we had decided to play pretend. Nothing happening during this week-end would really matter. Just like in a dream.

It was electric.

Mary knew but she had left, implicitly giving me her blessing. I had nothing left holding me back.

That was the last time I ever did anything with Aaron but it was certainly the most intense moment we shared together.

He fucked me in all the positions your nasty mind can think of: on the floor doggy style, against the wall both standing up, and in his bed, missionary style.

We only avoided Mary and I’s bed. I would never do that again. For some reasons, and as ridiculous as it may sound given the ludicrous situation, it had become my limit not to cross.

It was our last rodeo but I will never forget it.

I licked and devoured Aaron’s fit body. He bit my ass and slapped my face with his creamy jock’s dick. Jacob played with us, lying in the middle, stroking both our leaking cocks, and then rimming our asses.

Aaron bred me like the cheap whore I had turned into under his control.

He nutted in my ass after a full hour spent pounding me, my hole was wrecked. My cherry had definitely been popped. I was drained. He was too.

We certainly both needed that. It was our outlet not to think about what had just happened.

Talk about releasing the pressure off!

While Aaron was banging me, I thought about my wife probably receiving the same rough and raunchy treatment from our Priest. It made me even hornier. Gordon was right. We were sick fuckers. Apparently, it was running in the family.

Once Aaron had fully emptied himself inside of me, I farted his thick loads of cum out of my hole. As you can imagine, Jacob was lying right beneath me to eat it all.

Dinner was served, warm and tasty, straight from daddy’s ass.

This one will never change, a true slut! Jacob swallowed every droplet of his twin brother’s semen. I kissed him so I could taste some as well. I guess that I was a slut too.

Aaron left and spent the rest of the week-end with Emma, meaning that Jacob and I found ourselves alone in the house.

I do not think that we wore clothes even just once. We were living our lives, as naturists, caressing and kissing each other pretty much 24/7.

In the span of 48 hours, I fucked Jacob’s perfect hole and eager throat more times than I can count but we did not sleep together in the same bed. We still had that symbolic boundary.

I will admit that there was this fantasy running in the back of my mind, where we could have been a couple. Imagine all the dirty sex we could have had together? Waking up in the same bed, falling asleep in each other’s arms.

But ultimately, I did not want to take his life away from him.

Jacob would meet guys. He would love them. He would move on from me. This had to be the way to go.

I still wanted to enjoy him for a few more hours though. As far as I was concerned, I knew I would never be able to find someone like him. Jacob was special. Every man he had ever been with could tell you that much.

I was not selfish enough to keep this jewel for myself.

It hurt Jacob when I ended things but I knew that he deserved more. He needed a real shot at love.

A few months later, Jacob ended up dating a guy, that won’t surprise you, much older than him. A black dude named Mark, working at a bank, same age as me. It lasted for about a year.

I would not say that Jacob and I did not relapse — we fooled around a little when he came back — but mostly, we moved on with our respective lives.

My brother Jeremy committed himself to a serious relationship shortly after.

His new boyfriend is super-hot, slightly younger than he is, in his thirties. His name is Kurtis. He is an ex-con, that scared me at first. Jeremy met him while his firm was working on a huge case against the treatment of inmates in Prison. It was a whole thing.

Given his looks, I bet that Kurtis was very popular in the prison’s showers…

I met him several times, I believe that he is good to Jeremy, they seem happy together, so this is fine by me.

As for me… Well…

Believe it or not, but I have stayed with Mary.

The twins gone; we sort of made a pact. We could do whatever we want on our side, as long as it remained discreet and that the family reputation was preserved.

It was around that time that the “Neo-Conservative Club” was founded.

After everything was said and done, I met Theodore Gordon for a drink. Emma and Aaron were already talking about a potential engagement and Theodore had invited me to discuss this at his place.

As it turned out, the old Gordon could not care less about his daughter’s love life. He had a whole different idea in mind.

Coach Hamilton was there, it was a set-up.

Theodore wanted us to bury the hatchet. The guy who had used my step-son, my brother and my boss… The guy whom I had described as a pervert and a monster not so long before… And now, I had to make peace?

Well, what the hell? I had become a big fan of his secret porn blog and truthfully, I had probably done much worse things than he ever did.

I agreed to share a fresh beer with Karl Hamilton, and then, a good wank. Sure, this guy had brought me a lot of troubles and hard-times, but he had also opened up my world.

In some sick way, I owed Coach Hamilton a lot.

Besides, it was clear that we were sharing some common interests, stroking our cocks to some videos of wrestling guys in College.

Once we were sufficiently drunk and I had jizzed all over my chest, I told them about the glory-hole I had put in place at work.

Both Karl and Theodore knew that Mr. Johnson was a slut, so there was no surprise there. They had both fucked him at multiple occasions, way before I tried him for myself.

But they were impressed by how many factory workers I had convinced to take turns on my boss.

One thing leading to another, the Mayor mentioned that it would be nice to have a place where we could gather altogether to have some fun, “alongside other open-minded men within our community”.

There was this space which belonged to the town and which seemed perfect, but it was situated right behind the Church.

Quite ironically, we opened the “Neo-Conservative Club” right there.

We were quite confident that our dear Priest would not mind our activities, or at the very least, that he would not be in a position to tell on us! Not that I minded, but the dude was still fucking my wife on the regular.

I believe that the filthy encounters which took place in that Club, – officially a gathering for Conservative and educative men to talk about the future of our society -, could fill many pages of a book.

That would be for another time though, and for another perverted story.

I have confessed enough of my sins to warn you of the danger, and pleasure, of exploring your sexuality.

On that regard, my work is done and right now, I have to stop writing. Mary is waiting for me and she hates being late for Church on Sunday mornings!






Author’s notes: That’s a wrap for this story! I hope you have enjoyed this crazy ride, guys!

My main goal has always been to highlight the hypocrisy of the religious community and of conservative families where everything is based on the appearances. With this story, I wanted to create the most fucked-up version of: “you don’t know what happens behind closed doors”.

This is why I thought it was fitting to go with Mary accepting what was going on with her sons, as long as it would not affect her sacred “reputation”.

Also, I chose not to have Jacob and Matt ending-up together. Their relation was unhealthy from the beginning and Jacob deserves to discover himself… And other men. For the two of them, I think the true happy ending was to not be together!

Finally, the idea of a secret club full of conservative men has always intrigued me. I thought it was a good way to open a potential door for a potential spin-off, while closing all the main storylines from this book

See you in another story! And let me know your thoughts!

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