My Straight Roommate Shows Off Ch. 02


A gay sex stories: My Straight Roommate Shows Off Ch. 02 I woke up the next morning with a bit of a hangover. My head ached, my mouth felt dry, but it was manageable. It was still pretty early, and the sunlight was just starting to light up the room. Looking around I saw some beer cans on the floor and remembered drinking with Hunter. I remembered how he had burst into the room full of energy and pulled me into an impromptu room party.

My gaze finally moved over to him. He was still in bed, still asleep. But, he was entirely naked on top of his covers. I could see his muscular chest rising and falling, his legs splayed across the bed, and his soft cock resting on his thigh. The memory of what we did last night hit me and I saw how we had blown our loads together. I remembered him telling me how he liked being watched.

Fuck this was crazy.

I’d moved to college wanting to meet new people and I’d wanted a good relationship with my roommate. I wanted a brother I could share anything with. But this was way too much. I wasn’t gay, but I’d just cum on the guy. Sure, we were both drunk but how would he react when he woke up? I wasn’t sure I wanted to be around to find out.

I grabbed some boxers out of my drawer and slid them on in bed. At least not completely naked, I got up and headed into the bathroom for a shower. I spent a little while longer in there than usual, trying to think about what to do. However, a plan never formed. Eventually I dried off and went back into the room to get dressed. I hoped Hunter wasn’t awake yet.

Through the door and back to my bed I could see out of the side of my vision that Hunter was still in bed in the same position. I glanced to him, but his eyes were open and he was looking at his phone.

“You finished in there, dude? Cool, I gotta clean up.”

Hunter jumped out of bed. Entirely naked and with dried cum all over him, he just nonchalantly walked past me into the bathroom. It was like nothing changed. Honestly, I was glad he wasn’t freaking out, but the lack of reaction was kind of weird to me. I didn’t want to hang around and I had a couple of classes later anyway, so I simply got ready. I could hear the shower running and Hunter humming to himself as I left.

After my classes and grabbing some lunch I got back to the room early afternoon. I breathed a sigh of relief as I noticed Hunter wasn’t there. I threw my stuff down and sat on the side of my bed and tried to relax. As I sat there I spotted a big bag on Hunter’s bed. It had some clothes in it and various other things laid on the bed next to it. Was Hunter packing up to leave or something?

I walked over to have a look at what it was. A quick look through the stuff on the bed and in the bag told me this was probably just a collection of his workout clothes. There were a variety of tank tops, shorts, a couple of his wrestling singlets, and several jockstraps. He probably just got this out to find some clothes and went to the gym then.

I thought back to the jockstrap he had worn before. The one I’d found with his load inside. That black one wasn’t here, but there were so many others. Some looked normal, others had a couple of extra straps, some were even Calvin Klein. He must really like his jocks then. That fit with how he said he liked people watching him and looking at his body. I had to admit he looked really good in the one I saw anyway.

Would I look as good in them? I wondered as I picked one up. It was bright red with black straps. I turned it over in my hands. I was really curious what it would look like if I wore this, and Hunter was out probably not back for a while. Just to be safe, I took it into the bathroom and locked the door behind me. Stripping off my other clothes, I slid it on.

Standing there in front of the mirror wearing nothing but the jockstrap, I felt surprisingly sexy. The way it hugged my bulged and pushed it up, how it framed my butt. I liked it. I was nowhere near as big or muscular as Hunter so I didn’t look as good as that. But I thought I looked hot. I could see how Hunter got off on people looking at him. I got my phone out and took a quick picture of myself. Honestly, I was getting a bit horny again and I could feel my bulge swelling up under the fabric. I was getting hard wearing Hunter’s jockstrap, damn.

I took off the jock and got redressed. I’d already done too much, and this needed to go back before he caught me. I left the bathroom cautiously, but he still wasn’t there. Relieved, I put the jock back where it had been amongst all of the other sport kit.

A little while later, I was sat at my desk with my laptop organising things for the year ahead; getting together schedules and class notes and anything I might need. Absorbed in the work, I only half-noticed as the door opened behind me. Hunter. I stayed turned away towards the desk and the wall as I heard him walk in and I got anxious.

“Hey roomie! Dude you working already? Year’s barely even started.”

He sounded like his usual confident self. I kept looking at my laptop instead of him as I replied, “just getting some stuff organised in advance.”

“For real dude that’s way more responsible than me.” He laughed. “That campus gym was so busy man, guess all the other new guys went to check it out same as me.”

So, he had gone to the gym as I thought. As much as the idea of him packing up and leaving was unlikely, I still felt a bit reassured. Plus, he seemed so chill right now. Maybe this wasn’t going to be bad. Maybe he’d been drunk enough to forget? I didn’t think so.

“Luckily,” Hunter continued, “it’s a pretty cool gym and they’ve got loads of stuff. Didn’t even have to wait to bench.”

I finally turned round to look at him. “That’s great.” He’d clearly come straight back because he was still sweating a lot. He was wearing a tank top, some shorts, and a backwards cap like when I’d first met him. Typical frat bro look.

“Yeah it was dude.” Hunter cracked a smile at me. “Got a wicked pump man.”

He grasped his left wrist with his right hand in front of himself and puffed his chest out like a bodybuilding pose. He was right, he was really huge. I caught myself and quickly turned back around. It felt weird now to look at Hunter showing off.

“You good bro?” he asked.

“Yep. Uh-huh.” My weak response was pretty unconvincing.

“Something wrong?”

He came over next to my desk and stood by me. He put a hand on my shoulder.

“Adam. You’re not being weird about us jerking last night are you?”

That took me by surprise. The straightforward way he just brought it up.

“Look man.” He sat down on my bed facing me as I stared back at my laptop screen. “We’re both studs, we’ve got needs. We’re not gay just cos we jerked together. And it’s no reason to get weird or awkward. I did this before couple times with my wrestling teammate, it’s no biggie. I was drunk and horny. We’re bros and roomies man.”

He was really sincere about it. I appreciated the honest way he just went ahead and said it. And honestly, I felt the same. I turned back to face him again.

“It’s fine. I’ve just never done something like that before.”

“That’s okay dude. First time for everything, right? Plus, I gotta admit it was pretty awesome.”

Embarrassed, I admitted, “actually yeah, it was pretty awesome.”

“Good dude. Thought you liked it, we blew so much it took a while in the shower to get off!”

His laughing and joking made me a feel a lot more at ease. Everything was fine, it was just me getting anxious about things. “Yeah, it was a big load.” I felt slightly weird saying that out loud.

“Dude. And you shot so far, it was all on my chest and I swear I found some on my chin!”

We laughed. It felt good to be close with him like this and it wasn’t weird anymore. “I don’t know if I could shoot like that again to be honest.”

“That’s fair man.” He replied. A moment passed before he continued, “so… I got a question to ask.”

Straight back to anxious, I felt like this was an important question.

“So, you remember I told you how I like people watching me right?”

I nodded.

“Well sometimes, I…” He looked nervous as he looked back at me. “I do cam shows with my laptop. I let people watch me as I strip and jerk off.”

Again, I was surprised but honestly this made sense with what I was learning about Hunter.

“It’s pretty fun and I make some good money with it. I was just wondering if it was cool with you if I kept doing them? Like, if I used the room when you weren’t here.”

I took a moment. Frankly, if I wasn’t in the room he could do what I wanted. I certainly couldn’t stop him. And it wasn’t like he was filming full on pornos or something.

“Hunter, that’s fine. I don’t mind.”

“Really? That’s great dude, thanks. To be completely honest, I was thinking about doing one today. I was trying to choose something to wear, that’s why all my stuff is out.” He gestured at the bag and clothes on his bed.

“Oh. I mean, I can leave if you want to do that…” I started to get up and close my laptop.

“Thanks dude. Unless… do you want to try it with me?”

I looked at him confused.

“No pressure! Just saying. If you wanna do it with me, pairs get more views a lot of the time. And I’d split the money with you, it’s easy cash.”

“What do you do though?” I asked, curious.

“So. Usually I start with clothes on and then the top comes off and I do some poses. I go gym and get pumped before so it looks good. Then it’s strip off until I’m naked and slowly stroke. You get a lot of comments and donations and stuff asking you to do things so I’ll go along with it until I feel ready and then I bust.”

He shrugged like he’d just explained something normal, like how to cook dinner.

“But, people can see you the whole time? So, if they wanted they could just post it around online with your face and body everywhere?”

“Honestly Adam, have you met me? You know I love that shit.”

I had to admit he was right, he probably liked thinking that would happen.

“But if you’re not cool with it, I’ve got something.”

He went over to his bag and pulled something out of a side pocket.

“The first time I tried this I was kinda nervous, so I wore this. Its like a balaclava so it covers your face.”

I took it from him. It was indeed what felt like a nylon balaclava. The more he talked about it, and with this hiding my face, I felt like I wanted to give it a go. What was the worst that could happen? And it sounded like it might be fun.

“Okay Hunter, we’ll give it a go.”

“Great dude. First time for everything.” He winked.

“I’ll get it set up. If you wanna choose something to wear from my bag go for it.”

Hunter opened up his laptop and started opening a site. I went over to his bed and looked into the bag for the second time today. After a minute, I hadn’t made a move and Hunter came over.

“So, I was thinking about this one and maybe this top? What do you think?”

He picked out a red tank top and the red jock with black straps I’d tried earlier.

“Um, yeah. They’re great.”

He rapidly stripped off what he’d been wearing to the gym. The pumped up stud getting changed next to me felt kind of normal now. His soft cock went into the jockstrap, and I felt a little excited that I’d been wearing it earlier, but now his bulge filled it out considerably. The red tank top went on and some black shorts and he completed it with his black cap on backwards again.

“Maybe this one for you? Think that would look good man.”

He held up a white tank top with blue stripes down the side, and a white jockstrap. I took them and some blue shorts out of his bag. Getting changed there next to him like he had done, I felt a bit self-conscious. Once the outfit was on, Hunter nodded approvingly.

“Yep. Nice.” He then handed me a blue baseball cap. “Put it on like mine, some of these guys love this look. Like we’re frat bros.”

“These guys?” I asked.

“Oh yeah. I swear gay guys love this idea that we’re both straight bros in a frat messing around. Gets some good money and views.”

“Honestly Hunter, I thought… I didn’t realise it was for gay guys?”

“What’s wrong with that? Way more guys on these sites than girls, and they tip well.” Hunter laughed. “Plus, we can’t see them so you can just imagine they’re girls if you want. It’s just us here.”

He was right. It didn’t really matter. With us both in our outfits ready, I put on the balaclava, and he hit a button on the laptop.

“Cool, we’re live.”

“Just like that?”

“Just like that. It’ll take some time before people get in so were gonna get ready man.”

“How do we do that?”

“Let’s do some pushups, get you pumped up too.”

We proceeded to do some pushups in the room together. Even having worked out already, Hunter was pushing out more than me. After a few sets, we stood back up and he had a feel of his pecs through my top. He told me that I looked ready. Then, he started to show me how to do some poses, moving my shoulders and arms into position. After that, he arranged our chairs in front of his laptop and motioned for us to sit down.

“Cool. Look! Already got some guys watching.”

I looked at his screen. The chat-box already had some comments in it. ‘You guys are so cute, great couple.’ ‘Wow!’ ‘That’s right, feel up your bro. You guys are studs.’ It suddenly felt a lot more real. I was next to Hunter, showing ourselves off live to a load of horny guys.

“Can’t believe what you’ve gotten me into man.”

“You’ll enjoy it I bet. I’ve got it muted right now so they can’t hear us. But I’m gonna unmute it if that’s cool?”

“Why the fuck not haha.” I laughed nervously, may as well do it properly if we’re doing it.

“Great bro.” He pressed another button on the laptop. “Hey dudes!” Hunter said really enthusiastically. “Thanks for your comments. Got my straight bro here today, make him feel welcome!”

I watched as a few comments popped up saying welcome to me. Crazy.

“Okay, so we’re gonna do the poses now.” He said to me. “Remember from before? Do a couple then we’ll start stripping and doing more.”

What followed was around five minutes of us flexing biceps, chest, everything. Then Hunter stepped over to me and started taking off my top.

“They love when we touch each other man.” He whispered to me.

My top came off and then he motioned for me to do the same. Undressing him and then matching his poses as he showed off, I realised I was liking this. I saw the comments on the screen and that encouraged me. ‘Love those chests!’ ‘Your bro is built too.’ I watched as the viewer count grew.

I felt some confidence growing and I stepped forward to start pulling Hunter’s shorts off.

“There we go dude.” He whispered. “You’re getting into this.”

I really was. He took my shorts off too. Then he flexed his chest and put my hands on his pecs. He winked at me and started loudly asking how they felt, clearly for the camera. I replied with how big and firm his muscles were. Just in our jocks now, he turned to show his ass to the camera and turned me around as well.

My bare ass was showing live to hundreds of people. I felt a bit anxious thinking about that. But, incredibly turned on too. I was getting hard on Hunter’s jock. He looked over at me and playfully slapped my bare ass-cheek.

“You’re smashing this man. Looks like you’re really enjoying it.” He nodded towards my growing bulge.

“Actually, I really am. I know you are.” I joked back at him.

“Oh, you know I am.” He winked and looked down at himself. I followed his gaze to the cock straining against his jock and poking out the top. I’d been so absorbed in the comments and our flexing and undressing, I hadn’t even noticed he was fully hard.

“Next step bro, jocks come off. Together?”

I nodded. We both bent over to take our jocks off, asses to the camera. His hard shaft sprang out and mine followed suit. Then, he turned around showing off for our audience. This was it. I braced myself and turned around, revealing my hard and now throbbing cock to a live audience. I was ridiculously aroused.

The next thirty minutes, me and Hunter sat in front of his laptop. Fully naked and hard, we played with ourselves, joked around, flexed and showed off. It was honestly really fun, and I was so hard the whole time. As people tipped, we showed our asses, took the jocks on and off, and felt each other’s muscles.

But soon, Hunter turned to me. “Okay,” he whispered, “so we’re good to finish off if you want? I’ve been close for a little while.”

I nodded. “Same.”

“So it’s your choice. We can finish ourselves off like last time. Or if you wanna go further? Get some more tips?”

He had a mischievous grin. “Go on…”

“How about you jerk me off until I cum, and then I do the same for you?”

“Fuck.” I took a moment. “Fuck it, why not.”

“That’s the spirit dude, born performer!”

I knelt next to Hunter so we were both in view of the camera. Then, my hand reached out and grasped his shaft. I held his cock last night briefly, but sober this felt so different. I could feel how the shape and curve of his cock were different to mine. I started stroking him and he moaned. His arms went behind his head, and he flexed and tensed as I jerked him off. As I pleasured him, he moaned and twitched clearly enjoying it. His eyes alternated between watching my hand stroke him and reading the comments pouring in. He loved the attention from me and our audience.

After a few moments, he loudly said “I’m gonna cum, keep going.”

I stroked up and down the whole length faster and faster. Then, Hunter turned his head and locked eyes with me as his face scrunched up. I felt him thrust into my hand and then his cock was pulsing, shooting thick ropes up onto himself. Two shots hit his chest like we had before, but the rest of his cum went over his abs and into his pubes.

Panting heavily, he took a moment to recover from his climax. Hunter stood up and pushed me into my chair. The cum-covered hunk knelt down in front of me between my legs. His hand picked some cum off of himself and then wrapped around my cock. His cum as lube he stroked a few times.

“Fuck that feels great.” I moaned.

“If you want, I can make this even better bro.”

I was so turned on I could barely think. I nodded. Suddenly, his head went down, and his mouth covered my dick. I gasped. I was getting my first ever blowjob from a guy, and everyone was watching. It felt amazing and I was lost in ecstasy. I barely lasted thirty seconds before I gripped Hunter’s shoulders and pulled him into me, saying, “I’m cumming.”

At that moment, he took my cock as far into his mouth and throat as he could. I roared as I hit the biggest orgasm of my life and fired round after round of my load into Hunter’s throat.

I was spent. As I recovered, Hunter sat about closing the site and his laptop.

“Dude, so glad we did this. That was so fun, and we got loads of tips!”

I just nodded.

“Did you enjoy it?”

“Yeah, Hunter. Yeah I did.”


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