A Myriad of Colors: New Colors (Part 1) by Olivier47

A gay adult stories: A Myriad of Colors: New Colors (Part 1) by Olivier47 ,
A boy who can see auras meets another who is interested in him.
A Myriad of Colors12:13pm
Sunday 02/27/2016

Alright guys, I know I’ve been absent from my blog for a while but I’m back with a whole lot of juicyness. A bunch has happened in the last 2 days, as you can see from the title. But first let me remind you of who I am and what I can see.
Hi, my name is Alecs, I’m “5’5”, light blue eyes, & black hair. I have like 4 really good friends and we’re all pretty close since we’ve known each other for a long time. I don’t really talk to or hangout with anyone else besides them. But for some reason people at my school have pegged me being stuck-up, even tho I’m nice to everyone I talk to. I’m just shy. If u ask my family especially my parents, I’m also timid, quiet, and socially reclusive (minus the few friends previously mentioned). I’m really close to my family especially my grandma who had just passed away a few months ago. Ever since I was a kid I could see colors surrounding people. My grandma told me that what I was seeing was called auras. Apparently everyone has one and it’s just a reflection of someone’s energy, emotions, personality & moral values. She later taught me how to read them and not be too influenced by other people’s auras. Over the years, she taught me how to control the way I looked at people, so that way I wasn’t just seeing people’s auras 24/7.
She was a free spirit and borderline hippy, but she was still like every other grandma that liked to cook & spoil their grandchildren. My dad always said that her readings and stories were all made up to entertain me & my siblings. Grandma said he didn’t believe because he was blind to the old world, whatever that meant. These days, I only use my gift when I’m meeting new people and when I need to see if someone is lying to me. But I try not to use it on my family, sometimes I use it on my friends when I can see that they’re having a bad day or when they’re hiding something and they need to talk about stuff.
All of you already know that I am out to my family and friends, but just not to everyone at my school. The majority of my school and town is conservative and are somewhat close minded, so not everyone needs to know my business. Especially the assholes at school that think it’s cool to be ignorant and rude to others different from you. I really can’t wait to graduate and leave this place ASAP, but something happened this past weekend that has made the next 2 years a whole lot easier. So my day starts off just like every other Friday, I wake up, shower, eat, take out the thrash, & catch the bus. I did decide to wear my light grey sweatpants that slightly shows off my bubble butt hehehehehehehehe. Like I actually thought I was gunna get some action from any of the guys at my school. So morning was normal, 1st period English was normal, 2nd period Spanish was normal, 3rd was over & since the food on Fridays is even grosser than roadkill, I brought my lunch from home. I also decided to stay back and eat lunch with my friend Kelsey in her Spanish class to help her prepare for the upcoming test. We have the same teacher just at different periods, so Mr. Gonzalez didn’t mind us being there. So we eat and study and with only a few minutes before 4th period starts I rush out there to use the restroom. This is when everything started!
So I’m walking in the hallway and BAM! I land straight on my ass, felt like I got hit by a truck. And there he was, Mr. Tall, dark, and sexy. Dante Cortez was looking down at me, offering me his hand and I took it with the quickness. It takes me a few minutes before I realize that he is talking to me.

So I said, “Huh?”
“I said, are you ok? I didn’t mean to bump into you; I wasn’t really paying attention to my surroundings.”
“Yeah I’m good. . . . It was no big deal, no harm done.” I said looking up at him for a little bit longer than I intended to.
“You have really pretty eyes!”
WHAAAAAAAAAAAAAT??????? I feel the deepest blush ever spread across my face. Did he just say that? Cause a senior’s never really paid any attention to me before. And I know there aren’t any gay ones at my school. I’m beyond nervous and a little scared at this point.

“So what’s your name kid?”
“I’m Alecs. I obviously know who you are, you’re kinda popular here.”
“I like that. It’s a perfect name for a perfect boy.” he smiles at me and . . . and . . . omg he’s giving me the up-down. He’s really checking me out! Deadass!
“Hey, my eyes that you’re so fond of are up here Dante!” even tho I was definitely checking him out too. I TRIED to do that sexy lip bite that I see on Tumblr all the time, keyword TRIED.
“Hey, my eyes are up here too cutey, I see you ;)” he says taking a step closer to me sneakily, but gently placing his hand on the small of my back. I immediately shudder nervously not just because the incredibly hot older boy in front of me just touched me, but because that damn bell could ring and I don’t need anybody seeing me tryin’ to flirt out in the hallway. But I couldn’t stop smiling at this beautiful boy tho.
“So I was thinking we should go out sometime, like tonight. You could come over after school & i can cook us up something to eat and watch a movie at my place, if that’s ok with you?”
The damn bell rings before I could answer him.
“Shit. Well, if you want to go out then meet me at the library after school.” I’m left staring at his ass as he walks away and the hallway traffic begins. Now I need to use the bathroom for a whole new reason.

So I’m not able to think my entire math class, I don’t even know if I said “Here” when Mr. Wells took roll. He had the nerve to call on me tho, like can’t you see I’m in a daze, and so conflicted over whether or not I should go. I want to since this is the first guy to ever pay attention to me at this school or in life. But he is a senior and I know that sometimes the douchey ones like take innocent lower classmen and turn them into a joke. But Dante isn’t like that tho, everyone knows that especially when he caught Brad (his former best friend) humiliating this poor shy girl at his party. Brad limped away that night with a broken nose and cracked ribs. The last bell rang and I made my way straight to the library. I stopped around the corner & decided to take a peek at his aura; you know just to see if I could trust him at least. Closing my eyes, I released one of the mental blocks I have. All I could see was a clear white surrounding his chest, then bleeding into a bright silver color covering his body. The outer layer was a dark gray encasing everything else, I expect him to be guarded somewhat. He was probably preparing for the worst case; I would be too if I had asked someone out. I am eerily drawn to him and without even noticing I start walking towards him, like I can’t stop my feet. The closer I get the more I see of his amazing golden hazel eyes.
I smile like no other and ask, “So what are you cooking for us tonight?”

“It’s a secret, but don’t worry it will be good ;)” he says in the most seductive tone I’ve ever heard. His hand once again finds the small of my back as we walk to his car. He opens the door for me & I get in just as a friend of his interrupts him before he gets to the driver’s side. I sit there nervously watching them two talk. Dante’s friend glances at me & then back to him. He must have said something to make him laugh cause I see that smile again as Dante jokingly pushes him away & tell’em to get his ass outta hear. I just glance at his lanky looking friend & notice he wasn’t wearing shoes. Where tf was his shoes? Dante jumps in the car.
“Sorry bout that he’s an idiot & doesn’t like it when i cancel our plans to hangout so suddenly.”
“Oh okay.” is all i can get out realizing that this super hot guy is canceling on his friends just to be with me. The thought of being in a car with him makes me hot and my cock hardens a bit so I cross one leg over the other, hoping he didn’t notice.

If you don’t feel like reading past this point, or feel like this is too overwhelmingly gay for your poor little soul to take then leave . . . like now. Sashay Away!!!

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