A Favor for a Friend

A gay sex stories: A Favor for a Friend My buddy Chase and I often hung out at his place on our off days. He’s a single guy who likes to play both sides of the field, but plans to remain single. As such, his small house reflected that. Picture a mancave style throughout the entire house. Since there was no permanent woman to decorate, there was a lot of wood, heavy duty but functional furniture, huge TVs, and a full bar and pool table in the game room.

Lately though, playing pool or video games was only a memory, due to an unfortunate car accident. Chase had broken both hands and wrists which now had matching casts, thereby limiting his activities. Chase had even hired a home health aide to help him with day to day issues that he couldn’t handle on his own. Cooking, cleaning, washing, laundry, and such had to be done by a stranger. He had no family close by, and was too proud to ask for their help anyway.

I helped him with what I could while I was there, as his hired help was only there during certain hours. By the third week, Chase was going stir crazy. He couldn’t drive himself anywhere so wasn’t going out like he used to, and his social life had taken a big hit. He would complain about it every time I was over there. We were on another Netflix binge of random B movies. They were almost all awful but we had gone through pretty much all the good content, so were now going through all the stuff we had never heard of before.

Chase was struggling with the remote to stop another bad movie while I watched him. I had tried to get him to let me help, but the constant denials and subsequent complaining led me to simply watch and wait. I understood that Chase wanted to do things on his own whenever possible, but sometimes it was just irritating to behold.

“Fuck this movie and fuck this remote!” Chase loudly complained as he fumbled the controller between his cast laden hands.

“Calm down man, it’s just a movie. You need to get a grip. And that seems to have become your new favorite word.” I replied.

“Fuck you.” he grumbled.

“Do you want another?” I asked, indicating his empty Coke bottle.

I didn’t wait for the answer, but simply got up and headed for the kitchen with the old bottle to exchange it for a new one. Bringing it back, I opened it for him and placed the extended straw inside for easy access.

“There you go, are you good now?” I asked.

“I can’t wait for these fucking casts to be gone.” was his reply.

After a few minutes of browsing through all the unwatched selections we hadn’t tried, Chase abruptly dropped the remote on the couch next to him. He scooted, shimmied, and finally rose out of his chair with the grace of a wounded wildebeest.

“I’ll be right back. See if you can find something worth watching while I’m gone.”

I scrolled while I waited, and after some time settled on a potentially worthwhile selection. I continued to wait to start the movie until Chase returned. It was a long wait. I started to grow concerned until I heard Chase’s voice from the back of the house.

“Brad, could you come back here and give me a hand?”

I followed his voice into his bedroom. Not finding him there I was about to leave to search elsewhere.

“Brad! Did you get lost or something?” I heard him call out.

The voice came from the master bath behind the mostly closed door. I approached, but remained outside.

“What do you need?” I asked through the door.

“I need your help! What do you think ‘give me a hand’ means?” he replied harshly.

I slowly opened the door and saw Chase standing in front of his toilet with his back to me. I could tell he was fumbling by his movements and posture.

“Should I come back later?” I asked.

“No! I need help! That’s why I called you. My fingers are useless in these things.” Chase complained as he held up his cast encased hands. “I was able to get it out, but now can’t put it away.”

“You know I’m your friend Chase, but there are limits.” I laughed.

“Screw you and your fully functional fingers!” he responded. “Just help me get my dick back in my shorts, or you’ll end up with a mouthful of cast.”

He turned towards me and his limp cock swung back and forth in the cool air. How he had managed to get his zipper down and his cock out in the first place was a mystery, but apparently he couldn’t reverse the process. I grabbed his cock and stuffed it back into his shorts. Then I zipped him up, making sure not to injure him in the process. Every guy knows what catching your dick in your zipper is like, and I didn’t want to hear about that kind of thing for the rest of my life.

Over the next couple of weeks it seemed like I was helping him every time I was over there. Sometimes it was getting dressed, sometimes it was more bathroom incidents like the first one. I had never seen a cock that much in my life except for my own. Chase even started making little jokes and comments every time I helped him.

“Since you’re already handling my dick, maybe you could do a guy a favor.”

“Before you get my shorts on me, maybe you could help a guy out.”

Since you’re on your knees anyways…”

I was starting to get sick of the jokes, and I let him know it. “Your sneakers aren’t gonna tie themselves Chase. One more comment like that and you’re shoeless the rest of the day.”

I couple of times while helping him put himself back together, his cock had gotten hard while I was trying to put it away. He even made a couple of lewd thrusts, effectively causing me to jerk his stiffened rod a couple of times before I got him stuffed into his shorts.

The comments started becoming less lewd and more earnest in their tone.

“Damn, I just really need to get off.” Chase would say.

“I haven’t gone this long without getting some in years.”

“My health aide threatened to quit when my dick slapped her in the face when she was helping me dry off after a shower. That’ll be the third one I’ve lost if she leaves. I’m not sure how many more they’ll send.”

It reached the point where Chase was always hard. Regardless of what we were doing, there was a tent in his shorts. Movie time….hardon. Helping him get dressed….hardon. Helping him get undressed before I left for the night….hardon. Driving him to go grab something to eat….hardon.

“Brad, we need to talk.” Chase started saying one random afternoon while we sat in front of the TV. He abruptly turned off the giant screen as it played another random bad movie.

“Yeah sure, what’s up?”

“I really need you to help me.” he stated.

“I’ve been helping you. I don’t know how much more help I can be.” I responded.

“Brad, you don’t understand. I can’t function like this. I wouldn’t ask if it wasn’t an emergency, but you’ve gotta help me out.”

“Help you out with what?” I demanded, wishing he would stop beating around the bush.

He kept staring at the screen the whole time, deliberately not looking at me. “I need to get off. I can’t keep going like this. I’m either going to explode or turn into a raving lunatic.”

It took me a minute to comprehend what he wanted. He was not even looking in my direction, but I was staring hard at him, my mouth agape. When I finally figured out I needed to answer, I started thinking of alternatives.

“Chase, I know you swing both ways, but you know I don’t. Look, we can go on Amazon and order you something to help you out.”

I quickly pulled out my phone to steer this visit away from what he was asking. I pulled up the Amazon app and was frantically typing away until I realized Chase was talking again.

“Brad…do you see that box over there?” Chase pointed his cast clad hand to a darkened corner by his bookcase. “Those are Amazon failures. My health aide helped me order them, but none of them have worked out. It was more embarrassing then you can imagine, and it’s why the first health aide quit.”

“I don’t think I can do what you’re asking.” I stammered.

“Please Brad. I’m desperate. I wouldn’t ask you otherwise. I’m always frustrated, pissed off, and horny. I can’t even think straight anymore. Just help me this once and I’ll be fine. I’ll do whatever you want. I’ll pay you if you want!”

I just sat there watching the TV, even though the screen was dark and empty. I could tell Chase was being earnest with everything he said. He was clearly desperate, and his attitude had taken a downward turn with each passing week.

“Look Chase, you’re my friend, but if I agree to this….and I’m not saying I will, but if I agree to this, it’s a one time thing and we won’t ever bring it up again.”

“Absolutely! I agree. One hundred percent! Whatever you want.” he said quickly, stumbling over his own words.

A few minutes passed as I hoped he would suddenly admit this was all a big prank. The silence was deafening. Chase was now watching me as I refused to look his way. I had to clear my throat a couple of times before I could utter the words I never thought I would say.

“Okay Chase. I’ll help you get off. What do you want me to do?”

My buddy looked at me incredulously, obviously thinking that his plea was going to fall on deaf ears. Relief washed over his features as he offered some brief instructions.

“A cock is a cock. Do whatever you would with your own.” he said.

Chase fumbled the remote once more until the screen came alive. He turned it to a porn channel and the sounds of sex filled the room as a busty blonde giggled and moaned as she worked on a large phallus for the camera.

It was truly a surreal moment. My friend leaned back, reclining his end of the couch. Since his hands were useless for the task, it was up to me to do absolutely everything. My hands shook as I tried to unbutton his shorts. After several attempts, I finally cleared that first hurdle. Even with the TV on, the zipper being pulled down was the loudest sound I ever heard.

I reached my hand inside the covering fabric and fished out Chase’s iron rod. The thing looked huge and angry. As often as I had seen it recently, I was kind of scared of it this time. I pushed his shorts down and out of the way. As I held this strange fleshy missile, I was surprised how warm and soft it felt while also being hard and unyielding. Even though I had previously had contact with it several times before, this time was in a completely different context.

“Come on Brad, quit admiring it and just make it shoot.” Chase demanded quietly.

I slowly started moving my hand up and down. A long and loud sigh of relief escaped from between Chase’s lips. The sounds of porn filled the room from the surround sound speakers, but I could still make out every moan and groan emanating from my friend as I slowly stroked his neglected organ. His cock drooled heavily all over my hand, which was being spread along his shaft the more I stroked. I kept a steady pace, not too slow, but not in a frenzy of movement.

I couldn’t believe I was doing this, but I also marveled at how my hand was making him squirm in his seat. The sounds he was making clearly indicated not only his enjoyment, but also that he was close to crossing the finish line. As much as I didn’t want to do this, since he had guilted me into it, I kind of wanted to make him suffer a little.

I slowed down a little bit at a time, not sure if he could tell the difference right away. His moaning was still heard above the TV, but it was not at the peak that it had been previously. A few minutes passed like that before Chase raised his head up and glanced at me.

“Stop fucking around Brad. Just make me cum!”

The sudden demand surprised me, and instantly my hand started flying up and down his slick flesh. Chase squeezed his eyes shut tightly and groaned loud and long. With only a dozen more strokes the cock in my hand started to spasm and thick ropes of cum flew from the tip. I continued to milk his shaft as his semen shot into the air, landing on his chest and groin and running down and over my moving hand.

“Oh YES! Yes, yes, yes….right there.” Chase exclaimed.

I slowed my efforts to a lazy pace and loosened my grip but continued my ministrations. His moans and groans faded to heavy breathing and long satisfied sighs. I continued slowly jacking the strange cock until I heard the unmistakable sounds of snoring. Chase had cum, and like any typical guy had fallen asleep once he got what he wanted.

I hightailed it out of there and went home. My own cock screamed for attention, but I ignored it. I had done the one time only favor that Chase asked and he had agreed that we wouldn’t ever bring it up again.

I was at work the following few days and was busy as usual, but also distracted. Chase didn’t once text anything about what had happened. I wasn’t sure if I was happy about that or not. We agreed not to bring it up, but some sign of gratitude would have been appreciated. After my work week was over, I got the normal text from him asking if I would bring snacks for our TV watching get together.

I ended up back at Chase’s place again, and true to his word he didn’t say anything or give any indication that anything strange had occurred the last time I was there. He was kind of back to his normal pre-accident self. He was laughing and joking, using faces he had drawn on his casts for a ridiculous impromptu puppet show.

After a few episodes of a sci fi series, Chase excused himself to go to the bathroom. After a few minutes he called asking for my help again. I went back and helped him as normal, and even though his cock got hard when I put it away for him, neither of us said anything about it, and the rest of the evening went uneventfully.

We were planning on hanging out again the next day. When I got there, Chase’s health aide was just leaving as I was pulling up. I knocked on the door as a normal warning and as usual I let myself in. As soon as I closed the door, I heard Chase calling me from the bedroom again. As much of a friend as he was, I was getting as irritated as he was about wanting his casts to come off. I arrived and found him in his bathroom again, this time buck ass naked and dripping wet.

“The health aide’s time was up and she had to go to another appointment, but she did a half ass job of drying me off after my bath.” Chase complained. “Do you think you could help me out buddy?”

I grabbed a large towel hanging from the bar next to the tub and started patting him down. He lifted his arms and turned as I worked my way around him. As I worked from the top down I got on one knee to dry his bottom half. Chase slowly turned towards me, almost smacking me with his hard cock as he swung around. I flinched backwards and Chase took notice of my reaction.

“Relax Brad, it’s not attacking you.” he joked.

“I didn’t even get a ‘thank you’ last time.” I joked back. “Just wham, bam, squirt, squirt, snore.”

“I know you didn’t want to talk about it, but since you brought it up…my god, that was the best cum I’ve had in a long time. I slept soooo good after that too.” The words came tumbling out, he was talking so fast. “I wanted to thank you, but didn’t want to say anything like you wanted. I’ve had the best few days since the accident because the way you helped me Brad. I sincerely want you to know how much I appreciate it.”

“That’s fine, we’re all good. Happy to help a friend out.” I said trying to get him back on the non sexual track.

“I know this is a lot to ask, but do you think you could help me out again?” he asked as he was turned away while I dried the back of his legs.

I froze, not expecting the request….again. It was a tough decision in that I didn’t want to do it, but I had already helped him out once. The change in his attitude was profound and I didn’t want him ending up back where he was before. His increasingly negative attitude had strained my patience before, and I wasn’t sure our friendship could endure a few more weeks like he had been before I had provided him his relief.

I finished drying his legs and turned him back around. Instead of hemming and hawing while I struggled with the request, I simply remained on my knees and started fondling his erect manhood. Chase immediately started moaning long and loud once again as my fingers manipulated his stiffened meat.

“Oh wow!” Chase exclaimed. “Right here huh? I don’t care, just keep going.”

He closed his eyes and tilted his head back as I continued to stroke him as requested. This whole thing really weirded me out, but I had already committed to it once again. My free hand reached up to cup his scrotum, which elicited new gasps and moans from my host. Chase widened his stance, willingly providing unrestricted access for whatever I decided to do. His precum flowed freely and leaked all over my hand, lessening the friction and allowing my fingers to easily glide across his flesh.

“Keep going Brad. I’m close. I’m almost there.” Chase whispered.

Chase rested his cast covered hands on my shoulders as I remained kneeling in front of him. I could see him looking down at me from above in my peripheral vision. I concentrated on his cock, not wanting to look at his face as he watched me stroke him.

We remained like this for a couple of minutes before his breathing changed. His moans had increased and his breathing became heavier. He held his breath for a couple of seconds until he exhaled in a loud growl. His cock contracted and bucked as his cum was released in a flood. The first couple of shots hit my chest before I could aim his subsequent streams into the towel on the floor. I milked his shaft over and over as he towered above me, intently watching as I manipulated his tool. Once he was spent, he shuffled to the edge of the tub and sat down heavily.

“Wow! Oh my God, just wow!” Chase repeated. “I don’t think my knees will hold me up right now.”

“Next time warn me before you shoot.” I complained as I picked up the towel and wiped the cum from my shirt. “Now I’ve gotta do some laundry.”

Chase placed one broken hand over his heart and the other in the air to indicate the seriousness of his vow. “I promise that next time I will warn you before I cum.”

I already regretted saying that along with his reply. I had made it sound like there would be a next time. Before I left his bathroom I got Chase into some gym shorts and a tank top. Taking the towels with me, I went to the laundry room and started a wash cycle to include my shirt after I stripped it off. I borrowed one of Chase’s shirts before heading to the living room. He was already on the couch and flipping through channels when I finally sat down.

“Just so you know, I really do appreciate your help Brad.” he said earnestly.

“No problem.” was my automatic response. I regretted saying that, as I didn’t want this to become a thing.

Chase just couldn’t let it go without a joke though. “You know, if you just bend over and spread ’em, I’ll do all the work. You could just keep watching TV and I’d take care of myself. It would be like we’re a married couple on my birthday.”

“Damn Chase, you just had to be a dick, huh?” I laughed. “Keep wishing buddy.”

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