Caught and Blackmailed…

A gay sex stories: Caught and Blackmailed…

I have always enjoyed being an exhibitionist and flashing. I’m also an avid hiker and runner and enjoy finding remote trails for long day hikes. Since my wife is overweight and out of shape, she has never been a fan of long hikes with me. I don’t mind since I enjoy being in nature by myself and it gives me an opportunity to enjoy one of my favorite things, hiking nude.

On this particular day, it was a hot and humid (Florida) summer day. So, I picked a trail that I was certain would be deserted, packed plenty of water and sunscreen and told my wife I was going to do an all-day trip. Susan just smiled, kissed me goodbye, and told me to have a good time. She knew I was accustomed to these types of hiking trips, so she didn’t worry. Also, she enjoyed getting some time to herself. I was happy and excited to get a chance to enjoy my pastime of nude hiking and masturbation. If I was lucky, I would get a chance to masturbate twice in the hot sun. It always felt so good and free.

When I arrived at my spot, I was excited to see that there were no other cars at the trailhead. I couldn’t believe my luck. It was going to be a perfect day. I almost stripped right there and started out naked, but then I thought, “What if someone happens to pull up right as I’m finished undressing?” I smiled to myself and decided to play it safe and take my time. I would have most of the day, so there was no need to rush.

The trail I picked crisscrossed frequently with a beautiful spring-fed stream. Not only would this provide water in the case of me running out, but it also had some nice pools at frequent intervals. So, I could cool off throughout the day if I wanted. After about a mile of vigorous hiking, I was sweating and excited. I stopped and listened for a couple minutes to make sure no one was around, then I proceeded to strip and put my clothes in my pack. The warm sun and breeze felt so good on my naked body and I just stood for a few minutes playing with my cock which was already mostly hard in anticipation.

I squeezed out an ample glob of sunscreen (made sure to get the oily kind) and started massaging it onto my cock and then the rest of my body. I stood there stroking for a bit, then grabbed my pack and started slowing walking the trail, playing the whole time to stay hard. I went on like this for about another mile before deciding I was ready for my first cum. I was close to the stream and the steady trickle of water was pleasant. I sat on a log next to the stream and quickened my stroke until I couldn’t hold back. I aimed my cock head straight at my face and opened my mouth, pushing myself as close to the tip as I could. In seconds, I was spraying cum in my mouth, on my face and chest and moaning like I had seen in pornos, telling myself how good I tasted. I swallowed what went in my mouth and licked off my fingers as I sat there enjoying the moment. I really do enjoy the taste of my own cum, so this was like another special treat to me. Eventually, I ate as much cum as I could get and just let the rest dry. I felt elated.

I got back up and started off down the trail. This time I would be traveling fast since I wasn’t worried about keeping a hard-on as I walked. It felt good to let my limp cock swing back and forth as I walked. It made a little slapping rhythm that kept me at a good pace. I didn’t even worry about checking the trail for other hikers since I was certain no one else would be out this far on a hot day like this. I had completely forgotten about being careful. After another hour, I stopped, had something to eat and decided to keep going for another hour before turning around to head back. I rubbed a generous glob of sunscreen on my cock and started to play again. It didn’t take long for me to be hard as rock again. I smiled and said something kinky before standing up to begin part two. That’s when I froze. Just thirty feet down the trail behind me was a lone guy, standing there and smiling. “Shit!” I didn’t know what to do, but at least he wasn’t cussing me out or yelling at me. So, I did the first thing that came to my mind.

“Sorry, man. It’s hot. I was just skinny-dipping in the stream to cool off. I didn’t know anyone was out here.” I started pulling my clothing out of my pack and realized how stupid my story was since my boots were still on and I was completely dry. I just hoped he wasn’t that curious.

He walked right over to where I was fumbling with my clothing. Then he smiled and chuckled a little. “No need to lie to me, buddy.” I could see him staring at my boner and I knew I was busted again. “I’ve been following you all day. So, you can drop the bullshit stories.”

Fuck! He had been following me all day? What? How? My mind was a jumble of unanswered questions and I didn’t know where to start. The guy was making me uncomfortable in dozens of ways, not the least of which was his continual gaze at my cock and his own hand rubbing his crotch area a little. Before I could say anything coherent, he broke the silence.

“Look. I don’t know your name or anything, but I’ve seen you out here dozens of times. Every time, your routine is almost the same. Start hiking, strip, jack-off, hike, jack-off, eventually return to your car and leave. I’ve tracked you and watched you before. You’re pretty amazing, buddy. I’m Joe. So what is your name?”

He just stood there smiling and staring as he waited for my answer. I couldn’t believe he knew. I had been careful. Maybe he was bluffing. “Look, Joe, I’m not sure I believe your story. And, I don’t intend to give you my name. I just want to get dressed and get the hell out of here. You’ll never see me again.” As I started to grab my clothing again, Joe laughed out loud.

“Not so fast, buddy. Either you can give me your name or I’ll just turn your license into the cops for indecent exposure. That’s right, I took a good picture of your license tag, and your truck from several angles. And I have some convincing pictures of you personally. So, let’s just be friendly and you give me your name.”

Joe just stood there looking at me. He didn’t look angry, but he did look serious. And, I could see he was not bluffing. “Okay, I’m Dave. Nice to meet you, Joe.” I lied, but I didn’t want to piss him off since he was holding all the cards. “Now, can I leave?”

Joe just smiled. “See, that wasn’t so hard. It’s good to have a name to go with your… ,” he laughed, “face.” My face was red, but he had a point. “Dave, you have a pretty nice habit. I’ve seen you out here a lot. Doesn’t your girlfriend give you any?” Joe took his shirt off and started undoing his shorts.

I had no idea what Joe was doing, but I didn’t care. I just wanted to be done with this. “No girlfriend.” I told the truth, but I didn’t mention my wife. “So, I don’t get any. I like to jack off and this is a nice place to do it. I didn’t think anyone was watching. Now, what do you want from me?”

“Dave,” Joe continued as he dropped his shorts and started pulling his boxers down. “If we’re going to be friends, I need you to be honest with me. You’re wearing a wedding band, so you’re obviously married. You’re horny as hell, whether your wife gives you any or not. And what do I want from you? I just want us to be friends. That’s all.” As he finished speaking he dropped his boxers and stood before me nude, the same as I was. In fact, he had a boner that he started playing with and I couldn’t help but noticed it looked a lot like mine, 7 inches and cut.

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