Nickolas and Jason Ch. 05

A gay story: Nickolas and Jason Ch. 05 [[[So sorry for the delay, will try to be faster with the next chapter but life is very busy! Thank you SO SO SO much for the feedback, you rock.

Jason goes by the nickname Spider

Leander goes by the nickname Lion.]]]


Nick woke and rubbed an eye, realising that he was still cuddled up to Jason. He’d half expected him to have fled as soon as he could. Spider smiled at him and stroked his hair.

“What time is it?” Nick yawned.

“Just gone ten.” Spider told him. “You okay?” Nick took it that Spider actually meant ‘are you okay with the fact I screwed your brains out last night?’

“Yeah, I am.” Nick nodded. “Think I’ll shower.” Spider gave him one last cuddle and let him go before getting up himself and pulling on some jeans. “Jason…” He said quietly. “When you got the stuff out of the draw why did you laugh?” Spider leant over and grabbed a crumbled piece of paper and handed it to him. In Casey’s perfect handwriting ‘Be Good x’ had been written on it. Nick smiled and carried onto the shower. Once he was into the cascading hot water he allowed himself some time to think. Just what was going on with Spider recently? At first he’d thought that the sex was going to be rough and one sided but he was pleasantly surprised that Spider had made it quite loving and made sure he’d come. He’d even taken measures to protext himself and lube up. Nick felt his cock twitch as he thought of Spider sliding into him, his muscles firstly resisting then allowing and that exquisite pleasure that came with it. He sighed and leant on the tiled wall he was now fully erect and he grasped his shaft with his hand, slowly moving it up and down, thinking of how Spider moved on top of him, how his body moved, how his hips and ass rocked with the constant thrusts, how his lids became heavy as his orgasm approached, how his sensual bottom lip flushed pink as he came, his face looking more beautiful than ever and then he was spilling into his hand, the water began to wash it away and he grumbled to himself, this was all too surreal.

Spider wanted a fag and a coffee — then he could sit with his own thoughts and try to work something out. He headed into the kitchen and flicked the coffee machine, leaning on the counter and fiddling with his lighter as he waited. Nile, who had been commanded to make scrambled eggs for Trevor, was at the oven talking to Lion.

“Morning.” Lion smiled and went to stand next to him. “Oo ouch.” He touched Spider’s chest softly and Spider looked down to see three angry red scratches.

“How’d you do that?” Nile asked.

“No idea.” Spider shrugged. “Probably did it in my sleep.” He poured his coffee whilst Nile and Lion swapped silent glances. As he headed outside, fag in mouth, he saw Jazmin come down the stairs. “Morning Jazz.” He grinned.

“Morning Spi — a fag and coffee isn’t breakfast you know.” She teased.

“Can’t you talk to him?” Lion asked Nile.

“Me? Why me?” Nile frowned.

“You’re his best friend.” Lion said. “He tells you everything.”

“Yeah only when he wants too.” Nile poked at Trevor’s eggs. “But I might, just to see what’s going on with him.” A freshly showered Nick came down and sat in an armchair. “I’m sure it’s something to do with Nick.” Nile said to himself as Trevor appeared — he grinned at Lion and Nile but then saw Nick, instead of going for a cuddle off Lion he clambered on the armchair Nick was in and cuddled up to him, fussing as he did so.

“See? Something’s definitely up.” Lion commented. Nile nodded.

“Are you okay?” Trevor asked Nick.

“Yeah, just tired.” Nick smiled — he wasn’t exactly lying. Nile came over with Trevor’s breakfast.

“Want some?” Trevor offered. Nick shook his head and went to make a coffee; Jason came back in and took a donut from the tin on the side.

“Spi — did Casey come up here?” Nile asked.

“Yeah he stocked it up with food.” Spider nodded offering Nick a donut — he refused this too. ” Why?”

“Well, I went to put my phone in the draw of the cabinet and there’s a box of condoms with a note saying ‘Get her pregnant and I’ll kill you'”. Nile explained.

“Oh awesome.” Spider grinned. “He knows what you’re like.”

“Cheeky sod.” Nile took the donut off him. “You’ll get fat.” Spider laughed and went to get changed. “He’s in good spirits today.”

“Good.” Lion smiled. ” Let’s see how long it lasts.” Spider saw Nick appear as he pulled a shirt from the wardrobe.

“Sorry about that.” He pointed at Spider’s scratched chest.

“Ah no problem. Things like that happen.” Spider smiled. “I didn’t hurt you did I?”

“No.” Nick shook his head softly and went back to the lounge. Spider wanted to ask if he’d enjoyed it, but he was too scared to bring it up anymore. He hoped he could just forget it.

They spent most of that morning just sitting about and talking, Spider sat with Claudia and very subtly flirted with her. They all knew that Claudia had a slight crush on Spider despite being in a relationship with Nathan. She swore she’d never act on it and many times Nile had told Spider off for making suggestions to her. Spider just shrugged it off and said it was harmless fun and Nathan didn’t even realise he was doing it. Spider also spent a good majority of his time harassing Nick; he just couldn’t help himself — it wasn’t mean harassing, he just wanted to be around him today but he couldn’t let the others know that. They decided to go for a walk through the woods; Nile found a wheelbarrow and sat Nathan in it so he could come along, much to Nathan’s amusement. The walk was more stressful then they had imagined because Trevor disliked nature and bugs and spent much of his time squealing. Lion had grown to ignore him and just carried on walking. They came upon a clearing and sat down, Trevor was almost sobbing with hate when he saw a worm, which made everyone else laugh.

“It’s not funny. Worms are nasty.” Trevor pouted and felt the first few spots of rain on his skin. “And now it’s raining which means there will be more of them!” The rain began to fall heavier and Nathan’s wheelbarrow filled up. Spider suggested just tipping him out and making a run for it but Nathan protested.

“Lets just head back.” Claudia said glancing between her boyfriend and Spider’s wet body. “My hair will frizz.” Nick glanced at her when she eyed up Jason again and she blushed and returned to fussing over Nathan.

“She’s into you.” Nick commented.

“I know.” Spider nodded with a smile.

“Would you?” Nick asked.

“Nah. She’s not my type — plus she’s with Nathan.” Spider shook his head, wondering how Nick could ask this after their little incident.

That night they sat around and played a truth or dare type game. Jazmin wasn’t feeling too well so she went to bed before it started.

“Nile, if you could sleep with one of the guys who’d you sleep with?” Nathan asked.

“Probably Spider.” Nile smiled. “Hey Spider, would you let me top you?”

“Anytime Baby.” Spider raised his eyebrows.

“Honestly I think you’ve kissed Spider more than I have.” Lion said to Nile. “You should be gay.” Nile laughed.

“So Claudia.” Trevor grinned. “Who’d you rather sleep with — Nile or Spider?” Claudia went red as she said Spider and covered her cheeks to hide her embarrassment. Nathan remained nonplussed. Spider winked and tipped his beer bottle at her. “Jason — your turn.”

“Okay, okay.” Spider shifted position; Nick stirred but remained cuddled against him. He’d originally been sitting on the arm of the chair but Spider had said he made him nervous and pulled him onto his lap, covering him again with the throw.

“Who’s prettier — Trevor or Nick?” Claudia asked.

“Nick.” Spider answered and Trevor began to coo so he added. “Well his knee is about an inch from my goods, I’m not going to not say him am I?”

“What?” Nick opened his eyes and stretched.

“Jason was just saying you’re pretty.” Trevor smiled. Nick closed his eyes and snuggled into Spider’s neck.

“Trevor.” Spider smirked, he could feel Nick’s lips on his neck. “Anal or oral?” Trevor squealed and shook his head. “You have to answer. They’re the rules.” Trevor hid his face in Lion’s arm and mumbled anal and everyone started to laugh Nick stirred and Spider stroked his hair to soothe him back to sleep. Trevor watched from behind Lion’s arm, he noticed they were getting on very well.

“Go on Jason. Kiss him, I dare you.” Trevor smiled. Spider laughed and shook his head. “Aww go on.”

“No, he’s asleep.” Spider shook his head again. “It’s the only time he’s quiet.”

“A dare’s a dare.” Nile smirked. “Get him kissed.” Spider sighed and put his beer bottle down; lowering his head he gently pressed his lips to the pretty redhead’s, gently nudging them apart with his tongue. Nick stirred, confused at first, then responded to the familiar tongue that slid into his mouth, his hand went to Spider’s chest as Spider’s held his sides, Nile’s eyes went wide as he saw Nick’s hand fall at the same spot the angry red scratches were at on his chest. Lion looked at him puzzled and he just shook his head, surely Spider hadn’t…no he wouldn’t have. Though he was getting into kissing Nick, Nile decided it must be the drink.

“They’ve so done that before.” Trevor hissed at Nile. The two stopped kissing and Nick snuggled back under his chin. That was the last close contact the two had that holiday, Spider remained in a playful mood for the most part and got along well with Nick — they never discussed their night of passion.

Spider was up to his old ways, some days passed without him talking to Nick and sometimes he’d be all over him. Nick learned to take it in his stride, let Spider sulk when he wanted to and talk to him when he was feeling more playful.

The drama hall door clicked and opened, it could only be Nick coming in as everyone else was already there. It was Nick, tears pouring down his cheeks and looking very pale. Everyone looked up shocked but didn’t move they were too stunned. Spider’s head told him to not move but his heart had already spoken and he was walking across to him, arms enfolding him into a hug, nuzzling into his head and asking him softly what was up. Nick sniffed and wiped his eyes with his too-long sleeve.

“There’s been an accident.” Nick said hoarsely. “My brother…they don’t think he’ll make it through.” He felt more tears escape. “He overdosed…” Spider hugged him tighter and everyone else came over to comfort him. “I have to go, my parents are collecting me, and we’re going to drive up.” He sniffed. Trevor and Spider walked him out to the car park. “I’ll let you know what happens.” Trevor nodded mutely and they waved him off. Spider put an arm around Trevor’s shoulders and they walked back to the hall where everyone was quiet and shocked. Then Spider did something he’d not done in a while; he went over to Nile for a hug, cuddling into him, Nile happily obliged.

“His brother…” Spider asked after a few minutes of silence.

“Junkie.” Trevor said quietly. “But Nick idolised him — thought he was wonderful. He’d always tell him he was going straight and that he’d clean up his act. I wonder what’ll happen if he dies?”

“We’ll have to look after him.” Spider mumbled and placed his head on Nile’s shoulder; Nile traced his back with a hand and kissed the top of his head. Lion mentally grumbled, he was sure that Spider and Nile had a history, the way they were sometimes hinted that they were old lovers who knew each other well. Even when Nile hugged him he seemed to know exactly how Spider’s body moved and responded. But it wasn’t time to think about that; it was time to worry about Nick. Miss Staff came in and they told her, she sat at her desk and frowned — she had grown close to these people and was saddened to see bad things happen to them. Trevor’s phone cut through the silence, he read his message and his face drained of colour.

“He’s dead.” He said. The room groaned sadly. “He’s not going up anymore, apparently he was in a bit of a state so his parent’s are going up to sort it out. But he wont be in for a while.”

“We can’t just leave him on his own.” Nathan frowned.

“You should draw up a rota and visit him daily. He’ll need time to grieve but he might get depressed if he’s on his own.” Miss Staff suggested. “You lot visiting him might just keep him going.” They all agreed and Trevor began to plan. Spider was edgy when they decided when he would visit him, he didn’t really want to go Nick visiting he wouldn’t know what to say. But Lion snorted and said they would all have to make an effort. Spider scowled at him but accepted it, he was sure he could get out by only spending an hour or so there.

Nick didn’t want to see anyone; he wanted to sit on his bed and cry. That is what he did most of the time. He enjoyed his friends coming round but found it hard to be friendly when he felt so bad. The others didn’t know what to do, they didn’t know how to bring up the situation or what to say, they just did what they thought was right.

Spider looked at the time, it was only ten, normally he’d spend another hour or so with Casey or Josh but he was on Nick watch the next day and it was his turn to try to get him to leave the house. He’d been round twice in the last week and Nick hadn’t really said a word to him, just sat on the sofa looking lost. He started to set off up the stairs when the rains got heavier; he paused and listened to the thunder. Casey came from the kitchen and stopped to look at him. His little boy looked so confused these days. “Okay Spi?”

“Uh yeah,” He nodded “it’s just that Nick’s got a phobia of thunder.”

“Oh.” Casey watched as he turned away and smiled to himself. “Is he still alone?” Spider nodded. “Pack a bag, I’ll drive you round.” Spider smiled and ran up to his room grabbing the bare essentials and heading back down shouting ‘bye to Josh as he did so. Fifteen minutes later he let himself into Nick’s house, Nick hadn’t bothered locking the door, waving ‘bye at Casey from the porch. He climbed the stairs and went to Nick’s room — pushing open the door and stepping quietly inside. Nick was huddled in his bed looking small and terrified. Spider put his bag down and undressed to his boxers, silently sliding into Nick’s bed. Before he’d even pulled up the covers Nick was cuddling into him, nose under his chin, his body cold against Spider’s and trembling with fear. Spider did his best to soothe him and as he stroked his hair Nick felt himself fall in love with Spider. Just turning up without being asked meant so much to him in his current state. Spider hushed him when he whimpered, Nick pressed himself against Spider’s touch and held back the tears that threatened. Spider rolled onto his back pulling Nick to lie on his chest, being softly reassured by the rhythm of his heartbeat his lids growing heavy. Spider felt his breathing steady as he began to fall asleep. Just as Spider was falling asleep himself he heard Nick whisper.

“Thank you.”

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