Wrestling Tim Ch. 13

We were both left hungry after our ‘double headscissors’ had been interrupted. It was the first time I came close to submitting Tim. He would argue the point and has ever since. He is stronger, especially his thighs but in a double-locked scissors battle, it’s about the ability to power in. My longer legs kept his thighs looser than he would have liked around my neck.

A gay story: Wrestling Tim Ch. 13

Later that night Tim was full of excuses ‘I was only going easy on you for the challenge, to see what you could make of a scissors’. He was disappointed because he hadn’t climaxed with a victory. He promised to finish it when it was ‘just the two of us’.

Only two days remained on our trip to Rome and Tim attempted to get me alone again. He was successful on the last morning and in the Colosseum. Just thinking about it makes me horny. Tim had the balls to scissors me in the fucking Colosseum!

Sam shot the video on his phone. It was short but stunning. I was sitting on a stone step in a corner of the Colosseum shaded from the sun. Sam shouted ‘Look up’ and when I did I felt a massive force around my neck. My eyes shut automatically and when I managed to peek ahead I saw Tims white trainers in front of me, crossed at his hairy thick ankles. My peripheral view was obscured by his bulging thighs. Sam laughed loudly and screeched ‘fuck sake Tim your gonna make his head explode’.

I felt all the pressure Tims mighty thighs subjected me to. No room to move my neck or head, wedged hard into him, suffering under his strength. Sweat poured from my entire body. Tim had me for sure in the heat of an Italian battle theatre. He said nothing, not even ‘submit’, he was too busy posing for Sam.

For almost ten minutes he had me there on that step between his thighs. I couldn’t figure out exactly how at the time but watching Sam’s video back I could see Tim had seated himself on a higher step behind me and thrust into the back of my neck. There was no way out of that. Tim had chosen the best spot for maximum leverage over me. I tried to grab at his thighs to prise them apart but Tim’s thighs exploded when I did. You can hear me submitting and see Tim grinning with pride on playback.

Anyone watching our ‘fight’ would see mostly thighs. They dominate the scene but Tims abs we’re incredible too. Every time he thrust his legs to power into me a wall of eight-pack armor appeared shimmering with his athletic sweat. My face is weary and defeated Tims unscathed and bright.

You can’t see it on the video but I felt his solid cock behind my neck. He must have felt so powerful dominating me like that.

It ended when some official interrupted Tim warning him no fighting was allowed in the Colosseum. Even then Tim powered in grinding me between his thighs.

I was drained when he let me go. Tim walked over my head and down the steps to Sam. It was intentional his crotch above my skull as he passed. He knew I would watch his tight ass and superior legs pass before me and this would make me jealous and desperate with desire.

It was then I noticed Tim was wearing my shorts, socks, and t-shirt. He filled them all better than I could and looked incredible. He caught me staring at him and lifted the top edge of his jocks from his shorts except they were mine my Adidas jocks!

I’ll never forget his cocky grin at that moment. I took a photo of it. He was stating his ownership of me. Not only had he taken my clothes but he had submitted me in them.

Sam was amused that Tim was kitted out in my gear going home ‘he likes taunting you I reckon, he wants to draw you into a fight and then he just dominates the fuck out of you’.

Back in my flat, I thought about our trip to Rome and how Tim and I could hardly keep our hands off each other. I still felt the pressure of his thighs around my neck and regretted I hadn’t beaten him in that double scissors encounter.

My phone sounded with a notification. Tim had messaged me:

‘Back home lad?’.

‘yeah u too Tim?’

‘I’m feeling fresh have to stay home tonight though or I’d be down to sort you out. You need to recover anyway from our little scissors session hah’.

‘Yeah Tim from behind, no warning you fucker!’

‘ makes no difference front, behind, warning no warning you’re so easy to beat but it’s fun!’

‘ Let’s see next time Tim’

‘lame threats from my inferior pal eh, as a reminder watch this!’

It was no surprise Tim messaged me the Colosseum fight clip. What a setting to wrestle or dominate someone! By now I had learned Tim was turned on by his own physicality. I imagined him watching it and wrestling his cock into submission. I was hard watching it and needed a cum rag.

The instant I unzipped my bag from Rome I was hit by his smell. More powerful than ever bleachy almost glue-like and musty, sweat too jock sweat. It was Tims odor, those were his dirty jocks and socks in my bag. Just the sweaty damp feel was enough to almost dislodge my overactive cock. But then the moist cum too on his blue trunks put me over the edge. My balls rumbled and cum fizzed through my cock igniting a frenzy of dizzy pleasure. Like an animal, I held his jocks to my nose and inhaled Tims’s vigor. My body weakened under the well of pleasure and I fell back on my bed pumping cum until I was drained.

Breathless my head racing with erotic sensations I studied his jocks closely. He left a hole where his cock had burst through while he jerked off. These were well-worn jocks, bearing the marks and scent of an alpha. I wondered what Tim might be doing to my jocks now?

I tried them on of course. They were so stretched from the size of his quads and ass that they were almost loose fit on me. You could see how his physique had worn the cotton threads. Right where his cock would be was that gaping hole! My cock went through with room to spare. No surprise Tim’s was thicker! It felt so good staring in the mirror wearing his jocks.

Another message:

‘I was only getting started on you when Sam saved you. Next time he won’t be there’.

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