My College Days As The Intern: Part 3 by RICHDARKNINE

A gay adult story: My College Days As The Intern: Part 3 by RICHDARKNINE ,
A little bit about me. During this story I was 20 years old. Black male, around 6 foot 2, with a medium muscular build. With my nine inches of pleasure you would think that my college days would have been the best years of my life but we both were wrong. None of the good stuff happened until my last year of my bachelor program.
After catching my breath I gave him a quick kiss, got up and started looking for my clothes. I said “Mr. Derek you have the mouth of the gods but I don’t see any way this is going to work”. He got up as I searched for my underwear.He said “I won’t accept that answer”

“All I want is to put on my underwear at the moment” I said.

He came over there where I was and gripped my semi-soft cock. “You don’t want this anymore” he said.

So I asked him again “you do know I’m straight, your married, and my boss how can we continue this in this small company of only 60 people”.

He didn’t answer me but handed me my shirt, socks, pants, and shoes. As I put on my clothes I couldn’t help but notice that something was missing. I looked over and he had my underwear swinging them around on his right index finger. Just to see his reaction I picked up my coat from behind the desk and told him “keep them to remind yourself of the best thing you won’t have again and I’ll see you next year after winter break”. He grinned as I left and grabbed me and asked “why are you always playing hard to get?” I think he was mad because I didn’t respond but just gently moved his hands away from me so I had a clear path to leave.

As I left he was all I could think of. I kept thinking it was for the best, I will not put myself in a situation that will hurt my future, and he’s not worth it and so on. BUT the most unreal thing happened as I reached my truck. I DROPPED MY KEYS IN HIS DAMN OFFICE! I was mad enough to eat and spit bricks. I was cursing myself out the whole way back to his office. When I had gotten back to his office he was sitting there waiting on me with my keys plus my underwear in his hand. I tried to grab them but he caught me off guard when he grabbed my dick. I instantly gotten a hard on when he touched me, I was mad, upset, and still horny as HELL. But with all my might I pushed away from him and thought I grabbed my keys but it was the underwear instead. I thought to myself what type of crazy luck do I have.

He grabbed me and pulled me super close so I told him “if you not going to give me head again STOP touching me” Derek smiled and said “all you had to do was ask”. My cock twitched then all I knew was my pants hit the floor and dick was rock hard within seconds. I tugged away and snatched my keys away and pulled up my pants and was about to walk away but he still caressing my cock in his hand. So I turned back facing him and he said “there is no reason why you should be afraid of me. I know your confused about rather this situation makes you gay or straight or neither. All I can say is I want you in my life in more ways than one, just think about it over winter break.” Then with my dick still basically jerking me off Derek pulled me closer and gave me kiss that made my knees weak and didn’t stop until I came in hand. I was satisfied that I couldn’t even think straight as I pulled up my pants to turn away from him as he said “ see you next year”.

The walk back to my truck seems to have been one of the longest walks ever. All I could do was go to my dorm pack my stuff for winter break and drive home. Even though my parent’s house is only thirty minutes from my dorm it felt like hours but it gave me time to think about things without my own judgment. That night all I could do was jerk off and think about all the good times my ex and I had together. The way we use to laugh, talk, and how those deep conversations always ended up with us pleasuring each other in a deep 69 hoping that my roommate doesn’t wake up. The only thought I had was “those three years were the best”. Then memories of my brief time with Derek in the employee break and in his office popped in my head.

As I moved my hands up and down my shaft I could feel his mouth vibrating on my cock. I could visualize him picking me off my feet and putting me against the wall as rough as possible knocking down pictures and his degrees. It was like he knew I wanted rough and just what to do to make me moan. Better than anyone else I have ever been with. It made me breathless just thinking about it. Then I did something I thought I would never do, I came and it shot past my head onto my pillow. I was in shock that even the thought of him giving me a blow job out of this world made my cum shot like that.

The next day I really didn’t want to get out bed. I really didn’t know why but I felt down to the point I didn’t even shower. My parents looked at me funny all day since they know it is never like me to lounge around the house all day. Even when I was sick I at least did something. And that day I was at the kitchen island my dad gave me some advice. He’s a lot shorter than I being only 5’9″, so as he looked up at me he said ” whatever your going through, just remember that only you have the power to change it and no one can never make you feel anyway unless you let them”. And then he looked down at his coffee cup and told me to go take a shower and workout and maybe I’ll feel better.

As usual I did the complete opposite but I did decide to take a shower. I was glad to have my own bathroom since I didn’t have the expectation of someone messing up my shower. I stepped into the warm shower and just sat on the shower seat. I don’t know why but all I could do was stare at my soft cock as the water flowed down my chest onto the tip of my soft penis and fall off to make its way to the drain. My main thought was how come I can never find a girl who wants me just as much as some guys want me. Considering this always seems to happen. Every couple of years a guy will try hard to get what he wants out of me. It’s never a relationship just sex and don’t get me wrong it’s been GREAT SEX but they always seem to slip away after getting what they want. So after that thought I finally got the soap and towel and started washing myself. I gave myself one of those lazy washes, the ones where you move so slow it felt like I was in the shower for hours. But twenty minutes later I was finally done, then dried off and just laid on my bed with my towel slung over my crotch area mainly because my mom doesn’t know how to knock or announce herself when she comes into other people’s space. It doesn’t matter if you’re naked or not, half sleep or dead you were going to hear what she had to say.

Christmas Eve was the next day and I was still just hanging around the house. The only thing I did do was go and workout since that was the only thing that didn’t irritate me. Around noon my phone rang and it was an unknown number. I thought to myself that I was going to have to tell these telemarketers that I already found Jesus, I’m too young to vote, I don’t have a credit card, and my dick to big that’s why I can’t do it; which is the usual stuff I say when they call. But this women’s voice sounded familiar so I didn’t hang up, I just listened. Then I realized it was Donna from the purchasing department at my internship. She always made me smile with her crazy jokes that weren’t really funny but I laughed at how lame her jokes were. While she was talking about nothing in particular, I thought I might have forgotten something or someone actually did see Derek and I.

So I asked her “don’t mean to be rude but I was in the middle of something, was there something in particular I can help you with”. Then out of nowhere she said the unthinkable! Donna said “how did it feel to have my husband’s mouth around your dick”. I froze and it felt like a train hit me in the stomach. Then suddenly she started laughing, still confused I said “huh”. Donna told me to relax and that she gave him permission to finally do what he always wanted plus they have an open marriage. My stomach stopped hurting but I was still confused. So she continued when she noticed the silence. Donna said “are you ok, will you be able to keep this out of the workplace?” I said “yeah and what was the reason for you calling again”. She explained how she wanted to give Derek a late but amazing Christmas gift, this gift was their first three-some with me and how she wanted to yank his chain a little bit. I laughed a little and she said “oh finally some actual human communication is happening”, I told her “I just had to adjust to the idea and I want to be a part of your surprise”.

Donna said “well Mr. Davenport all I really want is for him to see me walk in on you and him, and then I’ll join in. And that you should be aware that you will be having sex with the both of us, so I want you to shave off your pubic hair because my sensitive skin can’t handle pubic hair for some strange reason. It isn’t any good use to set up surprise to end up in the hospital.” She continued with “I want this to happen this Saturday the 28th, after his workout at “Z” (Z is an exclusive club where you have to be invited to join and you have to bring upwards of a half million a year in income or more. It cost like 20k a year to be a member) and you can get in under our guest pass.” I stopped her and explained that’s where I work out and since my family has a membership there. She continued and said “she will leave all the other details up to you to make it seem real and get a pen and paper because there is a list I want you to follow”.
The list included

To start shaving my pubes today and every day until then so my skin can get use to it and use this stuff called bump away so I won’t get razor burn or bumps.
On Saturdays he works out at 10 in the morning but gets there around 9 to chat

And that I would have to be the aggressive one in order for him to invite me back to their place (which is literally around the corner from my house)
She will tell him she won’t be back until 2 o’clock but will show up around 1 p.m.

Before we hung up she gave me her number but I had to ask her something important because who actually does this for their husband. So I asked her “was this a trick to divorce him”. I mean let’s be real who does this, I thought to myself. But she went on to say “Derek is what I always wanted and I wasn’t divorcing the love of my life. This is just to show him that I still support him in anything he does and plus our sex life has been pretty boring lately”. Deep down I wanted to believe her, so I did and said “see you Saturday” as a confirmation of yes I will do it. Then before we hung up I asked her do she know what female condoms are and has she ever used them. It’s was funny trying to explain what they are to her but hey I figured to make it part of my plan. Considering they were a little stronger than male condoms and she told me to be aggressive.

Christmas came and went but the real gift started Saturday morning. I got up took a shower and asked my father to drop me off at Z. He looked shocked and smiled because he knew I was getting back to my normal self. But as usual he always had to ask questions. He asked “why can’t you drive yourself, you know you do own a new truck that your mother and I helped you get parked in the garage”. I replied with a smirk and said “because I’m already warming yours up and I’m not being the designated driver tonight”. He said “you know you’re not worth 2 damn dead flies, come on”. As he slammed his cup down and went to grab his boots and coat. All the way there he lectured me about underage drinking and so forth and so on. I really wasn’t paying him any attention because he knows I don’t really drink.

We arrived at Z around 9:30 a.m… I walked in, checked in and went to the changing area thinking I was going to see Derek but he was nowhere to be found. I worked out for about an hour thinking he would eventually show but I didn’t even see anyone who even looked like him. So after I took I shower I went to the sauna. Took a sit then laid down face up thinking I was never going to see him today. 45 minutes later I decided to get dressed and call my dad tell him to pick me up.

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