To Tame a Shrew

A gay story: To Tame a Shrew This is a re-working of a classic as suggested by loves_SG1. “What in the world!?” Surging to his feet from his desk and heading to the door of his office, he flung it open and stared at the sight. “Oh, hi, Dad.” “What is that?” “Hey there, Will,” … Read more

best movie i never saw by iminhose

A gay adult story: best movie i never saw by iminhose , best movie i never saw by iminhose True Story, Blowjob, Gay, Transvestite Author’s infos Gender: N/A    Age: N/A    Location: N/A Posted Tue 7th of February 2012 Font size : – + my crossdressing in a movie theatre *****************************************Best Movie I never saw” ******* … Read more

Me and Adam_(1) by

A gay adult story: Me and Adam_(1) by , Two 13 year old boys find the sexual pleasures in each other – the DIRTY way! It was a long Friday at school, and I was glad to finally be done. It would be good to have a weekend without tests and homework. As I boarded … Read more

Working Class Hero

A gay story: Working Class Hero I am a very privileged working-class hero. My situation was born of tragedy with good fortune attached. I don’t mean to sound callous. I am well acquainted with tears and heartache. But time passes and I moved on. Such is the way of life. However, my circumstances are rare … Read more

Who Are Better Men or Women?

A gay story: Who Are Better Men or Women? Sitting with my best friend and his girlfriend we talked about sex of course, they both knew I was openly gay and loved cock. Dale and his girlfriend Chrissy both loved to hang out with me, Dale and I friends from high school, Chrissy and I … Read more

Reunion on Staten Island Ch. 02

A gay story: Reunion on Staten Island Ch. 02 Reunion in Staten Island 2 Two guys continue their relationship There have been lots of requests for a sequel to Statie Island Reunion. This is pretty much stand-alone, but it is helpful to have read the first story first. All characters and places are fictional despite … Read more

Walking in Daylight Ch. 04

A gay story: Walking in Daylight Ch. 04 I want to thank you all again for the wonderful comments I’ve received on the previous chapters. I’m pretty sure there will be only one more chapter after this one. Please keep up with the comments, and anything negative, please keep constructive! ~~~~~~~ Every day since his … Read more

Addictive Sub Stances

A gay story: Addictive Sub Stances The following story is a fictional account. The characters are entirely unreal and so are their situations. Thus no direct attention was paid to probability or safety for the characters. Such practices should not transfer over to real life situations. Practice safe, sane and consensual sex. For your own … Read more

Lariats and Lacrosse Sticks Ch. 05

A gay story: Lariats and Lacrosse Sticks Ch. 05 There are scenes of unprotected sex depicted in this story. In all cases it was between the two main characters, who are in a committed, monogamous relationship and were tested. If you aren’t in the same kind of relationship, then you should always protect yourself and … Read more

Room and Board Ch. 03

A gay story: Room and Board Ch. 03 Robb sank into the tub and rubbed his smooth body all over. He felt liberated after his conversation with Anne. He had rushed out to tell Arnold and Chuck in his excitement, who simply responded with bored shrugs before taking turns fucking his mouth. He licked his … Read more

After the End Ch. 15

A gay story: After the End Ch. 15 Author’s note: This is the third chapter of After the End – Part 3, the final novel in my dystopian erotic romance trilogy. If you enjoy intensely provocative sex with a power play twist, handsome male heroes in emotionally satisfying relationships, and unconventional happily ever afters — … Read more

Erotic Short Ch. 01

A gay story: Erotic Short Ch. 01 Joey rolled down the driver window of his car as the pulled up the rear of the car in front of him at the red light. The warm and humid summer air rushed bombarded his face as a breeze carried it into the car. He let out a … Read more

We all Start Somewhere

A gay story: We all Start Somewhere What the hell am I doing here? I say under my breath, as I stand at the bar. The dance music blaring, so loud as if to deter any conversation and just encourage the tactile approach. I can feel a light film of sweat sticking to me as … Read more

The Human Condition Ch. 04

A gay story: The Human Condition Ch. 04 “Did you get the 23rd off?” I asked sleepily. My law partner was finally tying the knot and it was Joe’s and my job to make sure he got there on time. Not an easy task when you knew his nickname was Late Again Murphy. We were … Read more