Shadows of Desire Ch. 05

A gay story: Shadows of Desire Ch. 05 ENEMY Thaden stood outside Lierin’s office, waiting. It had been nearly twenty minutes and Lierin still hadn’t called him in. Thaden was growing nervous. He’d left the guest suites after securing Rowan in his room and then headed straight down stairs to find his brother only to … Read more

Shadows of Desire Ch. 07

A gay story: Shadows of Desire Ch. 07 A/N Wanted to add this here for a little clarification on races in this story. In this world there are five main races. Vampires and Fae, Humans, Weres, and Otherkin. The Fae is a broad term for beings such as faerie, mere-folk, sirens, banshee, Dwarfs, halflings, Changlings, … Read more

Shadows of Desire Ch. 08

A gay story: Shadows of Desire Ch. 08 Expectations Thaden awoke just as the morning light began to spill in through the small window of the tiny room they had rented at the inn. Tally was asleep beside him, curled up on her side, the new night shirt that Thaden had bought for her was … Read more

Shadows of Desire Ch. 06

A gay story: Shadows of Desire Ch. 06 INTENTIONS “Is this really how you plan to begin our marriage, as enemies?” Emilia stepped forward, placing a hand on Lord Killian’s arm but he jerked away from her and sneered. “I never agreed to a marriage with you.” He narrowed his eyes, watching her closely. She … Read more

Shadows of Desire Ch. 04

A gay story: Shadows of Desire Ch. 04 Freedom Rowan awoke to the smell eggs, ham, and freshly baked rolls. He opened his eyes and at once the aroma enveloped him, making his stomach growl. He sat up, pushed the blanket back that had been covering him, and rubbed his eyes, yawning. The sunlight had … Read more