Shadows of Desire Ch. 05


A gay story: Shadows of Desire Ch. 05 ENEMY

Thaden stood outside Lierin’s office, waiting. It had been nearly twenty minutes and Lierin still hadn’t called him in. Thaden was growing nervous. He’d left the guest suites after securing Rowan in his room and then headed straight down stairs to find his brother only to discover that Nasir had beat him to it. Thaden raged inside. Nasir going over his head to speak to the Crown prince was an act of blatant disrespect in Thaden’s eyes. It meant that Nasir didn’t trust Thaden enough to reveal Rowan’s presence in the palace himself.

When Nasir finally opened the door to allow Thaden to enter, he was surprised to not only see Lierin but their father as well. King Elandor Dacaryn was sitting at the desk Lierin normally sat behind, while Lierin stood next to him with a dour look on his troubled face. The King watched Thaden carefully as Thaden entered the room. Nasir shut the door behind him then went to stand on the other side of the King.

“Please sit.” King Elandor said as he motioned to the chair in front of the desk.

Thaden nodded then slowly walked to the chair and seated himself. He felt like a school boy, being called into the headmasters office, about to be disciplined for some misdeed.

“I have been made aware of something that I find very disturbing.” The King leaned forward and stared directly at Thaden, their eyes met, and Thaden had to resist the urge to look away in shame. All he could do was nod as the King continued.

“Your man servant, Nasir, has reported that you apprehended a vampire in the forest. And, not just any vampire. King Desmond’s supposedly dead son, Prince Rowan. Is this true?”

Again, Thaden nodded. “Yes, Father, it’s true.”

“I see.” The King sat back against his chair, drumming his fingers against the wooden arm rest. “I assume then, that the vampire has been taken to the dungeons, to await interrogation?”

Thaden took in a deep breath, sitting straight in his chair, and said, “No, Sire. I placed him in a guest suite.”

The King looked to Lierin who sighed wearily then dropped his gaze to the floor, shaking his head in frustration. The King returned his attention to Thaden then. “So, you thought it appropriate to place a dangerous criminal in a guest suite rather than in a cell where he belongs?”

Thaden swallowed hard as he did his best to calm his nerves and face his father with confidence. “I secured him in the room with spells. I just didn’t think it was necessary to place him in the dungeons. Other than crossing illegally into our lands he really hasn’t committed any crime, and I don’t think he’s a danger to anyone.”

“He’s committed a crime simply by existing.” The King scoffed. “And, a vampire crossing into our lands isn’t a minor thing, child! He’s not some rouge that can be easily put down. He’s a member of the royal family. By entering our kingdom he’s violated the treaty, a crime punishable by death.”

Thaden tensed. His first instinct was to jump from his seat and forbid anyone, even his father, from touching his mate. It took all of his strength to remain seated though a soft growl did escape his lips which earned him sharp glares from all who were present.

King Elandor narrowed his eyes as he stared at his son. “Do you not agree with my assessment?” The King sneered.

“No.” Thaden said curtly, holding his head high. “No, father, I do not. Rowan didn’t violate the treaty because he didn’t cross into Rosegate willingly. He wasn’t even made aware that he was being brought here until very recently. He and his riding companion were resting on the out skirts of Wolfhaven when several members of Connor’s pack chased him through the forest and across the border. He would have had no way of knowing that he’d entered our lands because he was running for his life.”

“That’s no excuse.” The King snarled. “He should have stayed in his own kingdom. The moment he left Basmorte, his fate was sealed.”

“He left Basmorte to escape his father and an arranged marriage to Lord Killian Thorn.” Thaden argued. “He’s not our enemy, if anything, he could be considered an ally. He has no love for his father. Trust me on that. For Goddess sake, he faked his own death just to get away. And, with the help of a Fae I might add.”

“Ah, yes, the bog giant.” The King scoffed. “His role in this deception shall be ascertained as well.”

Thaden stiffened some in his seat. “Actually, father, I’ve already ordered the bog giant to be set free.”

King Elandor leaned forward, staring angrily at Thaden over the desk. “You did what?”

Thaden sighed. “It was a deal I made with Ro…the vampire, Sire. His surrender for the giant’s freedom. The vampire kept to his word and so, as a matter of honor, I also kept mine.”

The King shook his head as he laughed, turning to look at Lierin. “Your soft hearted brother here has no clue as to the fundamentals of warfare. He treats prisoners as honor guests and releases possible traitors.”

“Indeed.” Lierin said, glancing at Thaden. His expression remained stoic.

“The war ended twenty years ago, father.” Thaden said with a sigh. “Until this incident, the vampires have remained quiet with the exception of a few random rouges here and there.”

“Your impudence is growing tiresome, boy.” The King frowned. “Now, I will tell you what’s going to happen. Your little vampire pet is going to be taken to the dungeon and put in a cell as he should have been the moment you brought him to the palace. He’ll remain there until I have thoroughly interrogated him. Then I, and only I, will make a determination as to what’s to be done with the beast.”

“Might I suggest, your majesty, a quick beheading.” Nasir said with a smirk.

“You may not.” The King shot Nasir a disapproving frown. “I will judge his crimes and decide a fit punishment. I’m not totally convinced yet that his death would benefit us any. He may be more useful as a hostage.”

“A hostage?” Thaden was on his feet, glaring at his father as the rage inside of him slowly began to grow. “A hostage for what? The vampire’s have made no move against us. What do you hope to achieve with these actions, father? Are you trying to start another war?”

“You will be silent!” The King bellowed as he too rose to his feet, glaring daggers at his youngest son.

“The war never ended!” The King yelled, causing everyone in the room to tremble with fear. “The treaty may have put a stop to the fighting but it never ended the war. I’ve been waiting, for twenty years, for those blood suckers to do something like this, to violate the treaty so we can attack them. I will not be satisfied until the entire vampire race is wiped from the face of the Earth!”

Thaden stared at his father in disbelief. “You’ve gone mad.” He whispered. “Your hate and prejudice has truly pushed you over the edge.”

The King sat back down, calmer now as he regarded his son with a look of pity. He sighed. “My son, you were too young to remember the devastation that those monsters caused us. The loss and pain that my people suffered at their hands. Whole families were murdered in a single night. Those who were not killed were taken as slaves. They ravaged our lands and nearly left us destitute. If not for the packs, our race would have been exterminated.”

“I know the history, father, and I am sorry for all that you and our people suffered but you want to put blame on a boy, a boy who wasn’t even born yet, for the suffering that his father caused. How is that fair?”

“Thaden, you speak of this boy as though he were an innocent but you forget, dear brother, he is a vampire, a blood drinker. How many innocent lives do you think he had taken in his lust for blood?” Lierin spoke to Thaden, attempting to get him to see the truth but Thaden couldn’t accept that Rowan was anything like his father.

“You’re wrong about him.” Thaden said softly, his expression pained but sincere. “I can’t explain how I know this, but I just do. He is innocent and he’s kind. He’s like a frightened little child, not the blood thirsty beast you’re trying to make him out to be. And, there’s something else, I don’t know what it is or even understand it but he’s different. He…he has a heart. Literally, I’ve heard the beating of his heart, even felt it, somehow. Vampire’s are the living dead, are they not? They’re not supposed to have a living heart yet…he does. That has to count for something.”

The King shook his head. “That’s impossible. He’s tricked you somehow. Vampires are cold, dead, things. They have no heart, they have no emotions. They are cruel, wicked, devils. Nothing more.”

Thaden shook his head. “I disagree. At least when it comes to Rowan. He’s not like the others of his kind. I’d be willing to stake my life on it. When I look into his eyes I see hope. Wild and untamed hope for a better future hidden away behind a mask of pain. I know he’s suffered in the past. He fears his father and he fears what will happen to him if he’s returned to him.”

“He’s told you this?” Lierin asked, narrowing his eyes as he looked Thaden over, almost as though studying him.

“All lies of course.” Nasir scoffed. “The brats merely trying to save himself. He’d say anything to save his own skin. You can’t believe a word that comes out of his mouth.”

“No.” Thaden ignored Nasir’s remarks and looked to his brother, his eyes almost pleading. “He didn’t need to tell me anything. He didn’t need to utter a single word. When I held his hands in mine, his soul spoke to me. The soul he’s not supposed to possess, but it spoke to me. For a brief moment it was like we were of one mind, one soul, and I could feel what he felt, the fear and the uncertainty he felt. I knew his sorrows, and I knew his pain. I knew in an instant that he wasn’t a threat to us. His only desire is for a peaceful, happy life. We shouldn’t be talking of condemning him, we should be helping him. He’s as much a victim of his father’s cruelty as we are. He needs our help.”

Lierin and the King turned to face each other and a knowing look passed between them. Lierin sighed heavily, running his hands through his hair. The look on his face was solemn. The King, on the other hand, looked furious. His nostrils flared and his face was beginning to turn a frightening shade a red. His eyes narrowed as he turned back towards Thaden and his gaze bore into him. He gripped the edge of the desk so hard that Thaden worried the man might actually crack the wood. Thaden took a cautionary step back, suddenly fearful of his own father.

“Tell me this can’t be true.” King Elandor hissed through his clenched jaw. His nails scraped along the surface of the desk, putting deep gouges in the painted wood. He stood slowly, and leaned forward, his upper half bowing over the desk in an angle that made him look as though he were getting ready to attack. Thaden braced himself but no attack came. Instead his father just glared at him, seething with anger. “Please.” He growled finally. “Please, tell me that the Gods have not cursed my house by giving my son a vampire as a mate.”

Thaden looked down, not knowing what else to say but the truth. After several minutes of debating with himself he finally exhaled the breath he’d been holding and nodded. “It’s true.” He spoke, bringing his eyes up to anxiously meet his fathers. “Rowan is my mate.”


Thaden stormed out of the office and down the hallway, pushing past servants until he turned the corner and found himself alone, finally. He stopped, took a deep breath, then slammed his fist into the wall and wept. His emotions felt raw as he let out everything that he’d been holding in. His father’s words echoed in his mind, over and over again until he could no longer stand the sound of the old man’s voice.

“You will not take that creature as your mate!” His father had yelled, furious that Thaden could even consider such a thing. “I forbid it!”

“How can I not?” Thaden yelled back, tears in his eyes. He clenched his fists at his side and shook in anger. Didn’t his father understand the gravity of the situation? “He is my mate. Chosen for me by the mother Goddess herself. I can not deny that and neither can you.”

“And yet I do.” The King growled, his eyes glowing red as he stared Thaden down. “It is a mistake. A horrible mistake. He can not and will not be your mate!”

“The Goddess Danu does not make mistakes.” Thaden argued. “If it is her will there is nothing that we can do.”

“Rubbish.” King Elandor rubbed his hand over his face and sighed. “It is witchcraft. The blackest kind. I was willing to keep that creature alive for the time being but now I see that I have no choice. He must die.”

“No!” Thaden suddenly howled in rage. “You can not do this! I won’t let you do this!” He lunged forward suddenly, intending to strike his father but Nasir and Lierin quickly intervened and subdued him.

“Be still, brother.” Lierin whispered into Thaden’s ear. “What good can you do your mate if you yourself are dead?”

Thaden took in a deep breath and calmed himself enough that the others released him. He looked to his father and glared at him, hard. “I will not allow you to harm my mate.” He repeated. “Allow me to take him away from here. I promise you that he will never return to Rosegate, just…let him live.”

The King pursed his lips as he considered Thaden’s request. Slowly, and with a heavy heart, he shook his head. “I can not. He is too dangerous. Allowing him to live now would destroy all that we have worked to achieve for the past twenty years. I am sorry my son, but the creature dies at dawn. There can be no other way.”

“If you kill him,” Thaden sneered, “You kill me. I can not survive without him.”

The King nodded sadly. “If that is how it must be, then so be it.”

Thaden couldn’t believe what he was hearing. Nasir and Lierin were shocked as well. Would the King really be so heartless as to allow his own son to suffer just because he failed to believe that someone, a vampire, could be different? Did his own child’s life mean so little to him?

“Sire, you know the ramifications of what you are proposing.” It was Lierin who spoke up now.

“Mates can not be separated once they have found each other and made a connection. If the vampire truly is Thaden’s mate then killing him would be disastrous for Thaden. He’ll die with him if he’s lucky, if not, he’ll go mad.”

“And if Thaden survives, we’ll all know that the creature had bewitched him, for the spell he has cast over Thaden will have broken.”

“And if it not witchcraft?” Thaden asked, narrowing his eyes at his father. “If he really is my mate? Are you willing to condemn me to death?”

“It would be a far kinder fate than allowing you to live your life mated to a monster.” The King folded his hands neatly on top of the desk. The looks of shock and anger from his two sons meaning nothing to him.

“Sire, surly there must be another way.” It was Nasir now who spoke. “Perhaps, life locked away in a tower.”

The King raised an eyebrow as he studied Nasir’s face. “Nasir, weren’t you the one who not long ago suggested I have the beast beheaded?”

“Y-yes.” Nasir looked from Thaden to the King nervously. “But, that was before I knew that he was Thaden’s mate. As much as I hate the vampires, I do not want Prince Thaden to suffer.”

“He’ll suffer worse with that blood sucker as a mate.” The King said. “Now, the mattered has been handled. I’ll hear no more about it.”

Thaden threw up his hands then turned to leave when Nasir grabbed his arm. “Thaden.” His friend spoke to him as though speaking to a wounded animal. Thaden could see the regret in Nasir’s eyes but he didn’t care.

“Leave me a lone Nasir.” He hissed.

“Thaden please, I know you. Don’t do anything rash.”

“You know me?” Thaden narrowed his eyes as he glared at the man. “You know me so well that you went behind my back? You know me so well that you couldn’t trust that I knew what I was doing? That I had a reason for what I was doing? If you had just waited, let me come to my brother on my own, all of this could have been avoided.”

“Thaden, you have to believe me, I was only trying to help you.”

“Really? Well your help has just condemned my mate to his death.” Thaden jerked his arm back roughly, out of Nasir’s grasp. “I see now where your loyalties lie, Nasir. Not with me.”

Nasir opened his mouth to speak again but Thaden quickly left the room, slamming the door closed loudly behind him. He didn’t give a damn what his father said. He wouldn’t allow Rowan to be executed. He had to do something. He just didn’t know what. But, whatever he did, had to be done now. Dawn was fast approaching.


Rowan stood in the middle of the guest suite, feeling somewhat dazed after what had just almost happened. Thaden had nearly kissed him. Rowan smiled as he recalled the moment when their lips almost touched. He remembered the feel of Thaden’s touch as he held Rowan’s hands and the fast, rhythmic, beating of Thaden’s heart that seemed to quicken the closer he came to Rowan. It was almost magical the way their bodies reacted to one another. Rowan had never felt anything as powerful as the pull he felt towards the elven Prince or the longing ache in his heart when Thaden pulled away from him.

Rowan sighed then walked to the cushioned bench seat in front of the large, arched, window and sat down. He missed Thaden almost as soon as he’d run out the door. He missed his strong arms, his soft hands, and the way that he’d looked at Rowan when their hands touched. Rowan saw true yearning there and a desire that he couldn’t quite explain. It wasn’t like the lust that he saw in Lord Killian’s eyes. It was more pure than that. It was like an overwhelming need just to be close to each other. To hold each other and never let go. If this was what love felt like then Rowan knew he was in trouble because he was falling completely, and unequivocally, in love with Thaden.

“I’m such a fool.” Rowan spoke softly to the empty room. How could he be falling for the elven Prince? They were enemies, sworn to destroy each other, and separated by years of hate and fighting. Even despite the way that Thaden had looked at Rowan, Rowan couldn’t really believe that Thaden would ever have the same feelings for him. Rowan was a prisoner after all. Thaden was clear about that. Soon he’d be taken before the Crown Prince and after that, who knows what. He could spend the rest of his life in a cell, or worse.

Rowan didn’t want to think about worse. Though, there was an odd sense of comfort in that. The worst thing he could possibly suffer would be a life without Thaden. Death was a pale comparison to that. Even now, sitting alone in his room, Rowan felt such a deep longing for the other man that it literally pained him. He knew he couldn’t survive without Thaden, it just wasn’t an option. The longer he sat there the more he wished that things could have been different. He wished that he wasn’t King Desmond’s son. He wished that he wasn’t a vampire. Why had he been born to this life, born the enemy of the man he loved? It seemed so unfair. Why had the Gods blessed him with a mate who probably hated him?

Rowan sighed as he leaned his head back against the wall and closed his eyes. Fate was a cruel, heartless, being. Why offer him happiness and then just rip it away? It seemed even the fates took pleasure in tormenting him. Maybe that’s all his life would ever amount to. One disappointment after another. Constantly grasping at something that was always just out of reach. Rowan couldn’t help but think that he had been cursed with a miserable existence. An existence that he had worked so hard to escape from. He had to have hope though. Hope that things could be different. Hope that he could find happiness, and hold onto it. He deserved that much. Fates be damned, he deserved happiness.


Rowan must have fallen asleep on that bench by the window because the next thing he knew, Thaden was standing over him, shaking him awake. He opened his eyes and stared up at the Prince, groggily.

“Wake up.” Thaden was saying, almost in a whisper. “We have to go. Right now, we have to leave.”

Rowan took a moment to process what Thaden was saying then his eyes went wide with fear. “Why?” He asked, his voice cracked and dry. He coughed to clear his throat then spoke again. “What’s happened?”

Thaden hesitated a moment then sighed, realizing he couldn’t lie to his mate. “My father, he found out about you. He wants…he’s going to execute you at dawn.”

Rowan gasped, bringing a hand to his lips as he began to shake. His eyes filled with tears and he began to sob. This is what he’d feared. There was no reason to believe that the elven King would spare his life. He was the son of his enemy after all. He probably thought that killing Rowan would hurt the vampire King. Rowan laughed a bitter laugh internally. If only the elven King knew, he’d be doing Desmond a favor in killing the vampire Kings unloved and unwanted child.

Sensing Rowan’s fear and pain, Thaden scooped the young Prince up in his arms and held him close. “I won’t let him kill you.” Thaden said, holding Rowan’s head against his chest as he stroked his long, silken, black locks. “I won’t let anyone hurt you.”

Rowan closed his eyes and allowed the soothing sound of Thaden’s heart calm him some. He reached his arms up and encircled Thaden’s neck, pushing himself closer against the elf Prince’s warm body, melting into his protective embrace. His scent overwhelmed Rowan and the heat of his body stirred desires in Rowan that he had never felt before.

Thaden held Rowan close against him, whispering against his ear anything that he thought would ease the boys fears and relax him. It felt so natural to hold Rowan against him like that. Rowan was made for him. They were the perfect match in every way. Why Thaden’s father couldn’t see that he didn’t know nor did he care. The only concern he had now was keeping Rowan safe. Even if that meant defying his father and escaping with Rowan.

Finally, Rowan pulled back. He wiped at his eyes then looked up to Thaden, meeting his eyes. Rowan had so many questions but he knew there wasn’t time, they had to go. But, before he could leave with Thaden, there was one very important question that he had to ask. It couldn’t wait. Rowan forced a small smile and timidly asked, “Why are you helping me?”

Thaden was taken aback by the question. Surely Rowan already knew the answer to that. Couldn’t he feel it? Was it so different for vampire’s that Rowan couldn’t sense his own mate when he was standing right in front of him? Or, was it perhaps that Rowan was just too young? That must have been it, He was too young, too innocent, and far too sheltered.

Thaden gently placed a hand on Rowan’s cheek and smiled warmly at the boy. “Do you feel that?” Thaden whispered. “The spark of energy between us?”

Rowan nodded. “It’s like a pull, guiding me towards you.”

“Yes, exactly.” Thaden’s eyes shimmered with tears of happiness, realizing that Rowan felt the pull the same as he had. “It’s a bond that’s trying to form between us. The longer we’re together, the stronger it will become. It’s like an invisible ribbon, connecting our hearts and souls, making us one. It’s because we’re mates, little fox. You and I.”

Rowan put his hand to his heart and nodded. “I-I felt it too. I wasn’t sure what it was but I felt it. This strong urge or need to be near you. When you touched my hands earlier and looked into my eyes, it’s like I was swept away and then when you were gone, it’s like I couldn’t breath. I knew I needed you. I needed you here, beside me, holding me. I don’t know why or when it happened but I just knew…I knew I loved you.”

Rowan’s words lifted Thaden’s soul to new heights and left him feeling as through he were soaring. The amount of love he felt for his mate was staggering but to hear Rowan say that he felt the same way, well, that was amazing. Truly and utterly amazing. Thaden had no words to describe what he was feeling in that moment so, instead of speaking, he leaned forward, cupping Rowan’s face in his hands, and pressed their lips together.

If there was indeed a heaven, Thaden suspected he was there because kissing Rowan, his mate, was like touching God. No words could describe what he was feeling in that moment. It was as if, in a single instant, their two worlds had collided. He could see a future together with Rowan, walking hand in hand, smiling, laughing, and completely happy together. This life that he envisioned, it was the life that he wanted with Rowan and he knew that it was what Rowan wanted as well. He could feel his emotions, almost see his thoughts, as if they were of one mind.

Slowly, Thaden pulled back, breaking the spell of the kiss. Rowan opened his eyes and exhaled a shaky breath. “Did you…” He started to ask. Thaden nodded. “I felt it too.” He confirmed.

“Was it real?” Rowan asked, tears in his eyes.

“It can be.” Thaden brushed a strand of dark hair away from Rowan’s eyes. “We can have that life, and so much more.”

“But how?” Rowan asked. His hands began to shake and Thaden quickly reached out, taking Rowan’s hands in his. He squeezed gently, rubbing his thumb over the soft, smooth, surface of Rowan’s skin.

“How can we be together?” Rowan asked. “When your father hates me?”

“We run.” Thaden answered, his voice stern and confident. “We leave this place and never return. I’ll take us someplace where we can be together, where we can be safe. Someplace my father will never find us.”

“You would do that, for me?” Rowan asked. “You’d be leaving so much behind. Your family, your friends, your kingdom…”

Thaden shook his head. “None of that matters without you.” He told him. “You mean everything to me. I could no sooner give you up than I could give up breathing. I can not live without breathing and I can not live without you. You, Rowan, are the one thing that has been missing from my life. My heart chose you and only you because, you are my heart.”

Rowan’s chin began to quiver and he pressed his lips together as he attempted to suppress the tears that threatened to fall. His mind was a jumbled mix of emotions as he listened to the words that Thaden spoke. Rowan could barely believe what he was hearing. Thaden loved him. Not the way his mother had loved him or the way that Folen loved him. Thaden wanted him as his mate. He accepted him and was willing to give up the life he knew to start a new life with Rowan. It was more than he could have ever hoped for, but was it right?

Rowan let his hands fall into his lap as he turned his face away from Thaden. “Thaden, you’ve made me happier than I can ever remember being in my entire life. I want nothing more than to leave with you and start a new somewhere. I want a future with you but, to leave behind all that you love…I can not ask that of you. It’s too much.”

Thaden took Rowan’s hands in his then pressed his forehead against Rowan’s soft, raven, hair. “Rowan, you are all that I love. The Goddess gave you to me and I’m not about to reject her gift. Of all the people in all the world, you were made for me. How can I just walk away from that?”

“But…” Rowan looked up, meeting Thaden’s eyes once more. “Will it be enough? Will I be enough?”

Thaden smiled and drew Rowan against him again, cradling the boy gently in his arms. “Little fox, you are more than enough. You, Rowan, are my everything.” Thaden kissed him again, this kiss as sweet and passionate as the first and Rowan simply melted into Thaden’s arms. Rowan knew in an instant that he could not live without Thaden anymore than Thaden could live without him. It simply wasn’t possible.

“Alright.” Rowan said, breathlessly, when they pulled apart. “Let’s runaway together and start a new life.”

“You’re sure?” Thaden asked. “You’ll be leaving behind your old life too. Your friends and your kingdom.”

“I’m sure.” Rowan nodded. “There’s nothing left for me in Basmorte, It was never really my home to begin with and my friends risked everything to get me out. I owe it to them to find happiness. It’s all they ever wanted for me.”

Thaden smiled then kissed the top of Rowan’s head. “Good. I already have a plan. I’ll sneak you out of the palace. We’ll hide in the stables and then leave at night fall. We can escape into the forest and ride until dawn. We’ll be long gone before anyone even realizes we’ve left.”

“I’m ready.” Rowan assured him. His eyes shone with the love that he felt for this man. It was a love that would stand the test of time, unwavering and true.”My love, I’ll follow you anywhere.”


Sneaking out of the palace was easier than Rowan had thought. Prince Thaden walked him down the hall with his wrists once again bound by rope. If anyone stopped to ask what he was doing, Thaden told them that his father had ordered the prisoner to be taken to the dungeons. No one questioned him after that.

Thaden then led Rowan through a door in the back of the kitchen that took them down into a root cellar. The kitchen staff was so busy preparing the evening meal that no one even noticed them. The root cellar itself was a large room with a dirt floor and shelves upon shelves of just about any type of vegetable and root that Rowan could imagine. Sprigs of herbs hung from the ceiling giving the room a very potent and natural aroma, like walking through an herb garden. Rowan inhaled the scent and smiled. It smelled like heaven.

At the end of the room was a hatch that lead outside. Thaden carefully, and quietly, pushed the hatch open then stepped up and outside. He offered Rowan a hand to help him up which he graciously accepted. Once outside, Thaden removed the ropes as well as Rowan’s black cloak and replaced it with his own light blue one. He took a moment to admire the clothing that Rowan wore under the cloak.

“Wedding clothes?” Thaden asked.

Rowan nodded, looking down shamefully. “I was buried in them.” He explained. “Believe me, they hold no sentimentality for me.”

Thaden put a finger beneath Rowan’s chin and lifted his head. “You look beautiful.” He said, softly kissing his lips. “And I know you didn’t love Lord Killian. Your father was forcing you to marry him.”

Rowan nodded. “That’s why I ran. I couldn’t marry that man. He’s a monster.”

Thaden pulled the cloak around Rowan and fastened it with a cloak pin, brandishing the royal crest. “You don’t need to fear that now. You belong to me and are mine to protect.”

Rowan smiled as a single tear slipped down his cheek. “I love you.” He whispered.

“And I you.” Thaden returned, brushing the tear away with his finger. “Now, let’s hurry to the stables. We’re sure to be spotted if we stay here, out in the open like this.”

“Alright.” Rowan said, taking Thaden’s hand in his. Together they ran across the court yard to the stables where they would hide until nightfall, then, they would leave Rosegate for good.


Sneaking out of Rosegate, Rowan realized, was a lot harder than just sneaking out of the palace. The amount of guards and precautions taken to protect the city was overwhelming. Watch towers were stationed about every twenty feet and two guards were stationed at each. There were at least five guards on the main gate and then two guards patrolling each wall in opposite directions.

Not only did they have to sneak past guards who were stationed on the wall but, also the guards who patrolled outside the wall. Rowan peaked out the window of the stables and glanced up to the large stone wall that surrounded the city. It was massive, with crenels along the top of the wall and thin arrow-slits between the buttresses. The vampire palace was fortified against attacks but not like the elven palace. The walls were even spelled.

Rowan pulled back and away from the window, frowning. “How are we going to get out?” He asked, sounding a little skeptical.

“Don’t worry about that.” Thaden grinned, mischievously. “When I was young, my nurse would never let me out of her sight. I wasn’t allowed to even leave the city but I loved to go out into the forest to a small lake and swim. So, I had to find a way to give the old bat the slip.” He chuckled as he recalled his antics of youth. “Lierin, my brother, actually showed me how to do it. He was a master at escapes.”

Rowan smiled hearing about Thaden and his brother as youths. It must have been such fun for the elven brothers growing up. If Rowan had ever tried a stunt like sneaking out to play, his father would have had him beaten. He looked down sadly thinking of all the fun things he had missed out on as a child. Being there, in Rosegate, made him see all the things that he had been denied. He hated his father even more now.

“What’s wrong?” Thaden asked, seeing the look of sadness on Rowan’s face. “Didn’t you ever get up to shenanigans like I did? I bet you were a terror to your poor nurse.” He chuckled.

“No.” Rowan shook his head. “I never had a nurse. I lived with my mother until she died. I was young then, only eight years. After that I was taken to the palace to live. I did have a governess for a while. She gave me instruction until I was sixteen. After that, father sent her away. He said an omega didn’t need but a basic education since I worthless and would never truly amount to anything anyway.”

Thaden balled his hands into fists as he listened to what Rowan was telling him. He knew the vampire King was a tyrant but until that moment he didn’t know that the man was also a moron. Thaden couldn’t believe that a man who ruled an entire kingdom could be so ignorant. Thinking that Rowan was worthless just because he was an omega was just ludicrous. Omega’s were treasured among the elven people, male and female alike. They were caring and kind. They were life givers and nurturing. Many were completely selfless, caring only for the well being of others. They were perfect for the caring of the young and often held positions as educators, nurses, and domestic servants.

It enraged Thaden that his own father had not taken this into account when he had decided to put Rowan to death. The elven King, unfortunately, didn’t see Rowan as an omega, he only saw a vampire. A demon that was a threat to the safety of his people. This could almost be forgiven, almost, since the man had never even met Rowan but, for Rowan’s own father to treat the young Prince so shamefully was criminal. Thaden reached out and pulled Rowan into a tight hug. “Your father is an idiot.” He growled, holding the young Prince against him. “You are not worthless. Far from it. Your father has no idea what he was talking about.”

Rowan only nodded, wrapping his arms around Thaden’s waist. He wasn’t going to argue but, years of being told that he was nothing was a hard thing to overcome. He knew in his heart that his father was wrong, that his words were only meant to hurt Rowan but, his mind found it difficult to think otherwise. He knew he was worthless to his father. Otherwise, the man wouldn’t have thrown him away so easily, promised to a monster like Lord Killian. To Thaden though, Rowan was a gift. A true blessing. He just wished that the elven King could have seen him in that way as well. Then, Thaden wouldn’t have to give up everything just so they could be together.


The clock in the center of the city struck midnight and Thaden knew it was time to go. The guard would be changing on the towers and the wall, giving them a ten minute window to slip out through Thaden’s secret doorway. The two moved quietly to the back of the stables where Thaden had already saddled a black mare. He’d also packed a single bag with necessities. A bit of food wrapped in burlap, some water, a bag of gold, a compass and a knife, and various other odds and ends that could come in handy if they ran into trouble. Of course, Thaden also had his sword and a basic knowledge of magic.

He wasn’t as proficient as a witch or wizard, but he could cast wards and protection spells and knew a little healing magic. He strapped the bag to the mare and then led her through the stables and out the back doors, on the opposite side of the castle so they wouldn’t be easily spotted. Once the guards were out of sight, Thaden waved Rowan forward and together they crept quietly through the yard and along the wall until they came to a section of wall that was covered in long, thick, hanging vines that were littered with tiny white flowers. Thaden walked to the wall and began pushing the vines apart until he found what he was looking for.

Moving a large section of vines to the side, Thaden revealed a tall, arched door that was securely nestled into the stones of the wall and had been hidden behind the low hanging vines and flowers.

The door was only barely large enough to fit the horse through and, only if she lowered her head. Rowan looked up and smiled at Thaden, a look of wonder on his face.

“A secret door?” He asked, intrigued by the idea.

“A secret that Lierin found when he was a boy.” Thaden grinned. “It was made during the vampire war as a way to evacuate the city occupants in the event that the city was sacked. I don’t know if it was ever actually used. It’s just one of many secret escape routes and probably long forgotten. There are no wards protecting the door but it cannot be seen from the other side.” Thaden reached out and pulled the handle down. The door didn’t move. He pushed again, this time harder, and still it didn’t move.

Frustrated, he rammed the door with his shoulder. When the door still refused to move, Rowan stepped forward and, using all his strength, placed both hands on the door and gave it a violent shove. The door creaked and moaned, swinging open slowly as it tore its way through more vines and shrubbery. Rowan smirked. “I guess, sometimes it pays to have a vampire on your side.” He giggled.

“Clearly.” Thaden chuckled. He knew vampires were strong but he never thought his mate would be stronger than him. If Rowan at his young age were that strong, Thaden hated to imagine the kind of strength an elder vampire possessed. He smiled as he looked at Rowan with growing pride. “Come, my clever little fox.” Thaden said. “The guard will return at any moment and we need to be far away from the wall before they catch us.”

Thaden and Rowan had reached the forest and disappeared into the tree line just as the next shift of guards took their posts on the wall. Thaden turned and took one last look at the city he had been born in and the walls he grew up behind. It was hard, leaving this life behind, more so knowing he would likely never see his friends or brother again but, he couldn’t allow himself to second guess his decision. It was more important that he take Rowan someplace safe. Someplace where they could be free to start a new life together and live in peace. Rowan was his mate and therefore, his life now. Knowing that made his sacrifice somehow easier to bear for a life without Rowan, was no life at all.


A gentle rain began to fall. Tiny droplets of water hit the canopy of leaves above and then began to drip down, over the leaves to the earth below. Rowan turned his head up and closed his eyes, letting the rain splash his face. He opened his mouth and tasted nature’s tears upon his tongue. It felt so refreshing. It was so amazing. He couldn’t help but laugh as the rain hit his face.

Thaden watched him, amused by the young Prince’s antics. “One would think you had never seen rain before.” He chuckled.

“I’ve seen it.” Rowan laughed. “But not since my mother was alive have I been allowed to just run free and play in the rain. It brings back so many fond memories of my youth.”

“I have been caught in a down pour many times during patrols so, I guess I forgot how much fun it was just to run in the rain.”

Rowan looked over at Thaden with a mischievous grin on his face. “Oh, then you must join me.” He laughed, walking to Thaden and taking his hands in his. He pulled Thaden towards him and then wrapped his arms around Thaden’s neck as he pressed his lips to Thaden’s kissing him as the rain fell on their heads. Thaden wrapped his arms around Rowan’s waist then suddenly lifted him up into the air and spun him around in a circle. Rowan gasped, laughing as he tilted his head back and lifted his arms towards the heavens.

Thunder rumbled over head and the rain went from a drizzle to a sudden down pour, soaking the two. Thaden spun Rowan faster both laughing as they lost themselves in their sport. Thaden didn’t even realize that he’d lost his footing until he’d slipped on the wet ground and went down, pulling Rowan down with him. Rowan landed on top of Thaden and for a moment the two just stared at each other in utter shock before they burst out laughing.

Once their laughter died down, Thaden pulled Rowan closer and kissed him. Rowan opened his mouth and the kiss deepened as he beckoned Thaden’s tongue inside. Thaden obliged and their tongues swirled in a timeless dance of bliss and unfettered love. Thaden slid his hands down, gripping Rowan’s hips as he pressed their bodies together. The rain continued to fall, soaking the two, but Rowan didn’t care. All that truly mattered in that moment was Thaden, the feel of his hands on Rowan’s body, the deep moans and sounds of pleasure he made as they kissed, and the taste of his lips.

They kissed for what seemed like an eternity, basking in the euphoria of their love for each other. Thaden gently flipped Rowan over onto his back and then lay on top of him, he returned to Rowan’s sweet, succulent, lips. He kissed him greedily, savoring the pleasure of exploring Rowan’s mouth. He moved from Rowan’s lips to his chin where he feathered tiny kisses along his chin and jaw line, moving along his jaw to his neck, leaving small kisses beneath his ear and down to his shoulder.

Rowan wrapped his arms around Thaden as Thaden continued to pepper him with kisses.

Thaden slid his hand over the front of Rowan’s tunic, exploring his body as he moved to the opened collar and allowed his fingers to trace along Rowan’s collar bone. He kissed him there and inhaled Rowan’s tantalizing scent. His flesh was so smooth, perfect, and Thaden longed to feel more of it but, now was not the time nor the place for such exploration.

He withdrew his lips drawing a groan of protest from Rowan in the process. Thaden grinned. “Have patience, love.” He told the younger Prince. “We have all the time in the world for loving each other but, when I make love to you for the first time, I want it to be someplace more appropriate.”

Rowan blushed at Thaden’s words and nodded. He understood without question. As romantic as it would be to make love during a rain storm, the timing was just not right. They were still too close to Rosegate and so the danger of being caught was still too great and they had lingered in the woods long enough, it was time to move on. Thaden pushed himself up and then reached out his hand to help Rowan to his feet. Goddess was Rowan beautiful, even drenched in rain with his wet hair hanging loosely over his shoulders, and his alabaster skin glowing in the moonlight. He was…otherworldly.

“Oh, how the Goddess can bless me with a beauty such as you is beyond my understanding.” Thaden whispered as he held Rowan’s hands in his. “Surly, I am not worthy of such a gift.”

Rowan smiled warmly then stood on his tip toes to reach Thaden’s lips and kissed him softly. “You are worthy, my love. More so than you could ever realize. Each moment I spend looking into your eyes, I fall the tiniest bit more in love. It is I who am truly blessed.”

Thaden looked down at Rowan, his eyes glistened with happiness as he realized that as long as he had Rowan by his side, everything would be alright. The world could crash down around them and Thaden would be fine because Rowan was with him. No one had ever prepared Thaden for the kind of love he felt for this man, he never knew such a love was even possible but now, having met his mate, he was starting to believe in the impossible. He was starting to believe in a happier, kinder world without fear or hate. That world did exist. It was a world that Thaden never wanted to be apart from because it was a world that existed in Rowan’s eyes. Beautiful and enchanting.

Thaden kissed Rowan’s forehead then led him over to the mare where he hoisted him up to sit on the saddle. Thaden climbed up to sit behind him then, taking the reins in his hands, he led them further into the cover of the forest, moving farther and farther away from Rosegate until the elven city was but a distant memory.

Leaving the place he had been born wasn’t nearly as difficult as Thaden would have thought it would be. Rosegate was just a place, after all. Sure, all of his memories were there but he would soon make new memories with his mate. They would find a new place to live. Anywhere, it didn’t matter as long as they were safe and happy. A place was just a place. His true home, rested in Rowan’s heart. The rest was just noise.


“I will not stand for this insult!” Lady Emilia lay her head in her mother’s lap and wept. “Even in death that little whore plagues me.”

“Calm yourself now, my child.” Lady Caroline stroked her daughters raven hair soothingly as she tried to ease her disquiet. “I’ll have the King speak to your betrothed. He will sort this mess out. I promise.”

“What good will it do?” Emilia sobbed. “He won’t even speak to me. I, who carry his child, mean nothing to him. It’s all that whores fault. I wish he were still alive so I could kill him with my bare hands.”

“Shh.” Caroline cooed. “All will be well, leave it to mother. I’ll fix everything.”

Emilia cried herself to sleep in her mother’s arms. Caroline continued to hold her daughter as she contemplated what to do. The King wouldn’t listen to her. She knew this all too well. His ideas of women and omega’s were the same. Neither would good for anything but fucking and bearing children.

Oh how she hated that man. Marrying him was bad enough but the thought of lying with him, allowing him to touch her. It sent shivers up the woman’s spine. She had to ensure that Killian marry Emilia. It was the only way her plan would work. A woman could not rule Basmorte, that was set into law centuries ago. Only a male heir could rule. If the King died without a male heir then the throne would go to the husband of the King’s eldest daughter, Princess Alvinia.

Caroline couldn’t allow that to happen. Emilia must be Queen and Killian her King. There was no other way. Caroline looked down at her sleeping daughter and smiled. She knew what she had to do. The Grand Duke had arrived days ago to see his son. If Caroline could get the Grand Duke on her side well, things would go a lot more smoothly. It wouldn’t be that difficult. The Grand Duke was a fool and a coward. He left Killian to handle the estate while the Grand Duke locked himself away in his manor house and did God knows what. Caroline was honestly surprised that the man had even come to the palace. With Killian’s current state of mind though she figured the Grand Duke had no choice.

In any case, she could use the arrival of the Grand Duke to her advantage. He was a proud and arrogant man who cared more about public relations than he did anything else, including those he governed over. He could however, make a useful ally if Lady Caroline could sway him to her side. Easy enough to do once he found out that most of the nobles wanted Desmond gone as well. The Grand Duke tended to lean towards the side that had the better chance at coming out on top. His loyalty as changing as the weather.

Lady Caroline carefully lifted her daughters head and then slipped out from beneath her. She wrapped her shawl around her shoulders then, leaving Emilia resting on the lounge, headed out to find the Grand Duke. If there was anyone who could speak some sense into Lord Killian perhaps it was his father. If not, well, Lady Caroline would just have to resort to more drastic measures to achieve her goals. Either way, Lord Killian would be married to Emilia. Caroline always got what she wanted. Always.


“Killian Thorn! You will open this door this instant, do you hear me?” Luther Thorn the Grand Duke of Grayholm stood at Lord Killian’s room, waiting for his son to answer. He’d been at the palace in Basmorte for two days and in that time, Killian had refused to see him, or anyone.

The Duke sighed in frustration as he turned and nodded to the servant beside him. “Open it.” He demanded.

The servant moved quickly, slipping the key into the lock and opening the door. The Duke pushed past him and entered the room. He found Killian sitting in an arm chair in front of the window in the receiving room. He looked a mess. His blond locks were uncombed and matted, his clothing disheveled, and his face looked gaunt and sickly. Even his blue eyes looked dull.

Killian didn’t bother to look up as his father entered the room. His gaze was fixed on the window, all his attention seemed focused on whatever was outside. As the Duke walked forward, he saw that what Killian was staring at was the garden below.

“What a ghastly sight.” The duke remarked as he turned up his nose at the once beautiful foliage. “The King should dismiss his gardener. They’re doing a terrible job.”

“Everything died when he died.” Killian said in a barely audible whisper. “It’s as though Rowan’s very presence was what kept them alive. Now it’s all decadence and decay. Blackened roses wilting without life left to give them breath they wither and die.”

Luther folded his hands behind his back then turned away from his son. He took small, slow, steps throughout the room, looking everything over. Killian had not allowed even servants to enter the room since Prince Rowan’s and so the room was as much a mess as he was. Clothing was scattered throughout, laying both on the floor as well as the sofa near the fire place. The fire had died out long ago making the room cold and dark. The candles had all burnt down and countless empty wine glasses littered the floors and table tops.

The Duke sighed as he observed the state of the room. Finally, he turned back around and faced his son. “Killian, you will stop this false mourning and come to your senses. Bathe, dress in some clean and appropriate attire, make yourself presentable then you will join me, the King, your future Queen and her lovely daughter, for dinner.”

“And, for what reason would I do that, father?” Killian looked up, for the first time, making eye contact with the Duke.

“To save face.” The Duke growled. “From what I’ve been hearing about your latest exploits I’m amazed that the King would even consider you an adequate spouse for his future step-daughter. As it is though, he and the future Queen are most insistent that you wed her.”

Killian scoffed at the idea. “I’m not going to marry Emilia, she’s a whore and, not a very good one I might add.”

“You will marry her.” The Duke declared, angrily. “The wedding is already set. Two days from now.”

“I refuse.” Killian turned to face the window once more, propping his chin on his hand his eyes once more diverted to the dying garden below.

“You will!” The Duke yelled. “Killian, I am sick to death of your behavior. You prance around like a peacock with it’s tail feathers out. You drink and whore around and in doing so make fools of our entire line. I can’t even bare to show my face at court because of you. This foolishness ends now before you run our family name into the ground.”

Killian snapped his head around and glared at his father. “Well I am sorry that your reputation is in jeopardy, father but I could honestly care less what those bloated, condescending, over confident, cox-combs at court think of me! I do not seek their favor anymore than I seek yours.”

“It is not my reputation that is at risk boy, but yours. And those cox-combs, as you call them, are the ones who will secure your place at court.” The Duke sneered. “So, if I were you, I would start to show them some respect.”

“But I am not you.” Killian rose from the chair then walked over to his father and stood nose to nose before him. “When are you going to get it through your head that I do not care about impressing anyone, least of all those snobs at court. I do not care about the aristocracy nor the royalty any more than I care about the peasantry. I will not bow down to them and kiss their asses just so they can laugh and talk about me behind my back when I am gone.” Killian turned then and, running his hand through his hair, walked to the window. Placing a hand against the cold, stone, wall, he dropped his gaze to the floor and sighed.

“I will not allow you to drag our family name through the mud.” The Duke narrowed his eyes as he stared at his sons back. “You will marry that girl and you will act the part of the loving husband. I don’t care if you love her or not. She carries your bastard, the least you can do is take responsibility for your mistake.”

Killian laughed bitterly. “Father, if I took responsibility for all my mistakes I’d have a dozen wives. And, those just the ones I know about.”

The Duke grit his teeth and grumbled. “I don’t care about peasant whores or servants. I do care about the future daughter of the King. Ignoring this mess could ruin you. Even if you don’t care about your reputation or the honor of our family, think about the benefits that this union will bring. You will be that much closer to inheriting the throne.”

Killian turned, staring at his father dumbfounded. “If you think the King would allow me to take the throne you’re more of an idiot than I thought. The only way the crown will rest of my head is if I took the Kings.”

The Duke nodded. “Marry the girl first before you start plotting the King’s murder.”

Killian huffed. “You speak of treason, father.”

“I’m not the only one.” The Duke confessed. “There’s talk among the people already. They’re tired of King Desmond and his politics. He caters to the rich while the poor suffer merely so he can line his own pockets. They are ready for a new King, a more attentive King who will listen to all the people, not just the ones who fill his coffers and boost his ego.”

“And so, you think we should be part of this mutiny?”

“Part of it?” The Dukes booming laughter echoed throughout the room.”My moronic son, I expect you to lead it.”


As the Duke exited Killian’s room he was met with Lady Caroline. He bowed at once to the lady. She stood before him looking regal and stern, her hands folded neatly in front of her skirts as her eyes bore into the older man. “My Lady.” He spoke as he rose. “I was about to come pay you a visit.”

“I’m sure. Have you spoken to Lord Killian?” She asked, her tone hard and demanding.

“Indeed I have, my Lady. He’ll marry the Lady Emilia. I’ll make sure of it.”

“Good.” Lady Caroline took a step forward as she locked eyes with the Grand Duke. “I need not remind you what’s at stake here, your Grace. The sooner our children wed the sooner we act.”

“I know what’s at stake.” The Duke narrowed his eyes. “You don’t need to hover over me as if I were some idiot child. I want King Desmond dethroned as much as you do and now that his wretched son has been dispatched, there’s nothing holding us back.”

“Careful what you say.” The Lady snapped at him, lowering her voice. “These walls have ears. Even on my way to see you I caught one of the King’s little cockroaches following me. I sent him off on a fools errand but there are more lurking in the shadows. Trust no one, your Grace. The King is not an imbecile.”

“Do you think he suspects anything?” The Duke asked, his voice thick with worry.

“Not yet.” Lady Caroline told him. “But he’s being cautious. A little too cautious. I don’t think he believes that Rowan would actually kill himself, he’s been asking questions. Far too many questions for my liking. We have to be careful as well or our plan will fall apart.”

“Odd that the King should be that concerned with the death of his son.” The Duke scratched his beard in contemplation. “I didn’t think he cared for the boy.”

“He doesn’t.” Caroline said coldly. “In fact, he’s glad the boy is dead. His only concern was whether Killian would hold the King responsible.”

“Then why should he care if the boy was murdered or not?”

Lady Caroline rolled her eyes. “You really are a brainless sot.” She hissed, ignoring the look of annoyance on the Dukes face. “If the King believes that his son was killed then it bears to reason that Rowan isn’t the only target of assassination. The King is on edge, looking around every corner. He may not suspect us yet but he does suspect that something is afoot. As long as we maintain our innocence, we should be fine. But speak of this to no one but me. We can’t know yet who is on our side and who is not.”

The Duke nodded. “I understand.” He assured. “I will speak to no one but you.”

“Excellent. Now, go to the King and assure him that the wedding will take place. I’ll take care of things on my end.”

Again the Duke bowed. Lady Caroline nodded and the two went their separate ways.

Two more days. Lady Caroline thought as she walked the long hall back to her own chambers. Two more days and the wedding of the century will take place. Oh, how surprised my fiance will be then.


After stopping to rest only twice, Rowan found that he could go no further. “Please, Thaden. We have to stop. I need to sleep.”

“It’s just a little further and then you can sleep.” Thaden assured him.

The light from the morning sun crept up around them casting a soft, golden, hue across the dew wet ground. The horse trotted along. It’s hooves crushing grass and fallen leaves as it went.

“Can’t we just…” The words cut off as Rowan slumped forward, his body going limp as all energy had quickly drained out of him. He would have fallen right off the horse if not for Thaden’s quick reflexes. Thaden grabbed him and held him tightly, bringing the mare to an abrupt stop.

“Rowan?” Thaden gently shook him but got no response.

Quickly, Thaden dismounted and carried Rowan off the horse. He lay him on the ground so that he could properly examine him. “Rowan?” He said again. When no response came, he lightly slapped the side of his face. Rowan groaned but his eyes remained closed. His breathing slowed and Thaden could just barely make out a heart beat. His skin was pale. More pale than normal. Thaden sat back, running a hand through his hair a look of worry etched across his young face. He had no idea what was wrong or what to do to help his mate.

“Goddess Danu.” Thaden whispered as a tear dropped down his face. “Please help us. You blessed me with this wonderful gift. I beg you now, don’t take him away from me.” Thaden took Rowan’s hand in his and cringed. Rowan was so cold. Cold, like death. He began to weep.


Thaden had no idea how long he sat there, holding Rowan’s hand like that. Every so often he would bring Rowan’s fingers to his lips and kiss them, softly calling Rowan’s name. He tried to give him water and even a small bit of food but Rowan was too weak to even drink. The water just ran out of his mouth and down his chin. Thaden sat there and watched as Rowan slowly slipped away. Every minute that passed he became colder, and his breathing more shallow.

So many thoughts swirled around in Thaden’s brain. Had he been poisoned? Had some creature stung or bitten him without Thaden knowing it? He found no bite marks anywhere on the boys body though, no rips in his clothing. It just didn’t make sense to him. Vampire’s were supposed to be strong, resilient, and able to heal from even the serious of injuries. Rowan didn’t even appear injured. It was like he just gave up and lost the will to go on.

Thaden was so deep in thought that he failed to hear the heavy footfalls coming up behind them and he didn’t notice the large boots that stopped beside him. It wasn’t until the strange musty scent of swamp grass and mud filled his nose and assaulted his senses that he finally looked up.

“You?” He whispered through his tears. “But how…”

“She sent me.” Bhalor said as he crouched down beside Thaden.

“She?” Thaden blinked, not understanding what the giant meant.

“Ye prayed ta’ er. She sent me.” Bhalor explained.

Thaden looked down and nodded. “I’ve prayed to her all my life. This is the first time she’s actually answered my prayers.”

“Not true, Lad.” Bhalor reached out and placed a large hand on Thaden’s shoulder. “She always listens ta all ‘er children. ‘An she helps ’em when she kin. Just cause ya don’t always feel ‘er presence don’t mean she ain’t there.”

“That’s what I’ve been told all my life.” Thaden said. “It’s what I was taught to believe and I found my faith restored when Rowan came into my life. I just don’t understand how she can bless me with my mate and then take him from me. It’s not fair.”

“That’s why she sent me ‘ere, boi. The young Prince ain’t dead, child. He’s just needs to feed.”

Thaden shook his head. “I tried giving him food and water. He couldn’t take it. He’s just too weak.”

“It’s not food and water that he needs.” Bhalor stood up. Thaden watched as he opened a burlap sack that he had slung over his shoulder and pulled out a tall pewter goblet. Bhalor placed the goblet on the ground then reached into the bag again. This time he pulled out a live rabbit. It’s front and hind legs were tied together but it still squirmed as Bhalor lifted it, holding it upside down by his hind legs.

Thaden watched as Bhalor held the creature over the goblet then, with his other hand, he held onto the creatures ears, pulling it’s head back and stretching it’s neck out. He nodded towards the dagger that Thaden had hanging from his belt. “Take that dagger there ‘an slit it’s throat.” Bhalor instructed.

Thaden hesitated a moment then pulled out his dagger and did as he was told. The rabbit made a high pitched squeal as the blade sliced across it’s fur and skin, opening it’s throat and allowing a gushing of blood to rush forth. The rabbit went still, hanging dead, as Bhalor let the blood spill. He filled the goblet to the brim then sat the animal aside. “That’ll make some good stew later.” He said as he picked up the now full goblet. A small drop of blood splashed out of the goblet and landed on Bhalor’s hand. He didn’t seem to mind or even notice.

“Hold ‘is head up.” Bhalor looked over to Rowan’s prone body laying on the forest floor.

Thaden narrowed his eyes. “Why? What are…” Suddenly, Thaden understood what Bhalor was doing. Thaden felt like an idiot just then. How had he not realized the problem himself? Rowan was a vampire. He needed blood. From what Thaden knew of his mate, Rowan resisted drinking blood as much as he could but eventually he would have to give in and drink or he’d grow weak and sick. Thaden had no idea how long it had been since Rowan fed but he suspected it had been far too long. Especially with all the energy he’d used up over the past few days.

Thaden nodded and at once went to Rowan. Sitting behind him, Thaden lifted Rowan’s head and placed it in his lap. Bhalor handed Thaden the goblet and Thaden brought it to Rowan’s lips, allowing a few drops of blood to fall onto the young Prince’s lips. The drops slipped down between his lips and into his mouth. Thaden tipped the goblet again and allowed more blood to drop onto Rowan’s lips and into his mouth. He repeated this action several times before looking up at Bhalor, defeat evident on his face. It’s not working. He thought. He was about to voice his concerns aloud when he noticed that Rowan began to stir.

He opened his mouth, licked his lips, and then pushed himself to sit up a bit as he reached for the goblet. His eyes were slightly open as he brought the rim of the cup to his mouth and began to drink. He drank it down greedily, tipping the goblet back in an attempt to get every last drop out. He even ran his finger around the inside of the goblet then brought his finger to his mouth and licked the blood off. Thaden took the goblet and sat it aside. Rowan whimpered and groaned at the loss.

“We can get more.” Thaden told him. “You don’t need to lick the cup clean.”

Rowan nodded. “Please…more.” He managed to say in a crackly voice.

“Alright. We’ll get more.” Thaden looked to Bhalor who was already pulling a second rabbit from the bag.

“I only brought the two. If this one ain’t enough, I’ll have to set some snares.”

Thaden nodded. “Let’s hope it’s enough.” The two men filled the goblet as they had done the last time and Thaden handed it to Rowan. He drank it down quickly, licking his lips clean when he was done.

Bhalor was already skinning the two now dead rabbits when he looked up. “Do ya need more?” He asked.

Rowan shook his head. “No, thank you. I’ve drank plenty.”

“Yer sure now?”

Rowan nodded. “Yes, thank you, Bhalor.”

Bhalor gave him a quick nod then went back to his work.

Thaden wrapped his arms around Rowan and hugged him close but when he went to kiss him, Rowan turned his head and pulled away.

“What’s wrong?” Thaden asked, his voice thick with concern.

Rowan looked to the ground as tears welled in his eyes. “I-I’d understand if you hate me. I must seem disgusting to you now.”

Thaden narrowed his eyes. “Why would I ever think such a thing of you?”

“I had hoped you’d never have to witness that.” He said sadly, pointing to the goblet. “I didn’t want you to see that side of me.”

Thaden smiled as he pulled Rowan back and against his chest. He kissed the top of Rowan’s head and Rowan lay his head back against Thaden’s shoulder. “Rowan, I love you. I can’t say it enough. You were made for me and I was made for you. I knew what you were when we met and I accepted you. I accept you now. I know you have to feed to survive. It’s only natural.”

“But it’s not.” Rowan turned to look at Thaden. Tears were streaming down his pale cheeks. He looked so heart broken that it nearly made Thaden weep. “What I am is not natural.” Rowan cried. “I need blood to survive but it sickens me. I can’t stand the thought of hurting another living creature, I love the sun but it hurts to stand in it too long. I’m dead, yet alive. I care when I should have no feeling. There is nothing about me that is natural. I’m just a…freak.”

“No.” Thaden cupped Rowan’s face and looked deep into his eyes. “You are no freak. Yes, you are different, but you’re not a freak.”

“Then what am I?” Rowan asked, pain and sadness glistening in his eyes.

“You’re Kind.” Thaden told him, kissing his lips. “You’re gracious. You’re compassionate. You’re a rare and beautiful flower, Rowan Rochfort, and you are mine.”

Rowan beamed as he looked at Thaden, then suddenly threw his arms around him and hugged him tight. “Thank you.” He whispered against Thaden’s ear. “I love you.”

“I love you so much.” Thaden hugged him back. He slipped his fingers into Rowan’s hair and cupped the back of his head. Rowan meant the world to Thaden and he would do anything just to see his mate smile. He had such a beautiful smile. It was just a shame that he hadn’t had more occasions to use it. Thaden vowed to change that though. He’d spend the rest of his life just trying to make Rowan happy. He deserved some light and happiness in his life. He’d already spent far too long in the darkness.


Rowan rested while Bhalor busied himself first cleaning the rabbits, then cutting the meat from the bones to ready it for the stew he planned to make. Thaden gathered wood to start a fire then fed and watered his horse. There was a small stream nearby so Thaden also refilled the two flasks he’d brought along.

He was about ask Bhalor what he planned to cook the rabbit stew in when he saw Bhalor once again reach into his burlap sack and, amazingly, pulled out a large cast iron pot. Thaden gawked at the thing then glanced to the burlap sack. There as no way that pot was in that sack. It barely looked full of anything yet Bhalor kept pulling item after item out of it. He even pulled out a mess of carrots, potatoes, and some herbs for seasoning.

Bhalor looked up when he saw Thaden staring. “It’s enchanted.” He said, glancing to the sack. “An old friend a mine give it to me. Thought it’d come in handy. Old codger knows more that he lets on.” He chuckled. “Seemed to take a likin to our boi over there though.”

Thaden smiled as he looked in Rowan’s direction. “What’s not to like?”

Bhalor raised an eyebrow as he watched Thaden. A small grin appeared on his face. “I got ta say. Was a wee bit shocked ta find out ya was the boi’s mate. Guess I should’a seen that one comin though.”

“Yeah?” Thaden looked at Bhalor, curiously. “Why is that?”

“The Lady Folen tol’ me the boi was on ‘is way ta meet ‘is destiny. Dinna realize she were talkin ’bout you though.”

“Folen? She was Rowan’s servant at Basmorte, wasn’t she?”

“Ah, she be much more ‘n that.” Bhalor said with a smirk. “But, she knows things. She set the young Prince on this path I suspect knowin he’d met ya sooner or later. Ain’t nothin she does without a purpose. If yer here now, it’s because she wanted ya here.”

“Why?” Thaden asked. He sat down on the ground across from Bhalor. The light of the fire flickered across his face as he started intently into Bhalor’s red eyes.

Bhalor shrugged as he stoked the fire. “Only she knows that fer sure. I learned long ago not to question ‘er. I just do as I’m told. Usually works out all right in the end.”

Thaden sat back and watched the flames of the fire flicker and dance. Bhalor already had the pot on and was stirring the contents. The aroma of rabbit stew filled the small clearing and made Thaden realize just how hungry he was. Bhalor had certainly come at the right time. Apparently his arrival was no coincidence though. This Folen, whoever she was, had been watching over them. How, though, was the real question.

Thaden made a mental note to speak to Rowan about his friend and former servant when he was feeling better. He wanted to know more about this Folen and why she had helped Rowan. Thaden was almost certain that Folen knew more about Rowan than maybe even Rowan knew about himself. If that were the case, Thaden had questions that perhaps only Folen could answer. For now though, he would just remain thankful that Rowan had good friends who were watching out for him.

By the time the stew was done, Rowan was sitting up and yawning. It wasn’t quite noon yet but all three of them were famished. Bhalor scooped out three bowls full of the stew–bowls he had pulled from his magical sack–and handed one to each of them. They ate hurriedly, not wanting to spend any more time in one place. By now Thaden and Rowan’s absence would have been noticed and Thaden was certain that his father would have the guard out hunting them. Thaden wasn’t so much worried for himself as he was Rowan. Their only hope of escaping the King’s wrath was to travel far enough where King Elandor’s authority could not reach them.

Bhalor looked to Thaden as they began packing everything up to go. “So, where is it ya headin, then?” He asked.

“North.” Thaden answered. “Towards Ansonia then into Pickaway Village.”

“That’s a good three or four day ride from here.” Bhalor told him.

“I know.” Thaden finished strapping the last of his things to the back of the horse. “It’s the safest place I can think of to take him. My father will probably be expecting us to go South, towards Millbarrow as Rowan had originally planned. That should give us an advantage and a good head start. If he does finally catch up to us we’ll in in Fae country and I know King Vorigan will grant us sanctuary. He’s held a grudge against my father since the Spring Gala ten years ago when my father got drunk and vomited all over his throne.” Thaden chuckled some. “He’s been looking for a way to get back at him ever since.”

“Tis a good plan.” Bhalor nodded. “Keep to the forest as long as ya kin. The trees’ll hide ya. When ya reach The Plains, got to Lockbourne tavern. The owner there is a friend o’ mine. She’ll feed ya ‘n give ya a place to sleep the night. I’m afraid that’s all I kin do fer ya now, but wish ya luck on yer journey.”

“You’ve done so much for us, and I am eternally grateful.” Thaden offered a hand and the giant accepted. The two shook then Bhalor slung his seemingly empty sack over his shoulder.

“Tis I who am grateful, yer highness.” Bhalor said as he bowed to the Prince. “If not fer you, I’d still be locked in that dungeon. Yer kindness will not be forgotten.”

“Nor will yours.” Thaden said, smiling at his new friend and ally.

“Take care of ‘im.” Bhalor said, nodding to Rowan who stood patiently next to the horse the entire time, listening to the two in conversation.

“That I promise.” Thaden assured him.

Bhalor gave each of them a nod but before he could turn to leave, Rowan ran up to him and threw both arms around the giant’s large waist and hugged him tight. Bhalor chuckled and gave the young Prince a kind pat on the back. “No tears now, child. I’m sure our paths will cross again.”

“I hope so.” Rowan wiped at his tears and smiled. “You have proven yourself a true and trusted friend.”

“A faithful friend be hard to find.” Bhalor told the boy. “And even harder to hold onto. One day, when yer the Queen–and ya will be–remember the kindness of others and return that kindness when ya kin. Do that, ‘n yer people will love and honor ya.”

Rowan nodded sadly. “I promise you, one day I will find a way to help the people of Basmorte. I would free all the slaves now if I could. Under my rule, no one would ever be enslaved again.”

Bhalor gave the Prince a knowing smile. “Yer time will come, yer Majesty. Until then, stay safe. Be happy while ya kin. There be dark days ahead ta be sure.” Bhalor gave one final nod in farewell then turned and walked away, disappearing into the tree line.

His last words to Rowan stuck in his mind. Dark days are ahead. Rowan knew this to be true. He could feel it, like a storm approaching in the distance. He could almost smell it on the air. He didn’t know when and he didn’t know what but something was coming. And it was bad. Very very bad.


The ride to The Plains took a day and a half. Thaden and Rowan stopped to rest for a couple hours before forging on. The forest came to an abrupt end and they were forced into a large meadow of tall grass and colorful flowers. It would have been beautiful, Rowan thought, had they traveled through it during the day but at night all he could see were shapes in gray and black. His night vision was much better than Thaden’s but what he saw at night was closer to what a cat saw rather than a human or elf.

There were no colors at night. No vibrant hues to admire, only blackness. Rowan wondered how Thaden viewed the night. Was it a frightening landscape of pitch that blinded him and dulled his senses? Or, like Rowan, did he see the beauty that the night held? The moon, shimmering in all her splendor, the shadows that darted in and out of the trees and through the tall grass, or the silver, glimmering hue of feline eyes that cut through the darkness with a preternatural glow?

With a heavy heart, Rowan realized that he and Thaden would never see the world in the same way. Thaden would always walk in the light while Rowan was a child of the night. Perhaps though, he thought, perhaps our differences compliment each other. He smiled as he leaned his head back and rested it against Thaden’s shoulder. There were many things to be sad about in the difficult world that they lived in. Loving Thaden wasn’t one of them.

The Plains, aptly named, was an expanse of land in the middle of nowhere. Dirt covered roads led in and out of the area going in different directions, a large crossroads and the only building within miles was Lockbourne tavern and Inn, which sat against a large rock outcrop. It wasn’t a huge building but it did have stables in the back to rest the horse for which Thaden was grateful. The outside wasn’t anything fancy and anyone passing through might think it an abandoned old shack if not for the occasional horses tied to a pole in front.

The Inside though was much more pleasant. It was clean and despite how small it looked outside, had a fairly decent lounging area with tables, strong oak chairs, and a fire place. When Thaden and Rowan walked in the only three patrons in the place didn’t even bother to look in their direction as each were nursing a tankard of ale, and probably not their firsts. One was sat in a chair near the fire while the other two sat a rounded table and were arguing over who was the better hunter.

One man, an older man probably in his late thirties with a round belly and a busy, unkempt beard, claimed to have killed two trolls with his bare hands. The other, an elf with stark white hair who looked to be in his prime, countered with a tale of slaying an entire hunting party of vampires that he caught on his land. Hearing this, Rowan sided closer to Thaden and Thaden put his arm protectively around Rowan and he steered him towards the bar.

A female elf behind the bar looked up as the two Prince’s approached her. She was standing near the end, cleaning mugs with a rag and barely glanced in their direction as they stopped in front of her.

“Suppose you’ll be wanting a hot meal.” She sighed as she sat the mug on the counter behind her. The woman had brown curls with wisps of gray that hung well past her shoulders. She was a bit on the heavy side and walked with a slight limp. Her face seemed youthful but the dull, taxed, look in her eyes told the truth of her age. Her shoulders slumped and her gate slow, her body ragged from the countless hours of serving weary travelers.

“Yes.” Thaden answered her. “And a bed for the night.”

“Alright.” The Woman shuffled around under the bar, looking for something. Finally, after several minutes, she roughly set an old brass key on the bar. She looked Rowan up and down then, giving him a nasty glare. “That thing.” She grumbled. “Will have to leave though. We don’t serve his kind in here.”

Her remark drew the attention on the other three patrons. The older man with the bushy beard immediately stood, hand on his sword as if anticipating trouble. Rowan could now see that he was a dwarf from his small stature. He didn’t seem particularly kind either considering how he was glaring at Rowan with nothing but malice in his eyes. Thaden’s hand went to his sword and he narrowed his eyes angrily, readying himself for a fight. Rowan calmly placed a hand on Thaden’s arm to calm him though and turned his attention back to the bar keep.

“The bog Giant, Bhalor sent us.” He said softly, giving the woman a friendly smile.

“I don’t care who sent ya.” The woman sneered. “You ain’t staying under this roof.”

Rowan was about to protest further when another woman stepped up from behind the bar and scolded the bar keep. “Esta, that is no way to treat our guests.” The woman said, giving Rowan a warm smile. She walked over to the two and offered her hand in greeting. “I’m Lavinia.” She told them. “I own the Lockbourne and as a friend of Bhalor’s, you are more than welcome here.”

Rowan bowed to her. “Thank you, Lady Lavinia.” He said, returning the smile.

“Oh pish posh.” Lavinia waved her hand and chuckled. “I’m no Lady your highness. I’m simply Lavinia.”

“Of course, Miss Lavinia.” Rowan brought her hand to his lips and kissed it, showing her the respect he would show any lady.

Lavinia blushed and fanned herself with mock giddiness. “My, my but the Prince certainly knows how to treat a woman.” Rowan chuckled. He liked Lavinia. She was an elf like Thaden and Esta, and beautiful as any elven woman should be. Her fair skin was smooth and flawless and her hair shone like a golden crown of curls upon her head. She had the brightest blue eyes that Rowan had ever seen and a dainty figure that would drive any man mad with desire.

She wore a simple peasants dress with a faded apron and, to Rowan’s astonishment, was bare foot. Such a lovely sight to behold and if Rowan didn’t fancy men he might have found himself vying for the woman’s affections. As it was though, he only had eyes for Thaden. Lavina showed the pair to a table and waited for them to be seated. She gave the dwarf a stern look that had him plopping himself back down in his seat instantly. As meek as Lavinia looked, Rowan suspected that she was no pushover. The patrons as well as her staff treated her with the utmost respect.

“Now, I’ll go and get the food ready and Esta will make up a room for you. I assume you’ll want to share a room?” She asked, giving Thaden a mischievous smirk.

Thaden shifted uneasily in his chair. “Oh, I-um…”

“Yes.” Rowan spoke up when he noticed Thaden fumbling over his words. “A single room is fine.” He smiled. Lavinia nodded then left them for the kitchen. Moments later and a young boy, about ten years, brought goblets of wine to the table and sat one in front of each Prince then, without a word, hurried off again.

Thaden looked up, his face red with embarrassment. Rowan chuckled as he sipped his wine. “Why, my dear Prince.” Rowan teased. “You look absolutely flustered. Whatever could be the matter?”

Thaden rolled his eyes. “Drink your wine.” He murmured and Rowan laughed again.

Not ten minutes later and Lavinia had returned with two steaming plates of potatoes, meat, cheese, and fresh cut bread. She placed one plate before each of the men then returned to the kitchen. Rowan, being famished, dug in at once. The food was good, so good that he had to stifle a moan when the meat hit his tongue. He couldn’t believe how hungry he was. The more he ate the less full he felt, which was odd for him as he normally didn’t eat as much.

Thaden finished his food slowly, nearly half way done when Rowan ordered a second plate. Thaden smirked as he watched him. “I take it the rabbit stew wasn’t as filling.” He remarked with a chuckle. Rowan swallowed the bit of cheese he’d just put in his mouth then reached for a slice of bread. “I’m not used to riding long distances.” Rowan explained. “It must have taken more out of me than I realized.”

As Rowan downed his third glass of wine he began to feel flushed. He wiped his forehead across his brow and leaned back in his chair. “Gods, it’s getting hot in here.” He murmured.

Thaden looked to him, concern etched across his face. “Perhaps we’re sitting too close to the fire?” He suggested. “We could move to a different table.”

Rowan shook his head. “No, it’s not that. I just feel…” He paused suddenly and groaned. “Oh Gods.”

Rowan bowed his head as he ran his hands through his hair. “Not now. Please Gods, not now.” He whispered.

“Rowan?” Thaden leaned forward, growing more worried by the second. “Rowan, what’s going on?”

The dwarf and the elf with white hair was watching Rowan suspiciously, each one on edge as if they expected Rowan to suddenly become some blood thirsty beast and attack. Thaden shot them each a warning glare then turned his attention back to Rowan.

“Are you ill? Do I need to send for a doctor?” Thaden asked.

Rowan looked up then, his expression strained with torment. “I need to get out of here.” He groaned. “Before…” He let out a deep breath and closed his eyes. His body shivered as though in pain and in that moment Thaden noticed a new scent coming off of him. It was sweeter, and thick, with a heady mix of vanilla and musk. The aroma drifted over and hit Thaden hard, making his breath catch. He was instantly aware of Rowan in his most primal self. His scent, his eyes, his body, all screaming out for Thaden to take him and in that moment Thaden knew what the problem was.

His eyes went wide and Thaden suddenly pushed back from the table and stood up. He took Rowan by the hand and pulled him to his feet then looked to the bar where Esta was cleaning. “The room?” He asked, frantically.

“Upstairs, last door to the right.” She answered.

Thaden gave her a nod of thanks then quickly pulled Rowan along to the stairs. He found the door to the room easy enough and slid the brass key into the lock. The door swung open and he ushered Rowan inside, closing and locking the door behind them. The room was small compared to what Thaden was used to but it was cozy with a hearth for a fire, a double bed, and a writing desk and stool. There was also a wash stand in the corner with a bowl and pitcher. Rowan disregarded the rest of the furniture and went straight to the bed. He collapsed against the soft mattress, sighing a breath of relief.

“What do you need?” Thaden asked, almost in a panic. “Cold water? Ice? Name it.”

“Your cock.” Rowan groaned, surprising even himself with his bold and lewd statement.

Thaden chuckled, relaxing a bit. “Honestly, I had planned to wait until after we were married for that, my love.”

Rowan whimpered as he shifted uneasily on the edge of the bed. “Then get a priest.” He closed his eyes and gripped the comforter tightly in his hands. “We can wed quickly then you can fuck me.”

Thaden sighed and sat beside Rowan. It pained him to see his mate suffering so but he really had no idea what to do to help, other than the obvious. His knowledge of omegas was meager at best having never been with one before. And, omegas were rare in elves. Not unheard of, but rare. When one was born it was usually do to one of the parents being of a different race such as a shifter or dragon. Since Rowan was the only vampire omega known to exist, Thaden could only assume that he was similar to the other races where omegas were more common.

“How do you normally handle your heats?” Thaden asked him.

“My father has me sequestered away in a part of the castle where no one can hear my constant wailing. Only female servants were allowed to attend me.”

Thaden nodded. “It’s too late for that now. If I tried to take you out of here every male in the vicinity would be after you.”

“They’d have to rape me.” Rowan told him with a shudder. “In the past I would have given myself willingly to any strong male, usually an alpha. That’s why my father had me hidden. Not so now. Once an omega recognizes their mate, they’ll never desire anyone else.”

“Why an alpha? Wouldn’t any male do?” The very thought of another man touching Rowan caused a surge of anger to ripple through Thaden but he was also curious as to what exactly went through an omega’s mind while they were in heat.

Rowan shook his head. “I don’t know about other species but vampires seek out the strongest male to breed with and reject weaker ones. If someone weaker than me tried to breed me, I’d likely kill him.”

Thaden swallowed. “How-how do you know you won’t reject me?”

Rowan grinned and turned his head to look at Thaden. His eyes filled with lust and he licked his lips. “You’re my mate. Besides, I’m fairly certain that you are not weaker than me.”

Thaden thought back to how Rowan had opened the door in the wall with seemingly no effort at all. “I wouldn’t be so sure of that.” He said, shoulders slumping forward.

“It’s just physical strength that makes one strong.” Rowan said, attempting to reassure Thaden. “You’re an ideal mate. Trust me. I wouldn’t be reacting to you being so close to me otherwise.”

“Oh?” Thaden raised an eyebrow, teasingly. “And, how are you reacting?”

Rowan rolled over onto his knees, drawing close to Thaden he wrapped his arms around his neck and pressed his lips to his ear. “I want to rip your clothes off, push you down, and slide onto your cock. I want you inside me. I want to feel you buried deep in my body, and I want to ride you hard until you spill your seed inside me.”

Thaden tensed as Rowan’s words ignited a fire within him. It took all the strength he had not to give in to their desires. Gently, he pushed Rowan back and kissed his forehead. “As much as I would love to make love to you here and now, it’s not the right time nor place. I want our first time to be special, and not something rushed. I want to know that it’s because you want me, not because your biology is forcing you into it.”

Rowan snaked his arms around Thaden again, trying to push their bodies closer together though Thaden resisted he could feel his resolve weakening. “Nothing is forcing me.” Rowan said, his voice becoming dark and sultry. “If I didn’t want this, I would have rejected you by now but instead, my body is screaming for your touch. I need you. You’re the only one that can quench this desire building within me. You’re the only one I want to share this with.”

Thaden’s eyes turned a fiery red as his chest rumbled with a low, animal like growl. He pressed Rowan down against the bed and forcefully pressed their lips together. Rowan opened his mouth and their tongues collided, twirling in an erotic and sultry dance. Thaden sucked at Rowan’s lips. His hand moved to the neck of Rowan’s tunic and loosened the laces that held it together, exposing his soft, perfect flesh. Thaden moved from Rowan’s lips to his neck, kissing and sucking his way to Rowan’s collar bone. Rowan moaned and writhed beneath him on the bed, begging for more.

Thaden captured Rowan’s mouth again and kissed him until they were both breathless and aching with need. Thaden brushed his lips against Rowan’s ear, nibbling at his lobe. “You are the part of me that has been missing all my life.” He whispered against Rowan’s ear. “You are all I have ever dreamed of.”

Rowan blushed and his eyes shone with the love he felt for Thaden. “I feel the same.” He said. “I never thought a love like this was possible, not for me.”

“Always.” Thaden whispered. “Always you. No one else. There will never be anyone else for me. Only you.” He leaned down and left soft, feathery, kisses all across Rowan’s neck and collar bone. On his lips, his face, his forehead. He kissed every inch of exposed flesh that he could find. “I want to marry you.” Thaden told Rowan.

“I want that too.” Rowan smiled up at him. Thaden could see that Rowan was flushed with the raging heat that was overtaking him. He could sense his need for release and the burning desire that consumed him. The same burning need had ignited in Thaden as well and he knew in that moment that he couldn’t allow Rowan to suffer through it. Not when he could ease his torment.

He sighed, feeling overwhelmed and uncertain of what to do. “I want to help you.” He said, finally. “But I want to do this right. I want it to be real.”

Rowan shook his head. “We don’t need a priest or fancy words spoken in a church for it to be real. Our love is real. Any vows spoken now will be real and we have the Goddess to witness our vows.”

Thaden smiled, kissing Rowan on the lips once more. “Every second I fall more in love with you.” He said. “I’m a lucky man to be blessed with something so rare and beautiful.”

“I’m the lucky one.” Rowan purred beneath him. “I may have run away from my father but you are the one who set me free. For that, I’ll be eternally grateful.”

“Eternally? Are you sure, that long?”

Rowan nodded. “Eternally, because, that’s all the time we have to love each other. For eternity.”

“That’s a long time, love.” Thaden teased. “You sure you want to put up with me that long?”

“Absolutely.” Rowan told him. “The sun may rise each morning but you Thaden, are what brightens every day.”

“And you, Rowan are the star that lights my way at night.” Rowan’s eyes shimmered with tears of happiness as Thaden kissed his brow and then his lips. “You are my love, my heart, and the other half of my soul.” Thaden kissed his cheek. “On this night, with the glorious moon to bear witness, I Thaden, pledge my love to you Rowan, and all that I have, all that am is yours.” Rowan wrapped his arms around Thaden’s neck and pulled him down for another kiss.

“And all that am is yours.” Rowan repeated. “My love, my heart, my soul…all belong to you. There is no other for me but you. You and you alone. I promise to love and to honor you through all that may come. It will be your name only that I shall cry out in the dead of night. My husband.”

“Through all our lives, will I love you.” Thaden kissed Rowan’s ear, whispering the words as he kissed along his neck and throat. “In this life and the next will I be by your side. This vow I make to you. Everyday I shall love you, even after my death. I will love you for all eternity.”

“And I vow the same.” Rowan said through his tears, smiling up at the man he loved more than anything in the world. “I shall love you in this life and the next, for all eternity.”

“I thank the mother Goddess Danu for bringing you into my life.” Thaden said, nearly crying himself. “You say that you are dead but, my dear, I am the one who was dead. Before I met you, I was dead and you have brought me back to life.”

Rowan blushed. “Such things you say, my love.”

“All true, I swear it.” Thaden smiled down at him then loosened the rest of the lacing that tied Rowan’s tunic together. He slipped his hands beneath the hem and pulled the tunic up. Rowan lifted some from the bed as Thaden pulled the tunic over his head then discarded it. Rowan reached for the string that tied his breaches together but Thaden gently moved his hands away. He wanted to explore more of Rowan and take his time doing it. He allowed his hands to move along Rowan’s smooth flesh, so sweet and beautiful the way it shimmered in the candle light.

“Your beauty is… celestial. That’s the only word I can use to describe you, celestial. Divine. Like an angel sent down from above.”

“I’m no angel.” Rowan frowned. “I’m a creature of the night. There is nothing heavenly about me.”

“You’re wrong.” Thaden told him, nuzzling his neck. “You are an angel. You’re my angel. My angel of the night.”

Rowan blushed. “Don’t tease me so. I can not take much more before I explode.”

“I am being completely honest.” Thaden told him. “Every inch of you is like a work of art carved by the Gods and I want to forever bask in it’s splendor.” He gently pushed Rowan back down against the mattress, his hands exploring his body. Thaden caressed his skin with his hands, his fingers tracing a line from his neck to his navel. His eyes drank in his beauty as they moved along his bare chest. Thaden licked and sucked at his nipples and kissed his way down to his belly.

Finally, when Thaden had had his fill, he untied Rowan’s breaches and gently eased them down, revealing Rowan’s hard and waiting cock. He removed his boots and stockings, making a pile of discarded clothing on the floor beside the bed. When he was done, Thaden removed his own clothing, adding them to the pile then he leaned over Rowan, both of them naked, their warm flash pressed against each other and Rowan trembled with need.

Thaden was gorgeous. His body a sculpted masterpiece of perfection. From his strong, muscular biceps, to his flat, hard abs. His chest was beautifully defined with just a dusting of auburn hair spread across his pecs and, his organ, thick and large, had already sprang to life once released from the confines of his riding breaches. Rowan bit his bottom lip and allowed his fingers to trail along Thaden’s sides, memorizing every line, every curve of his body until his hands came to rest on his firm, muscular ass.

Rowan spread his legs wider, giving Thaden all the invitation he needed but Thaden wanted to tease him a bit more. Pushing himself up, Thaden slid down a bit then took Rowan’s hard cock in his hand. He looked down at him with a mischievous grin then dipped his head and before Rowan even realized what Thaden was about to do, he licked the head of Rowan’s organ then took the full length of it in his mouth and began sucking his way along the shaft.

The warmth of Thaden’s tongue against his flesh and the urgent lapping and sucking at the tip heightened Rowan’s arousal. Rowan moaned and tossed his head back, his long, ebony tresses fanned out over the pillow elegantly, like black silk. Rowan reached his hands up, grasping at the headboard as he whimpered and writhed on the bed, his legs quivering as he squirmed under Thaden.

Thaden took his time, savoring the taste of his mate. He licked up the shaft again, stroking Rowan with his hand as his tongue circled the head of Rowan’s already leaking cock. Thaden loved the taste of him, the hot, sticky, juices dripping from his hardened member. Thaden lavished all of his attention on devouring Rowan from tip to balls. He cupped his balls in his hand and massaged them gently. Rowan gasped, moaning as he thrashed against the bed. He arched his back and gripped the sheets tightly in his fists.

Rowan’s breathless panting and soft whimpers filled the air. Thaden increased his efforts, sucking and running his hand along Rowan’s shaft until Rowan cried out, his body tense as he came. Thaden continued to suck, drinking down Rowan’s juices hungrily. Rowan relaxed a bit as Thaden kissed the inside of his thigh then rose up to his knees.

“Gods, you are beautiful.” Thaden whispered, looking down at his spent mate. Rowan was still hard but for the moment, looked completely sated.

Thaden went to move away but Rowan caught his wrist and gazed up at him, his eyes wild and pleading. “I need you.” Rowan whispered in that same, seductive voice. “Please. I can’t…”

“Shh.” Thaden stroked Rowan’s wet hair. The vampire Prince was shivering with need. Beads of sweat glistened all over his body. He licked his lips as he tugged Thaden closer.

“Are you sure you want this?” Thaden asked him.

Rowan nodded. “I’m sure.” He panted, his voice sounding more desperate with each passing moment. “It’s only going to get worse if we don’t. Please, I can’t stand this waiting. It’s torture.”

Thaden nodded, then he parted Rowan’s legs and slid between them. He caressed Rowan’s ass. Bringing his hand down to Rowan’s entrance, Thaden circled his hole with his finger. Rowan was already wet with something slick and lubricating. It leaked from his hole and onto to the sheets. Thaden looked at him, questioningly.

“It’s alright.” Rowan told him. His face flushed as he attempted to explain omega biology. “It’s normal when I’m in heat. A natural lubricant meant to help you…um…slide in more easily.”

Thaden chuckled some. Rowan was positively adorable when flustered in such a way. “That comes in handy.” Thaden mused. “I was a bit worried at first. We have no oils and I know it’s your first time being breached. I don’t want to hurt you or cause you any pain.”

Rowan’s eyes went wide with embarrassment and he quickly turned his head away so Thaden wouldn’t see the look of horror in his eyes. Thaden only laughed harder.

Rowan scowled. “Shut up already, this isn’t funny.”

“Oh, but it’s positively delightful, my dear. My little fox is so shy and innocent.” Thaden teased. “Whatever am I going to do with you?”

Rowan groaned. “Shut up and fuck me.”

Thaden chuckled. “Yes, Sir. As you wish.”

Thaden slid a finger in, working Rowan’s hole open. Even with the slick aiding him, he was still so tight. Thaden wondered if Rowan had never used his own fingers on himself before. He thought not but decided asking Rowan would only cause the boy to shy away again awkwardly. He didn’t want the experience to be too painful though so he inserted another finger. Rowan groaned and urged Thaden to stop prolonging his torture and take him but Thaden told him to have patience. He wanted to make sure that Rowan was ready and able to easily take his large size first.

After inserting a third and final finger, Thaden knew they could wait no longer. Rowan was struggling more as the heat became more intense. Thaden felt his pain as he stroked his own aching cock. When Rowan begged again for Thaden to take him, Thaden obliged. He centered himself between Rowan’s legs and gently lifted one of his legs up and onto his shoulder. Rowan lay back, ready and anxious for what was to come. Thaden lined himself up with Rowan’s hole then slowly and gently pushed in. Thaden moaned as he felt Rowan’s tight hole give way, accepting him in, then just as quickly clench around him.

He moved, hesitantly at first, gingerly pushing his way inside, past the tight ring of muscle until he was deep within Rowan, filling him completely. He took a moment to allow Rowan to adjust to his size, then slowly began to pump, moving in and out, all while watching Rowan, looking for any sign of pain or discomfort. The care he took with Rowan both admirable and sweet. He asked him, over and over, if he were alight, or if he were going to hard or too fast. Rowan assured him that he was fine. Better than. Having Thaden so deep inside his body felt amazing, like it was meant to be. Their bodies fit perfectly together, made for each other.

The satisfaction that Rowan felt having Thaden buried deep inside was well worth any pain that was had. It was pure ecstasy. The way they moved in sync with one another, the way Thaden pushed against him, his hands caressing the flesh of Rowan’s thigh, even the breathy, grunts and groans that Thaden made was enough to send Rowan over the edge. It was almost too much for him to take but at the same time he wanted more and he wasn’t afraid to let Thaden know it. Rowan’s shy demeanor quickly faded as he became more insisting and demanding. He wanted Thaden, wanted all of him and, Thaden was determined to give him exactly what he wanted.

“I love you.” Thaden breathed between thrusts. His voice was husky, dark, and so very sexy. Just the sound of it sent shivers throughout Rowan’s entire body.

“I-I love you.” Rowan returned, breathlessly. Gods, the sounds he made turned Thaden on even more and he knew he couldn’t hold back any longer. He thrust harder, almost violently, and Rowan moaned and cried out with building pleasure. His pace became harder, faster, and more needy. His eyes grazed over Rowan’s body, taking him in and committing him to memory. His slim waist and the delicate, almost feminine curves of his hips. Thaden slid a hand over Rowan’s pink, pert nipples. He teased them with his thumb then pinched one between his thumb and finger.

Rowan yelped and bit his bottom lip, moaning louder. His voice came like a shrill squeak and his face contorted into a mask of pure delight. He yelled Thaden’s name as Thaden gripped his hips and slammed into him.

“Gods, yes!” Rowan screamed, gripping the sheets tighter, so tight that his nails, now more claw like, tore through the fabric and punctured the mattress beneath. Thaden watched with fascination as Rowan’s eyes turned black and stormy and his canines extended to reveal two tiny fangs.

“Don’t stop.” Rowan panted when he noticed Thaden slowing down. “Harder, need you!”

Thaden growled, his voice dark and arousing, and his eyes blazed red once again. Suddenly, he grasped Rowan, tight around his waist and lifted him up, effortlessly, off the bed. Thaden sat back on his heels and hoisted Rowan onto his lap. Rowan was small, weighing next to nothing and Thaden had no problem maneuvering him around into the position he wanted.

Thaden pulled his small frame against him and Thaden once again guided his cock to Rowan’s waiting hole. He lowered Rowan carefully down on his cock, sinking deep inside his mate again.

“Fuck, you feel so good.” Thaden breathed into Rowan’s neck.

“Yes.” Rowan panted, unable to say more as he moaned and fucked himself on Thaden’s cock. His back tensed and he began to buck his hips forward in rhythm to Thaden’s upward thrusts, further impaling himself on Thaden’s cock. The feeling was absolute bliss. Rowan wrapped his arms around Thaden then threw his head back and let loose with a deafening outcry of undulating desire.

Rowan then leaned forward, whimpering and gasping. He pressed his face into Thaden’s neck and began trailing kisses along his exposed skin. His fangs grazed his skin lightly, not breaking the skin but enough that Thaden could feel them and, if truth be told, it was the most erotic thing he had ever felt in his life.

“Do it.” Thaden said suddenly, demanding. “Bite me.”

Rowan blinked. “Are-are you sure?” He asked with uncertainty. He had never before bitten a living thing least of all his lover though he knew that vampires did it often and it heightened the sensation of their love making.

“I’m sure.” Thaden moaned loudly. “I want you to.”

Rowan nodded. “Okay.” He leaned forward, slowly, and placed his mouth on Thaden’s skin. The moment Rowan’s fangs pierced his flesh, Thaden closed his eyes and gasped. The pain for short lived though, replaced with such a feeling of euphoria that no words could possibly describe the sensation of the pure, unbridled, pleasure that surged through him.

It was like his body was suddenly under the effect of some mind altering drug that increased the sense of pleasure a thousand fold. He almost cried out in protest when Rowan withdrew his fangs and pulled back. Rowan bit his own tongue the licked the blood over the wound in Thaden’s neck, closing it and stopping the flow of blood.

“I’ve marked you.” Rowan told him. “Claimed you. Now, you are truly mine as I am yours. For all eternity.”

“Mine.” Thaden hissed as he pulled Rowan closer against him, pushing himself up and into Rowan, over and over again.

“Yours.” Rowan responded, a satisfied smile on his lips. “Always.”

Thaden felt his climax nearing as Rowan tightened around him, cleaving to him. It wouldn’t be too much longer now. The sensation was building and Thaden could feel his balls tense and tighten up. “Gods, yes, Rowan.” Thaden howled his name, gripping Rowan’s ass, almost painfully. If Rowan wasn’t a vampire that healed quickly, Thaden was certain he’d be covered in bruises in the morning.

But, Rowan wasn’t the fragile flower that he appeared and while he might appreciate gentle love making in the future, now was not the time to be tender. He needed Thaden to take him fiercely and furiously. He wanted Thaden to use him for his pleasure. He wanted the frenzied, rough, and commanding strength of his lust. He wanted to be fucked, and fucked hard.

Thaden didn’t disappoint. He didn’t slow or break their rhythm, even as Rowan pumped himself up and down on Thaden’s throbbing cock while Thaden fucked up into him. Thaden gripped Rowan’s ass, hard, digging his fingers into the soft flesh as Rowan clung to him, desperately. With one final, powerful, upward thrust, Thaden came. He held Rowan in place, crushing him against his chest as he came, hard, filling Rowan over and over until both were spent.

Thaden pulled out and moved Rowan onto the bed. Exhausted, they both collapsed against the pillows, turned on their sides so they were facing each other. Rowan smiled, his lids half closed but the look on his face was one of pure contentment. Thaden reached out and brushed a strand of hair back from Rowan’s face.

“Beautiful.” He whispered as Rowan closed his eyes. Thaden pulled Rowan closer to him and wrapped his arms around him, protectively. He yawned, closed his eyes and drifted off into a deep and well deserved sleep, holding his love against him. The candles burned down then went out. The room darkened and the world outside slept as Rowan and Thaden slept, wrapped in the heat of each others warm embrace.


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