To Tame a Shrew

A gay story: To Tame a Shrew This is a re-working of a classic as suggested by loves_SG1.

“What in the world!?” Surging to his feet from his desk and heading to the door of his office, he flung it open and stared at the sight.

“Oh, hi, Dad.”

“What is that?”

“Hey there, Will,” the other man shouted.

William gritted his teeth. He hated being called Will. He glared at the equipment being carried through his house.

“Is this all really necessary?” he asked.

“‘Fraid so, Dad. The turntables and speakers are needed for the music. Don’t worry. It’ll be wired up correctly so that the music reaches down the full length of the garden, the patio where the barbeque will be, as well as the swimming pool. The party’s going to be just great. Peter will love it.”

“I doubt it, Alan,” William said shaking his head.

“I’ll be with you in a minute H-Man,” Alan said, detouring from his assignment to follow his father into the older man’s study. “What’s wrong, Dad?” he asked as he closed the study door.

“Peter is going to know this is a set-up. Why not just be honest with him. You finally want to settle down and marry. You can’t inherit your grandfather’s legacy unless Peter is married first. For all you know he may already be dating.”

“He isn’t. I checked,” Alan said sullenly.

“Couldn’t you at least have talked openly to him?”

“I tried, but at the mention of Leigh he didn’t want to hear any more. I want him to be happy, too, Dad. It’s not just that I want the inheritance, although I do want to give Leigh the best life I can,” Alan said passionately.

“I just think this is the wrong way for a man like Peter,” William sighed. “I think you should have just gone and talked to him.”

“I will, Dad, I promise.”


Peter groaned as he disembarked at Reno airport. He was glad to have concluded his business and wished he could just drive out to his remote mountain home. At least he could start to relax knowing he could just throw his stuff in a cab and get to his father’s house and crash. He hated travelling; he hated crowds and their almost overwhelming odours, and he hated loud noise. All he wanted was to get where he could dump his belongings, take a hot, unhurried shower and relax.

Alighting from the cab, Peter stared, struck dumb at the sight. Two statuesque males stood outside his family home. That might not have given him pause for thought if they had been wearing more than tight shorts and tank tops. The sound of music, not the soft jazz his father preferred, but the insistent beat of more modern offerings was audible even from the drive.

Almost in a daze, Peter picked up his meagre luggage and began to head to the house. The two men looked him over, each smiling and licking their lips as they saw him. Their gazes were almost predatory, despite which, Peter felt himself begin to harden.

Shaking off the slight haze of primitive arousal and lust, Peter stomped towards the front door. Using his key he opened it and stepped inside. The music assailed his ears even here. Deciding that a shower and change of clothes were essential, due to his own sweat offending his sensitive nose, Peter headed to where his room was always kept ready.

With a sigh of relief he stripped. He regarded his nude body as he adjusted the water for his shower. His close cropped dark hair was still one colour, although perhaps a little thinner at the front than it used to be. However, he was still sleek and powerfully muscled. He took care to maintain his fitness. There was only himself to rely on in his home. Nearby neighbours were miles, not moments away. His sky-blue eyes regarded his physique critically before he turned back to the shower. When he felt more human he would find out just what the Hell was going on.

Showered and changed, Peter exited his room and began his search for his father or brother. It seemed the music was everywhere and so far Peter had found neither his father nor his brother. He decided to take his search outside. He stared at the men milling around.

He could tell the serving staff from the guests by the fact they wore black shorts and a bow tie. He waved away a bleached blond who had a tray with hors d’ouvres. At the moment he had no appetite. He continued his search, moving into the more sparsely occupied areas of the house’s grounds. He heard a soft murmur of voices, one of which was a gentle baritone that seemed to soothe his rapidly fraying nerves.

Looking into an arbour, he saw one of the many waiters with a guest who looked as out of place as he felt. He was illuminated by a lamp. His auburn hair seemed almost to glow and Peter could see intelligent, smoky-blue eyes that sparkled with intelligence and humour. He was also closely examining the waiter’s nipple piercing and, as ridiculous as it was, a shard of possessive jealousy stabbed through him.

“Don’t you have a job to do?” he growled angrily at the hapless waiter. It gave him a modicum of satisfaction that the younger man looked chagrined and jumped back from the other man.

“Don’t you have any manners?” the auburn-haired man retaliated, standing.

“I am working,” the waiter said apologetically. “I can look out for you at the end of my shift. See you around.”

“Just who do you think you are, apart from a no-mannered Neanderthal?” the auburn-haired man demanded.

“The son of the man who owns the house,” Peter said smugly.

“Oh,” came the erudite reply. “That still doesn’t give you the right to be rude,” the younger man added scowling.

“At least I wasn’t trying to seduce the serving staff,” Peter growled.

“Neither was I. I just admired the way he had used his grandfather’s wedding ring as a nipple decoration.”

“What are you, some kind of fetish enthusiast?” Peter sneered.

“Originally I studied anthropology and now I’m a teacher,” came the cold-toned reply. “I thought it an original way of keeping his family close to his heart.”

Peter stared, stunned into silence as the auburn beauty stormed angrily away. Then he frowned. Beauty? Where had that come from? Shaking himself as if to dispel an unwanted feeling, Peter resumed his search for his family.

“Finally,” Peter huffed as he found his father sitting out in the gazebo at the far end of the gardens. “I’ve been looking everywhere for you or Alan.”

“Oh he’s around here somewhere,” William said waving his hand vaguely. “He said for you to just join in the party when you arrived and he’d find you eventually.”

“Doesn’t seem Alan’s usual type of crowd,” Peter said, glancing back to where he’d spoken to the young man.

“It’s something he’s sorted with that DJ friend of his,” William said. “I think all the guests have arrived and there is plenty of food and drink. Go and have some fun, Peter,” William smiled.

Peter wandered aimlessly back towards the house. The beat had mellowed slightly, although it was still loud and insistent. He picked a plate of hors d’ouvres and a glass of champagne. The food and drink were both good and he relaxed a little as the bubbles worked their magic.

Looking around he could not help but muse over the teacher being out of place amongst a group of such athletic males. His eyes roamed as he wandered towards the house once more. He was the object of attention himself and the thought had him hardening again. He veered away from the house snagging another glass of champagne. He headed round towards the pool to see if Alan might be there.

Rounding a corner he bumped into a figure partially obscured by one of the bushes. He stared as he came face-to-face with the auburn-haired beauty.

“Are you following me?” he demanded angrily, embarrassed at literally walking into the smaller man.

“You bumped into me remember?” came the acidic response. “Oh, probably not, it would take a brain to have a memory. I would have said you were stalking me, but that would presuppose entailing you had good taste,” was added acerbically.

The two men glowered at each other, neither willing to back down. It was the auburn-haired man that finally gave an impatient sigh.

“Look, my name is Benjamin and if you want me off your father’s grounds just say so.”

“I’m Peter. You were invited weren’t you? You deserve to be here as much as the others.”

Benjamin gave a non-descript reply. In truth he had not been invited. His friend had been invited and was one who would be far more at home with the beefcakes surrounding him. Go. Enjoy yourself. Have fun. I’m stuck working and this is too good to pass up. It’s been arranged by the son of the guy who owns the house. You’ll have a blast. Benjamin was rethinking that idea. The owner’s son, Peter, should have known who he invited. But then, Barry had said Peter arranged it. Perhaps he had not been the one to send out invitations.

“Drink?” Peter asked gruffly as a waiter sauntered by. He scooped up two glasses, irrationally irritated that this waiter was also interested in Benjamin. As he handed over the drink he gave a quick but thorough look at the younger man.

He was an exotic beauty, unique amongst the more plastic, albeit attractive, men around them. He could imagine the smoky eyes glowing when the other man was passionate. The slight curl to the auburn tresses seemed natural rather than the obvious styling of the most of the others. His lips were full and lush and despite everything, even their ignominious initial meeting, Peter would have liked to explore them with his own. However, that was never going to happen.

“Thanks,” Benjamin smiled. He surreptitiously studied the big man next to him. He was tall and muscled like so many of the others around them. Although they had got off to a bad start, Benjamin had noticed the loneliness in Peter’s ice-blue eyes. He was buff, but he did not seem to feel the need to wear tight-fitting clothes, or even barely-there clothes, to draw attention to himself. There was a presence about him that drew Benjamin. Like a moth to a flame? He asked himself.

Catching a glimpse of his brother, Peter put down his glass.

“I’ll be back in a minute. There’s someone I need to speak to.”

Benjamin watched him stalk purposefully like a large predator through the garden. He shook his head. He was not even sure he liked the man and yet felt an undeniable attraction towards him. He shook his head and took a swallow of his drink. He ambled to sit on a garden seat and listen to the music. However, voices nearby, behind the hedge, quickly caught his attention.

“Are you sure?” a scandalised voice queried.

“Yes. I heard it from H-Man himself. The son of the house has arranged this party so that he can pick a prospective boyfriend. Let’s be honest, who’d pass up a chance to come when you could be the boyfriend of money like this?”

Benjamin felt his blood turn to ice. Peter clearly thinks money buys everything he thought angrily. He set down the half-finished glass, the champagne tasting sour in his mouth. He began to hunt for the older man angrily.


Peter froze where he stood listening to himself being discussed as if he were nothing more than a prime stud bull.

“It’s true,” the voice insisted. “I’ve heard lots of the guys talking about it. The party is just one big orgy so the son of the house can play around. And since he’s single and rich if you strike lucky who knows what you could get out of it.”

Disappointment warred with Peter. He had actually thought there was something different about Benjamin, but it seemed all the men here were just hoping he would find something about them he liked because he was rich and that was their main consideration. As he was about to leave a body slammed into his and, despite his height and build, he was propelled backwards against a table.


It did not take long for an angry Benjamin to find Peter and it seemed as if there could be no doubts about the veracity of what he had overheard. Peter was bent backwards on a trestle table, his shirt pushed up to reveal solid abdominals as he was kissed thoroughly by one of the many beefcakes Benjamin had seen wondering around. For a second, the younger man’s eyes were riveted to the powerful physique and the cinnamon nubs that peaked proudly from a smooth chest. You idiot he thought. You thought there was actually something worthwhile behind that veneer. He made no sound as he whirled round and sought a way out.

He was angry and yet tears burned in his eyes, blurring his vision. He had been a fool to think there was anything of any substance under the older man’s show of spoilt brat. He was so engrossed in his thoughts he bumped hard into a bemused older man.

“Are you alright?” William asked. The younger man seemed clearly distressed.

“I want to leave,” Benjamin said bluntly. “I can’t believe what I’ve just heard.”

“This is my house,” William said. “Please come inside and I’ll call you a cab and you can tell me what’s upset you.”

William listened, wincing inwardly at what Benjamin had to say. The older man was about to tell Benjamin that it was Alan and not Peter that had arranged the party as a waiter came advising the taxi had arrived. William sighed as the younger man hurried to get away. He had known this would be a disaster.


“Just what do you think you’re playing at?” Peter demanded angrily of his equally bad-tempered brother.

“I arranged a party so you could have a good time. You do remember what a good time is?” Alan sniped back.

“I was grabbed, shoved so hard against a table I’ll have bruises and molested by someone who thought it would get them the title of ‘My Boyfriend’.”

“I never intended anyone should know anything other than it was a relaxed, gay-orientated party,” Alan growled. “H-Man went and blabbed, wrongly, to some of his invitees.”

“Everyone out there is looking me over as if I was a haunch of beef,” Peter scowled. “No one is remotely interested in me as a person.”

“That’s not quite true,” William interjected as it seemed his sons would just keep arguing. “There was one young man who was hurt to think he was…now how did he put it? ‘Just a side dish on a rich man’s smorgasbord.'”

“Benjamin,” Peter breathed softly. He doubted if any of the other men out there would be capable of such an intellectual thought. “Do you know where he went?” he asked his father.

“Sorry, son,” William said softly. “He called the cab himself and I didn’t hear the address. “Alan, tell Peter everything.”

“I want to get married,” Alan said with a sigh.


Looking at the glum face of her fiancé as she approached silently, Leigh knew something was troubling him.

“Hi there, handsome,” she smiled. “What’s wrong?”

“I’m an idiot, Leigh,” Alan said, standing and hugging the lithe brunette tightly. He let her sit him back down and then looked into determined grey eyes.

“Tell me everything,” she said.

“Granddad set up the company and was a ruthless businessman. That’s why it was such a success and where we made our initial money. When Dad was old enough, Granddad started him off and the company branched out. Dad was successful in his own right and yet it was if it was never enough for Granddad. Then we came along. I was happy enough to join the company, but Peter wanted to branch out into computer software. The old man wasn’t happy, but Dad supported Peter.”

“Surely your grandfather was happy once he saw how well Peter was doing?” asked Leigh.

“Not at all. He wanted Peter to fail to then bring him into the established family business. He was a control freak. When Peter did well he looked for another way to control him. He found it.”

“What?” queried Leigh, not certain she really wanted to know just how the older man had tried to tame a man like Peter.

“Peter is gay. He was careful, discreet, but the old man found out anyway,” Alan sighed. “It infuriated him even more than Peter starting his own kind of business. He wanted wives and children to carry on the family name and the family businesses. He bought a man. A man who wooed and won Peter over and who Peter fell in love with. He abused Peter and then Granddad told him that John had never loved him. It had all been just an exercise in power and control.”

“How awful!” Leigh exclaimed.

“Granddad may have broken Peter’s heart, but he didn’t break his spirit. He made a great success of his company, but Granddad hadn’t finished with us. He had a trust fund set up for us but changed the terms of inheritance. To be able to inherit we have to be married and Peter must marry first. My brother was never the easiest man to get along with and John quickly became his world. After he found out it was all just an act, he became reclusive, living and working from his mountain cabin and only venturing out if a client needed him or to pay us the occasional visit.”

“But why are you an idiot?” Leigh asked.

“Because I wanted us to have Granddad’s inheritance. I thought if I threw a party with a lot of attractive men, Peter would realise he was missing out unnecessarily. I thought he might find one that he took a liking to and would at least start dating again.”

“Oh, Alan,” Leigh breathed.

“Worse than that,” Alan said dropping his head. “Peter was furious at what I’d done. There was someone he liked, but he thought Peter set up the party because he was some sex-starved Lothario who thought money could buy anything. Peter initially thought he was a gold-digger when he heard others talking, but Dad put that straight. Peter only knew him as Benjamin and no one at the party, except a couple of the waiters, even remembered him. All we know is he was a teacher from out of town. Peter is so angry with me,” Alan sighed.

“You are an idiot,” said Leigh. “I’m not interested in your inheritance. I agreed to marry you without knowing there was one. But we do need to sort things for Peter.”

“I’ve asked H-Man and he doesn’t know the guy,” Alan said plaintively.

“He’s the man you used to get the guests so he’s going to have to come up with more than that,” Leigh said decisively. “He expects to DJ our evening party doesn’t he?”

“Well, yes. I sort of promised…” Alan began.

“Then he’d best help us find our elusive Benjamin or he’s out of a commission,” Leigh stated. “Let’s get this show on the road.”


Peter wandered into his bedroom and stared at his luxurious, but empty bed. He glanced at his sleek, toned physique. He had not been celibate since his breakup with John, but he had not been able to trust anyone with his heart. It had served him well so far. He took trips into the nearby cities, just a couple of days at a time and found a companion from a reputable agency or, less frequently, from a likely bar.

He pulled open a bedside drawer and pulled out lube and a hand towel. He stretched out, the Queen-sized bed giving him plenty of room to spread his body. He let his hands slide sensuously over his chest, tugging at his nipples until the dusky-rose nubs stood proud and throbbed from the stimulation. He lubed up his hands, rubbing the viscous gel between them to warm it before beginning a slow glide up and down his rapidly filling length. He stared at his cock, watching it grow, its colour deepening as the blood rushed to his groin. As he rolled his balls with his left hand he squeezed at the head of his shaft with the other, watching the beads of pre-come drip free to add to the lubrication.

He gave a soft groan as he manipulated the orbs in his sac, squeezing them together and apart and rolling them in his palm. He had always been attracted to tall, athletic men like himself. However, as his hand worked his aching rod, rubbing with his thumb under the head, he began to imagine what it would be like to have a smaller man in his bed. One who had a luxurious pelt of chest hair. Peter had noticed the dark curls that had peeked from the shirt Benjamin had worn. He wondered how the hair would feel on his face, under his lips.

Letting his hips thrust his hard flesh into the tunnel of his hand, Peter wondered how a furred chest would feel against his own smooth one. How it would feel against his erect nipples. He moaned at the thought of his aching buds rubbing over Benjamin’s chest. How it would feel to lie between hirsute thighs and run his feet over furred calves. He heard a whimper of need and want escape his throat as his hips pumped frantically. Then his climax hit hard. Creamy juices jettisoned over his hand and smooth abdominals leaving glistening silver trails in their wake.

He slowly picked up the towel and cleansed away his release. With a sigh he realised that he was going to have to make do with just a fantasy lover in Benjamin. He had spoken to H-Man who did not know the young teacher or from where he originated. He sighed again, pulling the bedding over him and curling up to fend off a chill that had nothing to do with the ambient air and everything to do with a cold, empty space in his heart.


Leigh kept a firm grip of her fiancé’s hand as they looked at the school. Their journey had taken them from Nevada to San Francisco.

“We can’t do this,” Alan said. “What if it isn’t him?”

“We offer our apologies for the mistake and we go back to your friend. It’s taken nearly three weeks to get this far and I have no plans to set a date for the wedding until we find our man. Even if they don’t hit it off, I’ll feel I did something to make up for the party fiasco and can look your brother in the eye.”

They watched as the children left and then headed into the building. Leigh smiled at the janitor before whispering in his ear and then grinned and winked at Alan as she led them along the corridor. Leigh peeked into the glass set into a classroom door and saw the teacher, his hair in a tidy pony-tail, and gave Alan’s hand a squeeze. She tapped on the door and pushed it open. She gave her best disarming smile at the confused, but attractive, man at the teacher’s desk.

“My Name’s Leigh Connor and this is my fiancé, Alan Ellderman. Are you Benjamin Sanderson?” she asked.

“Yes,” the auburn-haired man replied slowly. “Are you looking to have a child join my class?” he asked.

“No,” laughed Leigh. “We’re here in connection to a party you attended last month.” She was stunned at the rapid change in demeanour of Benjamin. His face became closed and angry and he stood quickly.

“If this is some kind of hustle you can forget it. The Principal is well aware of my sexual orientation,” Benjamin said coldly.

“No!” Leigh exclaimed. “That’s not it at all.”

“Then why does my being at a party have anything to do with you?” asked Benjamin, folding his arms across his chest.

“Because you think Peter arranged the party and, in fact, it was his brother, Alan.”

Benjamin stared at the other man whose cheeks were now tinged with red and was shuffling his feet like a naughty schoolboy.

“You arranged it?” he asked, trying to come to terms with the turn of events.

“My brother had a bad experience a couple of years back,” Alan said. “It made him reclusive. He hasn’t dated since. I thought…well I thought if I arranged a party with a lot of guys it would make him realise what he was missing. That he might just hit it off with one of them,” Alan concluded looking up at Benjamin. “The party was a shock to him and he was really angry with me.”

“Especially when he found out you thought he had set up a…what did he say?” asked Leigh turning to Alan.

“Smorgasbord,” Benjamin supplied.

“That’s it,” Leigh said. “Peter can be a little acerbic with people he doesn’t know,” she added.

“Shrewish,” Alan muttered, looking away quickly as Leigh glowered at him. “But he was sorry you’d gone before he could explain. He did like you.”

“Shrewish,” Benjamin repeated Alan’s word and smiled. He remembered the banter between Peter and himself. “That can be tamed,” he murmured as much to himself as the couple. “So he sent you to find me?” he asked, looking at Leigh.

“No. I wanted to find you. Alan and I are looking to get married soon, but after the events of the party, I wanted to see if you were interested in contacting Peter. There was little point telling him we were looking only to find there was no mutual interest. I didn’t want to raise his hopes. We came all the way from Nevada to speak to you.”

“How would I contact him, assuming I was interested?” asked Benjamin, relaxing.

“I have his e-mail address and his home and cell numbers,” Leigh said, rummaging in her purse and drawing out a piece of card. “If you are interested, we can call him and warn him you’ll be in touch?” she added hopefully.

“Ok,” Benjamin nodded. “Here’s my cell. You contact him and make sure he wants to hear from me. If the answer is yes, then I will.”

“That’s wonderful,” Leigh said, smiling widely. “Let’s get back to the hotel and call Peter. Thank you, Benjamin,” she added as she pulled Alan behind her.

“No problem,” Benjamin nodded. As she shut the door he pulled his hair from its tie and shook it free before running his hand through it. His stomach was churning already. What if Peter isn’t interested? An inner voice taunted him. He pushed it aside. If Leigh and Alan had gone to so much trouble they had to believe Peter was interested. He took a deep breath. He was not going to get any more work done now.

Tidying up the classroom, Benjamin soothed his nerves by immersing himself in the familiar and repetitive ritual of preparing for the next day. Closing the door behind him, we waved at the janitor who still lurked nearby and left the school, firmly focusing on anything but the images of Peter that kept popping into his head.


Peter stared at his phone as if it had just come alive. He could scarcely believe that Alan and Leigh would have gone to so much trouble for him. More than that, he wondered what had possessed him to agree to Benjamin contacting him. Whatever there might have been between them was already a month behind him. However, a part of him could not help but be elated that Benjamin was willing to contact him.

Pacing the room, Peter did not know when he would hear from Benjamin or how. He regretted not telling Leigh how the other man should contact him. He strode back to his computer to check his e-mails and instantly dropped into the chair. There was a new message. Eagerly he clicked on it.

‘Hi, this is Benjamin. Are you there, Peter?’

‘Hi, yes.’ Damn, that was a good come back, not! Peter bemoaned mentally. His eyes remained riveted to the screen, awaiting the next message.

‘Great. Well it’s not like we live close by, but I can take a couple of days off from classes if you are able to come visit ‘Frisco. I could show you all the sights.’

An image of Benjamin’s naked, furred body spread wide for Peter’s delectation seared into the older man’s mind. He gave himself a mental shake he was behaving like a horny schoolboy.

‘What dates?’ Peter did not actually care what the dates were. As they popped up onscreen he was already deciding what to pack.

‘That’s fine.’ He typed. “Great, wonderful, perfect,” Peter muttered to himself as his fingers flew over the keyboard. ‘So Thursday night till Monday, leaving Tuesday? I can always spend some time going around ‘Frisco myself if you have things to do.’ “Say yes, say yes” Peter repeated as a mantra.

‘Fine. Let me know your travel arrangements. I can pick you up at the airport if you arrive in the afternoon. Look forward to seeing you again. Keep in touch, Benjamin.’

“Great. I’ll let you know. Take care, Peter.’ The older man punched the air gleefully. Then he sobered. He would need to keep a tight rein on his emotions.


Peter hated airports, the crowds, the crush, the noise and the smells of people and food that assaulted his senses and frayed his nerves. However, he focused his thoughts on the fact that Benjamin would be waiting for him. As he passed a shop heading towards the exit, he hesitated. He stared at the object of his fascination before giving into the urge and making the purchase. Hastily he opened his large bag and settled it safely inside.

As he strode through the thinning thong of people, he saw a familiar, compact form waving madly. He grinned as the crowds and the incipient headache they gave him were instantly forgotten at the sight of the younger man. He dodged the people who inadvertently got in his way until he reached Benjamin’s side. Unsure what to do, he dropped his bag, intending to offer his hand. He gave a soft grunt as he was subjected to a hug of unexpected strength from the smaller man.

“Welcome to ‘Frisco,” Benjamin said, releasing the bigger man. “I hope you’ll have a good time here.”

“I’m sure I will,” Peter smiled.

The journey from the airport to Benjamin’s apartment was filled mostly with the younger man’s seemingly incessant chatter. However, it was always interesting and interspersed with information about the city and where he had plans to show Peter during his visit. The older man was surprised at just how relaxed he was in Benjamin’s company during the drive. He hoped it boded well for the rest of his time there.

He unpacked just the necessities, before staring at his purchase. He hoped Benjamin appreciated his gesture. He had been stunned to find the younger man would be sleeping on his own sofa, but Benjamin had assured Peter it was something he had done before and was more than happy to do during the older man’s stay. Clutching at a bag, he headed out to Benjamin.

“Would you like coffee or a beer?” the younger man asked as Peter came into the living room.

“I bought this for you,” Peter said, looking a little sheepish as he held out his bag.

“Peter, thank you, you didn’t have to,” Benjamin said. However he was pleased to have a gift from the older man and the name Ghirardelli told him that chocolate was involved. He took out the gift and laughed delightedly.

The teddy bear’s fur almost matched his own hair colouring. In addition it was costumed, wearing a one-piece black suit with a hood topped with little bat’s ears and which left its paws and face free. On the back of the costume were black bat’s wings, lined with a golden silk-like material that matched the bow at its neck. Attached to it was a small bag of the famous chocolatier’s goods which Benjamin instantly removed. He was genuinely pleased with the gift. He leaned forward and placed a soft, sweet kiss to Peter’s cheek.

“Thank you,” he said. “If you don’t mind, I’d like to keep him in the bedroom.”

Peter grinned; pleased his gift had been so well received. He was still smiling when Benjamin returned.

“I didn’t want to overdo it on your arrival,” he said, his own smile warm and friendly. “So I thought we could take a stroll to Fisherman’s Wharf and pick a place to eat along there. I have a day of sightseeing planned for tomorrow.”

“Sounds perfect,” Peter replied.

The evening passed quickly and enjoyably. Peter selected an Italian restaurant, seduced by the enticing aroma of garlic. They promptly ordered a plateful of garlic-butter laden bread while they contemplated the menu. Peter finally opting for spaghetti and meatballs and Benjamin mixed seafood pasta. They stole forkfuls of one another’s meals as they drank a bottle of Chianti and ended the meal by sharing tiramisu and drinking espresso coffees. It was the best meal and most interesting dining companion Peter could remember.

As they returned to Benjamin’s apartment, the younger man poured two glasses of Grappa. They sat, listening to the CD that the younger man already had in his player. Slowly and inexorably they moved closer until they sat touching from their shoulders downwards.

“I’m really attracted to you, Peter,” Benjamin confessed, his voice low and husky. “But I’m not interested in a quick tumble in bed with you. I want more than a one-night stand.”

“I’m glad,” Peter replied. “I want more than that, too.”

“Let’s just take things slowly,” Benjamin urged.

“Fine,” Peter said, his steel-blue eyes boring into those of a smokier hue. “May I kiss you?” he added, his gaze shifting to Benjamin’s full, inviting lips.

“Yes,” Benjamin breathed. He leaned back against the sofa as Peter leaned forward, pressing their lips into an intimate embrace. He had expected a forceful, possessive kiss from the older man, but it was soft and gentle. Benjamin opened his mouth, silently inviting Peter deeper. The bigger man honoured his request, his tongue thrusting into Benjamin’s mouth. The slick invader slid over the roof of his mouth, his cheeks and his teeth before seeking out the smaller man’s shyer muscle. Benjamin groaned as it was sucked into the hot cavern of Peter’s mouth, completing his oral ravishment.

As they broke apart, Benjamin felt himself harden further at the sight of Peter licking his lips as if to catch the last of Benjamin’s taste.

“Now that was a kiss,” he husked.

“No faster or further than you want, babe,” Peter replied. There had been something incredibly erotic in the way the feisty young man had ceded to his kiss. Peter was addicted to Benjamin’s taste already, but he had no intention of moving too fast.

“Just one more kiss before bed?” asked Benjamin, opening his arms.

Without hesitation Peter pressed forward, capturing the lush lips once more. He tried to pour every ounce of passion and promise into it that kiss. One hand carded possessively through the abundant auburn tresses and the other balanced Peter. Primal satisfaction surged through his veins as Benjamin sank into the kiss, moaning softly into his mouth. Finally the older man pulled back, the necessity for breath overwhelming. The sight of Benjamin, hair in disarray, face flushed and lips kiss-swollen made his shaft throb dangerously. He swooped in for his own final kiss before rising quickly to his feet.

“Sleep well, babe,” he whispered.

“Night, Peter,” Benjamin husked. As the older man left the room, Benjamin flipped open his jeans, unzipping hastily, groaning with relief as his dick sprang free. Pulling up his shirt with one hand he pumped his shaft quickly and perfunctorily with the other. It took less than a minute for him to reach his climax, his creamy juices contrasting wetly with his dark body hair. He panted softly as he reached for the open box of tissues on the table beside him and cleaned away the evidence of his orgasm. “And that was just a kiss,” he whispered aloud.


Benjamin had a full day organised to show Peter some of the sights of San Francisco. He had booked a trip to Alcatraz and then a ride on the hop-on, hop-off bus to take pictures from the Golden Gate Bridge and have a late lunch in Chinatown. They returned to his apartment, Peter carrying a selection of souvenirs, both happy but tired.

“Good time to have a rest before we go out for dinner tonight,” Benjamin said, flopping on the sofa. “If you want to take a nap you can,” he added, flicking on the TV to the Food Network channel.

“How about we both stretch out in comfort,” Peter suggested. “There’s your small set in the bedroom, we can take in a couple of drinks.” He waited for the younger man to consider the offer.

“Sure, ok,” Benjamin said. “Let me just change.”

Trying not to be overly pleased that Benjamin had agreed, Peter waited for the younger man to reappear. He decided that Benjamin looked edible in a peach coloured sleeveless t-shirt and grey sweat shorts that hit just above his knees. Peter grinned and made his own change of clothing as the younger man went to fetch a couple of beers. He opted for a plain white vest paired with snug black shorts both of which showed off his physique.

It took an effort of will for Benjamin not to drool openly at the sight of so much of Peter’s toned body. Instead he offered the bigger man an open bottle of beer and they settled, stretched out on the bed, to watch the TV.

Slowly, imperceptibly, the men’s bodies eased closer together. Without conscious thought, Peter wrapped his arm around Benjamin’s shoulders and the younger man snuggled comfortably against him. It seemed as if they had been made to fit together. As Benjamin looked upwards, Peter looked down and their lips met as they embraced eagerly.

The kissing soon became more passionate, Peter easily pulling Benjamin to lie on top of him as the kisses grew deeper, wetter, hotter. Not content with just savouring the lush lips, Peter rolled their bodies to be able to kiss down Benjamin’s jaw and along the exposed collarbone. He occasionally tugged the soft chest fur with his teeth as he rooted lower.

He leaned back, his hand on the hem of Benjamin’s t-shirt. At the younger man’s eager nod, it was quickly removed, along with his own, to be tossed impatiently aside. As soon as the furred chest was bared to his hungry gaze, Peter rubbed his face against it, relishing the soft moan from the smaller man. A golden ring through one nipple had him lick his lips predatorily.

He reached to pin Benjamin’s arms above his head and mouthed greedily against the exposed skin, tugging at the soft hair to cries of encouragement and want. Although Benjamin seemed to be struggling against the grip in which Peter held him, the older man could see, hear and feel how aroused Benjamin was. He gave a feral grin as he mouthed at succulent skin and then nipped sharply before sucking at the small hurt.

Benjamin could not stop the yelp that escaped his lips as Peter nipped above his right breast, nor the groan at followed as the bigger man sucked strongly. He knew he would have a bruise and that aroused him as much as the vulnerable position in which he lay. He enjoyed having a dominant lover. He was usually very cautious, needing to trust the person he was with, and yet his body seemed to instinctively react to Peter. He made no effort to move or resist as Peter tossed aside his black shorts to reveal his thick, glistening erection and lifted his own hips eagerly as his shorts were removed seconds later.

“More,” he moaned as Peter’s sinfully talented lips found a vulnerable nipple to suckle.

At the sound of need from his lover, Peter began teasing the nipples. The younger man arched up into the suction, groaning. Peter took the opportunity to move his hands around Benjamin’s back. He rose to his knees, pulling Benjamin astride him. As the older man sucked on each nipple and occasionally pulled on the golden nipple ring, there were delicious sounds of delight and erotic writhing from his lover. Peter groaned at the feel and taste of metal, skin and hair. Benjamin’s shaft was straining upwards, rubbing against at Peter’ss belly. He lay the smaller man down once more and straddled the lightly furred thighs.

“Want more,” he whispered against his lover’s chest.

“Yes,” Benjamin husked. Peter mouth covered his in a deep kiss to Benjamin’s already reddened, swollen lips, and then Peter began moving possessively over his supine body.

Benjamin shivered and moaned as Peter proceeded to investigate every inch of him. Peter seemed to instinctively find all his sensitive spots. Places where he was ticklish and where the bigger man’s touches electrified him. Unconsciously his hips began to thrust as his nipples were once again erotically tortured with talented lips. By the time Peter’s mouth and tongue had reached his groin, Benjamin was clutching the older man’s broad shoulders and panting heavily.

Peter looked up and purred approvingly at the sight before him. Benjamin’s eyes had closed and his hair was spread out over the pillow catching the light of the bedside lamp which picked up the red and gold in the tresses. A fine sheen of perspiration made the delectable body glisten enticingly. It was all his to savour. With something akin to a low growl, he lowered his head and engulfed Benjamin’s penis in his mouth.

As the he was enveloped in warm, wetness Benjamin gave a loud cry of passion. He grasped handfuls of the sheets, moaning and writhing. He tried desperately to retain some control, wanting to hold out so he could enjoy the alternating sensation of suction and licking Peter was bestowing on his throbbing shaft. He cried out again as Peter began a steady movement, clearly intent on driving Benjamin delirious with pleasure.

Giving his lover pleasure was arousing Peter inexorably. The taste of tangy pre-come and sweet musk was intoxicating and addictive. His tongue played with the tiny slit needing more of the liqueur he craved. He then slid his mouth to the base, his nose pressed against thick, wiry curls, his lips increasing their pressure, as he sucked deeply. When Benjamin tried to thrust Peter gripped his hips firmly, holding him still. He wanted it to last longer and knew his control was a potent aphrodisiac for the smaller man. He was rewarded by soft, moans of his name and faint whimpers as the amatory torture continued.

Knowing how close his lover was, Peter moved smoothly and quickly up and down solid flesh, listening delightedly to Benjamin’s sounds of pleasure. One of his hands moved lower so his long fingers could tease at Benjamin’s high, tight balls, while his other arm draped across the slender man’s hips keeping his lover still.

Benjamin groaned wantonly at the new stimulation. Unable to thrust, his legs began to move restlessly, his knees drawing up and out, offering himself to the bigger man.

“P…Peter,” he gasped.

The other man heard the faint sound and smiled to himself. In a swift, smooth motion, Peter deep throated him and eased his control on the trembling hips. He felt Benjamin thrust once, a second time and then his orgasm detonated with devastating force. Peter heard the soft cry of his name as Benjamin shook and convulsed while he expertly drew out his lover’s climax. Peter sucked him deeply and firmly, eagerly taking all his lover had to offer. Large, knowing hands continued to play with the younger man’s balls and inner thighs, coaxing yet more tremors from him.

As Benjamin slumped back, his climax finally abated, Peter savoured his taste as he finally released his lover’s spent shaft from his mouth. If he thought Benjamin had looked incredible before, it was nothing compared to the glow the smaller man seemed to have in his post-orgasmic bliss. He moved up and stretched out beside him, cuddling Benjamin close, letting him gather his breath and his wits.

After a minute or so, Benjamin moved to straddle Peter and kissed him thoroughly, tasting himself in the older man’s mouth. Smiling sultrily, he began to kiss his way down and across smooth skin and powerful muscles.

Kisses covered Peter as Benjamin hovered above him, his lips trailing down his chest. Peter settled back letting Benjamin explore. His own erection was eager for attention and he could hardly wait to feel the lush lips around his aching cock. His lover headed towards his groin, pressing kisses down his belly to his jerking shaft. A pool of pre-come glistened on his stomach and he groaned as a pink tongue peeked out from between Benjamin’s lips to lap it sensuously away. A light kiss was bestowed on the full erection and then the younger man took him into his mouth.

“Yes, suck me,” Peter moaned, closing his eyes, relinquishing himself to Benjamin’s loving attentions.

Slowly and then with growing confidence, Benjamin moved his lips over the massive erection. The gasps and moans from Peter delighting the younger man. He moved his head up and down, occasionally suckling at the ruby-red head to an almost animalistic sound deep in Peter’s chest. His hands rested on Peter’s groin, his slender fingers clenching and unclenching gently in the older man’s pubic hair.

“Benjamin, babe, I’m going to come,” he warned.

“I want you to.”

As Benjamin spoke, it seemed as if Peter could actually feel the vibrations of the younger man’s voice directly on his over-sensitised shaft. As Benjamin wrapped his lips around him again, Peter climaxed, his hips thrusting, no longer under his control.

Benjamin was forced to pull back a little and milk the last of Peter’s orgasm with his hand. He had swallowed all he could, but some of the pearlescent strands now adorned his flushed face. Seeing the laser-hot look in Peter’s eyes, he made no attempt to wipe away the evidence of the older man’s passion.

Opening his eyes as he came down from his high, Peter saw his seed glistening on Benjamin’s cheek. He felt something primal roar at the sight. Never taking his eyes off the younger man’s, he lay Benjamin down, spreading the unresisting legs wide and settled between them. Slowly and purposely he rubbed some of his crème into Benjamin’s skin and the rest he licked in slow, sensual, swipes of his tongue, feeling the fine tremors in the body beneath him. He covered the parted lips with his own, his tongue mating with his lover’s before pulling away. He gazed into the sultry azure orbs of the younger man.

“That was incredible,” he murmured. “I’ve never come that hard. I do care very much for you, Benjamin, very much. I’m just not ready…”

The rest of his words were cut off by Benjamin’s mouth on his as he was pulled down into a deep kiss.

“Don’t offer me more than you can give,” Benjamin whispered. “It would break my heart.”

Peter swooped to plunder the willing mouth.

“Be patient with me?”

The question, asked in a voice at such odds with the dominating, masterful lover Peter had been just minutes before, melted Benjamin’s heart further.

“Yes,” he said, cupping Peter’s face in his hands. “As you said, no faster or further than you are happy with.” He was rewarded by an incandescent smile from the older man and they moved to nestle comfortably together.

As Peter held tightly to the younger man he knew he needed to tell Benjamin about his past. It was a still festering wound that had been a part of him since he had found out the truth about John. His instincts were telling him that with the generous-hearted man he held, he might finally be able to heal.


Not wanting to ruin the day out that Benjamin had planned, Peter waited until they returned home before quietly explaining about his grandfather and John. He watched the play of emotions over the beautiful, expressive face: interest, shock, outrage, anger, sympathy…love. Peter had not known how Benjamin would react or how he himself would feel after telling his story.

Wordlessly Benjamin led him into the bedroom, not switching on any lamps, just letting the light from the hallway illuminate the room. He stripped himself and then slowly and reverently he stripped Peter, kissing and nuzzling at random patches of bared skin. Once they were both naked, Benjamin guided Peter to the bed and crawled in next to him. He pulled the bigger man to enable Peter to rest his head against Benjamin’s chest and wrapped his arms tightly around him.

For a minute Peter simply lay there and then he wrapped his arms around Benjamin, burying his face into the junction of the younger man’s neck and shoulder. This was exactly what he needed, not words, just comfort. He was amazed that Benjamin had simply known what to do. He pressed a kiss to the warm skin under his lips and nestled as close as he was able. He closed his eyes, focusing on his lover’s scent and reassuring, steady heartbeat.


When Peter awoke he was alone in the bed. He stretched out a hand and found the space previously occupied by Benjamin was still warm. He slipped from beneath the covers and padded towards the sounds of activity from the kitchen. Peter could see that Benjamin was preparing something for them to eat. However, at that moment, the older man an appetite for only one thing.

“Hungry?” he asked taking Benjamin in his arms and letting his erection rub over the smaller man’s naked ass cheeks.

Benjamin closed the fridge door and leaned back into Peter’s embrace.

“I’m hungry for you,” he breathed huskily, turning in Peter’s arms. When the bigger man claimed his lips, Benjamin groaned and leaned into the kiss, opening his mouth and rubbing against the hard body.

Having thoroughly explored Benjamin’s mouth, Peter inhaled deeply, the younger man smelt of the cheeses he had just been grating. Peter’s heart swelled with love for the younger man. Benjamin was taking such good care of him.

“Come to bed with me?” he asked. At Benjamin’s nod, Peter took his hand and they returned to the bedroom. He lay the smaller man in the centre and took his place between parted thighs as Benjamin’s hands caressed his back and buttocks.

“I love you,” Benjamin whispered as he gazed into Peter’s eyes.

Peter blinked hard. As Benjamin’s words sank in, a smile lit his face and he pulled Benjamin into a loving embrace, peppering butterfly kisses on every part of the beautiful face.

“I love you, too, Benjamin.” Peter’s eyes shone brightly with emotion. He did, he truly did and it was as if he suddenly felt a great weight finally lift from him to be consumed in the heat of Benjamin’s smoky blue eyes.

“Then show me,” Benjamin husked. “I’m ready now. I want you to make love to me, want to feel you inside me,” he whispered hotly.

Peter’s heart accelerated and then Benjamin was pulling him down to claim his lips in a deep, possessive kiss of his own. When they parted, Peter covered Benjamin’s body with his own. He was so attuned to Benjamin that he knew every sensitive spot and moved with purpose and precision, love and desire, stroking and caressing Benjamin’s body until they were both sweating and panting with need.

Benjamin arched into Peter’s hands and lips as they caressed every inch of his increasingly excited and heated body. Benjamin repeatedly moaned Peter’s name in a breathless whispers. As the older man moved his mouth to a taut nipple, sucking hard, Benjamin cried out his lover’s name.

“Please, Peter, I need you,” he begged shamelessly.

“I need to get you ready,” Peter husked into his lover’s ear, following his words with his tongue to a delicious shudder from the smaller man. He leaned toward the bedside table and, sliding the drawer open, took out the lube he knew was there. Peter moved down to kneel between his lover’s legs. Starting at Benjamin’s ankle, Peter slid his hand up along the furred calf, up the thigh, until he reached the hard, engorged penis. He stroked lightly, running his fingertips up and down. Finally taking it in hand, he began to stroke gently.

With a gasp, Benjamin threw his head back, body arching and shuddering.

“Oh, Peter,” he groaned. He pulled his knees up toward his chest and let them drop apart, opening himself fully for his lover. “More.”

“You look incredible,” Peter whispered reverently. Although he preferred to top and had done so at the beginning of his relationship with John, by its end, he was always the bottom and only roughly and barely prepared. He had no intention of doing anything less than fully ensure that Benjamin was properly prepared to take him.

He ran his hands over Benjamin’s downy cheeks and massaged the warm flesh. Peter then gently caressed the furry balls. He smiled at Benjamin’s soft moan when his index finger lightly rubbed against the furled entrance to the smaller man’s body. Encouraged by the soft cries of pleasure, Peter replaced his finger with the tip of his tongue and licked lightly at the edges of Benjamin’s entrance. Spreading the fur-dusted cheeks he began to lick in earnest until his tongue was thrusting inside the tight passage and both men were moaning in a concerto of arousal and pleasure.

Peter kissed up the compact body until they were face to face then swooped down to claim the luscious mouth. Their tongues slowly moving together in a gentle caress until Peter pulled back.

“I love you, babe.” Peter kissed the irresistible lips again. “You ready for more?”

“Oh yeah,” Benjamin replied, his voice thick with passion. He grasped a pillow and shoved it quickly under his hips then, planting his feet on the bed, spread his legs wide and raised his arms over his head, offering himself completely to the older man.

Peter’s breath caught at the sight of his lover so completely exposed, so beautiful and incredibly erotic. Taking the lube, Peter coated one finger, touched Benjamin’s entrance lightly and began to massage back and forth. His lover’s soft moans of pleasure impelled Peter to continue and he eased his finger inside.

“Oh,” Benjamin breathed. “Feels good, Peter. Please, lover.”

Peter purposefully slid the digit in deeper with each inward motion. After a few moments, he removed the single finger, coated two generously and carefully pushed back inside. Scissoring his fingers, Peter started to stretch the tight passage further. Only when satisfied that Benjamin was stretched enough did Peter withdraw his fingers and coated his eager, dripping shaft with the slick gel.

“I love you, Benjamin,” he breathed huskily. Pressing the head of his penis against Benjamin’s glistening portal Peter began to push forward, edging into Benjamin’s body a little at a time until he was fully inside the younger man.

Smiling, Peter balanced his hands on either side of Benjamin’s head, captured the alluring mouth in a gentle kiss and started a gentle rocking motion. In response his lover wrapped his arms around his neck and his legs around Peter’s waist, surrendering to the older man’s ministrations.

Giving in to their bodies’ demands, Peter began to thrust a little faster and harder. He changed his angle to pound against Benjamin’s prostate. He was rewarded with a cry of pleasure as the smaller man arched his back. Keeping his rhythm steady, Peter continued his deep, even strokes into the furnace at his lover’s core. Feeling his climax build, he reached between them and took hold of Benjamin’s hot, slick organ, pumping in time with the movement of his hips.

“Peter,” Benjamin cried his lover’s name as his orgasm crashed through him. His semen erupted over Peter’s pumping hand and coated both sweat-sheened stomachs.

The sudden intense connection Peter felt between them was incredible. He would never have believed he could feel such a bond so quickly. With one more final thrust he held himself still, buried as deeply as possible, his head thrown back in pleasure. With a low, deep groan, he reached his climax, filling his lover with pulse after pulse of his hot seed.

It took some minutes for both men to recover. Peter withdrew from the haven of his lover’s body and gathered the smaller man close, smiling softly as Benjamin nestled against him. They kissed stroking each other tenderly. It was with a joyous heart that Peter wrapped his larger body around his lover’s and the two men drifted in their satiated afterglow.


As Peter came slowly to his senses he felt soft kisses meander over his bare chest. He reached to card his fingers through long, auburn tresses and purred as a warm tongue lapped a nipple into hardness.

“Benjamin,” Peter husked as sated flesh began to tingle and swell “Are you sure?”

“I’m positive,” Benjamin whispered, dropping a quick kiss to Peter’s lips.

Benjamin relished his lover’s sighs of pleasure as he lapped one nipple then the other, teasing and erotically torturing the helpless nubs. He nibbled and kissed his way upwards until he was straddling Peter’s hips and leaned forward to claim his lips in a passionate kiss.

At the same time that their lips met, Peter reached to caress the warm skin of Benjamin’s back. He let his fingertips trail from the nape of Benjamin’s to the smaller man’s buttocks and back again, relishing the goose bumps and shiver he elicited from his lover.

Deepening the kiss, Benjamin began to gently rock his hips causing their shafts to brush lightly against one another. If he was completely honest, his body did ache, but he wanted Peter too much to want to wait.

“I want you,” he panted breathlessly, gazing into eyes as filled with passion and love as his own.

“Yes,” Peter replied. “Yes.”

Bringing one hand up, Peter slid it across his lover’s furred chest to the glinting nipple ring. He teased and played with the ringed nub, relishing the increasing motions of his lover’s hips. He openly groaned as Benjamin arched his back, tilted back his head and rotated his hips. Peter pinched gently at the hardened nipples. Peter slid his hands around Benjamin’s back as he raised himself to a sitting position so he could engulf the ringed nipple, sucking hard.

“Oh, yeah,” Benjamin moaned.

Peter pinched and sucked each nipple, flicking his tongue across the ring and becoming increasingly aroused by the tiny whimpering sounds from his lover. He began to massage Benjamin’s ass cheeks, squeezing gently. Taking control, he rolled them so the younger man was beneath him. He took both Benjamin’s wrists in one hand pinning them over his head, and, while he continued to pull at the bejewelled nipple, claimed his lover’s mouth in a hard, passionate, possessive kiss.

He let his free hand gently stroke Benjamin’s stomach, then brush across the smaller man’s navel, and finally ruffle the soft, thick pubic hair. Teasingly, Peter trailed his fingers along Benjamin’s thigh before cupping his balls. He rolled the orbs in his hand a few times before sliding his fingers down to the shadowed crevice and rubbed the entrance to his lover’s body. As Benjamin gasped and arched his back, Peter could not stop the guttural growl as he felt his lover still loose and slick from their earlier love-making.

He applied more lube to his fingers and slid two inside the waiting channel. It was not going to take much to prepare Benjamin. Adding a third digit he scissored his fingers, occasionally brushing over his lover’s sweet spot.

“Now, Peter, now,” Benjamin groaned.

Shifting to his knees, Peter lubed his eager erection and slowly and gently as possible entered Benjamin, relishing the way the younger man enveloped him.

A thrilling jolt of electric heat seemed to flow through Benjamin’s body as Peter began to thrust. It seemed ridiculous, but he was certain that this was the man he was meant to be with.

Peter thrust in and out in long, easy strokes. When Benjamin growled his name, Peter slid even deeper and began a faster, harder rhythm that had them both panting harshly. Leaning down he devoured Benjamin’s mouth in a long, passionate kiss. He took Benjamin’s rock-hard shaft in a firm grip, pumping in time with his thrusts.

The intense pleasure of Peter brushing over his prostate again and again in tandem with the powerful pulls on his engorged flesh was too much for Benjamin. He could not hold his orgasm back and with a cry of Peter’s name he spurted his hot semen over Peter’s insistent hand.

The sensation of Benjamin’s internal muscles squeezing him forced Peter over the edge. His orgasm rushed hotly through his body and his seed pulsed deeply into the willing body beneath him. Peter’s hips pumped frantically to fill his lover. Finally his motions slowed and stopped and Peter possessed Benjamin’s lips.

“You okay?” he asked when he could finally speak.

“Wonderful,” Benjamin breathed in soft, dreamy tones.

“Let me pull out,” Peter whispered. He heard the slight hiss of discomfort as he eased free. He kissed Benjamin again. “When we’ve rested, I’ll run you a bath to help with those aches.”

“Only if you share it with me,” Benjamin smiled.

“You’re insatiable,” Peter laughed.

“Only for you,” Benjamin sighed.


The time flew by for the two men and it was with heavy hearts that they parted at the airport; Peter to return to his cabin and Benjamin back to teaching. However, they had already agreed and arranged travel details for the younger man to spend Christmas with Peter.

“I’ll miss you,” Benjamin husked, his voice tight with emotion.

“Call me, e-mail me, text me, Hell, send a carrier pigeon,” Peter whispered, his own voice threatening to break. “Just promise me you’ll stay in touch with me,” he added.

“I promise,” Benjamin replied. “Every day; I won’t even need the pigeon” he said holding up his fingers up in a Boy Scout salute, although neither of them felt like smiling at his attempt to lighten the mood.

“I’ll be like a bear with a sore head without you,” Peter confessed.

“My shrew will turn feral again,” Benjamin sighed. “That just means I’ll have to tame you once more.”

“Oh yeah,” Peter husked. “I love the way you tame me as you writhe beneath me.”

Peter’s voice had dropped to a sensual, deep purr and Benjamin groaned softly at the words.

“Sadist,” he muttered.

“I love you,” Peter countered.

“I love you, too,” Benjamin replied immediately. “Oh damn, they’re calling your plane already.”

“Just a few weeks, babe and you’ll be back in my arms. Think about what I said.”

“I will, I promise. Take care, my love.”

“You take care. I’m not likely to need to leave the cabin till you come. I have to go. I love you.”

“Love you,” Benjamin replied as he waved his lover off. The Christmas break could not come soon enough for the morose young man.


Peter paced to and fro. Benjamin’s plane had been delayed and everything about the airport was slowly but surely fraying his nerves. He had already alienated one of the airport staff who had tried to suggest he go to the café to wait by snapping angrily at her. He was interested in nothing but staying where he could watch the arrivals board and feel in some way linked with his lover.

Finally his vigil was repaid and Benjamin’s plane showed on the board as arrived. He chose to ignore the smiles on the faces of the airport staff as he headed to meet his long-awaited lover. He spotted the younger man, the normal ebullience missing as tired eyes searched for him. Then a blinding smile was his reward and he sped up his steps, barely refraining from breaking into a run. However, he did not refrain from enveloping the smaller body in a tight hug.

“I’m glad you’re here, babe,” Peter whispered. “You’ve had a hard time.”

“It must have been worse for you,” Benjamin replied from the warmth of the bigger man’s chest. “They were talking about flying to another airport and using a bus to get here. Then all was go. I’m glad to be here,” he added, squeezing tightly, knowing the older man would understand his meaning.

“I said you’d soon be back in my arms, but it felt like an eternity. Let’s go home.”

“I like the sound of that,” Benjamin smiled as he was finally released.

Benjamin’s luggage was stowed in Peter’s solid truck and the younger man noticed the snow chains.

“We’ll need them once we’re closer to home,” Peter said. “The snow’s quite thick out my way. You look chilled already, babe,” he added solicitously. Ushering the smaller man into the truck, Peter tucked a thick woollen blanket around his lover and handed him a thermos of coffee and a candy bar. “I made some pizzas,” Peter smiled as he started their journey home. “We can stick them in the microwave as soon as we get in, then we can snuggle in front of the fire.”

“Sounds great,” Benjamin enthused.


Arriving safely home, Peter ushered his lover into the shower while he heated the pizzas. He cut them into quarters and carried them through into his lounge. He had already set out a couple of beers and there was a thick rug in front of the now blazing fire. He was certain that Benjamin would be hungry and need some relaxation time to acclimatise to his new surroundings. He lowered the lights and threw some large cushions onto the floor wanting his lover warm and comfortable.

He looked up and smiled as his lover came into the sitting room. The smaller man was swathed in the thick terrycloth robe Peter had left for him. Benjamin’s hair was still damp and hung in tendrils around the now flushed face. He got a wide smile in return and an appreciative rumble from Benjamin’s stomach as the aroma of fresh, warm pizza reached the younger man.

“Come, sit down and dig in, babe,” Peter said.

“Smells wonderful,” Benjamin enthused as he sat next to the older man. He was sure that the heat of the fire would dry off his hair while they had their supper. Once this appetite for food was satisfied, there was another that would need assuaging.

They ate and chatted, although the number of e-mails, texts and calls they had made in the time they had been apart meant they were both fully up to date with everything. However, as the pizza was consumed, the chat slowly died away. Hands reached to touch and caress to reacquaint themselves with soft, warm, skin; some smooth as silk, some lavishly furred. Slowly, inexorably, as their passion heated their clothing evaporated.

It did not take long before Benjamin was lying on the rug, Peter between his splayed thighs as the lovers kissed and caressed. The younger man moaned his encouragement as his hips tried futilely to thrust.

Smiling as he recognized the same need in his lover that he felt himself, Peter began to tease by tasting every inch of him. Pinning Benjamin’s hands over his head, Peter peppered kisses down the younger man’s throat and across his shoulders. He dropped lower to rub his face in the abundant chest hair. When he found succulent, peaked nipples, he kissed and suckled at them, relishing Benjamin’s soft moans and restrained writhing.

He mouthed at the exposed pits, the shaved skin smooth and heavily scented with his lover’s clean, sweet, masculine smell. He almost purred with pleasure as he kissed and nosed his way down Benjamin’s torso, enjoying the moans of appreciation from the younger man. Pleased that Benjamin left his arms over his head when Peter released them, he began moving again. He inhaled deeply as he nuzzled at the soft, pubic nest, relishing the scent of his lover’s musk. At the low, wanton moan he gave a long, slow lick from the base of the hard, hot shaft up to its tip that glistened enticingly with pre-come.

“Peter, please,” Benjamin begged.

“Please what, babe?” he asked teasingly, his tongue lapping at the salty-sweet pre-come that dripped freely.

“Suck me, please,” Benjamin pleaded.

Giving his lover a feral smile which elicited another delightful moan, Peter nuzzled the hard flesh before him. Locking eyes with his lover, he ever-so-slowly, slid his mouth down over the glistening tip of his lover’s erection and took just the head inside. As his lips enveloped the eager flesh he sucked hard, holding to slender hips to keep in control. Benjamin writhed as Peter prevented the younger man from thrusting.

Not once breaking contact with the smoky-blue orbs, Peter incrementally slid his mouth lower. He relaxed his throat to take his lover’s straining shaft deeper still. When his nose was buried in musk-scented, brown curls, he took a deep breath and swallowed, causing the muscles in his throat to ripple around the hard flesh he held.

Benjamin gave a choked scream and his chest arched upwards. He panted and begged as Peter kept him on the edge, denying the final touch that would send Benjamin spiralling helplessly into his release. He felt fingers ease inside him, cool and slick with lube. His head began to thrash as they delved deeply, erotically, but avoiding the one spot that would grant him completion. He whimpered helplessly, needily, letting Peter remain in control of all that they did, trusting him implicitly. As more fingers buried inside him, his lover’s mouth slowly stroked up and down his dangerously throbbing erection. It was too much and not enough.

Each and every soft cry and plea was music to Peter’s ears. He focused on pleasuring Benjamin with his mouth and hand as he prepared the younger man to take him. When he felt the shudders that he recognised as preceding his lover’s orgasm, he pulled back slowly and sat up kneeling between Benjamin’s spread thighs. He watched a soft smile curling his mouth as the younger man slowly became coherent.

When Benjamin looked up at his lover he whimpered at the sight of the older man, his erection glistening wetly as Peter’s large hand moved in an unhurried rhythm.

“Please,” he managed to beg.

“You want me?” Peter asked softy.

“Yes,” Benjamin growled.

“All right,” the older man soothed. He eased forward, balancing his weight on one hand and positioned himself at the enticing portal with the other. “I love you,” he whispered, letting his eyes reflect all the emotion that he did not have words to describe.

The young man smiled and nodded, gazing up lovingly at his lover, his wide blue eyes shining with his own strength of feeling.

“I love you, too.” He basked in the heat of Peter’s blinding smile.

“I’m coming into you, babe,” Peter husked. “Fill you up with me, hot, hard, and it’s going to be so very, very good.”

Benjamin shuddered and moaned, hitching his hips as he felt the throbbing erection push inside him. The fullness, the slow eroticism of Peter’s movements and the older man’s sensual words made him burn with want and need.

“Yes, yes, yes,” he chanted softly.

Groaning softly at the sensation of sliding into tight, slick heat Peter eased into his lover. He paused for a second to relish the feeling of the sheath that rippled around him and then began to move. Tenderly he kissed and sucked at the newly-shaven throat Benjamin bared for him. His free hand tugged at his lover’s nipple ring before moving to fist Benjamin’s erection in slow, deliberate movements.

Peter rocked steadily, but gently, for a long time, slowing when he felt either of them approaching climax, not yet ready to end the feeling of union they shared. Their gazes periodically locked in between soul-deep passionate kisses as he moved in and out of the younger man. Warm sky-blue gazed down adoringly into passion-darkened smoky blue and, as they arched and moved together in perfect synchronisation, they each knew neither would want another ever again.

When Peter knew that neither could resist the insidious pull of impending release, he quickened his tempo. He moved fluidly, smoothly in deep thrusts inside his lover as he began to stroke the younger man more firmly. He felt Benjamin stiffen and then the younger man’s arms came down to grip tightly at his buttocks, pulling him in even deeper. As Benjamin jerked beneath him, his seed splattering their stomachs and chests, Peter bellowed and bucked with the force of his orgasm and jetted his semen in pulse after pulse, filling his lover.

The bigger man finally collapsed atop the smaller. His hips still thrusting languorously and he found a succulent part of Benjamin’s vulnerable throat to bite and suck to the same rhythm as his hips. Satisfied with the final, primal gesture, he rolled onto his back, still intimately connected to his lover and manoeuvred Benjamin’s head to the perfect angle to plunder the willing mouth.

“That. Was incredible,” Benjamin finally murmured. “I love you so much.”

“I love you, too, babe. You’re the best thing that ever came into my life.” Peter smiled lovingly as he tucked the younger man’s head under his chin. Soft kisses painted across his chest as he stroked the warm, damp skin of Benjamin’s back. Both men relaxed and enjoyed the tenderness of their post-orgasmic, sated afterglow.


Peter looked around at the gathered guests there to help the married couple celebrate their new union. He stood, smiling over at his brother.

“Traditionally, this would be the appropriate time for the Best Man’s speech,” he said, his smile flashing feral for a second as the younger man looked on. He watched Alan straighten his tie and ready himself as if to stand. “This is where the Best Man reveals some incredibly embarrassing incident from the Groom’s past,” Peter continued, looking at the smiling faces of friends and relatives all with the same look of eager anticipation as to what would come next. “So I thought I’d do something completely different. This is for you and your new bride, Bro,” he said, winking at Benjamin who sat on his right just past his father.

Alan took the envelope with a puzzled look at Peter as the room descended into complete silence, watching the new groom’s reaction. He opened it, stared at the contents and then up at his brother.

“But…how…?” he gasped.

“What is it?” Leigh asked, looking at her husband.

“It’s a letter confirming release of Granddad’s inheritance,” Alan husked. “Peter, I don’t understand.” As he watched, his brother moved to stand behind Benjamin and urged the younger man to his feet.

“We made a decision to get married, but didn’t want any attention diverting from your wedding which was already arranged. Granddad just specified I had to marry first and I did. Last month on Valentine’s Day, but I made sure nothing leaked out so we could give you a special wedding present.”

For a second everyone was stunned and then both Alan and Leigh ran to Peter and Benjamin hugging them tightly as applause rang out from the gathered guests.

“If you think you’re going to get away without a wedding we can all attend you’re very much mistaken, Peter” Leigh said, smiling up into the older man’s face and seeing the joy that radiated from him. “Just as soon as I get back from my Honeymoon I’ll get something arranged.”

“I warned you,” Benjamin said, shaking his head. “She’s a determined lady.”

“A toast,” William said, raising his champagne flute. “To the health and happiness of both happy couples.”

The toast was echoed and the couples grinned at one another.

“What about your job teaching?” Leigh asked Benjamin.

“I resigned. I’ll help Peter with his work and perhaps do some home tutoring,” he replied, leaning into Peter’s side. “I enjoy computer work and we actually work well together,” he added with a smirk.

“He was surprised I knew how to use a computer,” Peter added. “He thought a Neanderthal like me would still be using slate and chalk.”

Leigh laughed softly, delighted at the easy banter the two men shared. It was as if they had known each other for years not months.

“I look forward to arranging something for you both when I return,” she said smiling at each man.

“Determined,” Peter said, with a mock put-upon voice.

“There is one good thing though,” Benjamin said, his face taking on a thoughtful expression. “We get to have a second Honeymoon.”

“You’re insatiable,” Peter sighed, the feral gleam in his eyes and broad grin contrasting sharply with his tone.

“Only for you,” Benjamin vowed and pulled his taller lover down for a deep, satisfying kiss.

Leigh glanced at Alan who slipped an arm around her.

“I think Peter has found the one to tame him,” Alan smirked. “Life’s never going to be the same again.”

“Good,” Leigh said and pulled her husband down for her own deep kiss.

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