Erotic Short Ch. 01


A gay story: Erotic Short Ch. 01 Joey rolled down the driver window of his car as the pulled up the rear of the car in front of him at the red light. The warm and humid summer air rushed bombarded his face as a breeze carried it into the car. He let out a deep breath as the light turned green once again and traffic started to move. Joey couldn’t tell if he was excited or nervous as he got closer to his destination.

At the next red light on the main street Joey was under a streetlamp as he waited for the light to turn green. He looked down at his lap. The space themed leggings he was wearing gripped his thighs. He didn’t get to wear leggings out in public and this time he took the risk. He ran the tips of his fingers along his inner thigh. The feeling of the fabric against his inner thigh made him quiver with delight. The light turned green and he continued onward.

After a few more traffic lights and turns Joey pulled into the driveway of one of the houses on a side street. As he turned off his car he let out a deep breath. The nerves started to kick in. The front of the house was lit only by a single little light near the door. He sat in the car wondering if the neighbors would see him in his leggings near the door or that his friend wouldn’t open the door quick enough.

The thoughts raced through his mind as he sat in the dark car alone. This is not the first time he has been to this house, but it would be the first time dressed the way he was dressed. As he sat there the darkness of the car was illuminated by his phone as it buzzed with a notification. He picked up his phone and opened his notifications. It was a text.

Michael: Hey, almost here?

Joey’s hand trembled as he typed out his reply: Yeah, be there in a minute.

After he hit send he took another deep breath, grabbed his little backpack, and opened the car door. The hot summer air hit him once again as he stepped out of the car and made his way to the door. Standing under the overhead light he pulled up his leggings so they would be nice and tight around his hips and straightened his tie-dyed hoodie. The bottom of the hoodie fell just below his butt to cover it. With another deep breath he reached out and rang the doorbell. He could feel his body giving him the sensation of excitement yet he felt nervous and anxious. The doorbell rang somewhere in the house. Every second felt like an eternity.

He could hear someone coming down the stairs towards the door. The lock clicked undone, the knob turned, and the door swung open. In the low light of the entry way Joey saw Michael standing there in a large hoodie and sweatpants. His short messy dirty blonde hair still slightly damp from what could have been a shower. His soft eyes lit up when he saw Joey standing there. He smiled.

“Hey! You made it!” He looked up and down at Joey and let out a little chuckle. “What are you wearing?”

Joey froze. His heart almost stopped as his brain tried to come up with a way to respond. It was filled with negative thoughts that Michael didn’t like the outfit or maybe it was weird to wear a girl’s outfit. His cheeks began to turn red as he began to feel embarrassed. With a nervous look on his face Joey shot his left hip to one side and put both palms facing up which made his arms look like we was trying to make a “W” in the air. “Surprise!” he said. His right foot was on its toes to try and make his stance look feminine. “I wanted to be comfortable and well… I feel comfortable in this.” Joey’s face was getting hot as he waited for Michael’s response.

Michael let out a little laugh and smiled. His smile made all of Joey’s embarrassment fade. “It suits you.” Another short chuckle. “Come on in. You look cute.”

Joey made his way past Michael close enough to catch the scent of his body spray. He kicked off his sneakers. He must have just showered not too long-ago Joey thought to himself as he climbed the stairs. He heard the door lock and Michael’s footsteps behind him.

“Did you really tuck the leggings into your socks?” Michael called up after Joey as he reached the top of the steps.

“Yeah, I did. I figured it would make them a bit easier to wear.” Joey replied. As the words left his lips he looked back at Michael as we also reached the stop of the steps. In Joey’s mind the white socks looked cute with the dark leggings tucked in. “I didn’t need them riding up my legs.”

Joey made his way to the den where the TV was already on and the lights low. He put his backpack down on the smaller sofa. He sat down on the larger couch as Michael came in with two bottles of water. “Do you want anything else? I have some snacks if you want.” Michael said. He put the water on the table. Joey just shook his head and tried to sit back and relax on the couch.

“Just us tonight? Your mom and dad are out, right?” Joey said. He knew the answer, but he didn’t know what to say.

“Yeah. Just me this weekend. They left a few hours ago. So nobody will see you wearing that outfit.” Michael sat down on the other side of the couch. He clicked on the TV and settled down further into the couch.

Joey could feel himself getting nervous again as he tried to play out how the night would go with Michael. The two of them sent messages to one another talking about tonight for weeks. Joey just didn’t know how to break that ice. They filled some time with just idle chatter and commenting on the shows on

“You’re quiet tonight Joey.” Michael said. He shuffled on the couch to face his friend. “You need something to help you relax a bit? Piece of gum? I could make a mixed drink if you want one.” Michael started to get up a head over to the kitchen.

“I could go for a drink.” Joey started to get up too to help Michael. “I… I… I’m just a tad nervous I guess.” He adjusted his leggings and followed Michael into the kitchen. The soft fabric rubbed on his skin as he walked. He met Michael in the kitchen as he poured two shots of liquor into cups.

“Nervous? What for?” Michael finished pouring and turned to face Joey. He handed him his glass and then held his own out to cheers with his friend. The two of them clinked glasses without a word and downed the liquid. Joey’s throat went warm and numb at the same time as he swallowed. Both let out a sigh of relief when they finished the drinks. “That should help you relax a bit. Now, what’s got you so nervous?” Michael grabbed the glass from Joey’s hand. Joey felt Michael’s hand linger for a moment before being pulled away.

“Well. It’s easier to text about stuff like this than it is talk about it in person.” Joey could feel his face turning red. The liquor made him feel warmer. He took a step closer to Michael. “It just makes me freeze up.”

Michael let out a small chuckle and a smile. “You’re worrying too much. We talked about this too.” Michael moved in a bit closer. “Let’s just go and sit back down on the couch. We have the entire night to just relax. Joey followed Michael back to the couch and was about to sit down back in his spot when Michael grabbed his hips. His athletic hands felt so good, and Joey wanted to squirm and melt. Joey let out a sigh as he tried to get his mind clear. He tried to form words but couldn’t.

“These leggings are pretty soft actually.” Michael began to rub his hands on Joey’s hips. He slowly moved his hands higher underneath Joey’s hoodie. Joey arched his back and pushed his hip back towards Michael to make his butt appear more defined. His breath got deeper as he tried to push himself against Michael. Joey could feel his cock getting harder too. Michael gently pushed Joey forward to offset his balance and with a slap grabbed his ass. “See, you just need a push. You said so yourself.”

Joey felt Michael grab his ass with such confidence he squirmed. He let out a slow breath. “Oh… fuck.” Joey started to lean towards the couch when Michael grabbed him.

“Not so fast. Let’s cuddle for a while. You be little spoon.” Michael pulled him close. Joey could feel Michael’s cock poke his ass. In one fluid motion Michael turned both of them and they fell onto the couch. Joey melted into Michael’s arms and the couch felt like a giant bed. It was a lot more comfortable than he remembered. Joey pushed himself against Michael and did his best to just relax. The noise from the TV just melted into t

the background.

He could feel Michael’s hands holding onto his thighs with just the right amount of pressure to make the fabric of the leggings feel exhilarating. Michael was using his fingertips to gently glide up and down. He could feel Michael’s cock too poking him, but Joey didn’t know how to proceed. He started to breathe heavily. “See. It’s not so bad to lay down together.” Michael held on to Joey a bit tighter.

“Well, I’ve never laid with anyone before honestly. Not like this.” Joey said. He shuffled to find a better position against Michael. His cock made it difficult, but Joey found a good position and settled down.

“Wait. You’ve never laid with anyone?” Michael said. His voice was playful. “Really?”

“Yeah. We talked about all this already.” Joey kept his voice low. “Well via text anyway. I have some experience, but nothing like this.”

“Like what?”

“Well… with another guy.”

Michael paused his fingers on Joey’s inner thigh. “Hey. There’s nothing wrong with that.” He inched his fingers a bit higher up the thigh. “I have some experience but that shouldn’t be a problem either.” Michael stopped again. Joey’s head was spinning with excitement and anxiety. His cock was rock hard too from Michael’s playful rubbing of his thigh.

“No… No it’s not… I just… I just… don’t know.” Joey’s breath broke his speech.

“Do you still want to do the things we said we’d do?”

Joey could feel Michael’s warm breath on the back of his neck. The lights in the room were low enough that everything was cast in the glow of the TV. Joey shuffled his butt against Michael’s cock. Feeling it poke against him as he did so. “I’d like to, but I am nervous.” He said. He lowered his voice into a more submissive tone. “I don’t think you’d fit inside me like that though.”

“We’ll just have to open you up a bit.” Michael’s hand reached the top of the waist of Joey’s leggings, and he slowly slipped a few fingers inside. Joey could feel his fingers getting closer to his cock. Michael’s hand made it to the bottom of Joey’s shaft and his soft fingers began to make their way to the tip. Joey felt them reach the trip and slide around the tip. Lubricated by the pre-cum and Michael’s finger play Joey let out a deep breath and small moan.

Michael let you a slow breath. “I see you’re a bit excited. I guess wearing the leggings was a good call after all. Nothing to really get in the way.” He continued to play with Joey’s pre-cum. Careful to not linger too long before slipping his hand out of the leggings.

Joey felt Michael shove him aside and he pushed himself up and off the couch. “Be right back. Going to get something to open you up a bit.” Michael pulled Joey up off the couch. “Don’t go anywhere.” Michael said. Joey felt his ass get slapped. He didn’t even turn around to see Michael disappear down the hallway.

Left alone with his thoughts for a moment Joey had to keep telling himself that this is what he wanted. It is not that he continued to second guess himself, but because he was not fully sure of himself. His lack of experience made this even more challenging. Joey shifted and pulled his leggings up higher and adjusted himself. He turned to see Michael over near the light switch. Michael dimmed the lights even more and then got back close to Joey.

Joey looked down at what Michael had in his hand and swallowed. His face turned red, and his knees felt weak. Michael was holding a neon pink butt plug and a bottle of anal lube. In his other hand was a little remote. Joey felt lightheaded as he looked at Michael. “What’s that for?”

“I think you know what its for silly. We need to open you up a bit.” Michael put the bottle of lube on the table. “You said it yourself. I probably won’t fit inside you the way you are right now. Joey’s knees became weak as he stepped closer to Michael. In the moment he didn’t know what to do.

“I’ll let you take the lead on that.” Joey lifted up his hoodie to expose his butt and turned to present it to Michael. His cock was hard and nearly poked through the leggings he was wearing. He felt himself being pushed towards the couch and just submitted to any direction Michael game him.

Michael positioned Joey on his knees and pushed his torso down onto the couch. Joey didn’t resist. Michael ran his hands slowly over Joey’s ass and reached over to feel his cock. Joey shifted his hips back to try to be as attractive as possible. Michael moved closer until his cock was pushing into Joey’s ass.

Joey felt Michael’s cock rub up against his cheeks. He quivered with anticipation and let out another soft moan of disbelief. He felt Michael’s hands all over him and he began to get hot. He felt like was sweating. His cock started throbbing and he felt like an animal in heat. He felt a rush as Michael moved his hands up underneath his hoodie and his fingers slid under the waist of the leggings on his lower back. With a slight tug the leggings began to slide down.

Each inch the leggings slid down Joey’s hips felt like it took an hour in Joey’s mind. Michael moved slowly, but with a steady hand. The leggings began to tug as his hard cock as Michael pulled on them. With a quick tug Joey’s cock slipped free. Pre-cum dripping from the tip. Joey moved to play with the pre-cum and stroke his cock.

“Don’t you dare. We haven’t even gotten started yet.” Michael said. His hand came and slapped Joey’s away from his own cock. Joey obeyed without question but tried to mouth words. “Don’t stress it. Just relax.” Michael grabbed the bottle of lube and with a pop he removed the lid. “Ready?”

“Yeah.” Joey said. Joey’s body quivered when the cold lube landed with a sudden plop right on his ass. Joey closed his eyes. Michael chuckled and took his index finger and began to massage the lube. Michael’s fingers glided all over Joey’s ass with such ease with the lube. The hair on Joey’s arms began to stand up as chills ran through his body the closer Michael’s finger got to his hole. Joey deepened his breathing and forced himself to relax. “Oh… that feels really good.”

“Oh yeah?” Michael said. His finger spread the lube right over his hole. “This might feel weird but try to relax. It will all be worth it.” He gave Joey a little tap on the ass.

Joey heard Michael fiddling with the lube bottle. He heard it squish around in his hand as he rubbed it on something that Joey could not see. Joey knew it was the pink butt plug that Michael had brought out to use. He could feel his body tense up again as Michael stopped lobbing up the plug and moved closer to his ass.

“You ready?” Michael asked. His voice was as sweet as ever.

“Joey took a few moments to answer Michael. “Fuck.” Joey let out slow breaths. His mind was running a mile a minute with anticipation. “Yes. Let’s do it!” Joey pivoted his hips towards Michael as he waited for him to slip the plug in. He started to quiver.

“Don’t forget to relax.” Michael said. He took the bottle of lube and squirted more down onto Joey’s ass.

Joey felt the cool lube slide down his cheeks and then he jolted when a soft rubber object slid along his lower back and down between his cheeks. He tightened his muscles once again and then tried to relax. The hard rubber slid closer to his hole and there was nothing he could do about it. The anticipation was mind blowing. The cool lube eased the hard rubber right into the center of his hole. Joey’s blood ran cold.

Michael started to apply pressure. Joey could feel the hard rubber slowly sliding into the place. His hole trying to fight against it to no avail. There was nothing he could do. He let out breath after breath with each gentle push of the plug. As the plug went deeper, he could feel his hole stretch. He glanced down between his legs as his hard cock. He wanted to reach out and stroke it. He remembered Michael’s words and resisted the urge. He looked past his thighs and saw Michael on his knees. Joey could see the area of his inner thigh where the lube had run down. The plug moved in more and opened him up. Joey’s eyes went wide, and he lifted his head up onto the cushion of the couch. He started to rock his hips and back forth to push in rhythm with Michael’s control of the plug.

Joey could feel himself dilated and then in the blink of an eye his hole closed around the plug. “Oh fuck!” He said. His eyes wide. “Fuck. It’s in me!” He was fighting the urge to squeeze. He wanted to cum so bad. “Ugh. Fuck me.” Joey stayed still waiting on Michael’s direction.

Michael just chuckled. His two fingers still gripping the back of the plug. “See that wasn’t so bad now, was it?” He let go of the plug.

Joey heard the lube bottle again and then shortly after more cold drops of lube landed on him. Joey didn’t know what to do. He felt the plug in him and it was like nothing he had ever felt before. He wasn’t sure if he could move with the plug there. He felt Michael grip the plug again and slowly began to slide it out.

“Don’t fight it.” Michael said. Joey tried not to, but it was tough. His virgin ass was holding onto it. His inner queer didn’t want to let it go. The more Michael worked the plug free the harder Joey’s cock got. Joey could feel himself wanting to cum. He let out a moan has Michael popped the plug free. “Oh. You’re a moaner?” He said. “We’ll have fun tonight then.” Michael chuckled and dropped some more lube down onto Joey’s ass.

“I guess.” Joey said. He was breathing heavily now with anticipation.

“Don’t worry. Not going to fuck you just get.

“What do you mean not yet? Fuck.” Joey’s mind started to go crazy with anticipation. His eyes went wide again as he felt the hard rubber poke his hole one more time. “Oh. Fuck.” Joey squirmed. “Just give it to me.”

He heard Michael chuckle again. “Anything for you baby.” He began to apply pressure again. Joey let out a deep breath as he tried to relax. The plug went in much smoother this time around as he knew what to expect from Michael. He could feel his cock wanting to pulse with every push of the plug. Joey could feel himself sweating with anticipation. In a few brief moments the plug was in and Joey’s ass closed around it. He felt Michael lift himself off the floor.

“What am I supposed to do now?” Joey turned his head to look at Michael. “Can I move with this thing inside me?”

“Of course you can silly! Gosh you’re such a virgin. Here let me help you up.” Michael moved over to Joey’s side and helped him off the floor.

Joey’s insides felt weird. His cock was so hard. Emotions flooded all over his body as he realized he could walk with the butt plug in his ass.

“OH MY GOD! I can walk with it. It’s in me!” Joey could hardly control himself. “It’s in me!” The two of them laughed and Michael moved closer to Joey.

“You can put your leggings back on sexy. We’re not done cuddling” His voice soft as a whisper which made the hairs on Joey’s neck stand up. Joey did as he was told without a word and slowly bent down to pull his leggings back up. His cock fully erect. Joey pulled the leggings up over his cock which tried to pitch them like a tent. He pulled them high and snug over his waist to make them as tight as possible. He then adjusted himself and then flatted his hoodie. “See, you don’t even look like you have something shoved up your ass.” Michael giggled. “I have one more little surprise for you.” Michael pulled the little black remote from his pocket and shook it in the air.

“What’s that?” Joey asked. He swallowed because in the low light it almost resembled a remote.

“Here. Let me show you.” Michael clicked one of the buttons on the remote. His lips turned into a smile.

Almost immediately Joey felt a vibration pulsate through his lower body from his ass. His body twitched and he winced as the vibrations made him extremely hard and turned on. He blushed and he felt a rush of heat come over his body. He didn’t know what to do. “Oh… oh… oh fu… fuck…” Joey tried to get the words out bit his lips could not form the words correctly. The vibrations stopped and Joey tried to catch his breath. “Oh fuck man. That was hot.”

“Not bad huh? Give that a few minutes in there and I think you should be good for later.” Michael slipped the remote back into his pocket. He made his way over to Joey who was still standing in shock from the vibrations and the feeling of the plug in his butt. Michael took Joey in his arms and held him close. Joey could feel Michael’s firm hands make their way along his sides and grip his ass firmly. Joey closed his eyes and pushed himself up against Michael’s body.

The two of them stood there embracing for a moment before making their way back onto the couch. Michael sat down first and held his hands on Joey’s hips as he positioned him right in front of him. Joey left out a deep breath and turned around to face away from Michael before he sat down on his lap. The butt plug sending all sorts of sensations throughout his body. As his ass pushed into Michael’s lap, he felt his cock poke him. Joey shuffled his ass side to side as he tried to find a good place to shit on Michael’s cock. He sat down and pressed his body against Michael. The two of them got comfortable on the couch and Michael began to rub Joey’s inner thighs again.

“Can we just lay here for a while. I don’t know what to do now.” Joey said. He kept his voice at a higher more feminine tone. “I’d kiss you, but that’s not really what I’m into.” He moved his body to allow Michael a better grip on his thighs. He could feel the hard cock stuffed underneath him. He started to rock back and forth against it.

Michael kissed Joey’s head. “There. I broke the ice.” He laughed. He put one of his hands into his pocket and clicked the remote a few times. He could almost instantly feel the faint vibrations emanating from Joey’s body. “No kissing. Well, I guess we’ll have to make up for that with some more of the vibrator.” He put his hand on Joey’s lower torso and slowly made his way underneath the waistband of the leggings.

Joey squirmed when the vibrating plug turned on. He let out a gasp as his muscles spasmed. The setting Michael had put on was different than the test he did. It was pulsing at a rhythm. With each pulse Joey could feel his cock throb. As he settled into the rhythm he felt Michael’s fingers slide down his pants and to his cock. Once again playing with the pre-cum on the tip of his cock. It was so slippery. Joey let out another moan. “This… feels… so… fucking… good…”. The words were drawn out as he tried to speak.

Michael slowly played with Joey’s cock as the two of them laid on the couch. Joey lost track of time. He was getting sweaty as Michael kept him in heat. He was ready to fuck but didn’t know how to say it. The vibrations stopped and Joey took a deep breath.

“Hey…” Michael’s voice was soft.

“What is it? Why’d you shut it off?” Joey shuffled and turned to face Michael. “Is everything ok…”

“Yeah. It’s fine.” Michael cut him off with a smile. “I’ve been giving you so much attention I think it’s my turn.”

Joey froze up as he knew exactly what Michael meant. They had talked about this, but now it was time to do all the things they had talked about. Michael ran his hand through Joey’s hair. Joey ran so many thoughts through his head he only managed to spit out the words “Here? Like this?”

“How ever you think you want to do it.” Michael pulled himself along the couch to better position himself underneath Joey. His cock visibly hard underneath his sweats. He ran his hand over it with a slow stroke. He had a smile on his face. Joey positioned his body so his head was close to Michael’s cock. Under the dim lights he didn’t know what to do. He slowly reached out to touch it. “Take your time but don’t take too long.” Michael chuckled.

Joey ran his hand over Michael’s pants and began to rub his cock. It was rock hard from underneath the fabric. He began to glide his hand over it a few times. All Joey could hear was the sound of the TV in the background amid his own heavy breathing. As he stroked, he felt Michael grab his hand and put it against the waistband of his sweats. Joey wrapped his fingers around the band and began to pull down. Michael’s skin was smooth as Joey’s fingers ran closer and closer to his cock. The band of his sweats got caught on his stiff cock and Joey and to pull it free.

Michael’s cock popped right out from underneath the sweatpants. He didn’t have any underwear on. Joey was shocked at the size of it. It was as big as his own. Joey could see the shiny pre-cum on the tip as it glistened under the dim light. It stood at attention as Joey continued to look at it. Completely mesmerized. He could feel the heat from Michael’s body.

“Fuck me… I can’t believe I’m going to do this.” Joey said. As the words left his mouth his body was rocked with vibrations once again as the plug began to pulse. Joey let out a long drawn out “Fuck” as he nearly fell right down on to Michael.

“You keep hesitating I’m going to keep playing with that vibrator in your ass.” Michael took his hand and grabbed his cock to hold it more towards Joey’s mouth. “Think of it as one of the ice pops we enjoyed in the park a few weeks ago. You enjoyed that.” Michael’s voice carried a playful tone.

Joey swallowed hard and wrapped his hand around Michael’s cock. It was warm in his hand and the pre-cum made it slippery near the tip. He slowly moved his hand up and down. Joey thought to himself that this isn’t that bad. I can do this. He tried to build the confidence to put that big cock in his mouth. He realized it didn’t matter if he sucked this hard cock in front of him. His own cock was rock hard in his leggings and he had a bright pink plug in his has massaging his prostate. Joey got closer and closer to the tip and stuck out his tongue. “Just like one of the ice pops. I saw how you sucked on them at the park.” Michael’s voice filled his head, and he got close.

The tip of Joey’s tongue lightly touched the tip of Michael’s cock. The salt from the pre-cum almost wanted to make him gag, but he fought the urge and continued to lick the tip. He heard Michael let out a sigh of relief. He felt Michael’s hand on the top of his head as he wrapped his tongue on the tip. His blood was rushing to his head as Michael applied a little bit of pressure. His mouth was full of saliva at this point as he wrapped his lips around the bulb at the tip. His eyes went wide as he realized the top of Michael’s cock was in his mouth. He could feel it as his tongue had less room to move.

The warmth of Michael’s cock filled Joey’s mouth as he slowly began to suck. He sucked just like it was one of the giant ice pops from the vendor at the park. He could feel his cheeks come in and out as he sucked. Michael shifted his body and his hand still applying gentle pressure to Joey’s head. Further and further Joey slid the warm cock into his mouth. Still sucking the best he could. As it reached the back of his throat he let out a small cough and started to gag. Michael removed his hand and Joey slid the dick right out of his mouth. “Fuck.” Joey coughed as saliva dripped from his mouth.

He looked down at Michael’s cock and wrapped his hand around it and positioned it for another go. He slipped it quickly into his mouth and began to suck like his life depended on it. He heard Michael let out a soft moan. The salty taste became and after thought as he worked that cock. Saliva dripping all down the shaft as Joey started to take long strokes. Rubbing his lips up and down the shaft.

“Oh damn…” Michael said. “You sure you’re not gay? Damn…”

Joey mumbled something as he continued to suck. He felt the vibration stop as Michael’s hand tried to stop him from sucking. With a plop Joey let the wet cock out of his mouth. “Why’d you stop me?” Saliva dripping from the corners of his mouth.

“You’re gonna make me cum.” Michael slowly moved Joey onto the floor. “Get on your knees.” Joey obeyed without question. He quickly shifted to the floor as Michael stood up. His cock level with Joey’s face. Joey reached up and wrapped his hands around the shaft one more time and began to stroke. “Go slow this time. Enjoy every minute of it.” Joey slid the cock into his mouth once again and began to suck. His head bobbing back and forth and he just sucked. His mouth filled with saliva and pre-cum. He felt Michael’s hip get tight like he was about to cum, but he pulled his cock from Joey’s mouth and slapped him in the face with it. Leaving a mix of pre-cum and salvia on his face. “Holy fuck.” Michael was out of breath.

“Did I do good?” Joey said. His voice still high pitched and intimate. He wiped his mouth on this sleeve.

“I swear you’re gay. That was some good sucking.”

“You going to make me a bitch tonight?” Joey went to rub Michael’s cock again.

“I think you’re good to go. Bend the fuck over.” Michael gently pushed Joey away. Joey faked a fall and rolled onto the floor into a position on his knees and elbows. His hips up facing Michael. “Perfect you little slut.” Michael positioned himself behind Joey.

“I am your little slut!”

Michael put his hands up the back of Joey’s hoodie and began to pull his leggings down over his ass. Joey’s cock was dripping with pre-cum as it fell out from the leggings. Michael ignored it as he pulled the leggings down around Joey’s knees. “Take these off.” Joey shuffled to remove the leggings and Michael stayed in his position. As soon as Joey was done, he resumed his position with his hips in the air. His cock perfectly erect underneath. He felt Michael hand grip his hips once again and he began to rock Joey back and forth.

Joey kept slowly rocking back and forth as he felt Michael’s fingers grab on to the back of the plug. The vibrations started again, and Michael began to slowly pull the plug out of Joey’s ass. His cock began to throb as the plug was worked out. He nearly shot a load as his ass released the plug. A sigh of relief rushed over Joey’s body. He couldn’t help but let out a moan. He turned to face Michael as he put the bright pink plug on the table as the vibrations stopped. He was breathing hard and turned to face the TV in front of him. He couldn’t make out what show was on as his body was feeling nothing but ecstasy.

He felt Michael shuffle closer to him as drop of cool lube plopped against his ass once again. He anticipated Michael’s fingers but something larger and warm bumped up against this hole and began to massage the lube around. “OH FUCK.” Joey moaned. His hole did not resist this new object. Joey’s mind raced with thoughts. “You gonna fuck me like the slut I am?” Joey’s body shuttered as the object rocked back and forth against this hole. Michael didn’t say a word, but his breathing said it all.

Slow and steady Michael and Joey rocked back and forth in unison. His cock pushing against his friend’s virgin asshole. He could feel it giving way little by little with each thrust. After a heavy thrust Joey’s eyes went wide when he felt the tip of Michael’s cock break the seal and slid into his ass. He felt some more drops of lube as his friend slowly pushed in and pulled back just a bit before thrusting in further. It felt like the plug, but much bigger. Joey let out a moan. “OH FUCK!” he said in between breaths. “You’re inside me! OH FUCK!” Joey could hardly contain himself. The blood was pounding in his head.

Joey rocked his hips against Michael as he thrust in and out. His cock was fully inside Joey at this point, and he was grunting with each push. Joey could feel his cock throb with each push. He was going to cum with his friend’s cock in his ass. He looked down between his legs to see Michael working his ass. Joey’s balls rocked back and forth with each push. Thick pre-cum dripped from the tip of his cock. Michael began to pump longer as he tried to bury his cock in Joey’s ass. The two of them didn’t say a word. Just heavy breathing as they fucked. The TV in front of Joey became a blur the longer Michael fucked him. He took it like a champ. Giving moans as he felt the hard warm cock fill his ass.

Joey gasped as Michael gave harder and harder thrusts. “Yes… fuck… me… use… me… please… make… me… your… slut!” His words in perfect timing with Michael. His body quivered. “I’m going to cum with your cock inside me. Cum inside me!”

“Oh fuck… I’m gonna cum too!” Michael started to thrust harder and slower. His balls slapping Joey with each thrust. His breathing heavy as his hips quivered along with Joey’s.

Joey felt his friend push hard into his ass and felt the cock begin to throb. Michael was pushing his hips into Joey. Joey didn’t know what was happening. A sudden warmth shot into Joey’s ass as Michael’s cock throbbed. He knew then and there that Michael was dumping fresh hot cum into his ass. In the heat of the moment Joey moaned as he too felt his cock throb and cum started to drip from the tip. He felt Michael pull him up and reach his hand around to catch Joey’s cum. “No… what are you…” Joey tried to get the words out, but Michael’s hand came up to his mouth to stop him. Joey didn’t resist as Michael rubbed the cum on his lips.

“Swallow it.” Michael said as he put more in Joey’s mouth. “Can’t waste it you little slut.” Joey swallowed his own salty load. He could feel Michael’s cock begin to get semi-hard as it slowly slid out of his ass. With a plop it came out and slapped against him. Joey could feel the cum in his ass.

The two of them were locked in a sweaty embrace. Joey’s head began to clear as the sounds from the TV became clearer. Michael’s hands were up Joey’s shirt rubbing his chest. He could feel Michael’s breathing slowly return to normal as his own cock began to get soft. He turned around and faced Michael. Joey closed his eyes and leaned in for a kiss. He was met with Michael’s warm lips and the two of them locked lips for a moment before they separated.

“See. That wasn’t so bad now wasn’t it.” Michael leaned if for another hug. “I swear if I didn’t know you so well, I swear you’d be a perfect bottom.”

Joey didn’t answer as he stayed in Michael’s embrace. He didn’t want the night to end. He just hugged Michael and the rest of the night faded into the blur.


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