Falling into slavery: Chapter 4 by fattycd

A gay adult story: Falling into slavery: Chapter 4 by fattycd , If you do not like stories about gay, interracial, incest, or young sex, please move on. If you do like those topics, please enjoy. I do appreciate CONSTRUCTIVE criticism. Sarina’s words echoed in my ears. For the next hour I sat in my … Read more

The New Guy In Town Pt. 05 – The Orgy

A gay story: The New Guy In Town Pt. 05 – The Orgy The day had started sunny, and still was, so they took Anthony’s Corvette and drove around for the first part of the afternoon. Mike rode shotgun and made note of some houses with ‘for sale’ and ‘for rent’ sign. After a couple … Read more

Erotic Short Ch. 01

A gay story: Erotic Short Ch. 01 Joey rolled down the driver window of his car as the pulled up the rear of the car in front of him at the red light. The warm and humid summer air rushed bombarded his face as a breeze carried it into the car. He let out a … Read more