Under My Roommate Ch. 01

A gay story: Under My Roommate Ch. 01 I was an extreme ball of nerves in my dorm room finishing putting away my things and waiting to meet my roommate. I have always been excited to go to college. All through basic education I was generally bored. I’m not a super brainiac, but I generally picked everything up pretty easily and all I cared about was robotics. Unfortunately, my small school didn’t have any classes or programs that taught that – so I was mostly self-taught with no formal guidance. I had a normal amount of friends that I was fairly close with, but no one I’d call a best friend. I was average height, average weight, average looking – average parents in an average house. I wasn’t a nerd, but not really popular.

I had made out with 2 different girls in high school at parties, but nothing else. I wasn’t very interested in sex which often made me feel like an outsider when other guys talked about how bad they wanted to fuck or constantly talked about girls and body parts. I jerked off regularly, but I often just focused on the feeling and I didn’t think about other people much or enjoy porn either. I know this was a bit atypical for an eighteen years old guy, but otherwise there was nothing particularly interesting about me or my life. I had always felt like I was just waiting for my life to start and for some reason, in my mind, it would start when I got to college.

I was staring at the bare bed in the room when my roomie appeared in the doorway. “Hey, I’m Trayvidian, everyone calls me Tray.” He said with a huge smile of perfect teeth. He smiled with his whole face and it was pleasing. I smiled back.

“I’m Jayden, everyone calls me Jay.” I said with more excitement than needed.

“Nice! I can’t wait to get all my stuff in and get to the student union to see all the groups on campus. Do you want to come with me or have you already been?” He says while dropping several bags on the bare bed.

“I haven’t been. I’d love to go. I’m mostly only interested in the Robotics Club, but it will be cool to see what all there is. Do you need help?” I replied.

“Nope. This is everything. I just have to unpack it. Just my laptop, clothes, bed clothes, hygiene stuff, some snacks, and of course my experiments.” He said taking a few small spray bottles out of a Ziploc baggie and placing them carefully on the top shelf above his desk.

“You making meth?” I asked with a smile in an attempt to make a joke.

“Ha, no, a mind control aerosol. I’m a chemist. I have always loved it and my school didn’t have a chemistry club. We had one course in chemistry and it was super basic, so I just experimented on my own. I can’t wait to meet up with others – online communities just aren’t the same as working on stuff in a lab with others.” He said, still pulling his things out of bags and putting them away.

“Wow! I’m the exact same. I love robotics but my school didn’t have anything for me. Maybe we team up and take over the world. I’ll build a robot that can go anywhere undetected releasing a compound you create that lets us take over mind control of people. Total world domination.” I just started nerding out so hard. I was sitting on the edge of my bed staring at him for approval.

“Haha, I think we are going to get along great, Jay. Just a pair of 18 year olds hellbent to take over the world. Don’t tell anyone, but I’m also interested in domination.” Tray said, pausing what he was doing and staring right back into my eyes.

Of course I was kidding about taking over the world, I’m sure Tray was also joking about domination too, but I was happy he was joking with me. Tray and I hung out all weekend before classes began Monday. He is completely awesome. He is super smart, kind, and incredibly attentive. Regardless of what I say, he always makes complete eye contact and seems to completely consider whatever I said. It sounds strange, but I don’t know I’ve ever had someone seem so interested in my thoughts and ideas. Honestly, I am enamored with him. Everything he says is interesting or thoughtful. In just 2.5 days, I was already convinced he is my best friend ever. The few times we were apart, like when he went to the bathroom or showered, I almost felt like I missed him.

We woke up Monday for our first classes. We had a very similar schedule. Tray had an 8am, 10am, 11am, & 2pm Mondays & Wednesdays and an 8am Tuesdays & Thursdays. We had no courses together on Mondays & Wednesdays, but the same time schedule. We were in the same class on Tuesdays & Thursdays which was awesome because the more time I could be with him the better. I just felt like I had to be around him.

I didn’t see him at our dorm cafeteria on lunch and after my last class I went to our room and just laid on my bed. I was excited about my classes, but having a hard time feeling disconnected from Tray for so long, almost nauseous. I’m not sure what compelled me to do it, but I got up and went to his bed, it smelled faintly like him. I felt better instantly. I laid down on his bed and felt much more at ease.

The door swung open and I was ecstatic to see Tray. “Yo. Your bed broken?” He asked with a smile.

“Oh. No, sorry. I’m not sure why, but I felt better lying on your bed.” I didn’t feel weird about it, it just made sense to me. I got up and met him at the door. I grabbed his bag from him and took it to his desk. I laid out his laptop for him and hung his bag on the desk hook for him. “Do you want to debrief about your first day of classes?” I asked him eagerly.

He just stared at me with what seemed like intense interest while I took care of his things. “I need to make some notes regarding an experiment very quickly. Then yes, it would be great to catch up on our first day.”

He sat at his desk and began typing on his laptop. His desk faced the wall on his side of the room, my desk faced the opposite wall. In between our desks on the wall was a TV and a futon couch was a few feet from it. I sat on the futon and turned on the TV to wait for him. Just a few minutes later he took a seat next to me and we talked about our first day. The classes and professors we think we’ll like and the ones we won’t. Getting lost in a few of the buildings. We eventually went down for dinner and then came back up to begin reading.

I know I fell asleep on my bed reading. I used to do that back home all the time. I had weird dreams though. I felt like I was wet, my face was wet. I had a dream Tray was spraying me with Windex. No, it was cologne but he was spraying it in my face while he was just smiling at me. I woke up before him and I felt bad for having the dream. I felt like it would be nice to just get everything ready for Tray so he could sleep as long as possible before our Tuesday class. I laid out his clothes on the futon. I got his laptop bag ready. I got my own things together and had a few minutes before he would have to get up. I wasn’t sure what to do, I couldn’t see him from the futon, So I just kneeled by his bed and watched him sleep. He turned toward me and just smiled at me. “Good morning, Tray. I have all your things ready.”

“That’s very nice of you.” Tray said staring into my eyes. He pulled his blanket off and sat up while swinging his feet over the side and placing them on the floor right next to where I was kneeling. “Um, hope it doesn’t make you uncomfortable but you know I sleep in just my underwear and I’ve got a decent morning semi.” Tray said looking at me.

“Not at all. I’m just waiting to make your bed for you.” I said very matter of factly. I’ve never looked at Tray’s crotch and wasn’t particularly interested, but he is my best friend and he’s awesome so I figured he had an awesome dick too.

Tray stood up and stretched his arms over his head. I was on my knees basically a foot away from his very full Jockey’s pouch. I could see a definite outline of a beautiful dick. I didn’t think much of it, but I think I could smell his crotch and it made me feel very happy.

He got dressed and I grabbed his bag and followed him to our class. It didn’t seem weird to carry it for him at all. Class was uneventful and we came back to the dorm room. Tray sat on the futon and mentioned all the walking around campus had made his feet a little sore. I hated that for him. “I can massage your feet for you Tray!” I said.

“Really? You’d do that for me?” He asked staring with that incredibly intense stare right into my eyes.

“Of course. I would never want you to be uncomfortable. I’d do anything in my power to help you out. You’re my world domination partner.” I said dropping to my knees between his feet. I started untying his shoes. I don’t know why, but I was mildly excited to be this close to him. I hadn’t really touched him and after I pulled his shoes off, I grabbed his left foot with both hands and it was amazing. I pulled his sock off and I couldn’t believe I was touching him, skin to skin. I was entranced, staring at my hands as they massaged his long foot.

“This is really nice Jay. I’m already feeling better.” Tray said staring down at me. I beamed back. I felt so comfortable, happy, just fulfilled kneeling at his feet and touching them, but my knees were beginning to become sore. I looked up at Tray who was watching tv. I didn’t think he’d mind if I changed position. It made the most sense to lie down. I moved to lying on my back and I grabbed Tray’s left ankle and moved his foot so it was resting on my chest and then his right. I don’t know why, but the feeling of his soles resting on me created a brand new sense of elation in me. I held the tops of his feet and I wished I could get more skin contact and be more under him. I don’t know why. It seemed like that would make me happiest. I moved my body and slid until my chest was no longer under Tray’s feet, my face was. He gently lowered his feet and his bare soles covered my face completely. I couldn’t help it – I moaned. I just then realized I have never been harder.

“Jay?” I heard Tray’s voice which kind of brought me back to reality. And he lifted his feet off of me which made me feel a longing.

“Yeah, man?” I asked sitting up to look at him.

“Can you tell me what you are feeling?” He asked and I could see his phone sitting next to him on the futon and it was recording.

“I feel like I want to be under you. I will be happy if I am under you?” I replied. It just didn’t seem weird at all to me. It felt completely natural.

Tray stood up, he towered over me as I sat on the floor cross-legged. I loved it. “How do you feel now?” He asked.

“I am happy. I love looking up at you. I wish I was touching you though.” I replied.

“Lie down on the futon and we can watch the game together.” Tray said, and I lied on my back and stuck a pillow under my head, turned my neck so I was facing the tv. Tray turned away from me and sure enough, my dream was coming true – he was clearly sitting down – on me. I watched with anticipation as Tray lowered his ass to my chest. I finally felt his butt make contact with my chest. He kept settling and after a few seconds, his full weight was on me. My hips started bucking and I was cumming in my pants.

After a full minute of ragged breathing and orgasming I opened my eyes and looked at Tray. He was staring right at me, smiling wide and his whole face was lit up. “Tell me how you feel now.” He said.

“Ahh, I um, um, I feel amazing. This is amazing. You are sitting on me and it feels literally amazing. I don’t know how to describe it.” I said, a little out of breath.

“What would make it better?” Tray asked.

“I don’t know. If it was skin-to-skin. I would love to feel, feel you on top of me. I guess.” I replied.

Tray stood up. “Take your shirt off.” He said.

“Can I clean myself up? I, umm, you know. I came and well, you know.” I asked staring up at Tray.

“Oh yeah, yeah. Of course, man. I’m sorry.” Tray said as he then just took the couple steps to his desk and sat at his laptop. He started typing notes and I got up, walked to my dresser to get clean clothes, and was headed to the door to go to the bathroom when Tray spoke up again, “Hey lil Jay, right quick, why do you want to be under me?”

I just stared back at him for several seconds. I wasn’t sure how to answer. “It makes me happy.” I replied, tentatively.

“Why?” He asked.

“I don’t know, I love you maybe – you know like you’re my best friend. I am not sure. I have not ever really been close to anyone ever. I feel very strongly for you.” I replied. I felt like that was correct, but I was still missing something and I couldn’t put my finger on it.

“Thank you buddy. Is that all?” Tray asked, giving that huge, perfect smile.

“No. I am not sure how, or like, what exactly it is. It is hard to put in words. It is like, it makes me happy because I am supposed to do it for you. It makes me happy when I can be useful for you, like if I make you happy, I will be happy – but there is just another element to it like I need to and I want to. Does that make sense?” I tried to explain.

“It absolutely does. I think I have several ideas on ways you can fulfill your need to be useful to me.” Tray said and then he went back to typing notes.

“Thanks Tray! I can’t wait.” I said before turning to head to the bathroom.

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