Hardworking Rich: Let Me “See Him”

A gay story: Hardworking Rich: Let Me “See Him” Angelo would encourage Brian to allow Brandon to fly south to Florida; This is the intro story to Brian seeing what all the fuss was about.

“You planning another trip to Virginia,” Brian asked.

“Just for business,” I told him.

“You better not. I forbid you. You get up there again, and I’m leaving,” Brian told me.

I never appreciated being threatened, and I loved Brian with everything in me. At the same time, my urges could never be ignored and I wanted Brandon all the time.

I couldn’t help it.

Brandon and I forged a bond that was unbreakable, as at first it was all about that big dick of his, but I learned that I enjoyed being in his world as I invited him in mine. I didn’t appreciate Brian’s empty threats.

“What I choose to do with my money and time, is strictly my business. I like Brandon and he likes me,” I reminded Brian.

“Well, like him enough to where you book that flight, you can come back and I won’t be in this house. Your decision,” Brian added.

I was fuming. I didn’t want to choose between the two, for I enjoyed my life with Brian, and the experiences Brandon gave. Why couldn’t I have the best of both worlds? Why couldn’t I have my cake and eat it, too? I do so much for others, including Brian, that I should have anything good in my life without the hints of guilt.

I guess I could also see where Brian was coming from.

In the six months since I skipped the family vacation, I was seeing Brandon at least twice a month, even meeting him one time in Detroit as he invited both me and Brian to his parents’ home. It was flattering, but Brian didn’t approve as he saw our connection as a mere lust festival.

“Good dick has turned you away from the things that matter the most,” he said to me. “You can have that good dick, and I hope its as fulfilling as what we built.”

I guess my arrogance smothered Brian’s dramatics as I reminded him that my catering company was booming at its peak, pulling in sizzling revenue, and because of it, he and the rest of family could plan vacations abroad every quarter. I reminded Brian that regardless of how deep that dick went in my throat, or anus, HE was my lover, and that HE was the one I came home to every time.

“I just don’t understand the hold this kid has on you, that’s all. It wasn’t always this way,” he said to me as he broke into tears.

Brian also forgot that he was the first to step out on our relationship years prior, and that I simply found someone that pleased me the way he used to, and more. I brought the idea of Brandon coming south so he could meet him, and of course he shot it down immediately.

“No fucking way. There’s no need for this guy to intrude on our normal lives. He’s a play thing, and that’s all there is to him,” he said.

Brian and I discussed it lengthy, with us creating a pros and cons that would allow him to change his mind.

“I can guarantee you, it’s just friendship and good sex,” I told him

A week later I touched base with Brandon to propose the opportunity of him coming down for a weekend. I offered to pay for the flight, asking him to take off on a Friday as he’d get in Friday afternoon the latest, and would remain with us through the weekend, leaving Sunday evening. Brandon was elated, as he’d never been to Miami, and was curious on meeting Brian.

“I’ve seen pictures of him. He can get it, too,” Brandon chimed. “I’d never fucked two guys that were in the same relationship.”

The idea sounded hot, but I wasn’t too sure Brian would go for it, as Brian wasn’t into black men, and men that were younger than him. I advised Brandon of this and he understood, grasping the possibility he perhaps would have to be on his best behavior while visiting us.

“My dick is gonna be hard the whole time I’m visiting,” he said.

The thought was scintillating, my man pussy becoming moist at image of his prick poking through his pants. I booked the ticket after confirmations once more from both Brian and Brandon. Three weeks would pass, and I was picking Brandon up at the airport arrivals area, the top down to my Mercedes coupe after I got a fresh haircut, and manscaping of my body for I didn’t Brandon to have any struggles in using me this particular weekend.

“This how y’all living down here,” he said to me as he entered the car.

We kissed, then drove off as I had one hand on the wheel, and the other on his bulge. An hour later after navigating through traffic, I was in front of me and Brian’s home, with Brian standing out front, arms folded, barely cracking a smile as he witnessed us pulling up.

“Honey, I want you to finally meet Brandon, my good friend in Virginia,” I told him, as we both exited the car.

Brian came closer after sizing up Brandon, then the two shook hands, Brandon ‘s big paw swallowing Brian’s small appendage.

“Charmed. How was your flight,” he asked Brandon.

“Pleased to meet you. Flight wasn’t bad. It actually went by pretty quick,” he said in response.

I took the two of them into the house and made cocktails, as we sat at the makeshift bar in our dining room, with me playing 80’s rhythm and blues via Alexa. I was the “bridge” between the two of them, as Brian didn’t seem too fond of Brandon, and Brandon sensed it, realizing he’d have his work cut out for him on this wonderful weekend. I made and kept the Long Island iced teas flowing, getting heavy on the “Long” as I was horny, and wanting to share my play thing with my partner. A couple hours later we were all buzzed, but didn’t retreat to the bedroom, rather the living room to watch television.

“Brandon, why do you like this old bag of a man,” Brian asked referring to me as he and I were sitting beside each other rubbing on one another. “I mean Angelo, my partner of all these years, isn’t all that’s cracked up to be, you know?”

I sensed a little jealousy in the question despite me seeing the two of them starting to gel. Brandon played it cool while I downed some more of my drink.

“Older men, I don’t know, you guys seem to get my mojo going. Sex wise, you know what you want, and how to treat a young freak like me,” he said.

Brian kept on trying to grill Brandon as the liquor enhanced his courage, he halfway expecting Brandon to call things off and ask to be taken to the airport, but getting otherwise. I watched the two of them squabble, and Brandon’s big dick poke through his crotch like an angry dog wanting to breed. I wanted to interrupt the conversation and offer head to Brandon for dealing with my mate, but Brian kept on, looking foolish in the process.

“I tell you what: on this visit, there will be no fooling around, ” said Brian, as he stood up.

Brian said his piece then left the room, leaving me to apologize to Brandon as he was showing his ass in a way I didn’t agree with. I followed Brian into our bedroom, shutting the door behind me as I didn’t want Brandon to hear what was being said.

“That boy wants to fuck you,” Brian noted.

“And? That’s what he’s good for. You allowed it before, why aren’t you allowing it now,” I asked.

Brian and I hadn’t engaged in such a conflict in years, from a time when we were much younger, and less horny. I never questioned his side lovers, for we agreed long before that we would play on the side upon agreeing we liked the guy. Brandon was a big, black dude, with a big, black dick, under being charming, charismatic, and just overall smart. Brian was slightly intimidated, but I let him know not to be.

“You found someone better than me,” Brian barked.

“I haven’t. You’ll always be mine,” I said, killing off our argument as we’d make out, and get naked, agreeing that Brandon would be “off limits.”

“But I’m not gonna lie Brian. I really wanna, need to, get fucked,” I told him.

“Lay back, and let me fuck you for old time’s sake,” Brian said, with me to laying flat on my back, as he went into our underwear drawer and pulled out our “silver bullet,” an eight inch vibrator the both of us used whenever we’d hit dry spells in getting fucked.

“It don’t compare to what buddy has between his legs, but it’ll do,” Brian said, as I raised my legs in the air with my puckering hole ready to be played with. “I’ll bet he gets you so wet, like I used to.”

“Fuck, like right now? My pussy is quivering for you, Brian. Do me, baby,” I begged.

He slid it inside and turned it on, the “makeshift head” knocking sideways at my walls to cause light orgasms, until Brian pushed it in deeper, telling me it disappeared as he pushed it past my sphincter. I held on to the sheets, my head back as I cringed off the sensation, whimpering tunes of delight.

“Yeah, you can certainly take the cock. Look at your hole twitching, pulling it inside,” Brian said as he went back and forth as if he was playing the violin.

I loved my ass being played with deep, and Brian knew me better than even Brandon, jostling that toy in and out of me until I grabbed my cock to start stroking, right away shooting a huge load in the air while screaming to the top of my lungs.

“You slut, look at your creaming all over the place. You made a mess all on the floor,” Brian said, after I exploded.

He pulled that thing out of me and I was tamed, the two of us making out before he’d tuck me in the sheets.

“You wore me out,” I told him, as we both laughed.

“Rest up, baby. Take a nice nap as I go and apologize to Brandon. I’ll be right back to come and lay with you,” he said.

He kissed me again, then walked away as I noticed he was going into the living room while still in the nude. I’d pass out soon after, worn out with a smile, thinking all would be well when I awoke.

I would indeed, have my cake, and eat it, too.

To be continued.

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