My Brother's Cuck Pt. 02

A gay story: My Brother's Cuck Pt. 02 My husband was the most beautiful man in my eyes, still was, after all these years. Koreans had a saying that there were glasses in your eyes that made everything in your beloved look beautiful. He had the most beautiful brown hair, the blue eyes that still haunted my dreams, and dimples in his cheeks that made him look like a mischievous chipmunk. I loved that he only came up to my shoulder in height, this compact guy that I could pester and hug all day and night long.

I also loved that after ten years together the sex was still as hot as it was when we first meet, during the mixer in my premed. I was resolutely nursing my drink, certain that as a gay man no one would be available, when he came bounding in, singing My Way off-key, before falling into his blue eyes like any man would. He said later that he thought I was stand-offish that first night, but the fact was I had been so fearful of falling in love at first sight to what appearances suggested was a straight guy. When he contacted me later and told me he wanted to have drinks with me, the truth dawned on me. We made love that second date, me just grateful to be together with a man after years repressing myself, and got together thereafter.

I thought when he accepted my proposal I was the happiest man in the world. Finally I was going to be together with the man I loved, in spite of all my father had said before I left for college. As things were my parents did not come to our wedding as they were too old to make the journey, and we married in the city hall, with friends and his brother as his best man. That was the first time I saw my husband’s brother.

The blue eyes that had looked friendly and inviting in my husband looked cold and slightly unsympathetic on his brother’s arch face. Not to say he looked ugly, far from it: he looked like a younger version of my husband, with more pronounced cheekbones that made him look like one of those models in those Northern European car commercials. His hair, the same mustard-brown color, was cropped close to his head, like a Graeco-Roman statue, which looked old-fashioned and modern at the same time. But what intrigued me were his lips: they were thick, Cupid’s bow lips which looked strangely provocative on a thin face.

Standing there in my suit, waiting for the clerk to call the session for my marriage, watching my husband’s brother fuss over him, a thought came unbidden to me of how those lips, those Cupid’s bow lips, would feel wrapped around my cock.


We led a contented life, my husband and I, him writing for a local newspaper, me a partner in a dental practice downtown with my friends. Every Saturday we’d go out to dinner, him and me, sometimes in the Korean place at southside, sometimes his favorite Italian pizzeria. After dinner we would go to the clubs, meet friends, dance the dinner off, and came back to our house – our home – to make love. A round, or two, maybe three if we were ambitious about it. Life was good.

Out of the blue came news about his brother flunking graduate school. He was studying pharmacy, and we had planned for him to come work with me after he completed his studies. Apparently he had money problems, was working two jobs, which sounded like a nightmare for a student especially in a STEM course like pharmacy. My husband took him in, set him up in the guest room, paid for a year’s tuition, and made him quit one of his part-time jobs. Money was never a problem for us, and family was family, after all.

I had not realized it then but we had fallen into a… a what? A trap signified that we did not want it to happen, but everything that came to pass later we brought it on ourselves.

My husband decided that we were going to cut our sex while his brother was there in our home. He said because I tend to be vocal while we were making love he’d rather not his brother listen in our bedroom. I muttered something about how all of us were adults, it should not had been a matter, but I reluctantly agreed. This was the week before his brother was going to move in. He was not even in our house yet, but already he was causing this much trouble.

I was not even half-prepared for the chaos that his brother brought with him when he arrived, with clothes lying on every nook and cranny, tote bags – he had a thing for tote bags – of every color imaginable hanging on the hooks and the panels and the doorknob, cluttered books lying on the bed and on the shelves – it was like living with a puberty-stricken teenager, a teenager who had no awareness of tidiness in his hormone-addled mind.

There was nothing puberty-stricken about his body though, the body that he seemed very proud to display at breakfast, dressed in the tiniest bikini briefs I had seen on a man. The fabric looked painted onto his hips, displaying rather than hiding the white-pale pillows of his ass. I especially enjoyed a glance or two on his tiny nipples, which looked like plum-colored pebblets. My husband berated him for his choice, or lack thereof, in attire, but surreptitiously I found the sight welcome. Who wouldn’t want to eat breakfast with a near-naked sylph-like model accompanying you? But I kept my mouth shut.

One day, a few months after his brother came into our house, I entered the washroom for a piss. The curtain was drawn, I thought my husband was having his usual pre-dinner soak. I had the shock of my life when I withdrew the curtain, cock still out and about, and saw my husband’s brother looking up at me – or rather, looking down at my cock – with a suggestive leer. At that same time my husband decided to call in, looking for me. I was going to answer but my husband’s brother signaled for silence.

“No, haven’t seen him in here, he must have stepped out of the house,” he called out, while at the same time his hand began grasping onto my cock. My poor cock which had wilted from the piss treacherously grew hard again in his soft hands, his soft tiny hands that felt slippery from the shower suds. It was as if his skin was secreting lube on its own.

“Oh, you’re a grower,” he murmured, an evil glint in his cold blue eyes. “My favorite,” and I swore he did not just lick his tongue on his upper lip, his Cupid bow’s lips. My cock throbbed in his hand, desperate for further ministrations. “Fuck, I felt that big boy.”

I was so confused. There I was, at the end of my teeters because my husband had sexually cut me off for months, being given the filthiest, slippery-est (did that word even exist?) hand-job by the very cause of that sexual deprivation. And I was at the very edge of the drop before… fuck, I came, for the very first time in another person’s hand since my husband. And like always, I came a lot.

“Fuck man, you came like buckets,” my husband’s brother exclaimed, before making a show of licking his hands like a hypersexualized kitten. “Fuck, you taste good too.”

“Fuck.” I managed to get that out before making a run out of the washroom, not before making sure my husband was at the back of the house. That night I had a nightmare of slimy tentacles and sucking cusps of death sucking cum out of my cock. I woke up hard. My husband was beside me, but something made me go into the living room. As per usual my husband’s brother was asleep on the couch, though tonight there was a difference: his ass was blatantly on display.

My mind went into hyperdrive. It was like I was looking at myself from a mirror, unable to control my actions. I drew down my pajama pants and began stroking my hard cock. Soon a veritable fountain dripped out of my cock slit, drooling precum. My eyes were glued to those rounded, fat lily-white cheeks hiding the small immaculate hole that I had somehow missed when I was being given a hand-job earlier. Faster I stroked, faster, faster, so fucking fast, until I tripped the trigger and came.

Post-nut clarity hit hard when I saw the massive globs that my cock produced lying on the floor. I quickly fetched the hand-sanitizer, washed the wet spot and my hand, crawled back to bed beside my loving, unaware husband.


Later that month I was invited to attend a conference in New York, a week away from home. As I packed for my trip I saw that my husband was not himself, looking rather morose. I checked him for fever – he was afebrile, though he certainly looked like he was. I gave him a kiss and reassured him I wasn’t going to be away for long. I did not know it then but my husband’s brother would also be gone for the week for an exam in his university.

When I landed back from New York there he was, my husband’s brother, waiting in the car he got from their parents before they passed away. The next hour or so flew by as we drove on the highway to the house, talking, cracking stupid jokes, telling me about his exams. His hand brushed once or twice on mine, but I pretended not to notice. Finally we arrived at the garage. He turned to me, his gaze intense, penetrating. Suddenly I felt a lump growing in my pants. I realized belatedly his hand had been kneading the erection in my crotch.

I felt like the world came crashing around me as he lowered his head and proceeded to nuzzle on the bulge of my cock. “Fuck you smell good,” he whispered. “You smell like all man.” The zipper came down, agonizingly slow, and he slipped the hard flanged glans of my cock out of its confines. “Fuck, all man.” And finally gave slow, dipping suck to my impatient dripping cock. “This is my reward for acing all those papers.” Fuck.

Time stopped, at least until that last throbbing second on the precipice before the free fall into a deep pulsating orgasm so satisfying I nearly fell asleep after. As it was he smiled, gave me a cummy kiss, in which I tasted myself only for the second time ever, and made sure he and me look presentable to my waiting husband. As we marched into the house I caught his hand. “What?” he asked.

“Nothing, I guess. Thanks for the… you know.”

“You’re welcome.”


“Babe,” my husband started. I looked up from my phone, where his brother had just finished making himself come using a huge purple dildo. On mute, of course. The slut seemed to be pushing me towards the inevitable, and… I kinda liked it. The persuasion appealed to me. But time to pay attention to hubby dearest.

“Yes babe, what’s on your mind?”

“You know that trip upstate I’ve been telling you about? Well, my boss said I have to go next week.”

“Oh. Okay.” My mind raced processing this tidbit. This meant my husband would be away for at least two days. “Do you need help packing?”

“Yes, and don’t forget to tell my brother-” I already could not hear his words, over the plan brewing in my brain. As partner of my dental practice I was afforded some privileges, like extra personal days. I was going to cash in on those days, persuade my slut – er, husband’s brother – to ditch his classes and finally fuck that delicious ass without a chance of my husband’s finding out.


It all came down to this: me, oiled and naked, hands snugly tied to the headboard of my marital bed, eyes covered in a black silk pad, unable to see, unable to touch, only to feel things hundredfold. My mouth was stopped with one of his colorful speedo briefs. From somewhere to my left there was a tiny giggle and a moan before I felt oil drip onto the head of my raging erection, flowing down the hard staff, dripping down the creases of my balls, into the perineum, down into the sheets especially laid out for this occasion. I hissed as I felt his fingers, the dainty little fingers that had made me cum so strongly, rub oil into my frenulum, making the skin there absorb the slippery goodness.

“Your cock is so hard now,” he whispered, before dropping a lick onto my oiled nipple. “Let’s see how hard it will be… inside me. Daddy.”

My cock gave a silent throb at his endearment. He laughed as he felt it tremble in his hand. My hands clutched harder at their bindings, keen to release a certain pressure somewhere else deep, dark and wet. I gave a long groan as I felt the unmistakable feeling of ass sliding down my cock. Finally, finally. I almost cried in gratitude, or in fact I did, screaming in unbridled ecstasy as my cock climbed further into that wet slippery darkness.

“Oh fuck,” my husband’s brother moaned against my cheek, “Oh fuck, oh fuck, oh fuck, your cock’s so big, so hard,” his moaning turned incoherent for a while, while mine was muted by the speedo in my mouth. But then again speech was overrated, like everything else, in the face of such amazing ass engulfing my cock.

He ripped off my eye pad. “I want you to see me,” he declared, before undulating like a crazed Salome on top of my hips. All through the sinuous movement his ass muscles were unrelenting in their grasp of my cock, like the warmest silk. It was insane, like everything else leading up to this point had been.

“Fuck, I’m cumming, I’m going to cum,” I thought I said, but what came out were garbled grunts, because the speedo was still crumpled in my mouth. I spat it out, looked straight in his eyes, “I’m going to breed you.”

And just like that he came, sprays of pure white cum onto my pecs and my abs, while I released my pent-up cum into his greedy hole. He moaned so long and so loud I dimly thought the old woman from next door was going to hear his voice from across the fence. I was still riding my orgasm as he laid softly, gracefully down on my chest, heaving from sheer sexual high. My balls took their sweet time emitting cum, after all it was the first orgasm my cock had inside an ass for a long time. The fact that it was my husband’s brother ass that was giving me such an excellent orgasm should not had been moot.

“Daddy, you came so much inside me,” he whined. I decided I like his whine, like a spoiled princess. “So fucking much, it’s dripping out already.”

“Well let me see.” We uncoupled, groaning as cock missed ass, and he undid my hand binds. Gingerly he sat on my face. I was thoroughly aroused in minutes as I licked on my cum dripping out of his abused oiled hole, which still retain its immaculate pinkness.

“Fuck yeah, lick my asshole, use that fucking tongue, lick your cum, use that fucking mouth, that Asian mouth, that’s gonna kiss my brother good morning and good night,” my brother-in-law mumbled as he held on to the balustrade. I must say my cum tasted delicious dripping from his hole, warm, seeped with the heady essence of sex. After I finished felching my cum off his hole, he laid down again on my chest, a tired little kitten. No matter. We had two whole days for sex, this was the first of many couplings we would have. Certainly not the last.

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