The Good Son Ch. 02

A gay story: The Good Son Ch. 02 Chapter 2 – It Was Warmer Then

Gabriel sat on the cold sand, squatted, his arms crossing in front of his legs as they held his knees in place, gazing at the ocean as the last brushes of the aurora painted the beautiful purple sky that stretched over the resort.

He had his daytime clothes on, and his backpack was next to him as he waited for the hotel staff to organize the breakfast area. He would peek back occasionally, patiently waiting for them to open the deck, famine, still feeling light-headed from last night’s drinking. And although physically he seemed fine, mentally he was struggling, unable to come to terms with what he had witnessed inside his father’s room.

Jonathan, hovering over Elliot, pummelling his 9-inch cock inside his best friend. Their heavy breathing, Elliot’s wailing and whimpering, his father’s groans, and the way he held his friend’s mouth, hushing his pleasure and pain. And the smell. That intoxicating aroma spewing out of the room, composed of sweat, musk, cum, and wet wood. The scent of his father’s breath. Gabriel had spent the whole night trying desperately to obliterate these images from his mind, but to no avail. They were they, imprinted like ink on his skin. Unable to be scratched off. So, as he sat there, entertaining the idea of cutting them out with a butcher’s knife seemed appealing.

He had fled unnoticed. After Elliot returned to his bed and fell asleep, Gabriel dressed and silently left the suite. He couldn’t bring himself to face the two men he loved most in the world after the act of treason they had just committed. Still, whenever the thought arose, his stomach would roar and turn in agony, despair, and rage. A feeling that was untried to Gabriel and that he knew very little about. A poisonous companion in the last hours that seemed eager to corrode through his insides like a parasite. And a part of Gabriel relished it, almost as if that feeling in the pit of his stomach was validating his pain, hurt, and profound sense of betrayal.

Rationally, Gabriel assumed he might still be in shock since he hadn’t even been able to cry or speak. Yet, his chronically appeasing and empathic nature struggled to comprehend the reasoning, the motivation, and what ultimately led to what happened. And every time he tried to delve inside his rambling thoughts, his eyes would twitch uncontrollably, and the anxiety would kick in, puncturing his chest and blocking his throat.

The truth of the matter was Gabriel was lost. Utterly yielded. The sense of comfort and normalcy in his life seemed as far from him as he was from his own home. And there was nowhere to run to, nowhere to hide. But, eventually, his father would wake up, and he would have to face him. And Elliot.

“Morning, sir!” A voice blasted energetically from behind Gabriel.

“Morning.” Gabriel replied, his face covered by the hood of his jumper.

“Waiting for breakfast, sir?” The staff member questioned as he opened the chairs carefully tucked under the sun tents.

“Yeah.” Gabriel mumbled, his eyes on the ocean. “Hope I’m not disturbing your work.” He politely noted.

“Oh, no. No problem, sir. The deck will open in ten minutes!” The young man informed as he glanced at his watch.

“Thanks.” Gabriel replied, veering his head towards the deck. He grabbed his backpack, stood up, and walked calmly past the young man and over to one of the golden paths that led to the breakfast tier.

He arrived and strode to one of the tables closest to the water. He sat down, and as he placed his bag on the chair next to him, a flock of seagulls rushed through him, so dangerously close that he could feel a rush of wind as they dashed by him. He tittered, first at what had just happened and then at himself, almost surprised that he had been able to find joy in his current state. Finally, he stepped over to the food tables. He stocked his plates with everything around, making several trips back before finally settling on his table and eating his food with satisfying indulgence.

Slowly, guests started to arrive, and soon, the deck was packed without a single table available as everyone rushed around the space, trying to restock their plates as much as possible.

As Gabriel munched on a bowl of strawberries, his eyes scanned the deck entrance, waiting for the inevitable moment when Jonathan finally rushed in. He looked flushed, disoriented, and worried, his hair and clothes disheveled as he scanned the room until his eyes finally locked on Gabriel. Even from afar, the boy could see his father exhale profusely as if a weight had lifted from his chest. He rushed to the table.

“Do you have any idea how worried I was?” He questioned, his breath still trying to resume its pace.

“Why?” Gabriel questioned, his expression vacant and emotionless. Jonathan stuttered, perplexed by his son’s answer.

“I woke up, and you weren’t in your bed. What was I supposed to think? I didn’t even shower. I just ran around looking for you.” He clarified, his eyes squinting as he scanned his son, visibly struggling to deal with this sudden unfamiliar apathy.

“Don’t worry. I’m fine.” Gabriel stated. “Heading back to the room to get some stuff. I’m meeting Nathan later.” Gabriel continued, his eyes desperately evading his father’s gaze.

As he glanced at the deck entry again, he saw Elliot striding up the stairs, looking fresh and energetic as if nothing had happened. “That’s my cue.” Gabriel stated, standing up, clutching his backpack, and squeezing from under the table nervously, accidentally tugging the tablecloth with him.

As he rushed for the exit, he felt Jonathan’s hand grab his wrist, and his body pivoted back violently. They stood there in silence.

“Bud…” Jonathan uttered, his eyes locked on his son, twitching with trepidation.

Gabriel looked around, ensuring they weren’t being noticed and yanked his arm away from Jonathan’s grip, a boundless chasm opening before them. Jonathan’s mouth opened, but no words evaded from it. He stood there, prisoner of his angst, watching his son walk away from him.

“Morning, dude!” Elliot hollered as Gabriel sprinted by without even looking at him. He walked to the table, sat down on the chair Gabriel was just in, his legs spread open, and grabbed a shiny, green apple from his friend’s plate that he had left behind. “Shit.” He said casually, taking a clangorous bite. He sat there, chewing loudly with a grin on his semblance, looking at Jonathan, whose defeated gaze finally faced him. “He knows.” Elliot said, grabbing an empty plate and walking away.

Jonathan stood there, in the middle of the deck, alone. His eyes glistened with tears of remorse and anguish.

As he descended the steps, over the palm trees, and into the beach area, Gabriel took off his snickers, burying his feet in the sand and walking to the shore. He dipped his feet in the seawater, hoping it would wash away his sadness. Gabriel strolled along it unhurriedly, his feet kicking and splashing the water around. The more he thought about it, the more confused he became. It almost felt like two sources of pain converged inside him. On the one hand, Elliot’s nonchalant, cruel demeanor about his actions and the breach of trust regarding their friendship.

But the wound that bled the most inside Gabriel, with an unstoppable force, it seemed, was Jonathan’s betrayal. As he returned to their room, he stopped, the images from the previous night sneaking up on him again. As he stood there, his feet sinking as the water slowly buried them inside the hardened sand, Gabriel finally pinpointed the emotion behind his turmoil: it was jealousy.

He bolted for their room, sliding the card and locking the door. He quickly gathered some of his belongings and stuffed them inside his backpack. Then he stripped and walked into the bathroom, his clothes falling along the way. Gabriel jumped in the shower, trying to hurry before any of the two returned from breakfast. He washed his smooth body, layering his soft skin with apple-scented gel as the steam began to rise, and soon a mist-shrouded everything around. He could barely see outside the shower walls, so he rinsed himself thoroughly and turned off the water.

As he did, Gabriel heard footsteps inside. He closed his eyes, garnering courage, turned around and opened the glass partition. And as the steam dissipated, he saw Jonathan there, his body perched against the sink before him. They stood there, gazing at each other, words unable to avail them. Finally, Jonathan extended his arm and grabbed a towel.

“Here.” He said, throwing it at Gabriel, who caught it, rolling the towel around his waist, immediately covering his body, which Jonathan scanned deliberately. “We need to talk.” He declared.

“No. We don’t.” Gabriel fired back, trying to keep his voice calm. But, inside, his heart seethed.

“About last night…” Jonathan mumbled, attempting to lay the grounds for a discussion but failing.

“Look, I said I don’t want to discuss it!” Gabriel shouted, his efforts to keep calm falling by the side. “For fuck sake!” He yelled, his eyes on the mirror as he faced his father’s reflection.

“You never talked to me like this.” Jonathan’s deep yet calm voice uttered. Unlike Gabriel, his eyes remained locked on his son.

“Well, you never fucked my best friend! Or maybe you have. I don’t know!” Gabriel shot back, his hands fluttering and his chest tightening.

Suddenly, Jonathan’s arm erupted in front of Gabriel, grabbing his wrist with a harsh and tight grip.

“Hey!” Jonathan clamored, his voice robust and resounding, eyes bucking as he stared at his son.

And then, like a jolt of electricity, Gabriel’s mind snapped. He lunged his arm into Jonathan, slapping his face. His eyes grew wide, stunned by his reaction. But before conceding to what he had done, his other hand pounced too, slapping Jonathan and hitting his neck. Again, both men’s eyes flared in a state of shock. Then, a shrieking growl spurted from Gabriel’s mouth, and he lunged forward, his fists locked, beating his father’s chest like a punching bag.

“I hate you! I fucking hate you!” Gabriel screamed. “How could you, you piece of shit?” Gabriel bellowed, his voice cracking at every syllable, his vulnerability gushing out, and his pain finally unearthed.

His face flushed, his fists mindlessly descending on Jonathan, who stood there, taking the hits, one by one, as tears skimmed from his eyes. His gaze never faltered from Gabriel, and his face echoed his son’s pain.

“I’m sorry.” Jonathan uttered with each blow from the boy, his body firmly sowed to the ground, unmoving.

Gabriel’s arms suddenly dropped, his body fell forward, his breathing hectic and irregular. Jonathan immediately leaned in and grabbed his arms, the boy’s body plunging into him. Gabriel felt his father’s arms swathing him and began pulling away with intense and forceful jerking motions. But Jonathan had him, and he wasn’t letting go.

“I’m sorry.” Jonathan whispered as he attempted to cage Gabriel’s anger, preventing him from fleeing his embrace by burying the boy’s head in his chest.

“You…you…let him inside.” Gabriel mumbled, his tears at the edge of the surface, begging to break free. “And now…everything is fucked.” He uttered, his body finally letting go, collapsing over his father.

Jonathan’s arms slid down Gabriel’s back, pushing him into the sink. As they reached it, he raised his son and placed him over it, the boy’s towel-covered ass grazing the cold marble. They stood there, a deafening silence taking over. Their breaths depleted. Jonathan lowered his head, taking his lips to Gabriel’s neck. As they touched it, his breath began creeping inside the boy’s skin, like a secret presence, making his little hairs prickle with excitement. He released a soft moan, his body tensing up as blood rushed through it.

Gabriel was still angry. But his love for his father was tenacious, uncompromising, and blind. His mind ordered him to leave, but his body coerced him to dwell. He finally pulled away, desperate to dive into his father’s eyes again and let himself tumble in their comforting deepness. But, as their eyes assembled, time stemmed. Jonathan’s breath engulfed Gabriel like a warm blanket, and he let his head fall onto Jonathan’s forehead, touching it. Under the towel, Gabriel’s dick was throbbing, and he could feel a small string of precum oozing from it.

And before he knew it, his hands skated under Jonathan’s white shirt, coasting gently over his lower back. Jonathan exhaled deeply, firing a gush of breath over the boy, ushering a soft moan from his mouth. As Gabriel’s fingers skated gracefully over his father’s skin, feeling every muscle, he felt Jonathan’s hands come down, along the sides of his body, and land on his hips, where the towel wrapped, hovering there, awaiting permission. Gabriel’s fingers pressed into Jonathan’s skin immediately, allowing him to proceed. His father grabbed the edges of his towel, unfurling it gently, exposing his son’s naked body and hard cock.

Their lips verged on touching, and their breaths now overlaid their faces like a second skin. Jonathan’s hands slid down and grabbed Gabriel’s ass cheeks, pulling his son slowly into him, the boy’s ass sliding effortlessly over the sink. Their chests latched, their pelvises grazed, and under him, Gabriel could feel his father’s 9-inch cock tip rubbing and honing his balls. Their foreheads parted, and he nestled his face on his father’s shoulder, his hands still on his lower back.

Then, Jonathan took his hand and lifted his shirt, skating it over Gabriel’s hard cock, allowing it to settle over his unconcealed belly. Jonathan leaned in, pressing the boy’s dick further into it. Another moan erupted from Gabriel’s mouth, but this time it sounded different. It wasn’t coy or reticent. It galvanized. Jonathan’s body movements subsided, assessing Gabriel’s willingness to proceed. Gabriel’s hands skated down his father’s back and slid inside his swim shorts, hugging his perfect, muscular ass. He skimmed his fingers over it, touching its soft fuzz.

There they were, father and son, on the threshold of consummating their unspoken desires. It felt forbidden, illicit, yet utterly inescapable. Every fiber of Gabriel’s body and soul roared for his father’s love, mind, body, soul, and cock. And Jonathan was willing, eagerly anticipating the chance to provide what the boy yearned.

But suddenly, five words shattered their momentary daze.

“I would never hurt you.” Jonathan whispered, his voice simmering with emotion.

Gabriel froze, his chest tightened, and his throat locked. Imagines from the night before came coursing back like a stampede. He pulled away with his face lowered between his chest. Jonathan looked at him, bewildered. He held the boy’s chin, forcing his son’s eyes to face him, disclosing his tears.

“You already did.” Gabriel uttered, his words suddenly lacking the awe, love, and admiration that fueled their love for each other.

Gabriel’s transient lust gave way to utter disappointment. He slid down the sink, his cock still hard, rubbing on Jonathan’s shorts as he descended. He motioned to leave, but Jonathan’s hand blocked him. He leaned forward, nestling his nose on the boy’s neck, sniffing his scent. Gabriel pulled away, pushing his father back with his hand.

“Let me go.” He pleaded.

Jonathan’s eyes welled up, overwhelmed by the wounds he had inflicted on the person he loved the most in the world. He closed his eyes, unlocking his grip on his son. Gabriel rushed for the bed, dressing as quickly as he could as he fought the urge to cry. He grabbed his backpack and flew out the door, slamming it behind him. Gabriel ran across the large corridor of room doors, stumbling along, whimpers fleeing from his lips, unchecked. As he reached the lobby, his eyes scanned for the bathroom, and he drove across the large hall, entering it and locking himself on one of the stalls. His body succumbed to the floor. Gabriel sat there sobbing, his hands over his head as the reality of what had just happened began to sink in.

And just like that, alone in that bathroom, Gabriel finally owned the truth he had buried deep inside his heart. What he felt for his father went beyond intimacy, respect, admiration, and awe. Gabriel craved, desired, and lusted for Jonathan. He loved him as a father but longed for him as a man.

In his heart, he knew Jonathan felt the same. But they had just overstepped a boundary that made it impossible for things to return to what they were. Gabriel’s sheltered heart was now exposed, vulnerable, and unsure of what lay ahead.

After a few minutes, he picked himself off the floor, his eyes swollen and his nose leaking. He went to the sink and sprinkled his face with cold water. Then, looking at his reflection, he realized he needed to get away from Jonathan and Elliot long enough to gather his thoughts. He had promised to meet Nathan in twenty minutes, so he threw his bag over his shoulder and walked outside, across the foyer, and into the lounge, where a group of guests lingered.

He scoured around, and after a few seconds, he spotted Nathan on the other end of the room, his smile radiating back at Gabriel. Nathan was beautiful, about Gabriel’s height, skinnier, not so well built. He wore these tight swim shorts showcasing his fuzzy legs and a tank top that featured his tattooed arm and fuzzy chest. He had long dark brown hair that fell on his face, slicing between his intense dark eyes. But the most attractive feature about Nathan was his smile. Honest, seductive, and inviting. Gabriel seemed lost in it. When Nathan popped in front of him, Gabriel realized how long he had been staring at him.

“Hey, you.” Nathan greeted in a very sulky way, his eyes scanning Gabriel from head to toe.

“Hey.” Gabriel replied, trying desperately to sound cheerful and failing miserably since Nathan’s eyes immediately squinted.

“Are you alright?” Nathan asked, his voice soothing, seeping regard.

“Hum…not really. Had a rough night.” Gabriel revealed, surprised yet again by how comfortable he felt around Nathan.

“Happens.” Nathan said, stopping as he lingered on Gabriel’s eyes before stretching his lips, exhibiting his magnetic smile. “My folks and I are taking a boat to Phi Phi Islands, just an hour from here. I’m taking you with me. You’ll be mine for the whole day.” He announced.

“I…” Gabriel stuttered, anxiety building as he contemplated leaving his father alone with Elliot on the resort.

“Hey…by the time we return, you’ll feel ten times better, I promise.” Nathan pledged.

Gabriel looked at him, the boy’s deep, dark eyes gleaming back at him, and smiled.

“Ok.” He uttered, shrugging his shoulders.

“Great! Come.” Nathan blurted out, his hand grabbing Gabriel’s as he dragged him across the crowd. They were nearing a middle-aged couple when Nathan finally stopped.

“Mom, Dad, this is Gabriel, the boy I told you about yesterday!” He introduced, his voice loaded with energy.

“Hi.” Gabriel uttered, his shyness creeping in.

“Hey, Gabriel.” Nathan’s mother greeted with temperance in her voice.

“You caused quite the impression yesterday, Gabriel.” Nathan’s father teased in a good-hearted way. “Nice to meet you.” He greeted, extending his hand for an energetic shake, which Gabriel accepted.

He’s coming with us.” Nathan said.

“Does your family know, Gabriel?” Nathan’s mother asked, her eyes scanning Gabriel like a lie detector.

“Oh, it’s just my dad. Don’t worry about it. He’s fine with it.” He lied, to Nathan’s parents’ relief and his remorse.

As they began chatting, a familiar voice broke from beyond the crowd.

“Ladies and Gentlemen, thank you for waiting. My name is Sakda. I will be your guide for today. Afterward, we will head to the dock and board the ferry to the Phi Phi Islands. Estimated arrival time is around 10 am.” Sakda informed as he spotted Gabriel amongst the crowd, gesturing to him in greeting. Gabriel politely smiled back before the large group descended the small peer, where three large boats docked.

They traversed the unsteady plank into the large boat, and inside, a staff member ushered them into a lower area with an all-around glass partition resembling a large aquarium. Gabriel and Nathan sat on the benches in front of the glass, chatting absent-mindedly. A couple of minutes later, they felt the room quiver as the motors began roaring and the boat started cruising. Ten minutes exceded as they stared at the glass, looking positively bored, unable to see anything except water and foam skating along the thick glass.

“Fun, hum?” Nathan teased.

Gabriel sat, his body sloped forward, his hand clasping his chin. He glanced at Nathan, a smile trying to push through his gloom. Nathan tilted sideways and nudged his shoulder against Gabriel, making him fall to the side, bumping into the person beside him. They glanced at each other, smiling, and for a moment, Gabriel almost felt sorry for Nathan. That destiny had decided to make them meet during his absolute worst juncture. He wanted to engage in conversation and have a good time, but his heart remained torn, his mind still struggling to make sense of everything, and his cock throbbing in his pants every time he thought back on Jonathan’s hands as they held his ass cheeks over the bathroom sink.

“No fucking way!” Nathan hollered as the boat stopped abruptly.

Gabriel raised his head, his hazelnut eyes blazing as he gazed at the glass before him. The strong water current and the foam brought on by the propellers suddenly dissipated, and there, right in front of them, was the most captivating procession of sea life Gabriel had ever seen. An array of multi-colored fishes, sharks, manta rays, turtles, coral sea snakes, and crabs danced in the most flawlessly harmonized event. Gabriel looked at Nathan, his eyes sparkling with emotion. Everyone whispered and held their phones, trying to capture the magical moment for prosperity, but not Gabriel. He sat in among the chaos, muting the noise around him. He couldn’t help being incredibly overwhelmed by how oblivious to their presence the fish were. How everything on the other side of that glass felt fluid, unrehearsed, genuine, organic, quiet, and peaceful. So peaceful.

Would he ever be able to feel that sense of peace again, Gabriel thought. He felt a tear run down his left cheek and discretely took his hand to it, leafing it with his fingers. Not a moment later, Gabriel felt Nathan’s soft fingers fall over his other hand. He didn’t look at him, but felt glad he was there to hold him through it.

A sudden bump forced the boat to a stop, and a few moments later, Sakda descended the small metal stairs.

“Ladies and gentlemen, we arrived at Phi Phi Islands. Please follow me and check and collect all your belongings before exiting the boat.” He informed before strolling back up the stairs.

All the passengers started following him, including Nathan and Gabriel. As they ascended the deck, Gabriel could feel the humid heat outside. He stepped over the guarding rail and walked down the plank into the most beautiful beach. White pearl sand, so thin his feet would sink into it softly, like cotton. And beyond the stretch of sand, a sea of palm trees hugged the landscape. Gabriel glanced back, mesmerized by the light blue water that stood motionless as a stone and translucent as a crystal.

“Gabriel, c’mon!” Nathan’s voice called, his arm waving in the distance. Gabriel walked unhurriedly to him, his face squinting from the sun’s luster.

“Shit, forgot my towel at the hotel.” Gabriel mumbled, looking at Nathan as he stretched his.

“It’s fine. We can share.” Nathan offered, stretching out a large, silky, squared beach cloth over the sand. It was huge, almost the size of a king-size bed. He covered its edges with small piles of sand, then pulled his shirt off and tossed it on the ground.

“Let’s take a dip first.” He proposed as he stared at Gabriel with his hands on his hips.

“Sure.” Gabriel replied, pulling off his shirt, and shorts, unveiling these tight red and white speedos underneath that hugged his beautifully toned body perfectly and discretely furnished a glimpse into his soft cock, neatly tucked inside them.

Nathan’s eyes wandered around, trying desperately not to lock on Gabriel’s crotch. Nathan’s parents were already at the bar, chatting with some friends. The boys walked toward the water, slowly at first, but as they descended the sand slope, they began sprinting, teasing each other to the shoreline, vaulting in as they reached it. Gabriel’s body was enveloped by a rush of pleasure as the warm water flowed through his body. He lingered there, under the surface, relishing in its peacefulness before swimming up, his body shattering through the blue liquid glass, a loud gasp breaking from his lips. He floated there, his head coasting and his arms dancing, balancing his body as he darted about, looking for Nathan. He turned around to find the boy’s eyes locked on him, a fascinated gaze exuding from them.

“What?” Gabriel asked.

“Nothing…” Nathan muttered, chuckling awkwardly.

Gabriel lingered, scanning Nathan, whose eyes fidgeted around, trying to evade him. Finally, he hovered over, slowing down as he grew closer. Close enough that his leg accidentally grazed Nathan’s, and he could feel the boy’s prickled skin.

“Are you cold?” Gabriel questioned. Nathan just nodded. “The water’s warm, you know?” Gabriel teased, a cheerful disposition brewing inside that surprised him.

“I get cold when I’m nervous.” Nathan expressed with disarming honesty. Gabriel’s eyes started to survey Nathan’s tattoos.

“What does it say?” He questioned, directing his nose towards an inked quote running from Nathan’s shoulder to his collarbone.

“If you want to understand yourself, self-destruct.” Nathan cited. “It’s from…” He attempted to ascribe.

“Fernando Pessoa…the Book of Disquiet.” Gabriel interrupted, his voice sluggish, almost hypnotizing.

“I’m officially impressed.” Nathan razzed, beaming at Gabriel. There was a brief silence as both boys observed each other, kindred spirits discovering and acknowledging each other’s company. Then Gabriel floated forward, closing in on Nathan, whose eyes gaped with expectation. And just as their faces were about to touch, Gabriel’s hands came up and sloshed water over Nathan’s face, dunking his head under, chortling.

“Traitor!” Nathan hollered, giggling as he came up, coughing water out of his mouth, trying not to choke. Instead, he pounced forward and latched his whole body weight into Gabriel’s back, making them both tumble under again.

The two young men giggled their way out of the awkwardness of their first intimate moment, playfully teasing each other’s bodies. And for a few minutes, Gabriel completely forgot about his problems, emulating the sheltered innocence lost to him just a few hours ago.

They walked back to the oversized beach cloth and, as they approached it, Gabriel dropped his body on it, belly down, his peachy bum wiggling as he adjusted his position, much to Nathan’s delight, who seemed to stall behind, attempting to capture every juicy moment of it. He joined Gabriel and lay beside him, close enough that all the extra space suddenly seemed like a waste of cloth. They stayed there, sponging in the sun, their breaths rebounding from their prior exertions. Nathan finally rolled around, his shoulder now touching Gabriel’s.

“So, are you going to tell me what happened?” Nathan drilled, his eyes lingering on Gabriel’s toned and smooth back, marveling at how the tiny drops of salt water cascaded down his skin. Gabriel lay with his arms crossed under his face.

“I’d rather not bore you with my problems.” Gabriel replied elusively.

“Sometimes it’s good to talk to someone.” Nathan pressed.

Gabriel’s eyes opened and veered slightly up, looking at Nathan, who courteously blocked the sun from hitting his face. He rolled around very slowly, his right hand over his face as he gazed at his new confidant.

“I argued with my dad. It got kinda ugly.” He disclosed.

“Ok…” Nathan uttered, his tone calm and accommodating. There was a pause before Gabriel unleashed a nervous chuckle.

“Sorry, I’m not used to talking about myself. Unless it’s with my dad.” He divulged. “It’s always been just the two of us.” He clarified.

“You guys are pretty close, right?” Nathan asked. Gabriel nodded, his head tumbling to the side as he tried to conceal his eyes from his friend. “You know, it’s okay to hold people accountable if they hurt us, Gabriel.” Nathan stated, engaged, covering his friend with an invisible safety cloak. “But you don’t seem like the type to hold a grudge.” Nathan remarked.

“I didn’t think I was either…” Gabriel muttered, his words dallying as he thought about it.

There are always two reasons for people to hurt others, Gabriel. They’re either scared or they’re hurting.” Nathan said as he shifted his body, eyes surveying the still water.

“What if what they did was so bad, you just can’t forgive them?” Gabriel questioned, his voice loaded with dismay.

“…gentleness is stronger than severity, water is stronger than rock, love is stronger than force.” Nathan quoted.

“Siddhartha, page 54.” Gabriel replied, smiling. He could feel Nathan’s infatuation for him build, and a part of Gabriel seemed to enjoy that momentary sense of control over someone. He leaned into Nathan and kissed his cheek softly.

“What was that for?” Nathan questioned, darting at Gabriel timidly.

“I don’t know.” Gabriel replied with unexpected candor. Nathan smiled, then bowed his head toward the water again.

“Fuck, Gabriel. You’re making it hard not to fall for you.” Nathan admitted.

Both boys laughed, and Nathan let himself fall back, their heads nestled into each other in a perfect fit. They didn’t leave that large piece of cloth for the rest of the day. Instead, they remained there, hostage to the safety it provided them. They talked about books, movies, aspirations, dreams, plans for the future, and every other topic they could squeeze inside those few hours they had left. And as the sun settled, Gabriel sat alongside Nathan, watching it fade away on the horizon, taking with it all his disquiet.

They eventually gathered their things, boarded the boat, and returned to the resort. By the time they arrived, it was dark, and as they docked, a gentle serenity descended over Gabriel. As they walked the plank alongside each other, Gabriel could feel Nathan’s fingers skimming his hand, combing his touch. But for some reason, he pulled away. Then, a few feet ahead, Nathan’s parents signaled their son to hurry.

“Well, this is my stop.” Nathan said, stopping near one of the intersectional plates. “Feel better?” He questioned.

“Yeah.” Gabriel responded.

“See, I told you.” Nathan stated, winking. Gabriel stood there, staring at him. Nathan stalled a bit before turning around to leave.

“Nathan, do you think I’m weird?” Gabriel questioned with an urgency in his tone. Suddenly, Nathan’s opinion felt crucial to him. His friend paused, then turned around, his beautiful smile plugging the space between them.

“I wish everyone was as weird as you.” Nathan hollered as he walked away, his arm waving goodbye.

Gabriel felt struck by a surge of confidence. His chest exhaled, his anxiety thawing with each new breath. He veered into the beach and began walking back to his room, his feet regaling on the feeling of the chilly sand sliding between his toes. He couldn’t shake off this quiet smile from his lips, and soon, his mind was wandering away as he strolled unattended along the dark beach berm.

“Did you have fun with your new friend?” A voice sprung from under one of the canopies. Gabriel halted for a few seconds before turning around. Elliot sat on his beach chair, wearing a baggy hoodie, his figure melting with the shadow that loomed over him.

“What are you doing here?” Gabriel patiently questioned.

“He kicked me out.” Elliot replied, attempting to appear unbothered. Gabriel felt compelled to dig but held his curiosity at bay and motioned to leave. “Aren’t you going to say anything? Yell at me? Punch me in the face?” Elliot insisted, his hostile nature pushing through.

“No, bro. I’m not.” Gabriel hollered back without stopping.

“I was there with him in the room.” Elliot hollered, stopping Gabriel in his tracks. He stood there with his eyes closed, battling the urge to turn back. “But I wasn’t the one he fucked.” Elliot muttered. His tone was shifting, and his voice filled with compunction and self-seclusion. “You were.” He finally admitted.

Gabriel’s heart caved in as he felt the pain in Elliot’s voice. His compassion suddenly unleashed as he realized that beneath his unpredictable nature, Elliot was hurting.

He looked back, still able to catch his friend’s hand as it brushed off his tears. But as much as his heart longed to heal, Gabriel’s body and mind refused to concede.

“I’ll see you later, Elliot.” Gabriel uttered as he walked away.

And just like that, for the first time in his life Gabriel left his best friend behind.

He zigged inside the palm trees, walking along the gold path, sliding his card, and finally entering the suite, closing the door behind him. Inside, the silence was unsparing yet utterly peaceful at the same time. Gabriel walked over to his bed, pulled his backpack and shirt off, and tossed them over it, standing there momentarily as he gazed at Elliot’s empty bed, all his bags and clothes missing and his usual mess wiped clean. Finally, Gabriel sat at the edge of the bed, facing the balcony. He casually glanced at the living room, noticing a dim light coming from his father’s room.

His fingers began twirling, a rush of blood to the head. He stood up and started strolling over to the sliding door. As he stepped into the living room, the light from a tall floor lamp popped open. Jonathan sat on the chaise long under it, his legs stretched over it and his right arm bearing a glass of scotch.

“Where were you?” His husky voice questioned, his eyes lowered at the glass.

“I went with Nathan and his parents to Phi Phi Islands.” Gabriel casually replied.

“Why?” Jonathan asked, his tone less tepid, more challenging.

“Because I felt like it.” Gabriel shot back with defiance. Jonathan glanced at him, just enough for Gabriel to notice how reddish and bloated his eyes were. He had been crying.

“So this is how it’s going to be?” Jonathan probed, sounding vexed.

“I just needed to get away. I didn’t mean to get you worried.” Gabriel muttered, attempting to take hold of the situation. He could feel Jonathan’s anguish.

“Well, you did. I worry.” Jonathan disputed before exhaling profusely, trying desperately to cage the beast roaring inside him. “You’re the first thing on my mind when I wake up and the last thing on it when I go to bed.” He mumbled, finally raising his eyes to meet his son’s. “If you ever run off again without telling me where you’re going or who you’re going with, I’ll beat the shit out of you.” Jonathan threatened.

“You never hit me.” Gabriel replied, his voice cautiously testing the waters that streamed unbalanced between them.

I don’t remember you ever running off, but there’s always a first time for everything. That’s been a trend around here lately, right?” Jonathan stirred.

Gabriel could feel his father’s immediate regret once the words slithered out his mouth. Jonathan’s remarks were vicious, hurtful, and burdened with anger. Yet, as Gabriel stared into his father’s eyes, all he saw was love, affection, desire, and overwhelming lust. He turned around, unable to face them.

“Where do you think you’re going?” Jonathan’s voice called from behind him, freezing Gabriel’s body. “Come here.” He commanded.

He knew that to evade the situation and finally be able to escape to his room, he needed to concede to his father’s request. He turned, walked over to Jonathan, leaned forward, and kissed his cheek. He meant to pull away immediately, but as his lips brushed his father’s face, he felt compelled to linger, inebriated by his manly scent. Jonathan hinged his face slightly, enough to let his wet wood breath escape, penetrating Gabriel’s nostrils.

The boy pulled away, but as he was about to walk off, Jonathan’s arm shot forward, and his fingers grasped the buckle of Gabriel’s trunks, pulling him into him. Jonathan’s face collided with his son’s smooth belly, his mouth touching it. Gabriel’s initial reaction was to tense up, but as Jonathan’s hands moved up his legs, his fingers skating over them and his lips planting moist kisses that merged with the salt still lodged on his skin, Gabriel renounced momentarily. His hands encircled Jonathan’s hair, his fingers escaping inside it, pulling him in. He could feel his father’s tongue gliding over him, lounging inside his belly button, and his large hands, now planted over his ass, gently petting his glutes.

“Dad…” Gabriel mumbled, fear taking over.

“Bud…” Jonathan groaned, his voice consumed by lust.

“…stop.” Gabriel uttered, the words cunningly lacerating the air like cutlass. Jonathan’s hands sank to the floor, slumping beside Gabriel’s legs as he pulled away, and his chin dropped to his chest, defeat and shame taking over his body. Gabriel was about to rush for his room when his father’s voice stopped him.

“Do you know how many nights I stay awake, wishing I didn’t feel this way about you?” Jonathan uttered. Gabriel looked back at his father, his eyes tempting as a siren’s melody and his lust unsuppressed. “But then you look at me that way…” He whispered, almost to himself.

Gabriel fled to the bathroom, closing the door behind him. He caved to the floor, his back against the shower glass partition. The boy wrapped his arms and hands around his face, the shame and despair caving in. On the other side of the door he could hear Jonathan’s sobs. And as he did, his own broke away from their shackles, free to roam, unrelenting. He lay on the bathroom floor and cried himself to sleep, tired and defeated.

Two hours later, Gabriel woke. His body was exhausted and weary, yet lighter, less constrained. He lifted himself off the ground, walked to the sink, and splashed cold water on his face. He gazed at himself through the mirror, seemingly unable to recognize his reflection. It was as if the last couple of days had shed away the final pieces of his old self. A faint remembrance of the boy he was. And the longer he examined himself, the less fearful he became. A surge of energy began traveling through his body, vigorous, untamed, instinctive. He pulled back and surgically scanned his body. It seemed different, foreign, and untried. A virgin landscape waiting to be discovered and explored. He felt his dick harden behind his trunk, his hand gliding gently under them and grabbing it. He stroked it a few times, blood pumping into it, already semi-hard, pulsating as it beckoned to escape his fabric prison. Gabriel slipped his fingers over the buckle and pulled them off, his cock dangling in front of his pelvis, oozing precum. His eyes came up again, facing their reflection.

“What are you afraid of, Gabriel?” The boy asked. And then, unbeknownst to him, from the other side of the mirror, a sensually hedonistic, sultry, erotic grin appeared.

Gabriel walked out of the bathroom, across his room, past the living room, and over to the sliding door. His hand held it as he pushed it sideways. Jonathan slept naked on the bed, his body facing up, his massive soft cock sleeping soundly over his abdomen, and his chest moving up and down as he respired.

Gabriel walked over to the bed, leaning his naked body on its edge so delicately his presence went unnoticed. He stood there, monitoring his father’s body, not one ounce of trepidation in his gaze. The boy was taking every inch of Jonathan’s beauty in, like streaks of paint on a canvas or words on a poem. And as he did, he realized that the beauty in front of him, the layer with which his eyes saw his father, was beyond anything he could convey.

He should have been born a poet, Gabriel thought. Maybe then he could express, with words, how he felt about that man before him.

He finally understood that his love for his father transcended reason, logic, or nous and that everything he held dear in his life stemmed from Jonathan. So, Gabriel opened his mouth and finally broke the walls of his seclusion.

“Dad.” He called.

Jonathan’s body twitched, his eyes startled. He rose, arms stretched backward, holding the weight of his body. He gazed at Gabriel, his mouth slightly opened, his dick already hardening.

“I’m ready.” The boy whispered, his lips stretching into a smile.

“I…don’t want to hurt you.” Jonathan professed, his eyes gleaming with vehemence. Gabriel looked at his father, his fingers running sensually down his chest, over his belly, and into his cock, where they lingered, stroking it unhurriedly.

“Then…don’t stop.” The boy stuttered, finally offering his consent.

Tears fell from Jonathan’s eyes as he beamed, his lost spirit returning. He slid over the sheets gracefully, and in one swift move, he was in front of Gabriel. Jonathan stood there, locked in a haze, his eyes scouring every inch of his son’s body like it was the first time he had seen it. He took his hands and started sliding them over Gabriel’s soft skin, very slowly, starting at his neck, coming down the side of his arms, veering inside toward his nipples, pinching them slightly, making the boy tilt his head back, then continued down his stomach, finally stopping at his hips. By now, Jonathan’s 9-inch cock was twitching, suspending almost vertically. Gabriel glanced down, eyes gaped in shock. It was massive. Long, uncut, veiny, and progressively thicker. Perfect, just as he remembered it.

“Go ahead. I know you want to.” Jonathan stated, his voice empowered and lustful. He hauled forward and sat on the edge of the bed, his legs spread open and his dick pointing to the ceiling.

Gabriel kneeled on the floor before his father, his face covered by Jonathan’s massive dick. He took his right hand and grabbed the base, leaning forward, taking his nose to it, his chin sanding on Jonathan’s pubes, and took a big whiff. The scent was pungently intoxicating, with a hint of musk and sweat. Gabriel felt immediately compelled to lick it. He stuck his tongue out, sailing it over Jonathan’s scrotum, sliding from the balls to the middle of the staff and by the first lick, he was addicted. Gabriel instantly felt greedy and replicated the movement, coming up to the tip, forcing the foreskin down, unleashing all the precum stored underneath that skated accidentally inside his mouth. Gabriel moaned, pulling away so he could taste it. He balled it around his mouth for a few seconds before swallowing it, his right thumb wadding the remaining fluid along Jonathan’s gland, which he seemed to appreciate.

He looked up, his father’s eyes looking down at him, enamored by his uncharted exploration, beaming from ear to ear. Gabriel knew Jonathan would give him carte blanche, so he dove back in, licking the leftovers and wiggling his tongue playfully over his dad’s prepuce. He started bussing it softly, his plump lips dampening the shaft, feeling how its velvety surface contrasted with its hardness. Between the aroma it exuded and the feel of it on his lips, it wasn’t long before Gabriel pulled it down slightly and tried to stick it inside his mouth, his lips already stumbling to stretch. He immediately pulled back, coughing. Jonathan’s hand came down instinctively, grabbing his head by the side, concerned. Gabriel brushed him aside with verve, making Jonathan chuckle, and without missing a beat, the boy plunged his mouth into it again, sliding the tip inside and keeping it there, trying to get used to the feeling.

He started moving his tongue over the base, along the glands, and that seemed to turn Jonathan on, so he dwelled there for a while until his father’s breath became heavier. He could feel the scent of his breath on his face, driving him to descend into his exploration. So he started bobbing his head, plunging Jonathan’s dick inside his mouth, his lips stretching as he breathed through his nose. His efforts were paying off, and he was already deeper into it. Jonathan seemed to observe mostly, gripped by the sight of his son’s lips wrapped around his cock. But his alpha character soon took over. He leaned forward, his upper body now hovering over Gabriel.

“Wait.” He uttered, dragging his son’s lips away from him. And Gabriel’s commitment was so tenacious the boy’s mouth released a popping sound when he did.

Gabriel darted up at Jonathan, his mouth bloated and his puppy eyes glowing as they twinkled at his father. Jonathan pulled back on the bed and sat, slanting on the large pillows.

“Come here.” Jonathan directed, slapping his left hand on the bed while the right stroked his dick, his foreskin moving up and down. A sneaky smile broke from Gabriel’s mouth as he crawled over to his father. “Slowly.” Jonathan rasped, his tone more authoritative.

Gabriel obeyed, his eyes on his father the whole time. As he reached him, his body nestled beside Jonathan, his left leg wrapping around the stud’s thighs and his left arm promptly grabbing his cock. He was finally back there, in his favorite place in the world. Jonathan’s embrace was Gabriel’s sanctuary, and yet, this time, everything felt different, fiercer and enhanced. As he leaned on his father, slowly stoking his cock, Gabriel’s head tilted up. Jonathan’s face was just inches from him as he glanced down at his son, their mouths nearly brushing as the boy smiled at him.

“I love you so much, Bud.” Jonathan murmured into his son, whose gaze froze, his mind wrestling with something. Then, his lips parted, releasing a gush of breath.

“Don’t call me bud…” Gabriel solicited, consumed by lust. Surprised by his son’s plea, Jonathan peered, quickly realizing what the request entailed. Whatever was about to happen would transform their relationship permanently. And Gabriel had finally welcomed that truth. He was asking Jonathan to do the same.

“Ok.” Jonathan pledged, skimming his fingers over the boy’s face.

“Dad?” Gabriel whispered.

“Yes, Gabriel?” Jonathan replied.

“Kiss me.” The boy implored, letting go of his father’s cock and setting his hand over his heart, clasping his chest hairs with his fingers.

Jonathan exhaled, his breath stuttering with nervousness and excitement. All the suppressed lust for his son was pouring out. The body he worshiped like a temple was now there, willingly surrendered to him. He leaned forward, locking his mouth to his son’s, much like he had done so many times before. He lingered there, the pureness and respect of his love for Gabriel still holding his desire at bay. Sensing this, Gabriel took his hand and pulled his father’s head in, slowly forcing his tongue between his lips. And that was all that Jonathan needed.

Suddenly, his lips unfurled, shooting a wet wood-scented wave over the boy as his tongue slid inside Gabriel, their mouths finally snibbing. Gabriel released a muffled moan, falling backward on the bed with Jonathan following him, holding his body like something precious and fragile. They fell together, a soft cloud of bliss tumbling as Jonathan’s tongue rolled inside the boy’s mouth, raiding it, coating it with his spit, marking it as his territory. His big hand grabbed Gabriel’s head, allowing his mouth and tongue to dive deeper into his son. Gabriel’s arms swathed around Jonathan’s broad back, occasionally sliding down to his muscular ass. Gabriel could feel his father’s cock rubbing against his thigh. The feeling was beyond pleasurable. Inside his mouth, his father’s tongue charged relentlessly, taking control. All he could do was take the opportunity to savor as much of Jonathan’s taste as he could. Every string of spit he swallowed from his father’s mouth was like a shared secret, deepening their intimacy to a core level, unknowable to everyone else but them.

Jonathan’s hands began sliding down Gabriel’s smooth skin, traversing along his body to his legs. He then clutched the boy’s right knee calf and pulled his leg up, wrapping it around his waist, moving slightly in. His cock was now touching Gabriel’s crevice, honing between his cheeks. The boy moaned softly, the sound lost inside Jonathan’s mouth as he sucked on his son’s plump lips. Next, his cock started leaking precum over the sheets and around Gabriel’s peach, the borders of his sphincter now damp and gluey. And as Jonathan slid further up his son, the tip of his cock started teasing the boy’s hole, eventually sliding about an inch inside.

Gabriel broke from the kiss, a loud gasp erupting from his mouth.

“Fuck.” He uttered, his eyes squinting, still dazed from his father’s passionate kissing. Jonathan’s head shot up, eyes locked on his son, inspecting him.

“I’m sorry…” Jonathan muttered, unsure how to proceed, showcasing, yet again, his undying dedication to Gabriel’s well-being.

“No. Keep going.” Gabriel stated, his hands running over his father’s giant muscular shoulders, entranced by their prowess. He then looked deep into Jonathan’s eyes, diving inside them. “I want you to.” The boy whispered as he leaned into Jonathan’s mouth, kissing it gently. He then laid back, his slim fingers playfully skimming along his torso, a lustful grin on his lips.

Jonathan pulled back to the edge of the bed and stood there, watching Gabriel. Then, something happened. His eyes began to change, a peculiar layer over them, animal-like, like a benign darkness. He leaned forward, grabbed Gabriel’s feet, rolled him over, and yanked him to the edge of the bed. It happened so fast the boy didn’t even have time to think, and before he knew it, his father’s hands were grabbing his cheeks, outstretching his bubble peach asunder.

“Perfection.” Jonathan’s voice emitted.

“Dad…” Gabriel mumbled as he buried his face in the bed, caging an awkward giggle, feeling mortified. But his embarrassment was short-lived as he felt Jonathan’s hands go under his legs, around his hips, and locking together over his lower back with a tight grip.

Jonathan had now shackled Gabriel to the bed. He felt his father’s tongue touch his sphincter, skating it gently. The sensation was excruciatingly satisfying, and his body spasmed, propelling upwards. Jonathan had anticipated this, and his grip on the boy held him in place. Gabriel couldn’t flee. He could only enjoy, for his father was carrying out his demand. This time, Jonathan wasn’t stopping.

The boy’s head fell on the mattress, sinking into the sheets, his body twitching uncontrollably as his father’s tongue slurped his hole with reckless abandonment. He swerved around it, his face now sowed into Gabriel’s taint, his tongue caressing and exploring every nook and cranny, moistening it. He would occasionally try to dart it inside the boy’s hole, loosening it, but Gabriel’s body was still fresh to these sensations.

“Relax.” Jonathan’s voice whispered from behind the boy.

Gabriel hoisted his head, looking back at his father, took a deep breath, and exhaled, plunging his face back into the bed. His arms extended outwards, and his fingers gripped the sheets, pulling them into him.

“Good boy.” Jonathan groaned. His voice was coarse as he observed his son’s hole finally pucker, stretching relaxedly.

His pink, soft walls were now completely exposed, glistening with Jonathan’s spit. The stud lunged back in, stuffing his tongue inside Gabriel, his eyes rolling in ecstasy as the boy’s hips followed his movements in a sensual dance. Jonathan’s hands finally unlocked from the boy, and Gabriel was no longer pulling away. Instead, his body pushed into Jonathan’s mouth, clamoring for his father’s tongue with his loud and prolonged moans. Occasionally, Jonathan would pull away and spit on it before plunging back with a vociferous appetite, the boy’s asscheeks now red from sanding against his father’s scruff.

“Fuck, I could eat your ass all night!” Jonathan hollered as he pulled away, his beautiful long hair snapping back and an exhilaration in his voice that woke Gabriel from his raptured state.

Gabriel rolled back, his right leg bent and his hole still exposed. He struggled to face his father, a small part of himself still fearful of embracing the overwhelming pleasure Jonathan provided.

“Hey, look at me.” Jonathan clamored, meeting the boy’s resistance. “Gabriel!” He shot as he stood up, with a commanding and assertive tone. Gabriel finally lifted his head, the boy’s eyes still seeping with craving. “Don’t ever be ashamed of what you feel.” Jonathan declared. “Nothing that feels this right could be wrong.” He stated.

And there, inside his father’s words, Gabriel finally found himself.

He got up and pounced from the bed into his father’s arms, knocking Jonathan back, his legs scissored around his father’s waist. They held each other so tight that their skin seemed to fuse. Jonathan’s dick hoisted under Gabriel’s crack.

“I love you.” Gabriel whispered, his words melting into Jonathan’s heart and setting what he thought was lost in stone.

“My sweet angel…” Jonathan whispered back, stammering.

He took a few steps back, falling into the settee before the window. They sat there, embracing, Gabriel saddling him and his cock rubbing over the boy’s still-moist cheeks. Jonathan could feel his son’s heart pulsating against his chest. Gabriel pulled back and gazed at Jonathan, his eyes covered in tears. Then Jonathan felt his son’s pelvis shifting, his peach honing, teasing his dick. Finally, Gabriel lifted his ass, letting his father’s cock sling back vertically, the tip teasing his hole.

“Are you sure…?” Jonathan questioned, his eyes quaking with anticipation.

But Gabriel didn’t reply. It was written all over his face, so he just nodded, his mouth slightly opened.

He took his arm back, held Jonathan’s stiff cock, and directed it into his opening. Jonathan just sat there, holding Gabriel’s hips. The boy let his body fall gently, his face warping as he felt the walls of his sphincter stretch, trying desperately to accommodate Jonathan’s mammoth shaft.

“Fuck!” Gabriel wailed.

“Shhh…it’s ok. Take it easy.” Jonathan instructed in a subdued manner. “Stay still.” He directed.

He began moving his hips very gently, cheeks levitating from the couch. He was sliding just the tip, his gaze on Gabriel’s expression, using it as an indicator, a map of the boy’s pain threshold. Thrust by thrust, Gabriel’s physical utterance began to change, its stiffness dismantling. And it wasn’t long before his body cruised again, meeting his father’s thrusts halfway. It was virtually a game of micro-management.

“Fuck, you’re so tight, baby.” Jonathan let out, sending shivers down Gabriel’s spine.

He had heard his father say that same thing to many girls who occasionally slept over at their place back home. But, somehow, the fact that Jonathan was finally seeing him in a sexualized way was sending Gabriel over the edge, and his dick, which honed against Jonathan’s pecs, was starting to drip. Jonathan felt it as his eyes looked down, and he chuckled. His dick was probably 4 inches in, seeming impossible that he could keep himself from cumming before Gabriel could take all of it in.

Sensing his orgasm build, Jonathan took charge, and in an irrational and unscripted move, he held Gabriel’s waist in place and started thrusting his cock inside. Not in an aggressive way, but enough to force an extra inch inside, feeling the boy’s tight hole walls gripping into his cock, ushering his batter out of it. He took his right hand, grabbed Gabriel’s neck, pulling him in for a fervent kiss. And as he did, Gabriel started shooting his load into his father’s chest. Their lips parted, Jonathan’s mouth opened in ecstasy as he stared at Gabriel’s face, feeding on his expression. Gabriel, whose eyes were closed, tipped his head back.

“Daddy…daddy…” He moaned, the sound high-pitched, almost feminine.

“Fuck…” Jonathan blurted out.

And just as he began to shoot inside, Gabriel’s head came back up, and his eyes latched on Jonathan. Every tick string of cum firing inside was being escorted by a soft moan from the boy’s mouth, his eyes covered with an induced glimmer. Jonathan’s pelvis twitched as he tried desperately not to break their gaze, transfixed by his son’s seductive stare.

Suddenly, Gabriel fell forward, squishing his cum covered dick into Jonathan’s chest, who bandaged his arms around him, their chests pumping together. Gabriel could still feel his father’s dick pulsating inside him, his hole twitching, trying to close. Again, he leaned into Jonathan and finally felt it pop out, his gap queefing softly.

“Shit, I never came that fast.” Jonathan uttered, chuckling.

“I’m sorry.” Gabriel muttered, his face buried in Jonathan’s neck.

“It’s ok.” Jonathan replied, his hands skimming gently in circles over his son’s back. “That’s a good thing, baby.” He playfully teased.

“Dad?” Gabriel uttered.

“Yeah?” Jonathan replied as he kissed the boy’s neck softly and repeatedly.

“Let’s never fight again.” The boy pleaded. Jonathan’s arms squeezed harder around Gabriel, a wave of reassurance washing over him.

“Deal.” Jonathan whispered.

An hour later, Gabriel lay on the bed, facing down, his perfect smooth bubble butt lit by the moonlight that crept through the glass window.

“The thing with Elliot…was it just this once?” Gabriel questioned as his fingers fiddled with the sheets.

Jonathan’s head sprung slowly from the shadow, and his lips began kissing Gabriel’s body, starting on his feet, along his legs, his ass, back, and shoulders. He finally coasted against the fluffy pillows, looking into his son’s eyes.

“Yes.” Jonathan confirmed with absolute resolute. Gabriel smiled. But his smile soon waned, giving way to a certain gloom.

“I have to try and patch things up with him. We can’t pretend he isn’t here for 12 days.” He said, then paused as if he was about to say something, finally looking at his father. “I’m gonna take a shower.” He said, leaning forward and kissing Jonathan’s lips, lingering like an addict. He begrudgingly pulled away, hopping off the bed and stretching his body as his father observed him, his face beaming. “You coming?” He questioned in a sultry fashion.

“In a minute.” Jonathan replied, chuckling softly. Gabriel smiled and turned around before Jonathan’s voice stopped him. “Gabriel, just be careful.” He cautioned. “Elliot might not be who you think he is.” Jonathan forewarned.

They wavered, gazing at each other before Gabriel turned around and strode inside the bathroom.

Jonathan had just stirred something that quietly brewed inside Gabriel for a while.

And now, his mind grappled with the notion that maybe, his father might be right.

(To be continued…)

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