How I Joined The Mile-High Club by Bulge Voyeur

How I Joined The Mile-High Club by Bulge Voyeur

Join us for an exhilarating ride in “How I Joined The Mile-High Club” by Bulge Voyeur. This steamy gay sex story will take you on an unforgettable journey of passion and adventure at 30,000 feet. Discover the thrill of forbidden encounters and indulge in your wildest fantasies. Buckle up for a reading experience that will leave you breathless!

I saw him first in the queue at check-in, with his parents I assumed, this slightly sullen-looking young man, no more than 19 years old.
imageHe was wearing a crumpled kind of casual jacket over a plain ‘T’ shirt, with grey track-suit bottoms and trainers. He was in front of me in the queue and every time the queue moved forwards in its snaking fashion leading to the check-in desks, we passed one another and I got a good look at him. He looked a bit fed up. Strange, considering that he was presumably going on holiday.

He was about 5’ 9” and slim, with a tousled mop of light brown hair which made him look like he had just got out of bed. His eyes looked as though they might be blue or grey but it was difficult to see them, as he tended to look down all the time. I suppose this, coupled with his slouching stance, made me think he was miserable. Or maybe he was still just a teenager and hard to please.

As he walked along, I could see what I was sure was an outline of something down the left leg of his track-suit bottoms that swayed slightly as he moved forward, enough for me to decide that he was not wearing tight underpants!
His parents didn’t talk to him much in the queue but he pushed the luggage trolley along behind them. However, I noticed that, when they got to the desk, there was some conversation with him about the seating arrangements. I supposed that his parents were just making sure they were all seated together.

It was another hour or more later that I saw them again, at the boarding gate. By this time, he was sitting beside his father and listening to his i-pod. There were a few spare seats on his other side and I approached and sat down leaving a gap of two seats next to him. However, to make sure nobody was going to spoil my view, I put my shoulder-bag on the seat next to me.

He was slouching forward at this point, quite oblivious to me and absorbed in his i-pod. He had taken his jacket off and I now saw his bare arms, covered in soft hairs. As he leaned forward, his ‘T’ shirt rode up behind him, revealing his spine and the waistband of his underwear; at this angle, side-on, I couldn’t make much out but it was a plain blue elasticated band, below which was the hint of colourful cotton. He was wearing boxers; so he wasn’t quite a “freeballer”, but close enough!

Eventually we got up to board the plane and the queue I joined moved ahead of him and his parents in the next one. So I lost him again.

The seats in our bit of the plane were in a 2-4-2 configuration and I had got myself a seat by the window on the right-hand side. My row was the back row of this section, so there was a partition behind.

Having settled down, I was reading the details of the in-flight entertainment and stuff like that when I saw him again. He was heading down my gangway and my stomach did a little flip-flop as he stopped at the seat next to mine and plonked his bag & jacket on it. I pretended to be paying no attention but as he rummaged in his bag, I couldn’t wait for what I knew would happen next.

As his stretched up to the overhead locker, his ‘T’ shirt pulled up and I got the most fabulous view of his tummy, revealing and the “treasure-trail” of hairs down the middle, leading to the blue waistband of his boxer-shorts. And as he pushed his stuff in the locker, I got the best view yet of that delicious item down his left leg, as the material stretched tightly across it, revealing the beautiful outline of his balls and a more-than-respectably-sized cock.

Meanwhile, his parents it seems had seats across the aisle but two rows forward. That was what all the talking was about at check-in! There was some interaction between them at this point but he just seemed to grunt or mumble and turned away to sit in his seat, seemingly happy to be on his own away from them. I gave him a brief, polite nod and smiled at him as he sat down next to me. And we both then ignored each other. But it was difficult not to keep glancing across at his thigh, to get another look at his equipment – which to all intents and purposes had disappeared from view. So that was that; or so I thought.

The “ice-breaker” opportunity happened just a few moments later as we were taxi-ing and he seemed to be straining forward to look out of the window quite intently. Impulsively, I asked him if he wanted to change seats with me and sit by the window. I said I didn’t really mind and that he seemed to be far more interested in seeing out than I was as I had done it so many times before. He looked at me for a moment longer than was comfortable, enabling me to see into his grey eyes; then he looked across and down the aisle towards where his parents were sitting and said, “Well, if you’re sure…”. I told him to be quick about it, as we were taxi-ing and the stewardess would tell us off for unbuckling our belts while she was still giving us the usual safety drill.

So we swapped seats quickly; him standing up and shuffling across in front of me as I pushed-up the centre arm-rest and slid across behind him. In the course of this 5-second manoeuvre, I not only got another glimpse of pale flesh and the back of his waistband but my face came precariously close to a pair of deliciously round buns as he passed across in front of me and my hands inadvertently brushed against his legs, as a jolt of electricity went through my whole body. I had actually touched him! Well, his track-suit bottoms at least!
Now I had him between me and the window, on my right side, with the aisle to my left and a partition behind us both.

Throughout the next couple of hours, on and off, I chatted to him. I made my remarks fairly “throw-away”, so as not to make too obvious my sexual interest in him. We talked about i-pods and computers to begin with, but later I did manage to find out that his name was Ben and he was 19; his “father” was in fact his step-father and he didn’t like him much – largely (I figured) because he had replaced his estranged real father, who he mentioned more than once. His older sister was married and living abroad in Germany………well, you get the idea; it’s not important now. I earned a few extra points off him when they did the drinks round; instead of wine with my meal, I asked for a lager (the same as he had ordered) but I deliberately never drank it and gave it to him instead – he seemed to think that was “matey” of me. They say you get children’s approval with chocolate – but a young man’s is bought with booze!

The most interesting “development” was when he fell asleep for a bit after the main meal; not surprising, really, after two beers! His legs were stretched out in front under the next seat, having the effect of stretching the front of his tracksuit bottoms. At last, I saw that bulge again, still down his left leg but so much closer to me now. I was sure it was bigger than before, and I stared at it, mesmerized by it; until I saw it twitch. Was that my imagination? It happened again – a little twitch! Oh God, that did it; I was juicing myself by this point, just looking at him. I nearly came then and there in my seat! They say that a young man thinks about sex every few seconds and this young man was certainly thinking about it now, in his sleep! I wonder what his dream involved. No matter. He was semi-erect, that’s what matters!

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