Owen and Enzo

I scoff, “But you are brave. Last night you–”

He interrupts me, “Not that kind of brave. I’m talking real bravery.” He picks up my other foot and slides its sneaker off too. This foot is freshly out of its shoe prison and sensitive to his touch. I gasp and flinch a little and he smiles, “Sorry. I’ll get it broken in.” And he begins a repeat of the routine from the first foot.

I think I notice that in his lap, under the now neglected first foot, there is another bump. Hmm. Is afternoon wood a thing? Is this natural and involuntary? Not a response, but just a consequence of being a healthy young man? It must be. As he eventually works off my second sock, his situation seems to be only strengthening. I have a situation of my own that I’m attempting to conceal, but mine is very explainable. The very hot guy who I have been crushing on for over two years is touching me in an intimate way.

He’s wiggling my pinky toe between his thumb and index finger when he says, “You never struggled in statistics.”

I blush. “What?”

“You selflessly helped this guy you didn’t even know. This guy who couldn’t be more different from you in almost every way. You pretend to like basketball much more than you actually do. For me. You put up with our idiot housemates.”

“Hey, they’re good guys.”

“I know they are. But sometimes they’re still idiots.”


“You cook for us all. Enzo…”



“I know–”

“No, you really don’t. You don’t because I haven’t told you. Because I’m not brave like you. The truth is that I am falling in love with you.”

My face flushes and my fists grip the couch cushions. “But you’re not…”

He nods, “I am. I don’t know what to call it. I guess I’m bisexual. Whatever. Wyatt calls it Enzo-sexual.”

I snort. Wyatt is awesome.

“Whatever it is, Enzo, I’m ridiculously in love with you. And this has nothing to do with what happened last night. As a matter of fact, after a reality check conversation with Wyatt, who by the way is waiting in the wings of I strike out here–”

“Um, can we avoid baseball metaphors for at least a little while?”

He laughs, “I intended to talk to you last night, but other events derailed my intentions.”

Like him shedding his Clark Kent disguise and flying to my rescue.

“The truth is, I’ve been falling in love with you over these last two years starting with that very first day.”


He pulls his feet out of my lap and sits up straight. I’m not sure if he’s upset, disappointed or another emotion all together. He is as “out” as out can be. I have been hiding in the shadows. Is that something that he can forgive? Does it need forgiving? And just because Enzo is gay, doesn’t mean that he is interested in me. Look at him and look at me. He is a cute, regular sized – okay, slightly smaller than average sized – dude. I am a hulking ogre of a beast compared to him. Why would he be into me? More than likely, friendship is all he wants from me.

He takes my hands in his and I just know that polite rejection is forthcoming.

But what about what Wyatt said? Wyatt is a smart, observant, intuitive guy. And he’s a good friend. He would only tell me the truth and he would never hurt me. He said that Enzo is as crazy about me as I am about him. I force myself to meet his eyes.

He sighs and says, “I’ve decided I’m not gay. I’m Owen-sexual!”

His smile beams and my insides melt as a warmth spreads through my whole body.

He lunges and tackles me right there on the couch. I pretend like he has me pinned down and overpowered. Giggling, he kisses me in quick pecks that eventually slow to sensual passion. He tastes just like I imagined he would; delicious. For the first time, I realize that I did imagine what this boy would taste like. I was a clueless idiot. But not anymore. I part his lips and my tongue finds his. As I get goosebumps everywhere, I realize that I haven’t had goosebumps since I was a kid. My whole body is buzzing. His hands release my wrists, but I keep my hands above my head. He trails fingers down my arms and I giggle into his mouth as he crosses my pits. I know my erection is pressing into his leg as I feel his pressing into mine.

Enzo sits up and lifts at my shirt. I help him out and pull it off. He grins down at me with hungry eyes. I know I have an athlete’s body, but it’s not for everyone. Apparently Enzo is not disappointed. His mouth is back on mine and my hands find their way under his hoodie. His skin is covered in goosebumps too and it feels so smooth, so warm and so good. I explore his back and his ribs with my hands and his kisses begin to travel down my chin and my neck. He scoots his body lower down the couch as his lips and tongue travel southward. As he comes to my deep innie navel, his tongue takes the plunge and I see skyrockets.

He kisses all across my lower abdomen and I’m in a ticklish delight. As the kisses continue, he tugs on the waistband of my sweats and suddenly, they’re between my knees. I went commando today, so my raging hardon is standing straight up, pointing at the ceiling. He grabs my substantial manhood with both hands and I see him grin just before my eyes roll back into my head. A rivulet of precum rolls down my shaft and provides lubrication to Enzo’s talented hands. I am more turned on than I ever have been at any time in my life. I have never been with anyone sexually before this moment and I am already close to blowing my load.

Enzo senses my predicament without words and he slows things way down, drawing out my first experience. His gentle stroking is wonderful, but the immediate crisis has subsided. He explores every contour and ridge of my throbbing cock with first his hands and then his tongue. After about twenty minutes of intense attention, I’m close to climaxing again. This time, Enzo does not slow down. He grabs my ass cheeks in his hands and squeezes as he takes as much of my length in his mouth as he can. I so want to entangle my fingers in his hair and guide his warm wet mouth up and down my pulsating steel rod, but I don’t want to choke him.

He does just fine without my help. My eyes close, my back arches, my toes curl and I scream as I shoot ropes of hot cum down Enzo’s throat. He keeps on sucking until I have nothing left to give. He kisses the tip of my dick and licks at the last trail of my man seed. I am flushed and panting on the couch. Every ten seconds, my whole body racks in post orgasm reverberations.

While I recuperate and regain some strength, Enzo moves to the end of the couch and puts my giant size thirteens in his lap. He gives me a gentle massage as my body slowly becomes less jelly-like.


Owen demands, “Get out of that hoodie, now!”

I do as I’m told. He visually examines my naked upper body and my inclination is to cover in humility because I hardly have any muscles at all, but I don’t do that. I don’t cover because of the look on Owen’s face. The look screams of lust and love. I blush, but I allow him to take this moment.

Through a wide grin he says, “You are fucking hot!”

I blush harder.

He puts both hands on my chest and begins to gently maneuver his fingers around my ribs, my shoulders, my arms, my sides and my abdomen. It tickles a little, but not torturously so.

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