A Royal’s Lust 2 by chimmychangasupmyass

“No, you need to keep fucking me like that” I huffed, he knew I loved it rough and I was willing to take the consequences.

“If you say so”

By the time the maid came back we were both fully dressed and she handed me what King Harry called a painkiller, they came in a pressed powder form but last time I tried to choke one of those down I almost suffocated so we decided to just turn it into a liquid, I swallowed it in one gulp then looked at the woman who was nervously trying to decide if she should walk away or not, “oh yeah, your reward”

I opened the drawer to my bedside table and took out a small sack, putting it into her hands as she stared at it with wide hands, “when my father gives you a day off take that with you into town, and go get a snack from the kitchen you look starved”

She nodded energetically as I ruffled her hair and she seemed to skip out of my room, Domi laughed once she was out of sight “you spoil them”

“Only the ones that deserve it” I chuckled myself, looking up at him “now help me up before my father throws a fit”

Domi lifted me up and I flinched, feeling less pain but it still hurt to move, or stand really so I used it as an excuse to hold Domi’s arm to my chest giving him a cheeky smile, he playfully rolled his eyes and helped me walk out the room, by the time we met my father in the hallway the pain was only to a tiny pang in the small of my back, he didn’t seem pleased but that could just be his facial expression, it rarely ever changed “there you two are, I thought I’d have to bash open your door”

“Sorry, I woke up a little sore” I waved it off.

“I’m not surprised” He stated deadpan, making the both of us blush heavily, he looked me up and down before focusing on my neck “King Harry wanted to see you Allen, but you’re not going anywhere near him until you cover that… mess up”

I blushed more as he called over a maid and talked to her in a hushed tone, she looked at me for a moment her eyes widening before she nodded quickly and scurried off.

“Oh yeah father, what was the name of that young lady you sent to us again?”

“Mary, how are you this bad with names child?”

I chuckled nervously rubbing the back of my head before waving his comment off “doesn’t matter, but do make sure she gets some time off soon, wouldn’t want to overwork the good ones”

He rolled his eyes and turned around walking off “just go to the throne room once you’re done putting on that makeup”

“Alright!” I called out then looked up at Domi with a goofy smile,

“He’s going to strangle me one of these days” He sighed, looking down at me.

“I won’t let him” I pecked his lips “babe”

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