In It for Life Ch. 05


A gay sex stories: In It for Life Ch. 05 AN:

This sequel has 42 chapters, and a lot is going to happen. Just to make it clear, things will look up for Francesco, Karl, and Mouse at the end. They will get a happy end of their own making.

In It For Life


Francesco felt giddy as he saw who was calling. “Fuck,” he drawled out as he answered, “wasn’t expecting a call so quickly.”

Mouse chuckled at the other end. “Disappointed? I could hang up.”

“Don’t you dare. How was your flight?”

“Just peachy. What’s not so peachy is missing you.”

“I know,” Francesco said. “Missing you like crazy the moment you walked out the door.”

“Until he came through it, though, right?” Mouse sounded playful, but Francesco knew better.

“What’s with you two, still so jealous of each other?” He didn’t mean to snap at Mouse, but they were both still morons.

“Dunno about him, but I can’t help it. He fucked you good, didn’t he?”

Francesco groaned and moved his phone from one ear to the other to buy some time and not spout whatever came first. “You two are like peas in the pod, I swear. I’m starting to suspect you and Karl are non-identical twins, and you got kidnapped at birth or something from Karl’s mom’s arms. No wonder I’m in love with you both.”

“Well, did he?” Mouse insisted like he was deaf to the rest of it.

“Just my mouth, and some weird foot job that I’m not going to explain over the phone,” Francesco replied. If Mouse cared to be so irritating, he deserved the truth.

“Ah, fuck, he got kinky. I need to step up my game. How would you feel if I got some beads in my cock?”

“Like piercings? No way,” Francesco warned. “I can’t agree to something weird like that. And I don’t care for you mutilating yourself.”

“Hmm,” Mouse purred, “but I was thinking of getting something special for you. And there are these things you practically insert under the skin and-”

“That’s it, I’m hanging up,” Francesco threatened, but he did nothing of the kind.

“So, it was as I told you. He came,” Mouse said.

“Yeah, three times, down my throat,” Francesco confirmed. He wasn’t going to keep things from Mouse. Karl was a different matter. He was the one with a fragile ego.

“Wow. On different dates? I wasn’t gone that long.”

“No, like three times in a row, if you can believe it. Pretty pent up, what can I say?”

“And how was his cum?”

“Where are you calling from? Are you sure you’re not scandalizing anyone with this dirty talk? But yeah, it was fucking delicious and a lot. I skipped dinner because of how much he force-fed me.”

“Fuck, you and your dirty talk, Kekko.” Mouse’s voice was deeper and raspier. “Can’t jerk off right now, but I’ll do it later, thinking of you.”

“I hope so. Boys keeping you busy down there already?”

“Hungry for more blowjob stories? After getting Karl’s load thrice?”

“You know me.” How could things be so easy and loose with Mouse, but so tight with Karl? They had some things in common, but otherwise, they were complete opposites. It had to be why Francesco couldn’t decide on just one of them. They matched different parts of him.

“I have to go now. Duty calls. But I’ll call you as often as I can,” Mouse promised.

“Wait. How did you know Karl would come? For sure?”

There was a short moment of hesitation. “Because he told me he’d do it,” Mouse said quickly. “Bye, Kekko, love you.”

Francesco stared at his phone like it could still give him answers. Were those two communicating? Had they been doing that all this time? Mouse was slippery like that and avoiding to give answers, but Francesco had to go to the depths of it. If they were talking, things couldn’t be that bad.

He rubbed his forehead. Maybe that thing with Karl had been a one time deal. It was a possibility. After all, Karl was still getting married and he had probably come only to use Francesco’s mouth as his personal cum dump one more time before becoming an outstanding member of society as his dad wanted.

Who was he to call Karl and Mouse out for being jealous? He was beyond it because of Kark’s bride to be. He couldn’t hate her, which made things complicated, because then he would have had something to channel his messed up feelings. But she wasn’t at fault for any of it, and surely had no idea about Karl’s troubled past. If anything, Francesco felt bad for her because she might never know her husband like a wife should.

He groaned and rolled on his belly. He was being stupid, thinking that Karl would see more than holes to fuck when he looked at him. So yeah, they had hugged at first, and that had felt real, but what good could come of it?

Francesco closed his eyes. He needed to get his mind off Karl. That man would never be his. His other man was on the other side of the planet, engaged in a war. Why did he have to be in love with people who had such complicated lives?

Not that it mattered. He would be in love with them forever. The island had marked them for life, and forgetting about either of them or them forgetting about him was impossible.


Francesco was surprised to see the luxury car still in the shop when he got to work the next day. “Is it still having trouble?” he asked his boss.

“No, but you’ll have to take it to its owner,” his boss replied.

“Why me?” Francesco asked without thinking. “I mean, my pleasure, sure.”

He let the tips of his fingers hover as he moved past the car. He loved cars, but never in his life he would have thought that he would take one like that for a ride.

“When you’re finished for the day. This is the address,” his boss added and handed him a piece of paper.

Francesco whistled. He couldn’t be surprised, though. A car like that belonged to the swankiest neighborhood in the entire state. But it would be a few hours drive there, which meant that he would need to secure transportation back and have a really late dinner.

“He’ll tip well,” his boss said, as if he was reading his mind.

The owner of the car. Probably someone with too much money on his hands, but not enough time to get his car from the shop. Francesco frowned. People like that usually had errand boys to run around for them. And why the hell someone from across state would bring his car here, in this rundown town?

Not his problem. He eyed the car with interest. Soon, he would be behind the wheel and see for himself if the hype was all that.


No wonder rich people felt so invincible. Francesco took in the property on the top of the hill, with its modern design and the main building rising two stories high. He waited to be buzzed in and took the car through the gates that opened electronically through a winding path to the main entrance. Shit, Francesco thought, could he Uber from here to somewhere he could find some form of mass transportation? He sure hoped this rich guy tipped well because he needed it.

He got out of the car and rubbed the keys in his hand. Even those felt rich, not like the usual thing. At the door made from massive wood, he stopped. Was he supposed to ring? Some employee should already be there to get that car off his hands and send him on his way, preferably with a hefty tip.


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