Vortex Quest Bk. 01 Ch. 14

A gay sex stories: Vortex Quest Bk. 01 Ch. 14 == VORTEX QUEST 1-14 ==


The demigods stepped onto an overcastle balcony, halfway up the massive, squat stalactite. They wore tiny, dark red fundoshi from something like satin, fully covering the light of their cock cages which was still triggered by the various Fiends sieging the place.

Marcus kept twisting the new ring on his middle finger. Part of him wanted to try out the dust right away.

Xane had a linen bag full of nectar buds on a string-belt and the lean, tall swimmer couldn’t wait to try those either.

He challenged himself to peak over the balcony’s rim and to the lake shore far, far below while Chay let a dark cloud congeal around them.

“Ready for the drop of your fucking life?” the leader asked, casually fanning himself, which did little to keep his ochre skin from glistening.

“Rollercoasters got nothing on that,” Xane said, his three butterflies uneasily fluttering into position on his collarbone.

Marcus clapped. “Let’s fucking go.”

By Marcus’ estimate the fall would take about three minutes at terminal velocity. He’d been bungee jumping once and proudly declared as much, but Goro had one–upped him with skydiving experience.

The men grabbed each other’s hands and levitated off the edge.

The drop was exhilarating. Marcus and Xane screamed. Chay’s cloud swirled around their bodies and trailed them like a comet’s tail to make the four humans appear like any number of abyssal phenomena to onlookers.

“Okay then,” Marcus shouted. “That’s off my bucket list. Which way’s the holy spire?”

Goro shouted back. “Yeah, I think we should start maneuvering. Gently drift forward.”

“Uh, guys?” Chay said, barely audible. “Company.”

Jellons were closing in on them from below, clearly on intercept course. Maybe the house-sized brains didn’t like to share air supremacy.

“To the left,” Chay commanded. “Drop faster.”

He pulled them ahead, smoke plumes pulsing off his body, as he dragged his friends with him in arrow formation. Marcus’ sight got obscured by the mist trail.

“They’re too dense,” Chay said. “We’d get stuck on their tentacles. Marcus, you’re up.”

“What do I do?”

Chay looked at him with a grin. “Rip through.”

Marcus grinned back and charged up. “Can do, boss.”

With his fists aglow with white, slow-motion flame, Marcus flexed his body and dropped faster to get ahead. Goro put a bent leg on the Filipino fighter’s back and kicked.

Marcus was catapulted ahead, flaming arms ramming into a central Cranio-Jellon.

Brain matter burst apart, forming a tunnel with enough violence to turn the Jellon’s head into a donut shape. Tentacles spasmed and curled up as Marcus came out the bottom, all tan muscle, holy fire, grace and vengeance.

Below the first one, two Jellons were squishing together, cutting off the path.

He charged up again — feet this time — and twirled into positon. With his veiny, naked feet spread into a full side split, he hammered his heels into the creatures and carved a chunk out of each, making a second tunnel.

The pantheon flew past spasmically curling tentacles and right at the lake, their flight obscured by the smoke Chay spread behind them.

“Pull up,” Chay shouted and Marcus course corrected for a flatter trajectory.

The four demigods impacted on the lake like skipping stones.

Marcus rolled off the wavy surface, parting the glowing ectoplasm with each impact. Goro carved the plasm feet-first and skipped with large steps. Chay and Xane rolled once, then floated more elegantly.

The four came to a halt, hovering a few feet above the surface. Jellon bits rained into the fluid behind them with splashes. The Jellon swarm stayed up. Marcus calmed his breathing. They were safe.

He chuckled and drove his fingers through his faux-hawk. “Man, that made me horny as f-”

“Oh shit!” Chay yelled. “Go!”

A shadow moved beneath them. Ectoplasm was more opaque than water but something huge, no, multiple huge things moveds under the surface.

The pantheon dashed toward the shore as the liquid burst beneath them.

A hydra rose. Marcus counted seven heads, no, eight, at least.

The gray multi-serpent snapped at them. Marcus sent his chakram out to slice the tender flesh inside the creature’s mouth.

“It’s territorial,” Chay yelled. “We just have to get away.”

The leader swung his arm, a cloud bursting into two comets that latched onto separate hydra-heads.

The chakram-cut head retreated with a hiss. Marcus moved his weapon over to the nearest throat.

Xane sent a projectile from each hand, green bolts, dripping as they flew. The entire creature jolted as the bolts exploded in one of its faces.

Chay had blinded another head. The creature sank beneath the waves.

“Below! Chay shouted. A head rose just underneath them, open mouthed, rapidly closing in.

Xane sent a butterfly down. It turned into blue lightning in the creature’s throat. The serpent stopped the ascent and fell over, slapping the waves aside as it impacted.

The pantheon skipped and floated along the ectoplasm and made it to shore. A cracked, unevenly rising cliff wall enclosed a semicircular black sand beach the size of three football fields where long-leaved shrubs swayed.

Marcus sank onto his knees, breath fast. “I would dramatically kiss the ground but that’s sand and I didn’t bring lip gloss, hehe.”

“Fuck,” Xane said and dropped into the sand on his back. He lazily lobbed a rainbow-shimmering ball into the lake as a magic middle finger. Then he raised his actual middle fingers at the sea.

Chay took a few steps, a hand on his hips. His round, buff ass was right in front of Marcus, who was torn between making a dumb comment and giving it a smack.

He opted for a hard smack.

Pie burst from Chay’s hand and excitedly bounced between the men.

The cake’s playfulness evaporated their tension. They were finally safe for real.

“No use putting it off,” Goro said and started walking. “I can see the spire glow from here. Let’s walk-”

“Watch out!” Xane yelled and swiped at nothing. The Korean bodybuilder’s invisible hand grabbed a spear out of the air but there were dozens.

The mania-warrior was hit by three. Crying out, Goro went down and tore at the spears.

Xane dashed behind a fallen pillar of white rock and began the slow process of shaping sand into somewhat more of a barrier.

The spear rain reached Marcus. The animus-fighter took to the air and roundhouse kicked five spears meant for him off their course. He landed on his hands and wheeled into Xane’s makeshift holdout.

Goro had ripped the spears out, wounds not yet healed but not even bleeding. He carried Chay who had taken a spear to the calf. It had apparently sliced him enough to sever some tendons.

“Blood Feasters!” shouted a voice in Boldian. Several voices joined. “These are the gods. They can bleed. Drink them!”

A chorus of “Drink the gods!” and “Blood feast!” echoed from the rocks. Bipedal dinosaurs in all colors emerged and rapidly swarmed onto the beach.

“Fucking naturally,” Chay said. “We never should have… Ouch.”

“We can take them,” Xane said, ducking as more spears came their way, and hardened their meager sand barrier.

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