A Royal’s Lust by chimmychangasupmyass

“Why are you staring at me like that?” he asked with s confused frown.

I leaned up and softly brushed my lips on his, a whisper of a kiss before quickly pulling back with the same smile on my face “I love you…” his expression went mostly blank and I knew exactly what he was about to say, it hurt me to mutter “… you don’t have to say it back”

And he didn’t, he just pulled me into his arms and held me tight, it was comforting but not as comforting as what he actually felt, it was like he was stringing me along but I knew he was just worried for me.

After a moment he grabbed some soap and started to lather it on my body silently, I blinked back the tears I didn’t notice were forming and let him properly clean me before the water got cold, I made sure to run my soapy hands over his body as welt until my hands made it once again to the back of his neck and I laid my head on his chest.

Once we were both done Domi grabbed under my thighs and rose from the water waiting until most of the water wasn’t dripping off of us and stepped out walking into my room and set me on my couch.

He had gotten used to changing the covers on my bed once we were done fucking, I’d usually last so many rounds that cum would soak into the sheets, I watched his muscles flex as he moved around the room putting the dirty sheets into the basket for the maids to come and pick up later tangling our clothes in them making sure they wouldn’t be seen until they started to dig into the laundry.

Domi dressed in loose pants with nothing underneath and handed me some undergarments and my nightshirt, I slipped them on not waiting for him to dry me and plopped onto the waiting mattress snuggling my pillow, Domi stared at the bed like it was lava and I looked up at him with one eye before yanking him down making him fall, “nap”

“I’m not supposed to sleep in here you know that”

“That’s an order, Dominic”

He frowned, I knew he hated when I called him by his full name as he’d gotten used to the pet name but I wasn’t about to fight with him over the specifics of which bed he was allowed to sleep in, the castle is cold anyway and the guard corridors are across from here, he’d freeze his nipples off, plus his company was always welcomed.

He sighed and got under the blanket pulling it over me as well, making it go up to above my ear when he pulled it up to his shoulder, I let out a sharp breath and burrowed under the blankets, I could tell he was slightly pissy I wasn’t cuddling him instead of the pillow but I didn’t want my emotions to take over while I was trying to sleep so I buried my face in my pillow and let out a soft sigh as I slowly drifted into unconsciousness.

Two months later

I played with my nails as the carriage bumped on the rocky road, we were coming back from a trip to a neighboring kingdom as my father tried to force love at first sight with all twelve daughters of King Harry, ruler of Hailvile… their ancestors weren’t very bright with names but what they lacked in cleverness they more than made up for in their technology as the very carriage we were riding was one I’d never seen, we were offered one of their fancy cars but both I and my father agreed that might be too jarring for only our fourth visit, there were still so many things that I had yet to be amazed about in that country.

I planned on keeping this carriage to myself, for when I need to take more private trips with less supervision, without my father’s permission of course he’d never let me go out into the world on my own even with the protests and terrorist attacks subsiding, the vehicle was much fascinating with small technologies sprinkled throughout it and two seating split off in the middle giving some privacy, we could see how far we were from home, floating screens hanging over the wall not really attached to anything, I was told I could also use them for entertainment but that was for later.

I grabbed one of the screens hitting a random button which took me to the mechanics of the carriage, There were lots of things that confused me as I was just used to it being horsed pulling a box but there were… engines? And electricity which I had no idea what that was, sure we’ve gotten gifts that require it but my father usually handled it and I treated them as sort of magic objects.

While I was staring blankly at whatever the percentages meant Dominic took the screen from my hand and put it back to where it originally was floating with the others, probably brushing off my confusion since he was born in a more advanced kingdom before he was moved here to be my guard, in fact, my father’s kingdom that really still kept it simple, nothing fancy or confusing, most kings called us “vintage”, I didn’t really know what that meant either but my father wasn’t very fond of the term being labeled on us.

I looked up at Domi as he stared forward at the wall at nothing in particular, probably trying not to make any certain movements for me to interpret as we were close to making the guest bed messy earlier before we were called to leave, and my arousal has not gone down one bit, now that I think about it…

“Now that we have some privacy and time,” I said seductively as I plopped myself into his lap quickly getting hard again.

“Your father is in the compartment in front of us” he rambled feeling my erection digging into his crotch and sucking in a breath.

“Then let’s test this so-called soundproofing tech King Harry was so generous to give us” I countered, licking my lips as I ground my hips into his and leaned over to his ear “I want you to make me scream”

Even with his gorgeous ebony skin, I could see the blush pigmenting his cheeks as I looked at him, whimpering as I licked the shell of his ear and ground down on him more feeling his cock start to stir in his tight pants, moaning softly when his large hands gripped my hips “if we’re caught you could be removed from my supervision and worse” he struggled to get out, but I let it enter in one ear and out the other.

“Then we better make this quick huh,” I said suggestively hooking my fingers into his waistband waiting for him to give the okay “wouldn’t want anyone else to see me melting in pleasure now”

“You’re impossible” He groaned and grabbed two big handfuls of my ass making me gasp out a moan.

“Only for you” I teased as I pulled out his rapidly hardening cock.

I wrapped my slender fingers around it and started to pump making him buck into my hand, his own pulling down my pants fast enough it was a miracle he didn’t rip them, pressing his fingers to my lips and I locked eyes with him as I wrapped my lips around them licking and sucking as if it was his dick and not just his digits, he didn’t take long until he pulled them out and used his free hand to pull my asscheek to the side so he could press his middle finger on my entrance slowly sinking it in.

I had to hold back from pushing my ass back to get it in deeper, I was already partially prepped as we were in the middle of doing so before getting interrupted and yet he still wanted to do it the slow way, unfortunately for him I was impatient so I squeezed his cock and pumped it faster, leaning to his ear again “I’ve been waiting two fucking months, I’m not in the mood to go slow”

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