Boyhood sexual experience with a man-teen by LtnScorpio4x

A gay adult story: Boyhood sexual experience with a man-teen by LtnScorpio4x ,

My experiences however unwelcomed, made me very sexual, that I started writing about my gay sex experience; it?s erotic of course, due the nature, the lurid details of sexual acts that I experienced in my young Latino life, from early years too young to manhood, I learned.
My boyhood sexual experience with Man- bodied teen;

Man/boy loveWhen I was about four years old, several older teenage kids, ranging from 13 to 14, lived around my neighborhood. One of the boys, Tony, lived next door with his grandmother. Tony was 14 years old and had a girlfriend named Stella, 13; she worked at her father’s store located in our neighborhood street, corner.

Occasionally, my mom would send ne to the store to buy milk, and I would see Stella with Tony.

One dark evening, they caught my attention because Tony and Stella were standing against the store wall, making out for what appeared to be a very long time.

They were locked in an embrace and their mouths were all tongue action, I stood in awe there, gawking on the sideline, entertained, and enthralled with their actions.

Soon, I got a tap on my shoulder from behind, and it was my dad, who came to see why I was taking so long. I got embarrassed when he noticed what I was watching them. He too saw them kissing and laughed.

He scolded me, and told me “Don’t be nosey”, I told him that I wondered what it felt like, seeing them kissing with their mouths and tongues.

My dad told me I had to be older to know about those things, and hurried me home.

However, I remained curious. I thought more about Tony, he had nice full lips, pouty and red like, and his soft thin black mustache barely growing on his upper lip looked nice; he was cute, and he attracted me, I thought he was lucky for being good-looking, and very good at kissing with his nice, pouty, reddish full lips. Obviously, my innocent curious feelings could be viewed as gay tendencies, and quite intriguing for a 4 year old boy to have.

One day, Tony came to our door, and talked to my mom. He wanted to set up a tent or camp party in the court yard directly outside our back door that he was planning to have with all his neighborhood friends. The court yard outside had restrooms and shower facilities for use by the tenants in the building. He said it was ideal because its facilities for his tent party, a sleep over event.

Tony asked my mother if it was okay that I join in the event too since it would be fun for me to experience sleeping out in the open stars. Apparently, I was invited to the “sleep over and campout” since I was a boy too, and should join them, and because mom allowed the camp to take place near our back door, in the common court yard.

My mother packed a sleeping bag and blankets, and gave a warm sleep outfit to wear, so I would not get cold just in case it got chilly at night.

Tony set up tarps and tents, fold away beds, cots, and sleeping bags in an enclosed area that he created his camp in the court yard; he had sealed off the area with tarps making it more private and secluded. He furnished the camp with kerosene lamps, a television set, a transistor radio, and other campout gear and equipment; He brought flashlights and comic books to read. He had soft drinks, sandwiches, and snacks to eat in ice coolers, too.

Soon, several neighborhood older boys started to arrive with their gear in hand for the camp sleepover. The older boys, all teenagers, were kids that lived in the more affluent homes in the neighborhood, located across the street from our building.

One of the boys already drove a car, a convertible, which his parents bought for him. His name was John; he had dark brown complexion and tight curly hair. Some of them were dressed in army gear and wore combat boots to fit the occasion.

Among all the older teenage boys, I was the only 4 year old boy in the group, and I gravitated to Tony, who took it his duty to look after me exclusively, and had me at his side, as my protector, and I was like his little cabin boy.

The first day, before dark, he went to take a shower, and had me accompany him so we could shower together. I saw nothing wrong in that we were going to shower together to get clean, since that is what my mom had me do before bed; bathe, brush my teeth, and dress in my pajamas for bed.

In the shower, we undressed, and we were both naked, He appeared tall, muscular, and grown like a man.

He ran the shower, and begins to lather his body with soap, and then hands me the soap to me, so I could lather myself as well. He is under the running water, wetting his whole body and hair, turning his body constantly, washing his face, his body with a wash cloth. I see his dick for the first time; his dick was big and long, brow and meaty. I just stared at his body, which intrigued me and amazed me; I was in total awe. I was surprised as I was curious that he had a really big dick.

His body was muscular, tanned, his legs were nice and muscular, and his thighs strong and thick; his ass was round and beefy, and muscular. When I saw his butt, I liked it, especially.

I told him that I like how his butt looked, and he laughed. I asked him to show it to me again, and to turn around again. He smiles, and turns, as to let the water run on his body some more; he turned around several times, so I could look at his body and butt again at different angles.

He just smiled and had a happy look his face. I was happy too, that he allowed me each time I asked him to show me his butt. I must have asked more than once.

He then stood still, and showed me his butt more; he stood, flexing it for a while.

He said “Okay, I did it, now you too.”

I was still holding the soap trying not to drop it because it got slippery on my small hands. I had lathered my stomach, and legs, and he pulled me close to him, under the warm running water, and I turned around too, and stood, so he could eye my soft, white, round butt

He said he liked mine too. He just smiled, with his nice white teeth gleam, and his face, and black hair, and cute black mustache and face, dripped wet.

I saw his dick and noticed it was hanging long, exceedingly way bigger than mine; his long dick had black hair around it, and it was dripping wet too, getting longer, as I watched.

He could notice my shock, that his dick got super big, as I stood watching it; it was long, hard, and thick, with its head pointing straight up at my direction, and as he got closer to me to show it off, was massive. He held it near my face, so I could touch or see it up close. I thought to touch it, but I got scared to its sheer huge size.

He smiled, said, “Go ahead, feel it”, and told that one day when I grew up, and became older, like his age, I would have a big dick too, like his. He tapped his dick, and it sprung up and down, as it bounced with his hand on it, it quickly went back into place, again, and it remains hard, long and stiff in my face.

I agreed to touch a lit bit, feeling how hard and long it felt. I told him it felt too big; that he had such a big dick, and I never saw one that big before, and it scared me.

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