Geoff and Chet Ch. 22

“Well, one never knows where life will lead us. We’d be happy to have the perspective of someone with ‘new’ financial analysis experience.”

“So as to the professional selection process: It’s administered out of the US Olympic Team’s headquarters in Orange County, California by a committee made up of the owners of the ten US pro franchises.”

“Sorry to interrupt, but is there a franchise in Houston?” “No, the only Texas franchise is in Dallas.”

“The week of Thanksgiving, they will publish a “Potential Draft List–PDL”, typically with about 20 names. All 20 are then asked whether they are interested and those who indicate interest are called for interviews before Christmas. This year about 8-10 will be drafted by the various US clubs—and they get together on December 21 this year and decide who will get bids where. Everything is over within a few days of that—unless one or more of the potentials turns down an offer. Then agents are hired and deals are struck. I’m pretty sure I will be in the 20 or so listed. Beyond that, who knows? If for some reason, one is not listed—or offered a position, you can always go independent—but that means you must find your own sponsors and don’t get the team support for the series of professional meets which are all technically opens. I will not do that, I’ve decided that I don’t have the stamina or the desire to become a self-promoting athlete-entrepreneur.”

Doc broke in. “May I ask a few questions? Is the compensation terrific, like in many professional sports, or is it a living wage—or do you have to find additional sponsors or employment? And what does the professional circuit look like?”

“Salaries are acceptable, not generous. You can live, barely. Teams typically offer dorm room type accommodations without rent during the seasons so you can live away from the franchise if you choose outside of season. You need to have an agent who will get sponsorships for equipment, clothing etc to make a decent salary. At least this is true until you have won a national or international competition. The pro circuit in the US consists of two short seasons: April-June and September-November. Typically about 16 races total—all over the US—and not all where franchises are located. The top team or teams in the US go to various international meets by invitation, often in the summer in Europe and in the winter in Australia and the Middle East. Prize money for these meets can be substantial—but only two or three of the top franchises will get to participate internationally.”

“Olympic trials and competitions are entirely separate—and obviously every four years. They really don’t pay at all—but the sponsorships can be lucrative. Other than that, it’s practice. Team members typically live in the home cities of the franchises and travel with the team for 5-6 months of the year.” [Ed. Reminder: all of this description is fictional, but roughly based on other sports franchise practices. So you can forget fact- checking.]

“It sounds grueling and not all that financially rewarding.”

“But if you love the sport…..and if you soak up the praise for being a champion….”

Geoff picked up some plates and our wine glasses to return them to the kitchen. “I’m ready to turn in. We’ll be heading back to Houston tomorrow morning. I guess it’s ok if we take the BMW SUV?”

“Sure, but let me give you both a hug now. I’m on at 6 tomorrow, so I’ll be gone when you leave. Chet, we look forward to having you with us for Thanksgiving—and good luck with the process—and your planning about it. Geoff, as always, you have our love and support. Drive carefully.”

We headed for Geoff’s room, brushed and groomed, stripped and crawled under the duvet. “Do you want to talk—or can I ravish you first?”

“Ravish, eh? You’ve got my interest already. I think a few words first. I may not be able to think coherently after I’ve been ravished—that will be a first for me. I know my description of the potential for next year upsets you. Geoff, I am falling in love with you. I can’t say that often enough. I promise not to do anything that will jeopardize our love. I know you are committed to Houston, probably for at least three more years after I graduate, possibly longer and that Houston doesn’t have a pro franchise. That obviously implies a distance relationship—and we both know what that means. But, being chosen will validate ten years of my hard work. All I can say is that I won’t make any decision without your participation. I think I can say that you will be the most important consideration. But, let me at least see if I can get one of the brass rings. I need that for personal validation of my worth. Then we can talk. And, I’m serious. I don’t need your family’s help in finding a job. The recruiters are already circling the tents.”

“You know that I don’t need any more convincing of who you are and what you are made of.”

As I was speaking, I was pulling him into me and stroking his growing penis. “So how about this ravishing?”

“I was only waiting for the invitation.”

“Since when have you needed an invitation to ravish? That door is never locked to you. And I’m still waiting for you to demonstrate your ravish techniques.”

He pushed me on my back, smashed his lips onto mine, forced his tongue inside, and kissed me hungrily as he moved his body over mine, stroking and pinching my nipples, spreading my legs with his thigh and mashing his rock hard cock into my balls. This was going to be fast and rough. Geoff was definitely going to be driving. But, I was okay to be the passenger on this fast moving express. Reaching over to the side table, he brought out the lube, squeezed some on his fingers, quite dexterously using one hand, since the other was occupied rolling my nibs. Soon his lubed fingers were rimming my entrance. He knelt below me as I raised my legs around his waist to capture his body to mine. Geoff was really good at this and weeks of practice had made him an expert in playing my erotic zones while opening me to his incredible size. He reached down, grabbed the cheeks and pushed my opening to his lips. He swirled his tongue and began a staccato sucking of the rim.

Soon I felt his dick head at the entrance. The wonderful anticipation of that first push by a massive head made me shiver. “Ready or not, Geoffy’s coming in to cum.”

“Oh I’m ready. Yes, please.” With a few deepening strokes, he had pushed entirely inside, scraping my prostate with each forward thrust. And as he did so, I pulled my knees into my chest. He pressed his muscular arms behind my knees, grabbed the slats on the headboard and tensed his legs, stiffening above me and rolling me up onto my shoulders to penetrate even more deeply while placing me in total submission mode. He jammed a large pillow under my lower back and began to rock. As he did so, my balls hung down and my cock dangled like a pendulum over my lips—only a few inches away. I really loved this intense feeling of fullness and utter helplessness. And he smiled as he watched my dick swinging above my lips. His entire body from upper arms to legs to cock was at maximum tension. I could feel his throbbing veins and his shaft pushing out on my inner walls as he expanded. I began the rhythmic massage of his shaft with my channel muscles. Every move was athletic and straining. “It’s not going to be long tonight, babe.”

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