Gym Buddy Secrets

A gay story: Gym Buddy Secrets Mark was easily the most mellow guy that I had met in a very long time.It was pretty innocuous, really. At the time, I was spending lots of time at the local gym, often late at night. I had been a semi-professional powerlifter during my college days, and even though my days of competing had been in my rearview mirror, I still liked to keep myself in shape, and it showed. Typical, guy that used to be attempting to get big and strong, but happy to fight off gravity and junk food was how I viewed myself.

Mark on the other hand was actively trying to gain both size and strength. In some ways, he reminded me a lot of my younger self. I suppose that’s why we became good friends one evening when he asked me to spot him on the bench press. He asked me about my history with the weights, asked me for advice on certain things, and even though I’m not one for making too many friends, I genuinely enjoyed his company.

And that’s how I knew one Thursday evening that something was bothering him. Usually intense and focusing on training, he was hesitating between sets and quiet. Mark was generally pretty chatty, but this day he was just blankly looking out the pane glass windows at the front of the gym.

“Hey, bud, “I said. “Something bothering you?”

“Nah,” he replied unconvincingly. “Nothing major.”

I put my hand on his shoulder and said, “You’re a real shit liar. But it’s cool. I’m not one to pry.” That was mostly true, but not completely. Either way, I went about my business, and we finished up.

As we were walking out of the locker room area, Mark turned to me and said, “Actually there is something on my mind.”

“Care to talk about it?”

Mark looked around, eyeing the room. There were a few people milling about as the gym was near closing. He said, “Umm, I probably should. But not here. It’s more of a private matter.”

“Ahh, I get it,” I replied. “Girl troubles. I wouldn’t want to talk about that around here either. Tell you what, I’m going to run home and change clothes. Meet you at that dive bar around the corner from my place in say, 45 minutes? That dump doesn’t close for another few hours anyway.”

Mark’s eyes brightened. “You know, that sounds like a great idea.”

Internally, I was relieved. I was worried that he would have said something like he would just chill at my place while I changed and then we could ride together. I didn’t want to tell him why I didn’t have guests at my apartment. Not yet.

When I met up with him at the bar, the usual patrons were wandering about, telling half-truths brought on by lower tier liquor and cheap beer. Mark was sitting at the bar nursing a Budweiser watching ESPN.

“Hey man,” I said. Turning to the bartender, “A Miller Lite for me, and another Bud for my friend.”

“Miller Lite,” Mark said, “What are you watching your figure now or something?”

“No,” I laughed, “I’ll be 40 this year and this waist of mine reminds me of that.” I slapped my stomach for emphasis. When I did, I noticed Mark’s eyes lingered near my midsection longer than I expected. “Was he checking me out,” I thought to myself. No, of course not. He had been with Emily, his girlfriend for a year now. I was sure she was what was troubling his mind.

“Alright my friend,” I said as I took my first swallow, “Now what is it that’s got you looking like someone kicked your dog over there? You and Emily going through something”

Mark looked over at me. “Is it that obvious?”

I sat down and looked him in the eye, “Well yeah it is. I know that look because I’ve looked in the mirror a few times in my life. I might have some advice for ya. Try me.”

Mark took a long gulp of his beer, breathed deeply and said, “Ok.Alright. But this stays between you and I, right?”

“Who in the world would I tell? I hate people, remember?”

That broke the tension on his face. “Yea, I remember. Well I don’t really know how to say this, but I’ll just say it. You know how you have a confession night with your partner?”

“Yeah….” I didn’t know where he was going with this one. Mark sure didn’t strike me as the type to have fooled around on his girlfriend. Emily, even though I had only met her once or twice, didn’t give me that impression. But you never know. “Go on…”

Mark sighed, “Well you remember me telling you about my roommate back in college, Ben?”

I had to think for a second. “Ben? Oh yea, Ben, I remember you telling me about when you guys lived together.” And then a light bulb went off in my head. “You mean?”

Mark looked around as if there were KGB spies listening. “Yea. It’s what you think.”

I was surprised. “Mark, I didn’t know that you were into guys.”

“Well, Emily didn’t either. And she was none too happy about it either. Even though that was years ago, now she has to think about things.” Mark looked at me, and I suppose that the unintentional look on my surprise sent an equally unintentional message to him. “I shouldn’t have said anything to her. And by the look on your face I shouldn’t have said anything to you either.” He started to reach for his jacket.

“Look, Alex, thanks for listening. And I understand if you’d rather not work out together anymore.”

I put my bottle down and looked at him. “Mark what the FUCK are you talking about. That doesn’t make any sense to me. What in the world does what you did in college have to do with anything?”

He frowned. “There are people that don’t understand people like me. I’ve only told three people before you and Emily. And the reaction has always been the same. I’m used to it.”

I punched him in the arm. “Ok, at ease, man. I’m not like other people. I’m just me. I don’t form opinions about people that way. We’re all human beings right? I’ve gotta admit, it stings a little bit that you would think about me that way.”

“I’m sorry.” Mark shrank a little bit. “I’m just a little gun-shy about that part of me.”

“I assure you, Mark. You aren’t the only person that holds their cards close to their chest when it comes to certain things.”

Now Mark was the one that was curious, and I became somewhat defensive. “Is there something that you’re trying to say?”

I cleared my throat. I have genuine hatred for hypocrisy. Mark had just told me what may have been his deepest secret. There was no way that I could just leave him hanging that way. “I’ve done things in my past as well. If you know what I mean.”

Mark finally seemed at ease. “So you DO understand!”

I raised my beer bottle and clinked it against his. “To understanding, right?”


I had a couple of more beers and just talked about the random things two guys talk about. Football and work. Mark, clearly feeling better about himself, had a shot or two of something. When I knew I had reached my driving limit, I said to him, “We should probably get out of here. And you, my friend, should probably not be trying to drive that far. This place is well-lit and this neighborhood is pretty safe. Why don’t you come over and chill for a few hours. Then I’ll bring you back and you can pick up your ride.”

“I thought you didn’t like people at your place.”

“Well in general I don’t. But I’ll make an exception this time.”

The drive over took only a few minutes, which we passed in silence. Flipping on the light as I walked in the front door, Mark said, “Dude I thought you were some kind of slob and that’s why you didn’t like people over. This place is like a fucking clean room.”

“Uh thanks? I’m a neat freak, so sue me. I just don’t like to have shit laying around. Sit where you like, man.”

Mark sat at the bar. I grabbed another drink from the refrigerator. I knew him well enough to know he was going to keep inquiring about my penchant for solitude.

Right on cue he said, “So, loner. What’s your story? I mean Ben was my college thing. You got something like that? Between friends?”

“I guess you could say that. I would say, I was in an experimental phase of my life. You know how it is, trying to find out who you are.”

Mark leaned in towards me. I could tell he was keenly interested.

I thought carefully about how I was going to word this. “I learned that I have a different type of response to sex than most people.”

“How is that? That you like both men and women? Honestly that doesn’t sound all that strange. Not to me anyways.”

“Well, it’s a little different for me.” I set my drink down. “A word really didn’t exist for people that view, or react sexually the way I do back then. Now, in these Internet days, I think they call it hetero-flexible.”

Mark giggled. “They have a word for everything these days, I swear. I have to tell you I haven’t heard that one before.”

“Yea, I know, it’s kind of a cheesy buzzword. But in a nutshell it’s supposed to mean you’re mostly straight, but not all the way. It mostly fits me.”

Mark was curious. “Mostly? Is there more?”

“You want another drink?” I went to the fridge and retrieved one. “I think it’s easiest to explain if I tell you how it all started.”

I recounted how in college, I had come home to find my roommate furiously pounding his boyfriend. It was the first time I had ever seen two other people having sex, and even though it was two guys, I got extremely turned on by it. So much so that it sparked something within me. One night I decided to offer myself to him, and see what he wanted to do.

“Whoo,” Mark said. “It didn’t hurt the first time?”

“Well, yea!” I replied, “But not as much as I thought. He took good care of me. I mean, it’s not something we did all the time, but you know how it is. Sometimes you feel like doing something with all that pent up energy. It was really convenient. He wanted to get off, and I liked sucking and fucking. It was our little secret.”

I noticed Mark shifting in his seat. I could tell he was getting aroused.

“So,” he started, “Do you just take, I mean are you just a bottom?”

I measured my answer carefully. “That’s the thing. And it’s why I don’t have visitors. When I take my clothes off, I really have a hard time controlling my urges. If you want my ass, then I’ll give it. If you want your cum swallowed, I never spit. And it goes both ways. I give as well as I take.” Setting my drink down, I finished by saying, “In short, I’m really just a simple slut.”

Mark paused, lost in thought. Then he looked at me, while reaching for his zipper. “Care to get undressed?”

At those words, I felt the familiar rush of energy flood over me. There was nothing seductive about the removal of my clothes. My senses were on fire with the desire to be objectified and used. As I stood there naked in front of him, my cock semi-hard even without touching it, I said, “What do you want? You’re a guest, so you decide.”

Mark took his clothes off as well, and I spied his veiny circumcised cock. His thick mushroom head was engorged and semi purple. I could imagine licking the salty precum from his tip. His shaven balls were heavy and full. I know he had at least a load or two.

“I haven’t been sucked off in a while.”

“Sit down.” As he sat, his dick almost touching his stomach, I got down and crawled over to him.

“You’re pretty big. This will be a challenge.” I cupped his balls as I licked up the underside of his shaft, swirling around his head, which radiated heat against my mouth. He groaned and threw his head back as I took his head in my mouth, feeling the sticky juice that was starting to leak. It took a moment to get my mouth accustomed to his size before I eased down until about half was in me. My own dick was aching as I thrust him into my mouth, but I didn’t want to touch it. Mark’s cock was too big for me to lose focus. Once I felt his head touch the back of my throat, I coughed a bit. He sensed that I might be about to gag and tried to ease out of me. I gripped the base of his shaft tightly and shook my head so that couldn’t back away. I find that the best way to take a big dick in the mouth is suction, so I sucked tightly, easing more of him into me, quelling any gag reflex I may have had.

“Oh god…” he murmured, “That feels so fucking good.”

“Mmm hmm,” I hummed as I sucked sloppily on his cock, stroking the scant couple of inches that I couldn’t get in. I took scant breaths as I worked on his member, saliva dripping from the corners of my mouth. Quickening my pace, I felt his balls and perineum to get a sense of how close he was. He was tightening and his stomach was heaving and quivering, his head thrust back and hands gripping the chair.

I knew Mark was getting close when he mumbled, “Oh shit..” I felt his dick expand and harden as his load made its way to the tip. Not releasing my lips from his cockhead I took a deep breath and exhaled as the first shot of cum filled my mouth with force. The thick, pent-up fluid made my cheeks puff as I gulped loudly and swallowed as he continued pulsing. His balls had drawn tight in his scrotum to his shaft, and I stroked his taint and around his flexing anus, milking all of the sap from him.

“Shit…stop…stop,” Mark said, slapping his hand on the chair. I withdrew him gingerly from my mouth, his shiny head smearing across my chin.

Sitting back on my calves, I said, “How was that?” I knew that I looked like a filthy, dirty mess. My mouth was slightly open, and the last of his load dribbled from my lips. I didn’t bother wiping my face. I want him to see me this way. As a hole that was proud to have just had a load dumped in it.

“I was not expecting THAT,” he said, sitting up. I spied his shiny cock, slick with saliva and cum, semi-hard, and it made my anus clench. I was in the zone, and hoping he wasn’t done. “You’re leaking,” he said. Indeed I was, as a line of clear precum dripped from the tip of me.

“It looks like I am,” I said. “What do you want to do about it?”

He thought for a second. “What if I said I think I might have another load?”

I smiled broadly and said, “Do you want me on all fours, or on my back?”

Mark had a devilish grin on his face. “Are you offering your ass to me?”

“More like begging,” I said, standing up. “When I get like this, I can only think about getting penetrated. Have you ever fucked an ass before?”

“Honestly,” he said, “No. You might have to teach me.”

“Well that settles it. How about I tell you my perfect ass-fuck fantasy?”

He came close to me and my hard cock touched his rebounding erection. “Tell me.”

“I’ve never had someone jerk me off while they were still in my ass. Gotten close before, but never pulled it off.”

“Well, there’s a first for both of us then. I think I’ll be ready in a few.”

“Cool. I’ll go get ready and meet you in the bedroom. Usually, I would say, spit and cum would be enough lube, but you’re pretty big and I haven’t taken it in awhile. I think it would be a good idea.”

“I’ll be waiting,” he said.

After a quick cleanse of myself, I found him sitting on the edge of my bed. He was almost fully erect, but I made sure to dutifully suck him a bit to get him fully erect. Still sensitive, it took only a few slurps before he was throbbing. Laying down on my back on the bed, I handed him the small bottle of lube and spread my legs wide holding my knees. I always loved the sheer dirty feeling of presenting myself in the most vulgar way possible.

“Mmmm,” I said, as he smeared a generous helping of lube on my anus, which puckered and relaxed to the cool touch, signaling its readiness for action.

I nodded. “‘I’m ready to be mounted. Just go slow until you get your head in.” I gritted my teeth and pushed out as the cock started to fill me, slowly widening and stretching me until the head popped in and my ring clamped around his shaft. My dick jumped reflexively.

“You see that, Mark? The way my dick jumped. Oh god, you’re right on my prostate. Damn I’ve missed that.”

“Fuck, you’re tight,” he said. “How do you want it?”

I looked up at him, as sweat started to form on my brow. “That’s the fun part,” I managed to say. “I don’t have control when you hit that spot. If you stroke my cock harder I’ll tense and squeeze you. Slower and my ass will relax. There’s nothing I can do but let you learn what you like while fucking me. Take as long as you want to get off, fill me. Use this ass like it’s supposed to be used.”

The following minutes were like a blur as he explored my ass. Varying between long strokes while teasing my head for more friction, and teasing his head against my prostate with his thick head to make my abdomen quiver, he was really giving me a once over. It was hard to tell who was milking who after a while, as I had no control over the fluids leaking out of me.

“Holy shit,” he said, holding his hand up for me to see. “I’ve never seen anything like this.” His hand was covered in thick, milky white precum.

“That’s what happens when you fuck a guy just right. It’s coming from down deep inside me.”

I yelped when he smeared it over my glans, my head thrashing back and forth. “So…so sensitive…”

“Can you cum like this?” he asked.

“Can’t..can’t talk…just fuck me. I’m close.”

Mark formed his hand into a loose canal through which my dick moved freely as my body bucked in rhythm with his ever deeping thrusts. My load was begging to be released, but I knew that his strokes would hold it at bay. My prostate was quivering and sending jolts through me that made me utter carnal grunts.

“That’s it, that’s it!” I felt the bulge of his cumpipe stretch me as he stroked me faster, my asshole fighting a losing battle with his stiffness. With one last ball’s deep thrust, I felt the warmth of his fluid enter me.

“Mark…Mark, I’m coming!” He held tight as I convulsed, grinding as best I could on his cock. The pressure inside of me made my cum shoot out in thick ropes on my stomach. One, then two, then three as I screamed. My body was on fire and I was helpless. As the last spurts finally stopped, I expected him to release me but he did not.

“You like this, don’t you?” He looked at me devilishly as he gathered some of my cum from my stomach and dripped it on my head, which he used to torture my glans and frenulum. I could only twitch, and beg as my body continued to betray me.

“I..I..thought you never did this before,” I said between ragged breaths.

“I said I’d never done it before. I never said I had never seen it.” He continued to stimulate me until I felt I was on the verge of unconsciousness. I was moaning uncontrollably in a language that probably sounded like a mixture of Latin and Klingon.

“Mark..Mark, please stop. I think I might piss myself.”

“Ok…ok,” he finally released my spent cock, and I could finally breathe again. Slowly, he eased himself out of me, and my anus clamped shut. I could feel the warmth of cum lazily running down my crack.

“I think you’re going to need a towel,” he said. I raised my head and looked at myself. I was coated from chest to stomach with semen. I could see where my load had shot nearly to my collarbone. In my frenzy of lust I hadn’t even felt it.

“I think you’re right,” I said, smiling. “They’re in the bathroom.” I sat up and sloppily wiped as much as I could off, not caring much if I got it all.

“You’re full of surprises,” he said as he wiped off his dick. I think he was finally drained.

“Not full of surprises, “I replied. “Full of cum.” I was already replaying it in my mind. While some might feel ashamed, or perhaps disgusted at the depths they would go in the pursuit of wanton gratification, I, on the other hand, felt the pride I always did when I felt in these situations. Being covered in my own juices, while being full from both ends with someone else’s was like a badge of honor for me. I sometimes wish I was a woman just so I could have another hole to be used.

“Well,” Mark said, “It’s getting a bit late. I should be going.”

“Oh right. I need to get you back to your car. Give me a minute.” I threw on some clothes quickly as he got dressed. I could still feel his slimy load in my rectum as we made it back to his car.

“See you at the gym tomorrow?” he said. “And I guess I don’t have to say, we should probably keep this a secret.”

I put my hand on his shoulder. “Of course. On one condition.”


“I get really horny sometimes. And as you can probably tell, I derive a great sense of pride in being who I am. So next time, if there is a next time, don’t bother with the pleasantries. When my clothes come off, you know what to do.”

He smiled, “Indeed I do.” Opening the car door, he said, “And you never know. Seeing how you liked it, I might want to try the other way around.”

“Consider it a deal. See ya tomorrow.”

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