Second Time in My Life

A gay story: Second Time in My Life I DIDN’T THINK I WAS LIKE THAT

I am at this moment resting from typing this story which if any of my family saw what I’m writing I would be sent to a place worse than the ‘gulag’. Where do I start, and how do I start to tell you about the events that have changed my life some three weeks ago. It might be best if, as they say, start in the beginning. So here goes the story:

My name is Jack and I’m happily married with two children, one boy of 18 and a girl of 16. My wife Brenda is a clerk at a small engineering company, she is 38 years old, some three years younger than me. I am a middle manager in a regional legal company which keeps me very busy. My sex life with Brenda is ok, once a week or twice fortnightly was ok for us both. In other words I had no complaints. Our two children were your normal types, him out with girls and his mates, her out with school friends with the odd sleep over.

Brenda asked if we going to my companies yearly party this year. I replied.

“it’s been a bit boring in the last few years with too many people trying to suck-up to bosses from different departments, others flirting or trying to get-off with some one or another from the company”

Brenda thought it a good idea to make friends with other company members pointing out that we should get out more, also it would not do any harm to my promotion prospects. I grudgingly agreed that we go. The company do this year was at a big international hotel other side of town, so we booked a taxi for 8-30pm that evening. We got ready for 8pm and awaited the taxi. I was glad the evening dress for men was good casual, I hate those do’s that have men dressed like Penguins and women like trussed up chickens. We sat in the back of the taxi as we journeyed to the hotel. Brenda says that she thought the main reason for me not wanting to go was my shyness.

I am by, nature, a shy man when it comes to intimacy, I have always been slow to make the first move. My wife laughs at times when she reminds me that she had to wait 7 months before I plucked up courage to ask her for a date when we were co-workers some 20 years ago. Before I met my now wife I had not had any sexual contact with a woman and only once with a man, which I have never told anyone about.

We got to the hotel ok. Paid the taxi driver and entered the main ball room. The room was big it had a cocktail bar to the side, and what I call a main bar at the end of the room and a terrace that you entered via siding glass doors which gave a spectacular view over looking the town centre. I guess there were about 70 people there, all milling around and chatting, my wife whispered

“if I was ok with this mass of people.”

I nodded saying so-so. At that moment this woman came over and started chatting to Brenda hooking her arm in Brenda’s arm sweeping her away with a comment

“Sorry but I need your wife to meet a friend of mine.”

Brenda looked back with a ‘will not be long love’ look of her face. I moved over to the main bar and ordered a pint of beer. Looking around I saw a group of 5 or 6 people talking and some others sitting at a round table also chatting away. I thought to myself at least some are enjoying the evening. At the end of the bar was a large table full of buffet food with some people starting to help themselves. I continued to scan my eyes around, then I saw him.

He was some 30 feet away talking to what I presume his wife. He had his face sideways to me. I would say he was about mid-twenty and a little shorter than me by 2 inches. He looked beautiful with dark hair cut on the short side. He was wearing a blue polo neck jumper and gray slacks. The feelings in my gut was like something I could not indentify and not felt for many years, it was like butterflies in my stomach. I had to turn away from him, I became more shy, that what is normal for me. I had to look back again then he turned saw me and gave a wide smile showing his lovely set of teeth, I ducked my eyes down and slowly walked over to the buffet table hoping the ground would swallow me up. As I got some meat rolls and placing them on a plate that I had in my left hand he came to the right side of me scanning the table as if looking for something special. He introduced himself as John saying that he don’t think we have met before tonight.

We talked about work, families and wives. At times he would smile about something that was said and I would get that feeling at the bottom of my stomach, I realised I had an attraction to John. As we talked my mouth was getting dry and my breath a little quicker. Without a word between us and without any thought we drifted over to the bar which is near the patio. He bought two glasses of wine, one for me the other for himself.

We walked around the room he talking to me about things a can’t remember my mind was on getting a quick look at his bum and crotch when he wasn’t looking. Suddenly we stopped he looked at me saying

“I need to go the bathroom.” without thought I said

“I will need to go as well.”

He smiled saying that’s nice but not a good idea with all these people around. The bathroom door was engaged so we waited together. I was embarrassed about blurting out such words to someone I met for the first time 20 minutes ago. The bathroom door opened exiting a woman, John turned to me saying

“Hold on to our drinks and you can use the bathroom when I come out.”

I stood there holding the two drinks as a young woman came up asking if I am next for the loo, I indicated I was next in line. She made small talk until the door opened out came John saying

“Thanks for holding the drinks, your turn for the bathroom and I will be on the patio.”

taking the two glasses of wine with him.

I said excuse me to the young woman and entered the bathroom locking the door behind me. The room was on the big side pleasantly decorated with a wash basin at one end by the side of a bath with the toilet on the other wall. Stepping towards the toilet as I un-did my trousers, and as I was about to turn round to sit on the seat. Shock horror in the toilet was the biggest deposit I have ever seen. I was very surprised when I realised it must have been John’s and I thought he was a nice clean kind of guy. Then I noticed no toilet paper in the bottom. What did he wipe his arse on I wondered. Something struck me! I went over to the washbasin and felt it — it was warm, looked in the small bin by the side of the shower, no paper. Thinking it thorough he must have washed his arse and not using paper and not flushing away his deposit. Wow this must be a message to me, he must desire to be intimate with me but he is like me too shy and un-skilled to give the ‘come on’ to someone. I looked again down the pan and studied his deposit. It was long, about 7″ long some 2.5″ thick, it lay towards the front of the pan and about 3″ of it above the water line, It was smooth in texture and colour. I thought he is a healthy young man. It was then I realised that I had a raging hard on and that feeling at the bottom of my stomach, but needed to go so I sat on the seat and as I pushed slowly I thought how horny, my deposit will soon be laying on top of his. I finished looked down to see my deposit laying on top of John’s. I also washed my arse then flushed the toilet as I was pulling my trousers up I noticed that the water rising in the pan, it came within half inch of the top. Suddenly with a gurgle the water flushed away taking mine and John’s joint deposit.

I came out of the bathroom the young lady saying

“You were a long time”

I just smiled and she giggled and went into the bathroom locking the door after her. I was in a kind of daze for a moment, then it struck me where I had that feeling at the bottom of my stomach before, it was some 22 years ago when at 19 years of age I had a gay experience on the one occasion. It was with a youth worker, he was about the age I am now (41). The youth worker was ‘Mike’ I was his assistant he ask me one evening when the youth session finished to help him to move a large wardrobe from his kitchen to the back bedroom. I say yes of course I will help you. Ok he said lets lock up the youth hall and get back to my place. I thought the job would only take 10 minutes and Mike promised to drive me home straight after. On the way to his home we chatted about sports and my skill at football. I liked Mike, he was a good youth worker, he got on well with the youth at the club.

We arrived at his place parking the car on his drive way. On opening the door he said that he has just got this place and it’s a bit run down and needed some work done to it. We slowly moved the big wardrobe from the kitchen to the back bedroom. We were both sweating with it being a hot day, good job we were both in our football shorts. Back in the kitchen he offered me a glass of coke, which I accepted. As I drank the coke he was leaning back on the kitchen units looking at me. I became a little embarrassed, I also realised that I fancied him, you could say an infatuation with him. I just stood there looking at his rising cock though his shorts. As he talked to me about some thing or another I knew I had a rising cock also, I froze, I was so shy I could do nothing but look at his package not saying a word. My mouth became dry, so dry that I though my lips were going to crack, my breathing became heavy and laboured. He looked at me with a smile and told me to put the coke glass down and follow him into the sitting room. This room had a single seater settee in the corner and a three seater facing the TV and the window.

For the next 10 minutes my mind was a twirl and can only remember with any detail the last 10 seconds when I was fucking his arse, we were both standing, him laying over the back of the three seater settee with his arms out stretched across its back, his head facing sideways showing the profile of his face. His shorts on the floor and mine down by my ankles, I find it difficult to explain all of the feelings I was experiencing.

I was ecstatic with the feeling that I had a man at my mercy begging for more as I worked my cock in and out his anus puckering as I pulled back and flexing back as I pushed in. He was mouthing all kinds of words, like – God—yes— ooooh. The feeling that I got this man to show me his privates gave me big thrill to be so close and intimate. I re-positioned myself a little by tapping his ankle with my foot so as to open his legs wider, which he did. I gave a few more stroke and I cum deep in his arse. He also came, cumin over the back of the settee. Without a word we got re-dressed. As Mike pulled up outside my parents home in his car, he just said

“See you Friday at the youth hall”

I nodded approval. On Friday we talked about what happened, he was worried that I would report him. I just said I would not because I enjoyed it. We never spoke about it again, and that was the only gay thing I did.

Remembering where I was and thinking how do I look John in the face as I walked towards the patio. I could see him there still holding our two glasses of wine looking over the town from this elevated position. I walked onto the patio to where john was he turned around to face me still holding our two glasses of wine, our eyes locked on each others. John dropped his eyes as if looking at the floor, I hesitated for a few seconds then said “Can I fuck you.”

He looked up and gave me that sexy smile putting our wine glasses down on a near by table saying ‘follow me — I have been here before — there is a bathroom upstairs. He held my hand and we slipped through a door at the edge of the patio and up some stairs entering a bathroom with him locking the door. The room was almost dark, some light coming in via the window from an street light, we undressed in a rush John throwing his pants and boxers to one side, I pushed him over the bath tub, his stomach resting on its edge with his arms out stretched and hands flat on the bottom of the bath. I stood behind him feeling his arse because I could not see it due to the low light. I placed both hands in his hips and slid his polo neck jumper up until it crumpled against his shoulders. Then I moved my cock head against him until I felt his anus. I gave a push and I went all the way in one stroke, he grunted. I worked my cock no more that six strokes then I cum. I came so violently I near lost my balance I collapsed onto Johns back and then I heard John shooting his cum up against the bath tub side.

I pulled out and John said

“We better get back to our wives — see you some time.”

We got dressed and I went first out of the bathroom and back into the big room with all the other guests. I saw my wife some distance away talking to, I was to later discover, Johns wife. I shook myself and walked over to joint them hoping I have not been missed.

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