Str8 blown by Married Mature Male

A gay sex story: Str8 blown by Married Mature Male

Between my junior and senior year in college, I attended a family party of friend (Sophie) that was hosted by her gay, married uncles Stephen and Joe.

I was straight. 21 years old, 6’3, 190 lbs. Stephen and Joe were in their upper 40s/ early 50s. Stephen was 6’1, 230 lbs. Joe was smaller, probably 5’10, 170 lbs.

I arrived to the party a tad later than the actual family, hoping to just sneak in for a few with my friend and not have to small talk about of people I had never met. That occurred for a couple of hours but then Sophie became a tad too drunk and her parents took her home.

As my only true connection to the party was leaving, I decided to start heading home as well. I pulled out my phone and was in the middle of ordering the Uber when I felt a hand land on my right shoulder.

“Garrett, I’m heading in to make a round, would you like one?” asked Stephen.

“I appreciate it, but I think I’m going to head home and get out of your hair” I responded.

“Shut up, you are not in our hair. We are just going to wind down the evening with a couple of drinks by the fire. You are more than welcome to stay”

Uber was surcharging so being able to have a few more free drinks and a cheaper Uber was definitely appealing. I opted to stay and went inside to let Stephen know and use the restroom.

I came back out from the bathroom and the party had significantly died down. It was just Stephen, Joe and their neighbors Frank and Rachel. I grabbed a seat on a bench sat opposite of the bench Stephen and Joe were sharing. Frank and Rachel sat in chairs to the right of me.

We spent the next 30 minutes chatting and it was a very good time. Stephen and Joe were cuddled up under a blanket. From time to time, they would whisper to each other and I almost felt like they might have been talking about me, but that was just in my head.

Joe stood up and asked who was ready for another drink. I quickly raised my glass thinking everyone staying for another.

Rachel announced her and Frank were heading home.

I told Joe not to make me another as I should head home and he just kept walking to the kitchen and said, “Too late. I’ve already mentally made it.”

I still had to order an Uber so one more drink wasn’t an issue. Frank and Rachel left so it was just Stephen and I by the fire while Joe made drinks.

“So, how’s college going you Garrett? Big plans for the summer?”

“College is fine. Lots of fun, but lots of studying too. For the summer, just working my internship here in town trying to make money for college.”

“Well, Joe and I can always use help around the yard so if we have an odd job, I’ll definitely reach out. ”

Just then Joe walked back with 3 drinks. He handed them out and hopped back under the blanket with Stephen.

“Garret, if you want a blanket let me know. Or you could also join us. There is plenty of room under the blanket and on the bench. We don’t bite.” say Joe.

I say Im comfy where I’m out and take a drink.

“Ok. I just can’t believe you aren’t chilly sitting there in just a T-shirt and those short shorts.”

“These are the style nowadays” I smirk back.

“Believe me, they look great on you, not that I’ve been looking or anything” said Joe.

“Joe, slow down. You don’t want to make Garrett feel uncomfortable.” said Stephen.

“It was just a compliment Stephen. He clearly works out and this isn’t the first time he’s been complemented on his fantastic body.” said Joe.

I chime in that it’s not an issue and I appreciate the compliment.

Stephen gets up to use the restroom, leaving just Joe and I. “Behave yourself” Stephen said to Joe. As soon as the door shuts, Joe stood up and walked over to me and sat on the bench.

“Hope this is ok. The smoke was getting my eyes plus you need to try this blanket. It’s so soft and just makes the fire that much more cozy.” Without me saying a word, Joe threw the blanket over me. We still had a full seat between us and the blanket was soft.

Stephen came outside with a bit of perplexed but exasperated look. “Sorry if my husband forced that blanket on you. He just loves it.”

“Oh shut it Stephen. The smoke was getting bad. Come sit over here, I’ll slide over.”

Stephen started heading to the bench and Joe slid over until our legs were touching. Stephen sat down and Joe removed his shoes,

lifted his feet and turned his body to cuddle up with Stephen. Joe and I remained under the blanket with his feet slightly pushing against my outside left thigh.

I continued to drink and stare into the fire when suddenly I felt Joes feet moving. His top foot, his right foot, suddenly landed on my lap and was now resting between my legs.

My penis was laying against the inside of my right thigh. I’m not sure what was happening but between then drink, fire and Joe’s foot being so close to my penis, my penis began to swell.

Out of no where, Joes foot and my hardening penis made contact. I immediately sat up and looked over at Joe who made eye contact and smiled. I looked up at Stephen who seemed to be nodding off to sleep.

Joe just motioned for me to be quiet and continued to slowly glide his foot up and down my penis. I tilted my head back, closed my eyes and enjoyed the slow, euphoric feeling.

After a minute, Stephen started to wake up. “Honey, you fell asleep. Why don’t you head to bed and I’ll make sure Garrett gets into his Uber ok and then join you.”

Stephen barely muttered a word, got up and headed inside. While Stephen walked away, Joe kept his foot firmly on throbbing cock.

I said to Joe, “I should get going.” and I tried to stand up. Joe kept his foot on my lap as a small restraint.

“If that what you want Garrett, that’s ok. I’ll just wait here until your Uber gets here. I don’t want you just waiting in the front yard.”

As I went to grab my phone, Joe put his hand over the screen and said, “But if you want to stay for another, I’ll never turn down your company.”

I just sat there and didn’t say anything stunned, not knowing what to do or say.

“Why don’t you grab your phone and we can go inside so you can charge it.” With that, Joe stood up, extended his hand to help me up and lead me down to their basement.

I sat on the end of the couch by the outlet and started charging my phone. Joe brought out another blanket, climbed on the couch next to me and turned on a tv show we spoke about earlier. Once the show was on, he cuddled up next to me with his right hand draped over my body and his head on my shoulder.

As we watched the show, his hand slowly started to slide up and down the inside of my thigh. Soon his hand was just brushing my bulge and moving away again.

My cock was beginning to swell (as it is now, writing this) and I think he could see it pushing against the thin material of my khaki pants, because he finally did what I knew he had lusted to do for a long time and moved his hand directly on to the bulge in my pants to trace the outlines of my cock with his fingers and start to stroke it, getting it harder and harder.

I spread my legs further to encourage. Joe was tracing the outline of the head of my cock, and the shaft, and gently stroking my balls before returning to stroke my cock again, which was now erect, trapped and straining against my pants.

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