This Can’t Be Happening Ch. 21

A gay sex stories: This Can’t Be Happening Ch. 21 My journey continues. As always, I thank everyone who has read, commented, PM’d, voted or added as a favourite. This chapter is a little longer than the previous one and is not full on as such, but I hope you enjoy it all the same. It does contain some references to heterosexual sex. All names and locations have been altered to maintain anonymity.

I was still holding coach by his waist as my orgasm began to subside. My cock twitching inside him, was still hard. I could hear him telling me he’d never felt a guys cum shooting in him before and how much there was, but all I could think of was how this wasn’t how I’d imagined losing my virginity. I guess in many respects I’d already lost it when Phillip fucked me, but strangely I didn’t see it like that. To my mind when that happened it wasn’t the same as actually fucking someone and that someone had always been a girl.

I knew I’d have to dissect what had just happened, but decided it wasn’t the right time. For now I was basking in the afterglow of losing my virginity and the shock of looking at my still hard cock buried in my coach’s arse. The velvet warmth of his rectum enveloping my cock felt so good.

Then I found myself apologising for cumming so quickly. He laughed telling me not to be so silly, before suggesting that from what he could feel, maybe I hadn’t quite finished.

“That’s another first Dave,” he said, his voice still thick with lust. “Never had a guy stay hard inside me like this. You can stay the night if you want to carry on.”

He was right. I hadn’t finished and knew I wanted more. So a quick call to my mother and he led me upstairs.

We eventually fell asleep around 3am in each others arms having fucked him 2 more times. I managed to last a lot longer too and he let me try quite a few positions. My 2 favourite were from behind so I could look at his gorgeous big arse and on his back with his legs pushed back. That way I could look at his face, kiss him and look at his cock and wank it while I fucked him.

Seeing him cum while I fucked him was a huge buzz for me, but I had been too tired to think about everything that had happened.

It was a strange experience waking up next to someone else the following morning, but nice nonetheless. Coach was already awake so I guessed his stirring had disturbed my sleep.

“Good morning Dave,” he said with a smile as he looked at me. I replied still sleepy eyed. Then watched him as he got up. His large cock swinging as he moved to the bedroom door where he had a dressing gown hanging from a hook. His big round buttocks a wonderful reminder of what had happened only a few hours earlier.

My cock was instantly hard again. He turned as he put the dressing gown on, tying the belt and suggested we get a shower. As soon as I got out of bed he saw my erection.

“Fucking hell Dave,” he grinned. I jokingly apologised saying it was his fault and followed him to the bathroom. He gave me a spare toothbrush and I brushed my teeth as watched him take a piss out of the corner of my eye. I couldn’t actually see his jet as he had his back to me, but I wanted to. As he finished the thought of dropping to my knees to suck the remnants from his cock flashed through my head. Followed quckly by the memory of watching Mr Ali’s thick stream of urine.

These thoughts of piss were becoming stronger. I had no idea why and it concerned me. I just didn’t understand it. Surely it wasn’t natural. I forced myself to stop thinking about it, but when he turned around I could clearly see a single drop of liquid clinging to his foreskin.

We swapped places as he began to brush his teeth and stood at the toilet. I couldn’t go though, my erection was too strong.

So I jumped in the shower and began to soap myself and he joined me shortly afterwards. We kissed as we took turns washing one another. It was intimate yet still very sexual. I loved washing his thick cock. I loved feeling the weight and girth of it. I still hadn’t sucked him and wanted to show him what I’d learned, so I dropped to my knees and took him in my mouth and then my throat.

His shock at my newly acquired skill was good to hear and it was less than just a few minutes before I felt his cum streaming into my mouth and throat. I wanked myself to climax with his girth still convulsing in my mouth, made all the more intense due to my full bladder.

What a beautiful way to begin the day!

When we finished I finally managed to take a piss while coach disappeared to dry and get dressed. The whole thing seemed surreal, yet so natural. I dried myself in the bathroom and as I made my way to the bedroom coach was already dressed and heading downstairs to make coffee. My cock twitched as his eyes took my nakedness in.

I got dressed and went downstairs. The smell of coffee in the air was such a pleasure to my senses. I’ve always loved the smell of coffee in the morning.

He was in the kitchen, so I joined him there. I’d never seen his kitchen. It was quite small but very clean and well kept. He was sat at a small circular dining table with just 2 chairs, so I sat down and we drank our coffee and talked.

I didn’t really take in much of what he said until he said that he didn’t do what we did the previous evening much. It had been a few years since it last happened and was with his last boyfriend.

“Most guys see my cock and they expect me to fuck them Dave,” he explained. “The thing is, I’ve never been one to give anal. As I’ve said before, I have given, but I don’t really get much from it.”

I could understand what he was saying regarding other men wanting to feel him inside them. I think in the back of my mind, I’d also felt the same. I never expected that it would be me fucking him. Until then, I don’t think I’d even thought of fucking a man.

“So they get pretty disappointed when they find out I’m not into fucking,” he continued. “I’m very much a bottom guy at heart. At the risk of sounding crude Dave, I love taking a cock in my arse. In fact, I love my arse being played with.”

I smiled. My cock was already starting to react. Not only because he was reminding me of his beautiful bottom, but also the words he was using. To hear my coach talk like that kind of reminded of Phillip. Both men rarely used coarse or bad language, but I found it highly arousing when they did.

He continued to explain that he hadn’t let many guys fuck him and reminded me of his “thing” for dressing up to accentuate his bulge and letting strangers suck him off. Again, I had to remind myself that this was my coach talking to me.

“But I’m not a slag Dave,” he insisted. “I can count the men who’ve fucked me on the fingers of one hand.”

He was being earnest too. I could see it in his expression and in his eyes. I felt I needed to reassure him in some way, so told him I how much I enjoyed what had happened. That he had a beautiful body and I was flattered.

“But why me?” I asked. “After everything you’ve just told me, what made you decide you wanted me to fuck you?”

He smiled, but there was a seriousness in his eyes.

“That’s an easy question to ask, but a difficult one for me to answer Dave,” he said. “I’ve had a few sleepless nights asking myself the very same thing.”

There was genuine turmoil in his face, so I held his hand and told him he didn’t need to answer if he found it too difficult. His expression softened.

He then went on to tell me he’d fancied me for quite a long time and had often fantasised about me fucking him, but never expected it would happen. The age difference and the fact he was my coach had always been a point of concern for him. Then when he’d noticed me begin looking at him, at his cock, he’d felt it more and more difficult to stop the thoughts he’d had.

After realising that I was struggling with my sexuality he’d felt genuinely concerned and had wanted to help. He’d known from his own experiences how difficult it was had wanted to show me that sex between 2 men was natural. Yet at the same time he couldn’t stop the thought that was also being selfish because of his own sexual attraction to me and as my coach, he was overstepping the boundaries.

After finding out about Phillip he’d felt angry and worried. He thought he might be some kind of sexual predator, but quickly realised that I liked what I’d been doing with him. That had made him feel jealous. The more he’d tried not to think of me, the stronger his attraction to me had become.

He’d spent his sleepless nights wondering whether he should stop what he’d been thinking about or just accept it. After our argument in his car he knew then. I was an adult. That I wanted to experience as much as I could and that I wouldnt stop. He could either be part of it or not. So he’d decided he wanted to be.

I was genuinely flattered by his words. It was clear how much he’d been thinking about this. About me. My erection was solid.

“And then there’s the amount you cum Dave,” he laughed. “Not only the quantity but the strength.” His eyes locked on mine. That look of lust written in his gaze again.

I looked back at him. I still didn’t get it. “Why does everyone keep telling me that?” I asked. I guessed if anyone would give me an honest answer, it would be coach.

“Everyone?” he asked. “What do you mean by everyone? How many men have seen you cum then?”

At first I thought he was showing signs of jealousy, but his expression didn’t reflect that.

“A few,” I said. Then added that a few girls had too. I was determined to show him that I had no regrets regarding my sexual experiences.

“I guess part of my attraction is that you don’t realise what you have Dave,” he began. “It’s a good quality to have. Try not to lose it.”

Before I had time to consider what he’d said he continued.

“You’re a rarity Dave,” he said with a grin. “A huge spunker. Men like me and I guess quite a few women too, dream about meeting guys like you. You don’t know it yet, but you will. I just hope you don’t let it get to your head.”

I stared at him, still curious to know exactly what he was saying.

“I’ve seen it in porn videos,” he continued. “But never seen it in for real, let alone felt it in my arse or mouth. Have you always cum like that?”

I felt like a freak. I could feel my face turning red, yet my precum was spilling. I was trying to remember if anyone had ever asked me that question before. It was true that just about every person who’d seen me cum had made some kind of comment.

One of the first girls to wank me off had told me it was disgusting. I’d felt pretty embarrassed. Not that many girls had actually done that however. All of the men had said I came a lot though. They didn’t seem disgusted save for when Lewis saw how much I came. He’d said it was disgusting but I still wasn’t sure if he actually meant it.

I’d never asked anyone about it properly. I usually thought they were just saying things in the heat of the moment. Throw away comments really. There wasn’t anything I could do about it anyway. Now, hearing coach saying those things made me feel slightly uncomfortable.

“Yes, pretty much so,” I said uneasily. “Sometimes not as much as other times.” The heat in my cheeks was burning. I must have been beetroot.

He obviously saw my reaction.

“I’m sorry Dave,” his words were spoken with care. “Honestly, I didn’t mean to make you feel uncomfortable. Quite the opposite. It was a compliment.”

He leaned forward and kissed me, the taste of coffee in his mouth was strong. “Take it from me. It makes you even more special,” he said when he pulled away.

Special? I didn’t really see it, but his words held some comfort.

He apologised then. He wanted to talk further but he had an appointment that morning and said he’d drop me home. It was close to 10am when we arrived. We hadn’t spoken much on the short journey, but there’d been no awkwardness.

I got on with chores at home, searching for jobs and trying not to think about sex. I briefly toyed with putting on another show for the postman but thought otherwise.

A lot had happened with coach but I decided to think about it all later that night when I was alone in my bed.

Just around 2pm the phone rang and it was Lewis reminding me that I was supposed to be staying over at his that night. I’d completely forgotten but didn’t want him to think I had, so told him I was looking forward to it. He suggested I meet him at the shop and we could walk to his from there.

I got a shower around 4pm and even though I didn’t really need to, I shaved my body before writing a note for my mother to explain what was happening. Then around 5pm I left for the shop.

I mulled over why Lewis had wanted me to stay over as I made my way. Obviously with his parents away, he thought it would be a good time to get together, but I couldn’t help thinking something might happen. Maybe that’s why I’d decided to shave. I tried not to anticipate anything but by the time I got to the shop I knew I’d been leaking.

Lewis was behind the counter serving a few customers and nodded his head when he saw me. I waved back and then caught sight of Phillip along one of the aisles. I went over to see him and after saying hello, I told him I was there to meet Lewis.

“Yes he told me you’d be here David,” he said smiling. “You can wait upstairs until he’s finished.”

I faltered slightly. If I went up I knew the rule of leaving my clothes folded neatly at the top of the stairs. I was about to say I didn’t mind waiting in the shop but he interjected.

“I told you to go and wait upstairs David,” he said more sternly.

I immediately got an erection and replied “Yes Mr Chambers.”

I made my way upstairs and stripped naked, carefully folded my clothes and placed them on the floor, then made my way to the living room. I wasn’t sure if I should stand by his desk or sit on the sofa. It felt right to stand at his desk. That was where he usually expected me to wait.

The thought of being naked and hard with the possibility that Lewis would be coming up made me nervous. I wasn’t sure if he knew this rule or how he would react when or if he saw me like this.

Maybe around 10 minutes or so later I heard voices and the sound of footsteps on the stairs. I adopted the display position and stood facing the desk. My cock was so hard. Precum clinging from the tip.

They were in the hallway. Their voices were muffled, as if trying not to let me hear what they were saying. It wouldn’t have mattered anyway because my head had already drifted into the haze. The blood that was making my erection throb matched the pounding between my ears.

As they got closer I heard Lewis saying he couldn’t believe what he was seeing. Then the wafting of the air as they walked by and sat down together on the sofa. My face was flushed with the humiliation. I stared forward, not daring to turn my head to face them. I was acutely aware of the image my best friend was taking in.

“Well it’s not like you haven’t seen him naked before Lewis,” Phillip stated. Then went on to explain that our relationship had evolved somewhat and that I was no longer allowed the privilege of clothing whilst upstairs.

“What never?” Lewis enquired. “Even if it’s just to come up here and get something for you?”

God my heart was beating hard. I could feel my exposed glans oozing precum while they discussed me as if I wasn’t standing right there. This was heaven to me. At that moment I doubted I would ever get tired of this form of humiliation.

“He agreed to the rules,” Phillip continued. “So even a small errand up here requires him to be naked. No ifs. No buts.”

There was further discussion as Phillip answered a few questions. I didn’t really hear them, just snippets and the occasional word here and there. I could feel Lewis looking at me. My cock bobbing erratically. No way of hiding my obvious excitement.

“I guess I could have forewarned you, you’re right” Phillip was saying. “But that wouldn’t do anything for him.”

Lewis said he wasn’t sure what he meant.

“David needs the excitement of not knowing,” Phillip explained. “If he knew that you were already aware of the rule when you came upstairs, it would take that feeling away. He’s probably been standing there with his prick hard wondering whether you knew or not, yet only too well aware that you would see him”

“Yeah, I get it,” Lewis said. “Just didn’t expect to see what I’m seeing. I’m ok with it. Seems like he’s enjoying it though,” he laughed.

God my cock was straining at the leash. Lewis saying that just confirmed to me that he was looking at my cock, which in turn caused a very large glob of precum to spill out.

“Well you’ll know from now on Lewis,” Phillip stated. “If he’s up here, he’ll be naked. Forewarned is forearmed as they say.”

They shared a small joke and laughed. Then Phillip asked him what he had planned for the evening.

“Oh, just some beers and a video or 2,” Lewis said. “It’s been a while since we had a boys night in.”

Even though I wasn’t looking, I knew he was smiling. The last time we spent a night together I ended up sucking him off and that wasn’t lost on Phillip. He laughed saying he knew exactly what he meant.

“Ok,” he said. “You 2 better be getting yourselves off then.”

I followed them along the hallway and got dressed, then as we started down the stairs Phillip told Lewis not to forget what they’d been talking about earlier.

It wasn’t long before we were outside. The cool evening air was refreshing, helping me to come back to reality. In less the half an hour Phillip had taken me from normality, to submission and back to normality. The control he had over me, that I’d given him, excited me so much.

As we walked, I asked Lewis what Phillip had meant by his last comment.

“I’ll tell you later,” he replied with a broad grin.

I didn’t push him and decided to be content with the mundane chat about how his day had gone, what I’d been up to at home and what his parents were doing for their midweek break away. He was convinced they were having a “dirty night out” but offered no real reason for why he thought so. By the time we’d talked through all of that we were at his.

They had a nice home. His parents were significantly richer than my mother. I got on well with them, just as Lewis did with my mother. Once inside Lewis told me to get a couple of beers from the fridge and meet him upstairs in his room. He was desperate for the loo.

I carried beer’s upstairs and as I walked past the main bathroom I could hear him splashing into the water of the toilet bowl. My cock stirred at the sound and my confusion over this sudden fascination with piss returned. I was sure there must be something wrong with me. It wasn’t right to get turned on by it I was sure. Mr Ali knew though. He knew it excited me.

I shook my head trying to free my head of the thought as I pushed the door to Lewis’s bedroom. God. It was surprisingly tidy. I smiled thinking he must have cleaned up especially for tonight. Don’t get me wrong. It wasn’t that tidy, just more so than normal. There was a pile of worn clothes pushed against own of the walls, a pair of bright red briefs lying on top.

I fought the urge to pick them up and sniff them. What the fuck was happening to me!

I put the beers down and sat on his bed just before he came in. He had a big double bed, unlike my own small single. He joined me and we cracked open the beers and he told me he’d got couple of good videos to watch, but we should have a few beers first. He put some music on and we settled down to drinking and chatting.

Nothing unusual happened for a couple of hours. It was as if my naked display at the shop hadn’t even taken place. We were just best mates getting drunk, listening to music and having a laugh.

I think it was around 9pm when he jumped off the bed and said it was video time. He was lucky. His parents let him have both a TV and VCR in his bedroom. My own mother would never allow me that. Maybe when I was earning a full time wage she might change her mind.

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