Welcome to the Temple Pt. 03

A gay sex stories: Welcome to the Temple Pt. 03 Soon they reached a narrow staircase that led down into the rock that the temple was built upon.

“We need to cover your eyes again, boy.” The priest pulled out the black cloth and placed it over Tommen’s eyes, leaving him in darkness.

The steps were flat and Tommen stumbled several times as he tried to keep up with the priests’ hurried pace. His heart pounded again, and he nervously swallowed back saliva from his dry mouth. Had he really memorized the holy language? Was he supposed to prove something during the ritual? The atmosphere in the corridor was a bit intimidating, but Tommen was eager to see where they were taking him. When they finally stopped, Tommen wondered where he was. Some kind of chamber, perhaps?

Tommen heard two more sets of footsteps approaching before someone commanded loudly in a deep voice: “Open!” Tommen was pushed forward through another set of doors, which creaked slightly just like the first pair had done. They led him into a circular hall with large fires burning on either side of the room. It was comfortably warm inside, and they led Tommen to the center of the hall, where a strange-looking altar stood. Of course, the blinded Tommen was oblivious to all of this, taking each step carefully, trying to concentrate on the sounds of his completely dark surroundings. But no one else seemed to be here. “Is this the ceremony already?” he thought. “Probably not.”

Soon Tommen was standing in front of the altar. The two priests slowly made him bend over, pushing his breast over it. Then they slowly pushed him further until Tommen could feel a large hole surrounded by soft fabric with his lower body. If he had to guess, he would say it was probably two hands wide. The priest moved Tommen so that the area of his cock and balls were inside this hole, while the weight of his body rested on soft fabric and pillows. Not being able to see anything, Tommen had no idea that he had just been placed on the altar, his painted ass perfectly presented upwards in one direction, while his cock was clearly visible from the other direction through a big circular hole that cut through the block of stone, forming a cone, the tip of which was the opening to his private parts.

Tommen stood still, feeling uncomfortable and not daring to speak or make a sound. He felt like he was about to be whipped, the way he was lying on that strange rock. But that could not be it. Since nothing was happening, he began to move his hips in circles as best he could, his chest scraping against the rock, the head of his cock hitting the edge of the cone, the cold marble making him shiver. The priests stood by the altar and watched. “Very nice,” one of them finally purred, “this is going to be a great initiation! Stop moving now!”

Tommen froze in an instant, only able to hear the short breaths his heart made in fear and excitement. Then he felt soft cloth around his ankles. His feet were bound to the floor with soft linen. The cloth suddenly tightened, preventing him from moving his feet. “What… are you doing?” he dared to ask, but instead of an answer, they grabbed his hands, held his wrists tightly, pushed them further down over the altar, and bound him so that it was difficult for him to move. Tommen struggled, trying to keep them away from his arms. “Stop! Please, I don’t want this!”

“Be patient, novice! You don’t even know what will happen.” The other spoke as well, continuing to tighten the cloth around Tommen’s wrists. “Hold still!” Soon they were done and stepped back. Tommen tried moving, but all he could do was twist and move his hip slightly, grinding into the edge of the altar and moving his groin into the large stone hole between his legs.

“Why am I tied up?” he asked, but they didn’t answer, only continued to stand by the altar, not speaking, only breathing. They stood there in silence for a while, as if waiting for something. Tommen didn’t know what to do, and he wished they would speak to him. At the same time, he became aware of how his heart was pounding so fast, he thought it would burst. He felt scared. And alone.

A hand pressed down on his back, trying to calm him. Tommen slowly relaxed, his breathing slowing, waiting to see what would happen next. “Don’t worry, boy, everything will be fine,” the first voice reassured him. “We are going to oil your body once more and remove the Kaltheer. Then you will have one hour of silent prayer until the ceremony begins and you will be initiated.”

Finally, some answers. Tommen felt a wave of relief wash over him. Relief that he now knew what was going to happen. Relieved that the Kaltheer would be removed before the ceremony, as he would have felt uncomfortable if he had to present himself to the inner circle in such a way. Relieved that – he believed – his cock was very well hidden in that hole in the rock in front of him. Oh, but how wrong he was in this.

“Alright…” he murmured, and soon he felt the oil being applied to his shoulders, lower back and ass. The hands felt warm and soft on his skin, and Tommen become more and more comfortable. “I hope they don’t ruin the flower”, he thought. But those thoughts quickly vanished as the hands began to lower, into his ass crack and over the base of Kaltheer, the pressure moving the object inside if him a little bit. The position of his body meant that the tip of the Kaltheer brushed directly over the spot inside him that always made him squirm with excitement. And so Tommen let out a deep moan, his body shaking in the restraints he was in, ass clenching and pushing back into the object. His head was starting to spin, he was longing for more. The priest at his back increased the pressure on the Kaltheer, pushing it down in a slow rhythm. “That feels good,” Tommen gasped. “Ah, my gods!”

His own words made him uncomfortable, but the priest only chuckled. “You like that, don’t you?” he said. “It’s only natural, boy. Nothing wrong with that.”

Tommen nodded silently, swallowing hard. Of course, his manhood was rock hard again, the tip brushing against the inner stone of the altar. A quiet laugh came from the other priest, “You’re doing really well!”

Tommen felt warm, wet fingers reach between his cheeks, sliding in the oil he was smeared with, and he felt a firm grip on his hip. Slowly, he felt the object being pushed out of him. “Now the Kaltheer is going to be gone for good. Hold still, young novice.” When he felt resistance, the priest played with his fingers around Tommen’s stretched hole, causing him to whimper and moan. His cock pulsed, a long drop of pre-cum dripping from it, splashing onto the rock and slowly running down the cone out of the altar. “Almost there, boy!”

And indeed, soon the entire object was removed from Tommen’s ass, the gentle fingers still playing around his rim. His ass felt empty, the hole opening and closing, longing to be stretched again.

“Okay, time to relax now. Relax and pray,” the first priest told him, jokingly slapping Tommen’s ass. “I think you will really enjoy this ceremony. Good luck!” And with that, they left. Tommen could hear their footsteps slowly fading away, then the door shut behind them.

Tommen was alone, bound, naked, and with his eyes covered. He could hear the fire cracking behind him and feel it’s warmth on his naked body, but otherwise he could not feel a thing. He couldn’t see a thing. But his cock was still hard as a rock and pressed against the cold rock of the altar, and it felt like a long string of cum was being drawn out of his cock. He breathed in deeply, trying to calm himself, but he was more nervous than ever. He closed his eyes and tried to pray, his heart beating hard in his chest. But he was so scared, it was difficult to concentrate.

Tommen’s cock continued to jump, sometimes brushing over the cold stone. He closed his eyes and concentrated on breathing slowly. Suddenly he was grateful for the silence. The cold air was soothing on his skin, as was the scent of incense. So far, so good, he thought. After a while, he felt very proud. He had successfully completed the task given to him two days ago! He hadn’t released any seed in the last few days, and the Kaltheer task seemed to be over as well! Tommen didn’t want to think too much about the fact that he was naked at that moment. It was probably because he was being offered to be accepted by the gods tonight, and maybe that required nudity. The flower on his backside certainly made him look beautiful and like an offering. Having these thoughts, Tommen was able to relax a bit more until he could concentrate on his prayers. He began to chant softly, letting his voice resonate in his lungs. “Lord Gods, bless me! Make me strong. In peace, love and happiness! Help me during my initiation! Let me remember everything that I have learned. Let my body not betray me. Please guide me.” He prayed quietly, the thoughts flowing naturally as if inspired by the temple around him.


He was half asleep when he heard the big door open. Tommen raised his head, trying to raise his body, but the constraints held him firmly. He turned his head nervously, trying to take in as much as possible with his limited senses. He could hear a lot of footsteps entering the room. The air was filled with the smell of candles, incense and human sweat. No one spoke, everyone was quiet. The only sound he could hear was that of the cloths moving from time to time, the quiet sound coming from all directions. Tommen’s body froze, growing tense. Suddenly the nervousness was all there again. He felt exposed, suddenly very aware of his nudity and his exposed butt. He tried clenching his ass cheeks together, trying to hide what was clearly visible for everyone to see. The naked, skinny youth was laying exposed on the altar, his golden skin glistening in the light of the fire. His beautiful ass was sticking upwards, the painted flower supplementing the wonderful sight. His legs were spread due to his restraints, the quivering virgin hole clearly exposed. His skinny arms were bound to the floor, while his head was quickly turning around nervously, eyes still hidden behind black cloth. And below his head, everyone had a good view on the young manhood, sticking out of the rock of the altar, jerking with every movement the young man made. Gradually the silence grew, allowing Tommen to grow impatient. Finally, after what seemed like hours, he heard a drum. The whole room vibrated to its rhythm, the loud sound filling the room for a few times. Then there was silence again.

“My dear brothers! Thank you for gathering here for our sacred ceremony! Tonight we are here for the initiation of a new brother of ours into the inner circle. Tonight, after we have prayed and worshipped the gods together, the submission ritual will begin.” Tommen recognized the high priest’s deep, powerful voice. “The initiates have to submit to the gods. They are to offer their bodies, their souls, everything they have. They must be grateful for this gift and show us that they are gift the gods like to receive! Tonight, we are going to receive a new youth, a young virgin who wants to join the temple! This boy, his body, his soul, his life, his very breath belongs to the gods! He has to show us how grateful he is, how much he is willing to offer us! If he fails to show us his obedience and his total submission to the gods, he will have to leave the temple! I would like to introduce you to the one who will be initiated tonight! Please, all bow down, and pray for the one who is about to receive our grace.”

Suddenly, the cloth around his eyes was removed. Tommen blinked, trying to focus his vision. Once he was able to see, he looked around, taking in his surroundings. Many tall candles were burning brightly, illuminating the large chamber in the center of which he found himself. In a circle around him stood two dozen priests, wearing beautiful robes and simple sandals. This time, finally, they were not wearing masks, their eyes sparkling in the candlelight, looking directly at him.

Tommen glanced around, realizing that he was bound to a large stone altar, right in the center of the circular hall. Behind him, the fire he had heard when he entered the room burned brightly. His buttocks were widely exposed, the light of the flames dancing on his buttocks, making the beautiful image of the flower almost come alive. The High Priest stood in right behind him, wearing a robe that was mostly white with small red spots scattered across his chest. Tommen turned his attention to the floor in front of him. His upper body rested on the stone altar, he could finally see that his hands were bound tightly to the ground in front of the large rock. Just below his head, the altar had a huge opening in the shape of a cone, and to his surprise, his own cock and balls were visible on the back of the cone, hanging out of the opening in the rock. Tommen shivered. He felt very vulnerable. What was going on here? What was about to happen?

The High Priest began to speak again.

“This is Tommen. He has been a part of this temple all his life. You all know him from morning prayers, the kitchen, or as a very good student. We have all heard his laugh and seen his cheeky curls around – but tonight he becomes a true brother of the temple. He turned 20 the second we entered this room, and he spent the last days preparing to submit to the gods and to receive their blessing!

Many heads nodded, some bowing slightly in respect. Tommen swallowed nervously, his eyes sweeping over the crowd. Wherever he looked, he couldn’t help but think that they were looking at the large hole in the altar between his legs and right at his cock. The thought made him uncomfortable and he closed his eyes.

The high priest continued.

“And what a beautiful man he has become! Blessed with soft skin, a strong body, and blue eyes full of kindness. A man with a beautiful, strong manhood! A skinny, delicate butt! We stand here as representatives of the Gods that Tommen wishes to serve! Tonight he becomes a man! I hope you will all show him your love and support as a brother in the years to come!” More nods. Then the drums began to beat again. The priests began to pray in unison, their voices echoing through the hall. Their chanting filled the room, singing to Inti, the great Sun God, for protection. They asked the elemental gods Pachamama, Gedi, Paria, and Hurac for support.

Slowly, Tommen felt his body grow restless. Sweat trickled down his forehead and down his neck. Each beat of the drums reverberated through his body, making him shake in his constraints, his body tense and hot. His breathing quickened until his heartbeat synchronized with the drums. The heat spread through his body, his cock growing harder once more, blood rushing into his loins. Every nerve in his body tingled with anticipation. Even the cold stone beneath his flesh seemed to heat up, as if warmed by the flames behind him. It sent waves of pleasure and adrenaline through his body. An intense feeling of excitement coursed through his veins. All his senses were heightened, as if everything was a fever dream. Meanwhile, his rock hard cock rubbed against the top of the stone, sending fresh waves of desire through his body. Tommen began to moan, helplessly allowing his body to surrender to these sensations. As his skin shivered, he felt the rock become wet with his sweat, the tip of his cock soaked with pre-cum. It slowly dripped onto the stone of the altar beneath him.

Suddenly, a single word echoed through his mind. Submit!

The word was followed by another, just as loud. Open!

Tommen moaned quietly. His mind was racing. Submit! Open! The anticipation made his entire body throb with excitement. He moaned again, this time in his throat, a loud, animalistic sound. His hips began to jerk, the muscles in his ass clenching and releasing. The voice echoed louder in his head than any song the High Priest had ever uttered. Slowly, Tommen took a deep breath. He clenched his asshole, the muscles contracting and stretching as they tensed. He leaned forward slightly, wanting to make sure everyone could see him, wanting to push his cock deeper through the altar hole.


Open up. Submit, open up. It went on, each repetition growing louder, seeming to penetrate his brain, tearing away the strength that had kept him calm. Tommen’s hole quivered. Open up your asshole, Tommen! Show them what you want, he thought. Then suddenly it was quiet. He quickly realized that the priests around him had been chanting the words – now they were all staring at him, a trembling, shaking mess on the altar.

“Are you ready to submit to the power of the gods?” the high priest shouted.

Tommen’s voice broke, his throat burning. “Yes, I offer myself! Please take me!” His voice was faint, but its echo could be heard loud. The drum began again. He needed more. He needed his release. His vision was blurred. He clenched his muscles harder, desperate for the orgasm he suddenly knew would come soon.

The door of the hall opened slowly and a naked young man entered. From the moment he stepped into the room, the temple hall lit up. Tommen stared at the newcomer. He wore a large yellow mask over his head that looked like a sun. His body was slightly painted – The symbol of the sun god Inti was painted on his chest, and a single ray of sunlight spreading from the mask across his chest and belly to his erect manhood. Tommen could not look away from the young man, could not take his eyes off his hard phallus. It was long and thick, standing proudly erect, the purple tip exposed, glistening with oil. Tommen’s vision narrowed – had never wanted anything more in his life.

With each beat of the drum, the Sun Priest moved closer to the altar, slowly approaching Tommen. As he passed, Tommen slowly turned his head, unable to look away. He could feel his virgin hole trembling and open up, desperate to be filled. The very thought made Tommen shudder. Tommen finally understood that he was going to get fucked, and because of the sexual denial these last few days, he was looking forward to every second of it.

As the priest stood behind Tommen, the drum stopped and silence filled the hall. Tommen was unable to look behind him because of his restraints. Therefore, he closed his eyes again, trying to breath. The energy in the room vibrated strongly around him, making his insides feel warm and tingly. It was unlike any feeling he had ever experienced.

“Tonight Tommen will accept the favor of Inti. Let the hot rays of the sun make the flower bloom,” the High Priest said. “Let the initiation begin!”

There was silence again.

Then Tommen’s groan echoed through the room as he felt the young man’s thick tip on his virgin hole, brushing lightly over his crack.

“Uhhnnn,” Tommen grunted, his body begining to tremble. A moment later, Tommen felt the cock press against his opening. The warm and wet head of the cock pressed against his sphincter. His moan grew louder, echoing through the temple hall.

His hole tightened around the large intruder and then Tommen opened up. The hard flesh of the Sun Priest’s phallus slowly slid into his entrance, hot and wet.

“Ahhh, nnnnnghh,” Tommen grunted, his eyes rolling back. Slowly, the cock pushed deeper into him, inch by inch, filling him, his hole widening to accommodate the thick shaft. Slowly, so slowly, Tommen got used to feeling so filled, his hole so stretched. He was so tight! He gasped as he felt the big cock move out a little bit, as he was longing for more.

Then, in one quick motion, the young priest suddenly thrust deep into him, filling him completely.

Tommen’s jaw dropped in shock as the intruder’s tip landed right on top of the spot inside of him. His own cock jumped and within an instant his climax hit him. His body trembled, his body arching upward in its restraints. He cried out loudly as waves of pleasure washed over him. The tip of his penis exploded as a fountain of cum erupted from his cock, spraying everywhere. Most of it landed on the floor, shooting far across the room, but some splashed onto the stone of the altar, ran down the cone and was collected in a small trough directly beneath him. Tommen had never known it was possible to come without his dick being touched. Wave after wave of pleasure ran through his body, the built up tension of the last days finally releasing. His eyes closed as his orgasm continued, his ass contracting around the large cock buried in his ass, squeezing it tightly. The sensation caused another spurt of cum shooting out of him as Tommen moaned and wailed. Slowly, his orgasm faded. He collapsed forward, shaking, feeling drained, breathing heavily. This was all too much.

Then the Sun Priest began to move inside of him. Slowly, he pulled the hard cock out of Tommen, the big phallus still stretching his hole. Then pushed it back in, sliding it all the way, opening him up, grinding against the walls of his asshole. For a moment he held him there, stretching him out. Tommen whimpered, tears streaming from his eyes, his face turning red. He tried to turn his head, to see the beautiful male body behind him, but he couldn’t. The thick shaft started moving again, in and out of him, fucking him in slow movements. Tommen shook as the cock continued to work him, pushing in, stretching him out, feeling his own hole open wider, making room for the intruder. Tommen’s head rolled from side to side, his body shaking, as the warm cock filled him, hips slapping against his ass cheeks.

It was still quiet around them, the only sounds echoing through the hall were the movements of their bodies, the heavy breathing of the Sun Priest and of course Tommen’s quiet moaning. The priests around them had their eyes glued to the spectacle before them, the beautiful young man losing his virginity and being taken before them, two bodies dancing in sexual unison.

Slowly, Tommen recovered from his first orgasm, the arousal rising again in him. Being taken like this and feeling another man’s flesh inside of him made him very horny. Each thrust of the cock sent new sensations rippling through him, Sometimes the hot flesh brushed against his prostate, sending electric shocks through into his cock. When it did, Tommen felt his hole tighten around the shaft, making him gasp and shudder. With each thrust, slow and gentle, Tommen became more accustomed to the sensation, welcoming the intrusion, enjoying it more and more.

The Sun Priest’s power surged through Tommen as his huge cock drove deeper and harder into him. Every inch stretched and filled him up, pushing him past his limits until he was screaming with pleasure. His whole body quaked beneath the relentless pounding of the Priest, feeling an unstoppable force shove him forward toward ecstasy. The sweat beaded on his brow, tears streaming down his face, as the raw throbbing sensation that threatened to overwhelm him coursed through every nerve in his body. With each thrust the Priest pushed him closer towards a blissful oblivion, making Tommen beg for more until he was writhing uncontrollably from the pleasure within.

Tommen couldn’t help but become loader and vocal. “Fuckkkk,” he moaned. His cock was still swollen and hard, occasionally touching the edge of the cold stone. “Please… Take me… fuck me…” he moaned, squirming in his bonds. He had never felt so alive. He moaned, louder and louder. His head arched up and he cried out in pleasure. He was being fucked. His orgasm built and built, his muscles shaking. His entire body was trembling. He was getting closer. He needed it. His head fell forward, his face buried in the cool stone of the altar, his mouth open, his eyes closed.

But instead, the Sun Priest pulled out of him, removing himself from the quivering hole. The priest quickly poured a slippery liquid over his crack, while Tommen couldn’t help but beg. “Please, please!..uugggh… I want your back inside me… I need it…please fuck me!” The priest’s erection jumped at these words and the young man quickly used his swollen tip to push the liquid into Tommen’s hole, lubricating it once more. Then, in one smooth motion, he pushed his hard manhood back into Tommen’s asshole, thrusting it into him hard. “Ahhh… yesssss… yesssssss… ooohh… mmmhhh… uuuuugh… please…” Tommen moaned, his body shaking, his ass burning. He wanted it. He needed it.

The young priest seemed to get excited as well. His movements became quicker, more urgent. He grabbed onto Tommen’s waist, his thick manhood sliding in and out of the hole. He began to fuck him harder, his hips pumping hard into the soft, wet flesh, his balls slapping against Tommen’s. With each thrust, Tommen moaned, his entire body shaking, his moans getting louder, his hips rising up, trying to hit that magic spot. The sun priest seemed to understand what Tommen was aching for as he slightly adjusted the angle of his thrusts, suddenly hitting Tommen’s sweet spot over and over again.

Tommen screamed, his cock throbbing, the sensations becoming unbearable. “Ahhh… mmmhhh… fuckkk… plleeeaaasse… take me… make me yours… ooohhh… plleeeaase… fill me… plleeeaaasse!”

He felt his balls swell again, blood rushing to his groin, then his head jerked back as he felt his second orgasm coming upon him. He let out a roar, his dick squirting again, his cum shooting out. His entire body jerked and his ass clenched around the cock inside him as stream after stream of seed was spilled onto the floor in front of him.

While he was still pumping out his semen, he heard the Sun Priest groan behind him. The movements became shorter, the hard cock inside him seemed to swell and harden even further, and suddenly Tommen felt a hot wetness flood his insides. Tommen had never felt anything like it and the pure thought of receiving another men’s seed and being filled made him almost pass out. His ass clenched rhythmically around the big cock inside him, milking every last drop, his virgin hole desperate to be filled for the first time. The young man behind him collapsed onto Tommen’s back, thrusting his cock deep once more, and Tommen felt the heat of the thick semen being pushed inside him. His whole body shook as his own orgasm finally came to an end.

They both breathed hard as they slowly came to their senses. Tommen’s whole body was covered in glistening sweat, his muscles were sore, his ass ached, and his cock felt drained.

“You are damn cute, sexy and adorable,” he suddenly heard the voice of the Sun Priest whisper next to his ear. He had a beautiful voice, smooth and masculine, with a slight accent. Tommen was surprised to hear him speak. “Thank you for letting me take you.”

Tommen turned his head to look at him, but the priest was already standing up. His manhood stayed inside of Tommen as the High Priest raised his voice, “The sun has opened this beautiful flower, the rays of light have poured into this boy and made him bloom! Welcome to the temple, Priest Tommen!”

The High Priest moved in front of Tommen, reached down and took some of Tommen’s spilled semen from the altar onto his fingers. “The gods are impressed with the strength of this youth!” He raised his cum-soaked fingers to his face and licked up Tommen’s fluid. “And thank the boy for his nectar! What a ceremony!”

The priests around them cheered, but Tommen was so overwhelmed that he could only look down. Then he felt the young priest behind him slowly pull his manhood out of him, and Tommen felt a mixture of cum and oil run down his crack, his insides still shaking.

He felt something being slowly spread around his hole and it felt amazing. The sun priest spread a thin, silky liquid with delicate fingers over his asshole, massaging it in.

Tommen tried to turn his head to see the Sun Priest still behind him, touching him, but then the young man looked up and moved around the altar, kneeling down, his face right in front of Tommen’s, looking at him. He was still covered in sweat and paint, his mask shining in the light of the fire. Tommen could see green eyes, bright and shining, looking back at him. He glanced back, his heart racing. “Enjoy the rest of the ceremony, Tommen,” the priest whispered. “I’ll be waiting for you afterwards.”

Tommen felt himself tremble, his cheeks burning, longing for this man’s touch. But the Sun Priest stood up, revealing his naked body in all its glory, and Tommen could not look away from the phallus that had given him so much pleasure just a few minutes before. Then the body left his sight as the young man stepped aside and walked away.

The high priest raised his voice again. “May the four representatives of the elemental gods step forward and welcome our newest member!”

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