My first year in College – Chapter 1: The Dorm situation

I was still nervous but was feeling a bit better. I guess that everyone was overwhelmed and it was ok. The other students I would meet would be as disoriented as me.

Now that I look back to these moments, I realize how lucky I was and I still am to have Ryan in my life. I feel even more guilty about the what I did to him now. But more on that later.

I said I would not digress from sex and here I am again, retelling boring conversations between me and my brother. Don’t worry dear reader, the sex is coming. (I hope you read that in Jon Snow’s voice).

I entered Building C and there were a couple of families saying goodbyes in the lobby. I could see a large space behind the lobby with some couches and further away, some tables, but I went straight to the elevator. Some girl was actually crying. In a way that was reassuring: some people were having it worse than me.

I took the elevator and pushed 4. The building was pretty generic and seemed clean but was a bit underwhelming compared to the pictures on the website. Some of the paints had faded, some of the lamps did not seem to work and the smell made it obvious, especially on the fourth floor, that teenagers and young adults were living there.

403 was right in the middle of the corridor on the left, between 401 and 405. I already had my key so I went in. The key felt weird though, like it was not really working, but the door thankfully opened.

A handsome man was inside, lying on the bed on the right side of the room, completely naked, his phone in his left hand, his HUGE dick in his right hand, a look of terror on his beautiful face as I moved back to the corridor and slammed the door.

This is how I met Austin.



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