This Can’t Be Happening Ch. 24

A gay sex stories: This Can’t Be Happening Ch. 24

My journey continues. Thanks to all who have read, voted, commented, PM’d me or added as a favourite. Your support is very much appreciated. All names and locations have been altered to maintain anonymity.

I had no idea what time it was, but my bed was just too small for both of us. Lewis was sound asleep so I slipped out, grabbed a blanket and lay on my floor cushions. I drifted off quickly.

When I started to wake up, I could see it was light, but I could also feel something on my face. Then through the slits of my sleepy eyes I saw Lewis. He was kneeling next to my head wiping his morning hard on over my cheeks and lips.

“Wakey wakey,” he said softly.

He’d already pulled my blanket off and my cock was hard. It took just a few moments to realise what was happening, then my mouth was filled with cock. He held the back of my head and started to slowly fuck my mouth.

“Mmmm, that’s nice Dave,” he moaned down at me. “Much better than a morning wank.”

He reached down with his free hand and began playing with my nipples, knowing the effect it would have on me. My Achilles heel. He was definitely a quick learner. My cock spasmed and began to leak.

“Ooh,” he cooed. “Looks like someone’s feeling horny.” His cock filled my throat.

I could hear movement on the landing. He saw the panic in my eyes put his finger to his lips. “Shhhh”

A gentle knock on the bedroom door and my mothers voice asking if we were up yet. Lewis stopped, his cock fully in to the hilt, hand holding my head still.

“Morning Jackie,” he called out. “I’m up already and I’m just getting Dave up.” He smiled down at me.

“Ok Lewis,” she said cheerfully as he began to fuck my mouth again. “I’ll put a clean towel in the bathroom for you. Do you want coffee?”

“Thanks Jackie,” he called out fucking my mouth in long deep strokes. “Yes please. Think I need a coffee this morning.”

His spunk filled my mouth as I heard her say it would be on the table in 5 minutes.

He pulled out. “Fucking needed that mate.” I licked him and sucked the remnants of his cum from his cock. “Want me to play with your nipples while you toss yourself off?”

I nodded my head, still trying to get to grips with that fact I’d only been awake for about 10 minutes and I’d already swallowed Lewis’s spunk. He pushed his soft cock back in my mouth. “You can suckle on that while I watch.”

His fingers started to tweak and flick my nipples while I stroked my cock. Fuck. This was hot. His soft cock still tasted of cum. I closed my eyes as he pulled my nipples hard. “Fuck me Dave, your nips are better than some of the girls I been with.”

It was the thought that he’d been talking to my mother as he fucked my mouth that really brought me off. The risk of getting caught, I guessed. That and the hard attention he was giving my nipples. Nobody else had ever played with them like that. He quickly moved his hands away as the first 3 shots hit my cheek. The rest sprayed my torso and groin.

“Yuk Dave,” he said in disgust. “It’s on my arm you dirty cunt. You should go to the fucking doctors or something.” I still wasn’t sure if he was joking when he said those things. Then he got up, put his underpants on and went off to the bathroom, leaving me there to come down.

I lay there still not quite believing what had just happened, yet I couldn’t help but smile to myself. He was back quite quickly and started to dress.

“You need to get yourself cleaned up Dave,” he said casually. “I’m off for that coffee. I’ll tell your mum you’re getting a shower first.”

I could hear them talking downstairs as I scurried to the bathroom, using my hands to stop any cum from falling onto the hall carpet. Showered and dressed in shorts and T-shirt, I made my way down to the kitchen.

Everything was normal. We all chatted. My mother went upstairs to get ready to go to work and left. Lewis and I chatted as if nothing had happened, which was a relief to me. The fear that our friendship might have suffered seemed unfounded. He didn’t shower and within the hour he left for work.

The first thing I did was rush upstairs to get the carrier bag. I grabbed the panties. Yes, they definitely needed washing and after checking the stockings, I decided they did too. I hand washed them in the kitchen sink. When I was satisfied they were clean, the only way I could dry them was outside on the washing line. We lived in a terraced council house with a decent sized garden, but was overlooked on one side by an elderly couple.

I’d been brought up there and only knew them as Mr and Mrs Davidson. They were a nice enough couple, his wife was always quite chatty when she saw me. Mr Davidson was not quite as friendly. Years of picking up my errant football from his prized vegetables beds and roses had caused some friction. He kind of frightened me to be honest. He was never outright rude though. Grumpy was an apt word.

I checked to see he wasn’t in his garden and quickly hung my washing on the line, hoping they’d dry quickly. Then I want about my chores. A lot had happened over the previous couple of days and try as I might I couldn’t stop thinking. Carols husband, Gary. Lewis. Mr Ali. Coach and my new hours at work. It all crept into my thoughts as I busied myself around the house. I was determined not to masturbate too. I’d been doing far too much of that.

After a couple of hours I checked outside to see if Mr Davidson was out in his garden. All looked clear so I went out to check if the washing had dried. It was dry enough so I started to unpeg everything and then I saw him come out from behind his greenhouse. He looked directly at me, smiled and shuffled over to the low fence that separated us. Shit! My face immediately flushed bright red.

“Morning David,” he said unusually cheerful. I nodded my head and responded. It was too late to try and hide my lingerie. He’d probably already seen it anyway.

“Its a bit unusual to see a lad washing his mums undies,” he said leering at the bright pink knickers. Fuck it! How was I going to explain myself? I had this thought that he liked my mother, the way he always happened to be outside whenever she was. Always making a point of chatting to her. The way he watched her in the garden or when she was hanging the washing out, looking at her underwear. Not that it was particularly sexy. Not like Sarah’s. The very same lingerie I was holding, that he was now ogling.

I was flustered. I certainly didn’t want the lecherous old fucker to think it was my mother’s. I was caught between a rock and a hard place.

“They’re not my mothers,” I said defensively, without really thinking. Maybe I was hoping he wouldn’t push it. I was wrong.

“Oh?” he questioned. His mouth curled into a smirk. I could only imagine what he was thinking. “Whose are they then?”

Shit. Fuck. I could feel the heat of embarrassment burning in my cheeks and then it happened. My mind pleaded. Not now! My cock burst into life. The loose football shorts I was wearing tented right there in front if him. My automatic reaction was to look down. Maybe it wasn’t obvious. It was. When I looked back up his grin said it all.

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