In It for Life Ch. 21

A gay story: In It for Life Ch. 21 In It For Life


All good things had to come to an end, Francesco thought and shivered while Mouse caressed his back, tracing an invisible line along his spine and pushing playfully between his ass cheeks. He had ended up sleeping in the same bed with both of them, although Mouse had a room all to himself. The honeymoon was way too short, and they had actually had just one week to themselves. It wasn’t enough and made it all too painfully clear to Francesco that he didn’t want Mouse to go back to his unit. He had an idea to ask Karl if there was anything they could do to keep the redhead with them, but he knew that his husband didn’t call the shots anyway.

“That plane is already waiting for us,” Francesco whispered. He had heard the metal bird landing. It wasn’t a regular flight, of course, but that didn’t mean that they could leave the crew to wait for them indefinitely.

“So, honeymoon’s over, right?” Mouse quipped and slapped Francesco’s ass before getting out of bed.

He was completely naked and stretched, allowing Francesco to admire his muscled back and buttocks, as well as the back of his hard as rock hammies. Mouse had used to be lean and fast during their time on the island, but now he had grown into a full man. Army life agreed with him, and Francesco wondered if it was fair to even ask the redhead to settle with them for a life in the suburbs. Somehow, it didn’t fit him. Mouse was made for a life of action, whether it was hunting in the woods or sucking dick in the army.

Karl shifted, and Francesco knew that he wasn’t sleeping anymore. “Come on, stop pretending. I know you’re awake.”

Karl opened his eyes and stared at him.

“What?” Francesco asked. “Something on my face?”

Karl licked his thumb and brushed it along Francesco’s cheek. “A bit of cum from yesterday.”

Francesco swatted his hand away. “Shut up, fucker. I washed.”

Karl caught his neck swiftly just to prove how easy it was for him to do that. Francesco swallowed but enjoyed the firmness of Karl’s thumb against the base of his neck. It was all right to leave him in control, and not somebody else.

“Are you into some BDSM shit so early in the morning?” Mouse asked. He rubbed his crotch in a gesture that left nothing to the imagination.

Karl let go of him with obvious reluctance. “We need to get up. Time to get back to the shitty real world.”

Francesco hadn’t known Karl to be so open about what bothered him, but it was clear that he didn’t harbor any illusion that their life would be all wine and roses from now on. He didn’t either. Somewhere, back home, whatever that was, Don lurked in the shadows, and Francesco doubted the man would be fine with leaving them alone to build a life for themselves.

That meant that he needed to brace for impact or get smart already and start searching for stuff that would be bad enough to bring the asshole down. Actually, he didn’t care about that; the asshole was Karl’s dad. As much as Francesco hated to admit it, he was family now. He would be satisfied with having enough ammo for mutual assured destruction so that he didn’t have to live in fear of Don’s blackmail all the time.

Until then, however, there were other things he needed to do. Like get out of bed and prepare for their flight. Their luggage was put together already by the dutiful personnel. Oddly enough, after their little orgy, Mack had kept out of the way. At first, Francesco thought the guy quit or something, but he saw him from a distance, carrying some dishes. He had waved at him but got no acknowledgment back and Francesco had wondered what the fuck that was about.

They were barely dressed and shaved when an energetic knock on the door let them know that their vacation was, indeed, over.

“Come in,” Karl said loudly as the man in charge that he was.

Morgan opened the door but didn’t step inside. He stood there and examined them briefly. “Good morning. Are you ready to fly back?”

What a change from what had happened when they left the island, he and Mouse both having been tracked down and forced into that chopper. Now, they were invited politely to board and go willingly into a world where different kinds of dangers lay.

Karl took Francesco by the shoulder. “Yeah. Just give us a moment.”

Morgan nodded curtly and closed the door.

Karl hooked his other arm over Mouse’s shoulders and brought them all together for a group hug. “Listen here, fuckers,” he said in a half-serious, half-playful tone. “We’re going to have times like this again.”

Francesco was moved. He hadn’t expected Karl to be the one with initiative here and even want Mouse with them. Yeah, things must have happened during those years he hadn’t heard from either of them. Why they still kept it a secret, he didn’t get it. Maybe they did have a bone to pick with him, still, both of them, and Francesco couldn’t say that he blamed them for it. Their relationship was pretty fucked up to begin with.

“Don’t forget about us, whore,” Karl told Mouse and kissed him on the lips. In his mouth, that word didn’t mean anything. Or better said, it meant that he was fine with Mouse. “Come on, you two, kiss now. Once we’re on that plane, you won’t be able to do it.”

Francesco hung onto Mouse as he took him in his arms and kissed him as hard and as desperate as he could manage without breaking the other’s bones. The redhead caressed his hair and for a few moments after they pulled away, they stared into each other’s eyes. “I’ll find my way back to you two, fuckers,” he said in a tender voice. “Now let’s go. We’ll have other times like this, I’m sure,” he added, repeating Karl’s words.


Francesco said nothing as Morgan chauffeured them to their new house. He stared out the window, taking in the new surroundings. Karl could say whatever, that was the fucking suburbs. Would they really fit in with that kind of neighborhood?

The car turned a side narrow street that began to climb. The manicured lawns and tacky McMansions were left behind, while tall trees lined the road on both sides. So that was what Karl meant to say by them having a bit of a more secluded place to themselves.

He didn’t comment at the sight of the wrought iron gate that opened before them to allow Morgan to get the car inside. All right, so it wasn’t as big as Karl’s previous home, but it was still as large as two of the homes that made their so-called neighborhood.

What pleased Francesco, however, was the plain look of the façade. Karl wasn’t the kind to flex daddy’s money, maybe. Morgan stepped out and held the door for them. Karl took his hand and gestured for him to follow inside.

Morgan was right behind them, and Francesco was once more relieved to find the interior just as plainly decorated as its exterior indicated. The comfort was there, but there were no golden fixtures in sight or anything equally wild.

“If you need me, I’ll be in the guesthouse,” Morgan said politely.

It was hard to imagine that the stern bodyguard had been engaged with them in some serious orgy just days before. Morgan returned to his business as usual without letting him think that, for a moment, he made anything out of stuff like that. If there was someone who could keep a secret, that man was.

Francesco wondered if he should ask Morgan for help with Don and some dirty secrets, but he stopped himself in time. The man had a lot to lose, and Don wasn’t the kind of man to play with. He just couldn’t risk putting the guy in harm’s way.

“We have a guesthouse?” he asked instead.

“It’s for Morgan,” Karl said and waved like it wasn’t important.

“Shouldn’t we let Morgan go back to his place once in a blue moon? I bet he misses his home,” Francesco suggested.

“This is his home,” Karl said, completely matter-of-fact, like Francesco was too hard-headed to understand something as simple as that.

“Really? Wherever you go, he goes?”

“Something like that,” Karl confirmed. “Before getting your panties in a twist, Cesco, it was his choice. I didn’t force him or anything.”

“Not you,” Francesco said. He added nothing. They all knew who could do that.

“It’s a pleasure to serve,” Morgan said politely.

“Still,” Francesco insisted. “Maybe you want to have a life beyond babysitting the two of us.”

Morgan let his bodyguard mask slip for a moment and allowed himself a small smile. “It’s not a bother. You two, luckily for me, are perfectly capable of wiping your own asses and way past the age of needing diapers.”

Francesco smiled wryly and gave him a thumbs-up.

“Welcome to your new home. I hope you’ll have a great time here,” Morgan added, again polite and perfunctory. He closed the door quietly behind him.

Karl plopped down on the sofa and patted the seat by his side. “Sit,” he said.

Francesco obeyed. He didn’t know what to make of everything just yet. “Was your dad really all right with us moving from under his direct influence?” He just assumed things at this point.

Karl snorted. “He made us play the tune with the wedding to last me for a decade or so.”

“Are you bothered by it still?”

“He’ll want something in return. I don’t know what yet, but he’ll let me know soon enough.”

Karl was leaving him out of it, but that didn’t make it right. Francesco patted his husband’s thigh. “Whatever it is, I’m sure we’ll live through it.” Too bad he didn’t feel the confidence he projected in his words.

Karl just shook his head. “The asshole, he knows what it means to keep me on my toes, waiting for the other fucking shoe to drop. By the way, he’s on his way.”

“What? Right now? We didn’t even unpack.” Francesco pointed at their luggage, like it was there to serve them as a shield or something.

He heard a car pulling in the driveway.

“Speak of the devil,” Karl said with a worn out sigh.

Francesco wanted to know why Karl thought so badly of his dad. Not that there weren’t clearly plenty of reasons, but Karl hadn’t confessed anything to him yet. Presumably, it hadn’t been that great a topic for their honeymoon, but now, as husband and husband, they were supposed to share stuff like that.

Don didn’t bother to knock on the door and walked inside like he fucking owned the place. Francesco didn’t know the details, and it could be that he did.

“Don’t you boys look perfectly tanned?” Don commented joyously as soon as he was inside. “How about greeting your dad?”

Karl unglued himself from the sofa as if it pained him and walked over to Don, with one arm stretch. “Welcome to our new home, sir,” he said through his teeth.

Don shook Karl’s hand and then pulled him close. “Drop the attitude, Karl. Now fetch me a drink. I’m sure your bodyguard took care of stocking the bar, as well. Shoo.” His cold eyes set on Francesco as Karl walked out of the room, his head hung low.

“How about being a bit nicer to your son for a change?” Francesco asked in a low voice.

Don smirked and moved closer. “You didn’t greet your daddy-in-law yet, Francesco.” Francesco’s eyes grew wide when the guy simply opened his fly and whipped out his cock. “Give your friend here a kiss. Come on, or Karl might walk in on our little reunion.”

Francesco made a disgusted face but obeyed. Don chuckled and pushed the head of his limp dick through his lips.

“Enough,” he hissed and pulled away, wiping his mouth.

Don put his dick away and then sat on the sofa by Francesco’s side with a satisfied smug smile on his face. He let one hand rest on Francesco’s thigh. “How was the honeymoon?”

Francesco wanted to shake off the fucker’s touch. “Fine,” he said through his teeth and grabbed the man’s hand, decided to force it away.

Karl walked in that moment with two drinks in his hands. “Got your fix,” he said in a deadpan voice.

Don finally moved his hand away and took the offered drink. “Thanks, son. Let us have a little toast.” He clinked his glass against Karl’s. “To your marriage, boys.”

Francesco didn’t point out he didn’t have a drink. Instead, he just watched the silent war between father and son as they stared at each other and sipped from their stiff drinks.


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