The Tsarevich's Second Lesson

A gay story: The Tsarevich's Second Lesson This is a continuation, at long last, of my “Taming the Tsarevitch” story. I’ve decided to start up on it again, but this time I’m going to release each part as its own fully functioning story. Enjoy!


Nikolai would not admit to himself that he was afraid, but as ten o’ clock ticked nearer, he couldn’t stop himself from pacing nervously around his bedchamber. Maxim would arrive soon and Nikolai kept having second thoughts about what he would do when the man got here. Should he stand tall, try to duel him again? Perhaps he should remain majestically silent. He had almost decided to try to rationalize with Maxim, to use reasoned argument to convince him that this affair could not continue, when the door opened. Maxim strode in and said, “Hello Kolya.”

“How dare you not identify yourself before entering my private rooms?” He glared at Maxim, fighting the urge to stammer and look down at the floor.

“I don’t need to ask your permission princling,” Maxim said calmly.

“Don’t call me that!” Nikolai felt himself turning red.

“You seem to have forgotten about humility already,” Maxim replied. “Come here.” He crooked a finger at Nikolai, who was horrified to find that part of him was only too eager to obey. He stayed where he was.

“No,” he said. “Get out of here Maxim. I don’t want to see you again.”

Maxim moved faster than Nikolai had ever seen a man move. He was suddenly standing so close to him that their chests almost touched. He reached down and grabbed the prince’s cock through the thin cloth of his breeches. Nikolai cried out, his knees almost buckling. Maxim fondled the bulge at the prince’s crotch thoughtfully for a moment and then he pushed Nikolai away. “You’re already half-hard Kolya.”

“It’s your fault!” Nikolai almost wailed. He had stumbled and fallen to one knee when Maxim pushed him and he was horrified to find that he was now close to tears. “You did things to me! You bewitched me!”

“You know damn well that you wanted it,” Maxim growled. “You want it again too, don’t you?”

“No!” Nikolai cried, getting to his feet and backing away. “Get out of here!”

Maxim grabbed hold of his wrist and pulled him into an embrace. He stared down into the prince’s face for a moment and Nikolai’s breath caught in his throat. Then Maxim lowered his head and brought his lips down on Kolya’s. His tongue drove deep inside of Nikolai’s mouth, plundering him, claiming him, and he was powerless not to respond to it. His knees grew weak and Maxim had to hold him upright. He began to return the kiss, unsure of himself. Maxim groaned and pulled away. “Don’t lie to me princling,” he said, stroking Nikolai’s cheek. “You’ve been craving this. You’ve been thinking about it all day, haven’t you?”

It was true. Much as he would have like to deny it, Nikolai had indeed found himself yearning for the pleasure that Maxim had given him. There had been something thrilling in surrendering himself so completely. As much as he wanted to experience that abandonment again, he knew it was wrong. He was the future tsar of all the Russias. No one was higher than him, save his father, and the old man was dying. “No,” he breathed, and he knew that Maxim would see it for the lie it was.

“It will be so much easier if you admit it,” Maxim said, running one hand through Nikolai’s silky blonde hair.

“I can’t,” the prince said.

“And that is what I need to break you of Kolya. You need to learn to be true to yourself. You need to learn how to humble yourself. A great leader must humble himself before his people.” He kissed Nikolai again, lingeringly. “And what better way for you to learn humility,” he said when they had broken apart, “than for you to spend some time on your knees. Get down in front of me princling.” Kolya thought about struggling, about putting up a fight as he had the previous night, and his inner struggle must have shown in his face. “If you don’t kneel on your own, Nikolai, I’m going to have to force you, and I promise that you won’t like it. Be a good boy and kneel for me.”

“Don’t talk to me like I’m your pet.”

“But you are Nikolai,” Maxim said, “You’re my troublesome little pet. Now kneel. I won’t ask again.”

Nikolai stared at him, his cheeks burning, and then he lowered his eyes. He hated to admit it, but he was afraid of what Maxim would do to him if he disobeyed. He got to his knees on the floor so that his head was level with Maxim’s crotch. “Good boy,” the man said. He ruffled Nikolai’s hair and then he pressed the prince’s face against his cock. He could feel that Maxim was already hard and the idea sent a thrill coursing through him. He had a little power after all. This man desired him. “You know what I want you to do, don’t you Kolya?”

“Yes.” Nikolai whispered.

“Then do it, but you are not to use your hands.” He stared perplexed at the knots that fastened shut the man’s trousers. “How am I to unlace you if I can’t use my hands?”

Maxim gave an exasperated snort. “I’m sure you can figure out a way, princling. I am running out of patience.”

Nikolai sucked in a deep breath and then took one of the laces of Maxim’s trousers between his teeth. He pulled and the loop came undone. He did the same to the next two ties with no problem, but there was a tiny metal clasp at the very bottom that gave him trouble. He struggled with it for maybe two minutes, trying to get hold of the miniscule latch in between his front teeth. He began to tremble, terrified that Maxim would punish him if he could not even manage this simple task. His ass was still incredibly sore from the previous night; he didn’t think he could take another spanking. His skin would surely split. The tremors of his body only made his task harder and Nikolai was on the verge of tears when Maxim rested a hand on top of his head.

“Take a deep breath Kolya,” he said, his voice gentle. “You can do this.” Nikolai paused and did as Maxim said. His trembling eased and he went to work at the latch once more. This time he used his tongue to push at it while he held the hook in his front teeth and finally it slid open. He bit down on a fold of cloth and then pulled Maxim’s trousers down around his ankles. He wore nothing underneath, and his cock sprang free at once, brushing against Nikolai’s cheek.

The prince felt suddenly afraid again now that he was once more faced with Maxim’s prodigious organ. He doubted that he could fit even half of it into his mouth. He remembered how it had filled his ass so painfully last night. He remembered how hard he had come at the end. Gingerly, Kolya began to lap up and down Maxim’s shaft with his tongue. He licked at the man’s balls, laving them with his tongue and then worked his way back up the shaft to the head. Taking a deep breath, Nikolai opened his mouth wide and folded his lips around the plump, flushed head of Maxim’s cock. The man’s hips twitched and his breath caught slightly, but that was the only sign he gave that he was in any way affected by Kolya’s attentions. The prince sucked on only the head for a moment, tasting the salty musk of Maxim’s flesh, and then slowly he began to lower his mouth, taking inch after inch of the enormous shaft down his throat. He coughed and gagged slightly when he had only gotten about half of it down, then he plunged forward again, taking another inch and gagging.

“You’re not trying hard enough princling. Let me help you.” Maxim tangled his hands in Nikolai’s hair and began to push and pull his head backward and forward. He pushed until the entire length of his cock disappeared down the prince’s throat and held him there even as Nikolai gagged and sputtered. When he pulled out, Kolya only had time to snatch a breath of air before Maxim was thrusting back down his throat again. Nikolai was beginning to get used to the sensation and struggled to relax the muscles of his throat, letting his jaw hang limp. The next time that Maxim pulled out and then thrust in again, Kolya hardly gagged at all. The other man began to slide himself in and out of the prince’s mouth slowly and steadily, gaining speed all the time. Nikolai’s throat began contracting and he retched, but Maxim paid no attention.

Just when the prince thought he could bear it no longer, Maxim froze, his cock poised outside of the Nikolai’s lips. Maxim’s hips jerked and he groaned deep in his throat, his head thrown back, and his lips pressed tightly together. His seed spattered on Kolya’s upturned face, over his lips, on his cheeks and eyelids. It was very warm, and the prince felt simultaneously horrified and gratified by the sensation. He closed his eyes for a moment. What had he just done?

“That was very good, Kolya,” Maxim said, and Nikolai opened his eyes. He looked up into Maxim’s face. The man’s cheeks were flushed and his brow glistening with a thin sheen of perspiration, but his voice was perfectly even. “Very good.” Nikolai made to stand up, realizing as he did so that his cock was incredibly hard. Maxim put a hand on his shoulder and held him down. “I haven’t yet given you permission to rise, tsarevich.”

“But aren’t you going to…to do that to me now?” Nikolai felt his cheeks burn.

Maxim laughed. “No, I’m not, princling. And you are not to touch yourself unless I tell you otherwise. That is your punishment for your earlier rudeness.”

“But Maxim!” Nikolai cried. “You can’t—I need–”

“You need to learn humility, Kolya,” Maxim interrupted, pulling the Prince to his feet. “A little bit of self-denial will be good for you.”

“But I did it for you, Maxim!” Nikolai was beginning to get a little angry. He was so hard that his cock was practically agony and now Maxim was telling him that he couldn’t even use his own hands to alleviate the ache.

“What did you do, princling? Be specific.”

“I sucked your—your–” Nikolai couldn’t say it.

“My cock,” Maxim finished for him, sounding exasperated. “You sucked my cock Nikolai, and you enjoyed it. I can see the evidence of that practically bursting out the front of your breeches.”

Nikolai looked down at his boots, his entire face scarlet. “You made me do it.”

“I did not have to try very hard,” Maxim snapped, striding toward the door. “You will find all of this much easier when you admit to who you are princling.”

“Where are you going?” Nikolai asked.

“To bed,” Maxim said, his hand on the door handle. “As are you. Do not touch yourself while we are apart Nikolai. I will be able to tell if you do.” He opened the door and slipped into the hall. “Goodnight Kolya.” Then Maxim shut the door. Nikolai stared blankly at it for a moment and sighed. He was suddenly very tired.

The prince stripped out of his clothes and crawled between the sheets of his bed naked, his cock an aching slab of stone between his legs. He tried to lie in so that nothing rubbed against his sensitive flesh, but every movement sent a jolt of desire through him. It was going to be a very long night.

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